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Rockstar: Max Payne 3 “Is Coming”

Max Payne 2 ruled. And we assume Max Payne 3 will rule, too…if it ever shows up.

But maybe we shouldn't be quite so negative. Even though Rockstar keeps the game tightly under wraps, they don't want us to forget the project. Last year, they said they were "still working hard on Max" and we could expect some "news in the coming months."

Well, maybe this qualifies: they've released a couple new screenshots; you see one here, and you can see the other at Rockstar's Twitter page . No, neither picture tells us anything about the gameplay but take heart: we figure that after L.A. Noire releases in mid-May, the publisher will be in a more…talkative position. At this point, is it unfair to guess that Max Payne 3 will make a big splash this holiday season? And how will they go about implementing that legendary bullet-time feature? Countless other gamers have stolen that idea and revamped it for their own purposes, but Max is the original bullet-slower. Nobody has done it better.

At any rate, we'll be very interested to see this big unveiling. Talk about a project with tons of promise…

Related Game(s): Max Payne 3

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13 years ago

Hardly played Max Payne back then, but doubt I'll love it if I do now.

Most likely after LA Noire Rockstar will finally give us some info.
They have 3 games that got fans hanging on the edge. Agent, Next GTA and this.

13 years ago

Max Payne is bad ass! He is to gaming what Dirty Harry was to movies. The story telling and the game play are happily married without any chance of divorce. Bullet Time was revolutionary and it kept me hooked to Max Payne and Max Payne 2. Both game are legendary and I promise you will receive the HD treatment within the next couple of years. Cannot wait for this monumentally GIGANTIC D1P!

13 years ago

I played Max Payne, but not the 2nd one. I loved the first one it was fun to play and couldn't stop playing it, i also loved Bullet Time. 😀

13 years ago

I wish they would do a max payne HD collection as I never got to play the first 2. If they don't then before this comes out I guess I'll just find a couple of ps2 copies and get caught up.

13 years ago

Never played the first 2 but it's Rockstar so I'm interested.

13 years ago

Max 1 & 2 were great!

Even Demon Dog keeps telling me to "Bring on the Payne"!!!

13 years ago

The first two were definitely good for their time. The third would have to be rather special though to keep anybody interested. Hopefully Rockstar takes the series somewhere it's never been and shows us that Max can still be great in the 20teens.

13 years ago

Agent,GTA5,Max Payne wtf?

13 years ago

Agent,GTA5,Max Payne FTW!

13 years ago

This is terrible news. I was hoping it was cancelled.

13 years ago

This games previous gameplay shots were very interesting. An entirely different scenario seemed to unravel. I'm still ver interested to see where this game goes!

And an HD collection would be awesome! I have played both previous titles of this series and, I must say, I loved them! Drugged out levels were just over the top, at the time..

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Agree on the call for Max Payne Classics HD. Well, at least we know it's still coming. Not until next year at the earliest, but we know it's coming. But I do wonder what R* show off after L.A. Noire, and what becomes their main focus. Agent, Max3, GTA: Next, MC: Next, RDRevelations… At least we know they'll all be at least good. Come on Rockstar!

13 years ago

max payne is dead!
first mark had to destroy the movie, and now this!
remedy should of hold onto the series and guarded it like the queens gems!
oh well, another childhood classic destroyed!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Marky mark is an actor!
Blame the writer's of the movie.

13 years ago

I don't why but when video game movies do bad people always blame the actors , when the majority of the time it's not the actors fault at all the blame really lies with the writers & Directors.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

More max?
yes please!
Used to just fire a whole clip into the wall then slow down time and watch each individual bullet impact 🙂

13 years ago

the last preview of this game i saw showed max payne as a bald, middleaged guy wearing a dirty women beater, and sporting a bear gut. it looks like he really let himself go.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 3/31/2011 6:44:47 AM

13 years ago

Hopefully there will be a full reveal at E3.

13 years ago

To me, Max Payne is a great game series. But………………why is Max supposed to be a skinhead??? That's doesn't look like a real Max Payne game so far…..sure R* is a really good dev but I think this franchise should have stayed with Remedy.

13 years ago

Max Payne 3 is taking way to long. They need to release HD remakes of the first and second game to refresh our minds of the franchise.

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