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New Resistance 3 Gameplay Footage: Boat Assault

Resistance 3 faces stiff competition in the shooter genre, but Insomniac knows what they're doing.

At a recent media event, the developer showed off a new portion of the single-player campaign , which features hero Joseph Capelli and Dr. Malikov in the woods of Pennsylvania, where they are hunted by Chimera. There's apparently some stealth involved, and they also encounter foes known as Hybrids (some of which are shielded by drones). As for the footage in question, that's the Boat level you may have seen before; this time, they've given us some "extensive footage" of the section in question. In the video, they switch through a bunch of weapons before selecting the Marksman and targeting a bunch of Chimera lurking near the boat's passage. Then the invaders get on the boat and it's time to move fast; the last portion includes some very cool visuals… The game looks better every time we see it!

This is one game that should be loads of fun from start to finish; our expectations really couldn't be much higher.

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

I seen this on the PS Blog, and it's incredible.

13 years ago

This new video is way awesome

13 years ago

Wow, what an improvement over part 2 (which came up short in the graphics department). The only thing I don't like is that the action stops when you bring up the weapon select wheel, guess I've been playing too much Dead Space.

13 years ago

Really? I like that feature, being able to stop the action is the best. I missed the wheel from 1.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Yeah, the way that everything stops so that you can take your time to find the weapon you want to use was really helpful in R:FOM, as it also allowed you a chance to take a breather if the action was getting too frenetic without having to pause the game and take you out of the experience completely. Yay for the weapon wheel.

13 years ago

;I liked this vid more than the cyber-gorrilla-baddy one from before. The fog is done very nice and I like the eerie vibe I'm feeing. Sometimes in the vid I felt a bit of a Half Life vibe from it: not a bad thing.

Maybe I'll warm up to the Resistance series with this one, sort of like Assassin's Creed.
So get this, on my town trip I stopped by Gamestop and snagged the "too good to pass up" Fable 2 for $8 and Assassin's Creed for $8 deal they had going on. While I was meandering there the manager-like-guy was advocating how good GT5 was to a waffling customer, "should I, shouldn't I?" my ninja sensed. I chimed in and helped support his assertion. The dude didn't have a PS3, but I think we may have convinced him that night 😉
It's just gotta be really credible for a dude who's holding two used 360 games offering up his praises to GT5 😉
Anyway, I've been really enjoying the original AC. I love the setting in this one. I'm getting an Anakin Skywalker vibe from Altiar, but it's interesting, nonetheless. I'm pretty much predicting Altiar is gonna snap and bring down his own brotherhood.. or something like it. Anyway, I'm out of topic, but I'm just saying the some games can eventually rub me better given enough time.

13 years ago

I'm shocked at you Temjin, still no Heavy Rain but all about the ultra-boredom of AC1?

13 years ago

If HR was $8 I'd be playing it right now =)
Actually, I tried renting it with my Blockbuster game pass. Their computer showed that they had the game, but they couldn't find where it was =p
Yeah, they're going under I'm sure.
I'll just have to buy the stupid game some day.

13 years ago

Sounds like a blockclusterf*ck. Check out Glyde dot com.

13 years ago

The story gets better. I ask if they had Vanquish by chance. After he spent some time fumbling around in his computer he says, " it doesn't release until October"
Now think about that for a second…..
Im serious, too

13 years ago

Have to admit, the footage is great. Atmosphere looks fantastic. It looks like another quality first party release by Sony. As stated previously, as studios get grips with the PS3 hardware, better looking games are emerging. Once can only imagine what Uncharted 3 and Last Guardian will be like.



13 years ago

Well, it's a 2nd party release, not a 1st, but everything else you said was right. I hope this gets the attention it deserves.

13 years ago

My God that was Epic!
PS3 taking over Gaming!

13 years ago

Next : the world!

