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Resistance 3 Gets Move, 3D Support

Don't act surprised. A big high-profile PlayStation 3 exclusive shooter that doesn't support PlayStation Move and 3D? No way.

As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , it has been confirmed that Resistance 3 will support both Stereoscopic 3D and PlayStation Move. So if you've got a fancy new 3D HDTV and the new sharpshooter accessory for Move (great for use with Killzone 3 or SOCOM 4 ), this comes as good news. It seems there has been a lot of positive feedback regarding the sharpshooter, so Insomniac wasn't about to ignore the request for R3. That's founder Ted Price and Creative Director Marcus Smith in the picture there and you know, that would probably work for a YouTube movie ad, or something. For my part, I still prefer the boring ol' gamepad but there are plenty who have adapted well to Move. And when it comes to shooters, what better genre…?

If you've forgotten, Resistance 3 is set to release on September 6. That's nearly a full two months before Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (November 1), so it'll be easy to fit it in, right?

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

The trend continues with the push toward 3D. I have no doubts the effect will be good and it should enhance the atmosphere and gameplay of the said title… but as mentioned before, I think 3D will really be effective in the PS4, where the hardware would have been built from the ground up to produce and display 3D graphical fidelity in true stereoscopic HD.

Hopefully in the PS4 there will be no more talk of graphic resolutions being lower, and the full 3D experience can be enjoyed the way it was intended.

*Jawk – are you going to purchase Resistance 3 to experience it in 3D?



Last edited by Qubex on 3/29/2011 9:40:32 PM

13 years ago

Awesome, my first university year starts off with blowing Chimeran heads in what is sure to be an atmospheric game (i.e. its awesome campaign).

13 years ago

Homework first.

13 years ago

let's hope that the campaign don't have 4h30m of duration…maybe crysis can inspire fps devs now(in the single player duration)….

Last edited by _valdips3_ on 3/30/2011 7:13:53 AM

13 years ago

i know what you mean. i'm always worried about the push for 3d taxing out the hardware, and sucking resources from the main game. i have often wondered if that's what happened to gt5 becuase of the screen tearing, and 8 bit shadows that's going on in the game even at forced 720p. did the 3d push detract from resources for the main game?

i still think the glasses are a barrier to 3d, as well. people just don't want to deal with them.

13 years ago

Yeah I don't wanna wear em, and I try to avoid looking like a douchenozzle whenever possible.

13 years ago

From what GG told us adding in 3D is fairly easy. If I remember correctly the whole 3D team was three people who worked on other things too, so it didn't take that much away.

As for the GT5 shadows, I have no idea.

13 years ago

Kazunori Yamauchi said in an article on here what it was but i don't remember what exactly he said, but i don't think it was because of 3D implementation.

13 years ago

i almost wish there was an option to turn them off period. they look god awful, and maybe that would have freed up the ps3 to get rid of the sreen tearing. that is the 1st gt game that was not a graphical beast on sony's platform. some parts just look awful. a lot of pixelation in that game, as well. i don't think pd has got it anymore.

13 years ago

Yeah, who wears dark or tinted glasses indoors anyways? Unless of course they are reading glasses and you NEED them. Seeing people wearing sunglasses inside, ha ha funny to me. What are you, too cool for school, a vampire, got a black eye, lazy eye, don't want people to see into your soul, or that you are lying?

How unprofessional. I saw Little John wearing them on celebrity apprentice the other night while doing a presentation and I kept thinking to myself if it were any regular Joe up there on stage in front of big wig company execs, that would have to be frowned upon big time. At least that is what I was taught from my speech classes.

13 years ago

Great for those who want these features but it better not delay the game.

13 years ago

So they are adding headache and frustration support? Whatever, I just wanna shoot Chimies.

Has anyone said "Chimies" before? No? I'm coining that.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

What? The guy in (I think it was) the first one said it better. "Shoot anything that isn't wearing shoes!"

13 years ago

lol, what about flip-flops?

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Resistance is one of the most under rated FPS out there.
Awesome guns,huge boss battles & surprisingly adept A.I
I'll get a 3d tv when my LCD craps out on me & i think i'll hold off with move/sharp- shooter untill then as wel,that way i can go back through most of my game collection and experience them all differently.
Yep just stick to the ol dual shock for now.
Long live the republic!!

Last edited by Lord carlos on 3/29/2011 11:26:14 PM

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
13 years ago

Don't wait. Playing shooters with the Sharp Shooter is the bees knees.

13 years ago

Ya know what else is the bees knees? Playing w/dual shock, resting on your elbows on a hardwood floor! J/k.

13 years ago

Good memories of rfom so awesome

13 years ago

If it works it works. The move seems perfect for these type of games so definitely a great option.

13 years ago

The Move for Resistance will be sweet. Hopefully they have the splicer still. I love cutting me up some chimera, now with accuracy.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 3/30/2011 1:05:09 AM

13 years ago

I'm waiting for some details regarding co-op play in r3. The co-op mode in r2 were pretty sweet, if a bit repetitive.

13 years ago

No co-op like in R2 unfortunately ;( I love(d) the co-op on there, no better way than chill with a few friends playing some resistance….or some GTA LMAO! (Two best experiences with nothing but friends IMHO.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Cool for those who want it, I guess. Although that picture looks practically /facepalm worthy. Maybe if there was context to it… Besides the announcement of 3D and Move.

And I'm glad for the break between R3 and UC3. It should give me a chance to catch up… Ah, who am I kidding, I'll be behind well into the PS4's lifecycle… And by then I'll be about three years behind on games for it :/ Damn these companies!

13 years ago

no thanks!

