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Big Crysis 2 Update Addresses Many Noted Issues

All high-profile shooters need updates these days, and Crytek is on top of their recently released Crysis 2 .

A new patch for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the critically acclaimed FPS should be ready to go , so next time you turn on the game, you should benefit from the following upgrades and fixes:

And that's just a small sample. The cool part is that this update addresses issues in both the single-player campaign and online multiplayer experience, so nobody really feels left out. We're happy to see this massive update, too, because in all honesty, the slight lack of overall stability is the reason we weren't prepared to award Crysis 2 the elite 9+ score . But check it out; Crytek is really going all out with this patch, aren't they?

Related Game(s): Crysis 2

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13 years ago

They need to patch the demo on the PSN, so it can work…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

A demo would be lovely.

13 years ago

So does this mean enemies won't conveniently investigate the little corner where I'm cloaked in a huge open area? Enemies won't follow me around while I'm cloaked no matter where I walk even though they're not suppose to see me? Enemies won't be able to see me through walls? Enemies won't be alerted when I use a SILENCER on my damn weapon? Seriously, the bad A.I., the broken stealth mechanics and other issues made Crysis a 7/10 for me. The last battle in Crysis 2 made me stop complaining about the final showdown in KZ3, very disappointing.

13 years ago

The few AI problems honestly don't even come close to dropping it below KZ3. I've played Crysis campaign longer than the entire length of KZ3 and I think I'm only halfway done.

13 years ago

Being long means nothing when the majority or at least half of the campaign is dull and unimpressive. I said it before, I'll rather play a game that's 6/7 hours long that's fun and entertaining all the way though than a 10-12 hour campaign that dull for the most part and only good after HOURS into the game then gets dull again. By the end of the game I was just cloaking and trying to bypass all the enemies to get it over with. Quality isn't measured by length, the original Saint's Row was longer than Gears of War and I still enjoyed Gears a lot more than Saint's Row.

Last edited by CoolBLKguy on 4/4/2011 11:42:39 PM

13 years ago

I will have to agree with you that length doesn't automatically make a game better, but being led through corridors for a couple hours isn't fun. KZ3 was alright but I think it's a little too overhyped among PS3 fan base.

13 years ago

Well your shadow can still be seen, so yes they will still follow you unless you are walking through the shadows.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I understand about the silencer, but I think you're doing something very, very wrong with the cloaking/stealth options.

I use them constantly; I breeze through entire areas. I'll do a stealth kill and provided I didn't do it right in front of another enemy, I automatically recloak and move on.

I've never seen an enemy magically investigate the one spot I'm in, and I've never had one follow me, UNLESS I bump into them as I brush by. They're not stupid enough to disregard that, and they can notice you. You also can't just cloak in the open after they've seen you and expect them to think you disappeared.

The cloak doesn't make you invisible. It makes you ALMOST invisible. Plus, if you get upgrades that mask the sound of your footsteps, for instance, the stealth becomes that much more effective.

13 years ago

Agree w/ chedison…KZ3 was alright and nothing more! It's more about MP than anything.

13 years ago

Yhea KZ3 is more about the multi-player… but at the moment I have Battlefield 2 for that… will get KZ3 eventually…



13 years ago

heard allot of people complaining about that.
if i had a penny for every time i crouched in a bush, placed a silencer on my rifle, used the sniper scope and popped a fool 100KMs away and the whole battlefield magically knew where i was even though i was in a bush and cloaked and using a silencer id be a multimillionaire by now!
tis why i dont play the game stealth anymore, just pisses me off!
much easier and less problematic to go in guns blazing!
i mean, you are suppose to be a juiced up super soldier after all!

13 years ago

This post needs an update; every bullet point is repeated.

13 years ago

I can't say I experienced much by way of bugs (logic errors). I did see several things by way of polishing issues. The game slowed down pretty easily when things got too intense. The level of detail scaling was generally too apparent. You could often watch the environments grow in detail as you moved. The AI was usually pretty poor, so any help there would've been nice.
The vehicle stuff was shoe-horned in. It seems only Halo and Half Life 2 could make vehicles significant in FPS play.

I dunno, Crysis 2 is a mixed bag. In many ways there's a lot of awesomeness about it, and in other ways, there's a lot of crappiness about it. Almost gives me that Enslaved feeling.