13 years ago

Sweet I loved r1 , this footage is a slap to the face to all the nay sayers from bo that say its just another shooter, this gameplay proves them wrong, def first day purchase

13 years ago


13 years ago

I dunno, got a CoD vibe from it, gonna wait on reviews.

13 years ago

This is not a military game like COD sry

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

@World, just like DirtySkillzHD was saying in a post above, & how Kiryu is saying right under your very own post, it's not like any other shooter out there. This is different man. For a second I doubted Resistance 3, but after that footage… I got slapped in the face with two trash can lids.

13 years ago

Relax children, I have all the Resistance games out so far.

13 years ago

As insomiacgames mentioned this game is different from the other games u have so far.

13 years ago

Sorry World, but I gotta throughly disagree with you there for a few reasons; Their is actually a need to switch between weapons for one, as the Chrimera jump on the boat you'll need your trusty shotty, whereas in COD your typical assault rifle will be all that is needed. Secondly, and most importantly, the game doesn't have rubbish A.I. I remember playing black ops and the A.I was just…SO bad.

It was basically, stay in cover and shoot player. If they dont shoot back, turn Kamikaze mode on. Took away alot of the gameplay oppurtunity IMO (I.E un-able to flank them).

You can bet that Resistance will open up a boat-load of gameplay oppurtunitys (Hey look a lame pun… :D).

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 4/14/2011 2:53:42 AM

13 years ago

Definitely better AI, I'll just clarify by saying I'm a little worried that this Capelli story line might take a codlike turn. It's just a vibe, not an analysis. It's hard to tell from a few segments of footage of course.

I'll be keeping an eye on what Ben says about it, I meant there's no doubt it'll wind up in my collection but certain things will depend on just when that happens ya know.

13 years ago

just saw the video, its freaking awesome

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'm trying to not get excited for this. I just don't want to be let down by another six hour campaign. I was shattered when I heard that about SOCOM. I don't know how many more of those revelations I'll be able to take.

13 years ago

I don't know, graphically it looks ok. Not crysis 2 or battlefield 3 impressive. We'll see.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Better than R2, but certainly not top-notch in the graphics department. But the story is supposed to be quite emotional, and if Insomniac can nail that, then as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't need eye-candy. It'll have real substance.

13 years ago

i dunno.
normally i would agree with that, but lately im not so sure.
insomniac use to not know how to make a bad game, but they somehow learned in R2, and has been going backwards ever since!
i really want this to be the worthy successor to one of the ps3s greatest titles!
but i wont be holding my breath.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Fall of Man was indeed great when it came out… but maybe you should try going back to it just before the release of R3 as I intend to. I'm sure we'll both be less impressed than we remember.

13 years ago

no need to, played it from start to finish last weekend as i had my nephew over because his parents were interstate.
the original i could play a million more times happily!
you could not pay me to play resistance 2 again!

13 years ago

Resistance 2 wasn't that bad i liked it.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
13 years ago

I am currently playing Fall of Man and while you can tell it was made a few years ago, it is still very good. AI is quite good. Having a blast with it. This clip is mind blowing. That scene with the goliath going through the bridge is enough to make you wet your pants. Can't wait to see that on my 50'' plasma!

13 years ago

Finally, a game that takes place in PA for a little bit. They've always got cliche old New York in video games, but it took till R3 to get us Pennsylvanians in a game.

Anyways, that gameplay looks like a badass combination of the first and second game's gameplays. Even with the lack of that awesome 8 player coop, this Resistance looks to be the best of them all IMO. And that's saying something, since I've liked all of them quite a bit so far.

13 years ago

Same, i liked all of them.

13 years ago

Hey Lairfan,

Just make sure to keep all of your damned Goliath's in your state.

I don't want them crushing the Ben Franklin, Walt Whitman, Betsey Ross, Trenton, & Talcony-Palmyra bridges just reek havoc over the border in New Jersey.

Anyway, we already have the Jersey Devil scaring the bejesus out of the back woods Piney folk

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