3D has been a massive disappointment for me!
everything just looks worse!
the screens darker, the FPS get halved, the resolution normally gets halved, and for some reason it makes it really hard to focus on things long distance!
you dont get the pop you expected, i went into it expecting to get what you get at the movies things flying into your face!
you dont though, very rarely do things pop out, and when they do its only a few cms not straight to your face!
i had the idea of bullets, shrapnel and grenades flying past ya, but that does not happen!

move i dont really like either.
it just acts as a distraction to me, and i really dont enjoy it.
played KZ3 with move and it just cheeped the experience for me!
made it feel like a silly kids game!
moves for the mini games, on rails games, and puzzle games.
not for hardcore shooters, just cheapens the experience!

13 years ago

I grateful to non-Movers like you – easy pray online 😀

13 years ago

except i dont play online.
and as GG said DS3 players are kicking the royal shat out of move players!
was funny, on the launch event we had a little experiment.
we kept switching in between MP with the sharpshooter and MP with the move, after a while the top 10 from each played against each other.
guess who won?
DS3 team, won every single objective!
almost doubled the opponents kill count too!
while it may be allot easier to aim, which it is.
its also allot harder to turn around, and allot slower!
thats what most people are having allot of trouble with, they run past and see someone, by the time they turn around the guys already slit there throat!

13 years ago

First – "i dont play online" Halleluja!

Second – I can only assume this little event you're talking about was in your head, or before the Movers were well practiced. When you're used to it, and have optimised your settings, It's basically like M&K but more fun.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
13 years ago

My first game using the Sharp Shooter online with KZ3 I went something like 1 kill and 24 deaths. But, the other team was spawn-camping the hell out of us. Since then, my KDR is about .95. Not stellar, but I normally suck at shooters. A .60 KDR is about the norm for me. And I'm still tweaking my settings. KZ3 will probably be the first game I platinum thanks to Move and the Sharp Shooter.

13 years ago

Going to have to disagree with you (Surprise!!) I thought that using the sharpshooter made KZ3 better because the game itself was a bit of a let down compared to KZ2. I found using the DS3 controller made the game dull, where using the sharpshooter made it a little more challenging.

As for the online, I've never really liked either version of KZ's online. Something about it just doesn't suck me in. I played a couple of rounds with the sharpshooter but the gameplay itself just didn't work for me.

13 years ago

With the Move in hand & the return of the weapon wheel, God help those Chimies!!!

*pays WorldEndsWithMe*

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
13 years ago

I just bought a 55" Sony Bravia EX720 a couple weeks ago, so this is great news for me, personally! So far I've played GT5, KZ3, and Wipeout HD in 3D. KZ3 and Wipeout HD look great in 3D, but GT5…. is not all that great in 3D:( Lets hope it does 3D better than GT5.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 3/30/2011 8:36:30 AM

13 years ago

I was wondering if we wouldn't see this. I've really enjoyed playing shooters with the Move and think that this makes an excellent alternative for playing this game.

As for the 3-D, I still haven't bought into that one yet…and I don't see me investing in it before September.

But I do find the Sharpshooter as a welcome change for FPS'. I don't know about the rest of you but the last few that have come out have all felt a little stale, The Sharpshooter adds a bit of fun back and breathes some life back into the genre.

13 years ago

Finished my 1st playthrough on KZ3 last night with the move after losing in the poker tournament I had. I did have it on easy just to get acclimated with Move controls and it was a fresh and fun way to play it. I must say though, the game itself seemed kinda blah. I mean the graphics were cool, but the lip sinking with the voices through me off and looked too stiff and cheesy. Then the story was meh, and don't get me started on the ending. People complain about Homefronts ending being abrupt, well I am complaining about KZ3 ending just as much.

Needless to say, I don't even want to play through it again on the harder difficulties as I did with KZ2. Might jump online now and then, but other than that the game will collect dust now.

Last edited by ColTater on 3/30/2011 12:19:16 PM

13 years ago


Did you watch through the credits after finishing it?

If not, there's a small clip embeded in the credits hinting on who, & what, is still to come.

(I believe it only shows up once you finished the game first, & not just bypassing it by jumping into the credits first)

13 years ago

I think people have set their expectation way too high for 3d. To be honest when things pop out at you, which they rarely do. It's more gimmicky than anything. 3d is supposed to show depth. When i watched Avatar on IMAX in 3d, nothing popped out at me. But man it looked like the screen just went back for miles. _____, you can't say it looks worse becuase you've set your expectations too high. KZ3, Crysis 2, and even COD look alot better in 3D and i'm sure alot of people would agree. It does it's job of making the environment much more engrossing and enhances the experience in a big way. Now 3d is definitely not for everyone. You may be one of those people. Or maybe it's your tv, who knows. The point is you just can't generalize and say it makes the experience worse because you want gimmicky things popping out at you.

13 years ago

how is halving the resolution, halving the frame rate, screwing up the colors, and dimming the ^%$# out of the screen making the visuals better?

also, dunno which IMAX you saw avatar at, but the one i went to had heaps of pop out!
the start of the movie, where those pods slide out were right in your face!
or the first chase scene, the camera zooms into the ground and pebbles get kicked up into your face!
or when he grabs the torch and starts waving it around to get the guys to back away, again that pops out into your face!

13 years ago

Cool, I get to use my Move on another FPS. Glad R3 has these features (even though I'm not too big into 3D right now, although I'll probably buy into it when its cheaper), now I just wonder if we can play split screen with the Move too.

13 years ago

This is great news, every shooter should have sharpshooter support it's an excellent way to play. I played KZ3 with the sharpshooter and it really works great. Come on Dev's let's get goin on this.

Last edited by THEVERDIN on 3/30/2011 7:12:38 PM

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