I think my shoot'n from the hip review may have been too generous now in hindsight.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/4/2011 10:55:55 PM

13 years ago

sweet, too bad i'm working on my hard and extra hard playthrough for yakuza 4, thats gonna take me a while plus minigame trophies for yakuza 4 and 3. i've been playing yakuza games straight since yakuza 4 came out. after that is a few games of marvel vs capcom 3, then crysis 2. although crysis 2 might take a back seat if i manage to buy littlebigplanet 2 and socom 4.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

There's some funny A.I bugs in crysis 2 alright.
Like walking of cliffs & roofs and falling to their doom.
Also i like when the soldier's keep saying 'Huh?' over & over,reminds me of metal gear online 🙂
Anyone have the problem in multiplayer during the screens in between matches where the menu music keeps getting louder & louder?

13 years ago

no DX11 patch?

13 years ago

Coming soon. As is the graphical customization patch so you can fully tweak the graphics instead of choosing those worthless presets.

13 years ago

i dunno, why have crytek constantly refuted it?
if they were working on a patch for it, why do they say we never announced a thing?
what pisses me off the most is not the crappy port, that i can handle.
its there lack of acknowledgment thats the biggest insult!
they just scrape it under the rug and pretend it never happened!
only thing more insulting then someone sh*tting on your rug, is someone sh*tting on your rug then pretending it never happened!
if kotaku is to be believed it wont be out for at least another 2 months!

funny, i read a interview with a ex crytek developer today.
there were so many questions about the game going to consoles, what they had to cut, what challenges they faced.
every console question was answered, but everytime the dev was asked about the PC version he instantly said sorry i cant comment on that.
its like the PC version does not exist!
from a no name developer, or someone who does not do PC games this would hurt.
but from a developer who is rooted in PC games, who ONLY did PC games its just plain disgusting!
where would crytek be without its PC fans?
far cry and crysis are what made crytek who they are, without them, without the PC community they would be nothing!
and this is how they thank us?
this is what is wrong with corporations today, there is no loyalty!
no customer satisfaction!
back in the day companies would jump through hoops to make sure every customer of theres was happy.
nowadays though all they care about is lining there pockets!
we were relying on crytek to put our high spec machines to test.
if we cant rely on them, who can we rely on!?

13 years ago

The DX11 patch was announced yesterday, and has been in development since November apparently, by one of the developers, before quickly getting covered up by a Crytek community manager. The manager also said a patch was not imminent but also did not deny that one was in the works. Though there is a small 95kb program you can download now that allows you to crank all graphic options up to max and exactly what Crytek should have included in the options menu to begin with. I do like the last patch that was released though, that removed auto aim from the PC version.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 4/5/2011 6:37:33 PM

13 years ago

got that program, dont know how well it works though.
have every single setting maxed out and am getting 60FPS in 3D!
uninstall the program and i get the same thing.
gotta try playing around with the .cfo files to change it there.
cant get the cheats working either, everyones just saying to change your target file from crysis2.exe to crysis2.exe – DEVMODE.
done that, but when i enter the code to activate the codes i get a unknown command error in the dev console.
wish crytek did not disable them, they should of just used a simple if statement that way it would check if your in MP or SP and deactivate or activate cheats accordingly.

13 years ago

thought the 4th bullet point was a joke till i saw the 5th.

13 years ago

Benefit of buying games later, they tend to work better.

13 years ago

cool to here loved the singleplayer tho ive had no problems with the mp

13 years ago

Sure Crytek have been a little arrogant. But they kind of delivered on most of what they were saying. I think the game is great. Sure there are bugs, but a crappy port. I don't think so. Of course this is my own opinion. Crysis 2 is a blast to play and it's actually quite hard. I love it. The multiplayer is definitely a challenge too. People just tend to nitpick on every little thing. I can honestly say that it is one of the better Mulit-plats I've played for both graphics and gameplay.

Oh and one more thing. I don't think Crytek is trying to screw any of their customers. I don't think there all sitting in a room debating on how to piss people off in the most subtle way possible. It doesn't make sense. I think most developers want to do their best all the time and make the best games possible. It doesn't always turn out that way of course. No one wants to see something they've worked hard for, fail.

13 years ago

Online-wise this game pisses me off.

I have never been cheaply shot in the back more times to remember it and be annoyed with it with any other game until now. I discussed this issue with my friends at one point and to speak of the devil: I got an award for "Most Times Shot in the Back." Ace.

Must be a combination of the fact that people spawn literally anywhere within the map during the match combined with the factor of lag, since, y'know, it takes about 10 shots to an opponent's face to realise that on his killcam you missed by 3 kilometres whilst it takes only 2 shots to your buttocks to die from an enemy that cheaply spawned behind you.

I do like how my NAT type is fully open when playing this game though.

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