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No Conducting Any Dungeon Sieges Until June 21

We're excited for Dungeon Siege III – it got me to start a new game in Champions of Norrath – but we'll have to wait a bit longer.

Initially set for May 31, Square-Enix has just revealed that Obsidian's latest won't be ready in North America until June 21. European gamers will get it a few days earlier on June 17. After drinking in the latest details , we admit to being excited for this new hack 'n slash RPG, especially because it seems to represent a style of gameplay we thought had died last generation. Furthermore, after Obsidian's last game – the very broken Alpha Protocol – we're wondering if this team has what it takes to make a quality next-gen title. We're not about to pass judgment before the game arrives, though; past failures don't mean future games will automatically flop. And besides, all they really have to do is get the controls right, and we're good to go.

It seems a lot more titles are getting pushed into June, though, which is suddenly looking like a very full month…

Related Game(s): Dungeon Siege III

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13 years ago

Damn, so looking forward to this!
My bro and I used to play the shit out of all the boulder gates and the champion's on norrath games.

There has yet to be a game for the ps3 that has gotten us on the couch together for days, the lack of local co-op and dungeon raiding for that epic piece of loot.

13 years ago

Dungeon Hunter: Allaince and Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale. Two more games you can consider getting for those needs.

Btw Dungeon Hunter is coming out on the US PSN next week. 😉

13 years ago

I am still betting it's broken. Obsidian has a pattern of releasing glitch infested games, I have emailed them before and I can tell you from their responses, they don't care.

13 years ago

KOTOR 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2 had some bugs in them but nowhere near as bad as their last two games. Obsidian has gotten pretty bad with them since they've focused on Mutiplats now.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

:O iF2, Alice, DMD, Duke Nukem, the Splinter Cell collection, the possibility of WKC2 and THIS as well? June isn't just packed… It's unparalleled. And here, I thought November was going to be good.

By the way, Twisted Metal is set for October 4. WOO! Should slot in nicely between R3 and UC3.

13 years ago

except there last title was not alpha protocol, it was fallout new vegas.
a even worse buggier game!
now how they accomplished that, only god knows!
oh well, they always make really enjoyable games so hopefully they have found that debug button!

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