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SOCOM 4 Will Get You Into The Resistance 3 Beta

SOCOM 4 will be ready to go on April 19 – stay tuned for our review – and there's a great new purchase incentive, too.

As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , specially-marked copies of Zipper Interactive's new title will give you early access to the upcoming Resistance 3 beta. So when you've gotten your fill of a new single-player campaign, 32-person multiplayer, and 5-player co-op, you can look forward to sampling one of the most anticipated titles of the year, well before it hits store shelves. Those specially-marked SOCOM 4 boxes will include a voucher that can be redeemed for entrance into the R3 beta and unsurprisingly, every Full Deployment Edition will come with a code, too. You can check a list of the participating retailers and then decide to make the plunge. We'll be playing SOCOM 4 this week and you can bet we'll try out that Resistance 3 beta.

If you were in the SOCOM 4 beta, you already have a good idea of what to expect on April 19. If you're waiting for a judgment call, well…you won't have to wait much longer around here.

Related Game(s): SOCOM 4, Resistance 3

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13 years ago

I like how Sony is doing this with their exclusives. First it was Socom 4 in KZ3, and now R3 in the Socom 4 package. I wonder if we will get UC3 beta invite in the R3 package.

13 years ago

I hope its in inFamous 2. ND and SP are buds too.

13 years ago

I agree all the way with it

13 years ago

That would be pretty nifty, i wouldn't mind seeing that happen.

13 years ago

I think there is a good chance the UC3 beta will come in inFamous 2 considering, the UC2 beta came in the first inFamous. But who knows maybe the beta will come later this time around considering they've done a great job at keeping up with UC2, there isn't much wrong with it.

13 years ago

Sweet deals aplenty for the shooter fans.

13 years ago

What game u got in that thing in your avatar?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'd assume it's the ones that he won in the recent competition.

13 years ago

Lawless is correct, it is hard to tell because I had to shrink them so much, but the review copies of Ar Tonelico and Hyperdimension are in clear cases and have simple metallic discs with black print, while in the center is the new wrapped copy of Dissidia Duo Decim.

Just thought I'd try to let people get an idea of what they looked like.

13 years ago

I'm playing Resistance Retribution right now, it's not so good 🙁

13 years ago

Im playing that as well….Its not like the other Resistances, but hold tight though man, it does get a little better later in the game. Are you doing the auto-aim or not?

13 years ago

What are you talking about? That's one of the best games I've ever played on my PSP. Sure its not like the other Resistances, but it doesn't matter. It has the Resistance feel and story, plus a gameplay style that's fun and really good. All of this is IMO, but still.

13 years ago

you can tell which company looks out for you when they try to give you as much as you want so you'll buy it when it comes out.

13 years ago

Man, i'm sort of torn on the socom 4 beta. I like some aspects, but I think zipper tried to appeal to cod players too much….

13 years ago

I dont see COD in it at all, but I'm a little torn too. Dont get me wrong I like it and I'm going to get it. But I was hoping with Zipper back at the helm, we'd see something that made Socom, well… Socom. It's a little different than what it used to be, and I think yes in some aspects they are appealing more to the shooter fans, not so much COD in particular. But thats not a terrible thing either.

I was hoping to see some game modes like in Socom 2, where you had to escort the hostages to the helicopter. That on Foxhunt was the most fun I've ever had in a video game. Was really hoping to see that type of game mode. Then again it is just a beta… 😉

13 years ago

That is exactly it. It's a Beta, so we don't know what lies ahead in updates or DLC.

The game plays excellent, and even with my questionable internet, I have only had a few games with lag in the dozen or so hours I have spent on it.

13 years ago

Resistance series is one of my favorite shooters, and honestly Resistance: FOM, was my favorite mp game. It was so good, and R2 as good as it was, was tarnished by the large maps and too many players. I was really glad to hear they went back to a smaller number of players. Hopefully they keep a lot of the same game modes, they were really fun!

I love Socom series as well, so this is a huge bonus and on my b-day none the less. This should keep me busy awhile!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Heh… Sorry, having bought three new games this weekend, I don't think that I'll be picking up SOCOM just yet. Then again, I get eight consecutive days off for the Easter holiday, so I may be able to punch a hole in my backlog and pick it up fairly soon. We'll see.

And this is great for those people that can go online. I'd rather see a short demo of the campaign… but then I'd always prefer to see that. 😛

13 years ago

speaking of reviews, whats going on with them lately?
games use to get reviews weeks before release, but this year almost every game has got a review on release day, or just before.
looks like publishers are trying to hold back reviews to try and minimize the impact of poor reviews on there sales.

oh well, back to socom 4.
i was going to get this, and the move sharpshooter but after playing the beta at a friends house today thats changed that!
what happened to my SOCOM?
i swear, this must be a mistake!
sony have put COD onto the PSN store, and called it SOCOM!
sigh, this is not a tactical navy seals game, its another mindless infantry shooter!
i was worried why they replaced the navy seals subtitle, to special forces.
now i know.
if i wanted MAG, i would of gone and bought MAG!
for once, can i have a series stay how its suppose to be?
soon were going to see sonic in hes own RPG adventure game!
R&C tower defense game!
twisted chess!
god of car!
resistance theft auto!

13 years ago

"speaking of reviews, whats going on with them lately?
games use to get reviews weeks before release, but this year almost every game has got a review on release day, or just before.

Most likely due to game devs not wanting to give gamers time to cancel their pre-orders if the reviews are less than stellar.

13 years ago

Go play the "Classic" Modes, for you can't get more SOCOM then that.

Plus, there are plenty of tactical game modes in the Beta, you must have just played Suppression.

13 years ago

Play the "Classic Modes" in any MP gameplay mode on Socom 4. It plays almost exactly like previous Socom installments. But i'm sure you already did that, right?

13 years ago

I thought the subtitle was still US Navy Seals?

13 years ago

imo….socom is socom to me…just evolved. for the past 4 years or whatever video game war has changed. while people soaked their brains in COD for 4 years straight they didnt realize that socom was not around to play daddy and really show cod real modern warfare. so yea it seems like cod but wait til daddy get home….mommy (cod) in trouble. in other words….Socom just got here this gen wait and see. unlike activision zipper dont just have "vision" but they listen too…R3 beta here I come!

13 years ago

Right on! In this game the hit detection is far better than COD in my opinion, i seen videos of it playing and it's flawless i also seen my bro play it as well it handles very well.

13 years ago

Indeed. SOCOM 4 Beta is an amazing experience.

13 years ago

Sweet. I love it when a plan comes together. It's nice to have something that is right up my alley (like Socom and R3 being tied together). NICE work Sony.

Now what do I have to do to get into Skyrim and Battlefield 3…

Stay classy PSX.

13 years ago

Socom 4 beta was a huge let down to me. The game needs A LOT of tweakin….why would Zipper change a winning formula which set it apart from other shooters

13 years ago

Sweet another reason to get socom , I loved r1

13 years ago

Just 8 more days until I'm walking into Gamestop with a smile on my face.

13 years ago

Well, I'll have to rent SOCOM 4 first to see if I like it. I played the beta, and it was fun and strategic (despite what all the hardcore "don't change anything about a game ever" SOCOM fans are saying), but I'm not sure if its gonna be a purchase what with all the other games coming out.

I would love to get into that R3 beta, but if the game's not my thing, then its not a priority.

13 years ago

And judging by what they did for the Socom Beta and people who bought Killzone 3 to get in, you'll most likely just get in a week later.

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