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Crysis 2: Proof That Exclusives Are In A Class Of Their Own

Crysis 2 is a great game.

Amidst all the platform controversy and Crytek's bragging, the aforementioned fact remains. While you can find any number of PS3/360/PC comparisons online in the form of screenshot and video compare-and-contrast scenarios, the general consensus is that PS3 owners did not get ripped off this time. Some may notice a very slight increase in sharpness on the 360 version, and a mammoth PC certainly has the edge, but after playing the PS3 version for quite some time, the following is obvious: it's one of the best-looking games out there, and it plays quite well on Sony's machine.

In fact, I dare say Crysis 2 features the best visuals of any shooter on the PS3…any multiplatform shooter, that is. While it's close to Killzone 3 , especially in regards to animation, detail and choreography, the overall gameplay presentation in KZ3 is simply a bit sharper and more refined. Now, for the sake of argument, let's assume Crytek isn't just promoting themselves and their game, and their CryEngine really did produce the best looking game possible for the PS3. Of course, that means "best looking multiplatform game possible," as they didn't have the luxury of focusing on only one platform this time around. What does this say about the cream of the crop; i.e., the exclusives?

Essentially, it says what we've been saying all along- that when a developer simply pumps all its knowledge, talent, and resources into one platform without having to make a single solitary sacrifice for the sake of multiplatform, the game simply reaches another level. Crysis 2 , Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , Red Dead Redemption , Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ; these all look amazing and yet, they just don't have the added coat of polish, that extra glossy sheen we see in God of War III , Gran Turismo 5 , Heavy Rain , Killzone 3 , Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , etc. And it's not only the PS3; in my eyes, exclusives are the best on any platform: Gears of War , Halo , and Alan Wake on the 360, Super Mario Galaxy and Zelda on the Wii, etc.

In other words, if Crysis 2 is the best we can do in the world of multiplatform shooters – and it's pretty damn good – and it still falls just a step shy of an exclusive production in terms of visual accomplishment (mind you, we're only talking about the PS3 version), doesn't that prove the superiority of the top exclusives? Doesn't this basically say, "the only way to get that extra 'oomph' is to focus ?" Of course, for purposes of money, most designers can't afford to stick with one platform, especially for un-established games, but that's not the point. The point, it seems, is abundantly clear.

P.S. Watch for our Crysis 2 review later tonight.

Related Game(s): Crysis 2

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13 years ago

I'm going to stick up for Crysis 2 here and say it does look really good. And you can not take any thing away from crytek now. They did a fantastic job with the visuals in this game! It looks really good. And as a multiplatform title I don't know how much more room for growth their is, as far as graphics go. I'd like to see someone top crytek' achievement for multiplat games, but it will be tough, when keeping the games on par with eachother is a priority.

But I'm with you Ben. IGN, CVG are just a few that say Crysis is the best looking console game. And on 360 I agree. But KZ2 looks better, and obviously that puts KZ3 ahead of it. In some cases as you pointed out Ben KZ3 is sharper. Objects seem more prominent, and well realistic. The environments, and characters especially. And with out doubt Uncharted 2 is still tops. So I don't think anyone has much room to say Crysis 2 is the best looking console game, when clearly it's not. But it is damn good looking and I challenge any one to say it's not. It's up there with some of the best looking games for sure.

All in all though Crysis has turned out to be a very good looking game, that runs very well on the PS3, and the mp is actually a lot of fun! If your a shooter fan, it's a game to have in your library. No questions asked!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/23/2011 11:24:07 AM

13 years ago

Considering that IGN and CVG have question marks when it comes to there reliability, I take their comments with a grain of salt.

I am sure the 360 fans do not though.

I am glad that the game came out the way it did though. After that demo, I wrote it off.

13 years ago

Good to hear. I may still pick this up, later this year, after inFamous 2 and Resistance 3.

One thing I like about Crysis 2 is the running. It actually feels like you're running. Ditto for Killzone 3.

Whereas in games like MAG and CoD, running is marginally faster than walking.

13 years ago

…Almost everyone is saying that it's the best looking console game to date.I think you're doing a little nitpicking just cause there's a game on the 360 that looks better than most if not all ps3 exclusives.I haven't played it yet, so I don't know this first hand.

13 years ago

I don't know, all the PS3 exclusives are top notch with graphics. I still think Uncharted 2 will not be passed in graphic quality, and also when Uncharted 3 comes out that will probably set a new bar, which every PS3 exclusive has been doing.

I think Crytek will need to step up the bar a bit more to compete with the exclusives. It looks good, but not PS3 exclusive quality good.

That's just my opinion.

13 years ago

Crysis 2 is up their with a lot of PS3 exclusives. It's not quite up their with KZ3 and definitely falls short of Uncharted 2. But it does challenge a lot of PS3 exclusives. It is a very good looking game.

But this has nothing to do with a game on 360 looking as good or better than a game on PS3. Ben even stated in the article that he feels some 360 games still look better than Crysis 2. His point being exclusive titles will always be the best looking and running games on consoles.

With that said you cant take anything away from
Crytek and their achievement with Crysis 2. It is a good looking game that runs well!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/23/2011 11:42:48 AM

13 years ago

If you are talking to me, I'm not taking anything away from Crytek of what they achieved. They did a great job with the game, but falls short from exclusive qualty, which is understandable because it's not exclusive to any specific platform.

What i mean is it's probably the best looking multiplatform game i have seen so far. But when it comes to exclusives, it will always be better than a multiplatform game.

just to be clear though I'm not trying to take anything away and i understand what Ben is talking about. And the game does give exclusives a run for it's money even though it's not an exclusive game.

If what i said is to discredit what they achieved i didn't mean it in that way, or in any disrespectful manner.

13 years ago

So if you haven't played it why are you even nitpicking over an opinion of somebody who HAS played it? just curious….

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No nitpicking involved. God of War III, GT5, and Uncharted 2 all top Crysis 2.

13 years ago

Almost all those people hold a bias against the PS3 too. Wait till you play the game before you say something so absurd. The game looks good but does not hold a candle to the likes of Killzone, God of War III and Uncharted 2.

Besides, Crysis is blurry as hell in motion. Something I noticed, Killzone stays in focus with all that action going on, there is no clipping or pop in. Crysis has it's fair share of both.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/23/2011 12:19:38 PM

13 years ago


No I was more specifically talking to Agradegamer. I was agreeing or pointing out to him that Crysis 2 achieved a lot. But you still can't compare it too KZ3 or many other PS3 exclusives.

Your good, I should of been more clear!

13 years ago

Ah, yeah i was confused, but thanks for clearing it up though! Lol

13 years ago

totally agree 100%

i was shocked, angered, and found it incredibly funny that in ign's console crisis review, they said it had taken the crown for best graphics on any console.

yeah i dont think so.

13 years ago

so another multiplat win for the 360? what a surprise.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 3/23/2011 11:54:55 AM

13 years ago

I wouldn't say that. It really comes down to preterence. The 360 always tends to look a tad sharper when it comes to multiplats. Some prefer that while others prefer a softer, less plasticy image the PS3 tends to provide. If sites like Lens of Truth are to be believed(Temji likes them 🙂 then the PS3 edge out this one in the end.

13 years ago

The best games coming out this year are exclusive to the ps3, but their are some good multiplatforms game that come out this year too batman,dead space, and LA Noire.

13 years ago

I've only played the demo of Crysis 2 on 360, and you have to admit the game looks pretty damn good. Its quite impressive that Crytek could translate their PC developing skills to creating a game that looks THAT good on 360. Haven't tried the PS3 demo though, apparently it sucks.

I'll probably pick this game up later on though, the game looks pretty sick but I'm still playing Killzone and I don't know if anyone else is like this, but I can't really go back and forth from FPS. I'll get out of sync with the button layout, or mechanics and end up sucking. Its like swinging a baseball bat then playing golf. Kinda.

13 years ago

That happens to me as well, if i play a game for a set amount of days/months and i pick up a new game that has a different feel. It completely throws off my rhythm of how i play the game until i can adjust to it.

13 years ago

I totally agree with the "playing one game at a time" thing because of buttons layouts! haha

For some bizarre reason, no FPS can decide on a common "crouch" button. And in MAG, the weapon cycle and grenade buttons are completely different. (but not in a bad way… just different)

13 years ago

Haha yea the crouch and melee buttons always seem to be in different spots. Jump, reload, shoot and change weapons are almost always the same though! Lets get some consistency with the crouch buttons, please.

13 years ago

Yea jimmy, that multiplayer demo was pretty bad but the final build for the SP so far is solid. Much better than that demo led people to believe.

13 years ago

I think games can be technically, graphically advanced and superior, but it's really the ART and ANIMATION that make people say it has "awesome graphics".

The art style in games like Crysis, Killzone, Gears of War, Halo are all cool and awesome looking. I think this helps immensely in determining whether someone will say a game has "awesome graphics" or not.

(by technically advanced, I mean things like advanced shaders and lighting, volumetric smoke, etc)

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

Yeah, the "best looking console game" business is a bunch of malarkey. I will say that it's easily one of the best looking 360 games out there and ranks as one of the best looking multiplatform games around, too. It doesn't look bad when compared so some of the PS3 exclusives like UC2, GoW3 and the like but it doesn't surpass them in visual quality.

13 years ago

I completely agree.

13 years ago

Ben, Im glad you did this article. There has been a lot of hate for this title between the flame wars and Crytek's claims, but the bottom line is the game is great. In the graphics department, it is a step down from UC2 and KZ but it still looks amazing.

13 years ago

Infamous 2 has the best Graphics for a Open World Game because of the PS3 Cell Processor and also Sucker Punch!
I saw the Batman Arkham City Trailer and the Graphics were not as good!Why in the hell can't Rock Steady make full use of the Cell Processor?!
Forget about equality for Every Platform!

Last edited by Kiryu on 3/23/2011 11:58:04 AM

13 years ago

Yakuza doesn't have the best open-world graphics?

I'm disappointed. Your not a real Yakuza fan.

13 years ago

Considering the scale of Infamous 2 i think it's spectacular.
Yakuza Series places more Emphasis on Detail in a City type of place and Yakuza 4 looks Awesome!

13 years ago

Mirror mirror on the wall. Is Crysis 2 the fairest of them all? Where the hell is Snow White? It all depends on who you are asking. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is it not?

Graphics are not the only measure of a game. Gameplay, Story and Graphics are the makings of a great game. I await your review Ben and ultimately I will need to play it myself for my final decision.

All of this PS3/360 comparison crap is exhausting. I do not blame the machines. Ben hit it on the head. Exclusives will always trump multiplats. I know, I know, there may be some exceptions but if a developer such as Crytek focused on one machine (PS3, cause the Xbox has had it share of this already) I wonder what they would come up with. I believe that all multiplats could be equal if developers were not inhibited by budgets and deadlines.

Last edited by FatherSun on 3/23/2011 11:59:03 AM

13 years ago

A friend of mine actually got the PS3 version and I have to say I came away impressed by the graphics. Yet as many of you have also clearly isn't the best game graphically on consoles.

It is however the best multiplat I've seen to date. there's some pretty good looking multiplats out there..Yet Crysis takes the cake easily

13 years ago

OKay, so I got one little nugget to throw out there.

The game looks great, plays good, and does some unique things other shooters didn't even attempt!

For all you shooter fans out there sick of buying a game, and crushing the campaign in 5-6 hours: BUY CRYSIS 2!
Heard it'll take 10-12 hours for the campaign!

13 years ago

I agree. Any shooter fan will not be disappointed with it.

13 years ago

That what I was looking for. I'm tired of playing 4 hour campaigns.

13 years ago

after renting this game i came away very surprised. it is very close to ps3 exclusive level.

13 years ago

Too bad they failed to reclaim that crown they lost to UC2.
But nice job Crytek, in the future don't hype yourself and put a buggy demo.

13 years ago

They did shoot themselves in the foot. But after the final release the game looks, runs and plays great. Can't take that away from them!

13 years ago

The game looks good. I ate some crow this week as Cryteks claims pretty much stands true except that it's the "best looking console game evah!" Might be the best looking multiplat but it still doesn't rank up there with Killzone, Uncharted or God of War III. GT5 looks better. Just has crappier shadows.

I decided to buy the game this morning and I must say it is pretty fun and I'll reserve my trash talk next time a crappy demo hits PSN. though I did notice the game is blurry as hell in motion and it makes it hard to see your enemies. Now I only played for a few minutes but when I popped Killzone 3 back in I immediately noticed how clear and focused Killzone 3 stays at all times. Has a better frame rate, more going on on screen, no clipping, pop in, or hang ups when loading the next section. Funny, Crysis 2 will freeze for a second or two like Killzone 2 did when it loaded the next section. Funny because all the hypocrites who complained about that in Killzone 2 failed to mention that in their Crysis 2 reviews. Crysis 2 looks good but I can't help get that "this really is a PC game" from he look and fell of it. Something about it, maybe the controls and movement animations doesn't feel as polished as Killzone 3.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/23/2011 12:36:04 PM

13 years ago

The movement animations are awkward at first. They were for me anyways. I noticed that their is a lot of momentum in the controls which can be portrayed as non responsive. But on the other hand momentum is a part of real life… So it's preference. But I got used to it.

The blurriness I havnt noticed really. Although I'm not running a lot, because I try to preserve my suits energy. I'm playing the game pretty stealth like. I find myself playing it a lot like MGS4. If need be I can shoot my way through but for the most part I'm always creepin! That adds a lot to a game and it's made it that much better.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/23/2011 12:39:52 PM

13 years ago

You notice the delay when pressing L1 to aim down the iron sites? It takes a full second and a half it seems for him the raise the gun once you press L1 and delays again when you let go. Not sure why they did that. It's kind of annoying. Makes me think they didn't quite nail down the transition from mouse and keyboard to your standard game pad. Killzone reacts as soon as you hit that button. By the time your done pressing it the gun is already in aiming position.

I especially notice the blur when objects on screen are moving. For example, early in the game right before you have to make your way through that base camp. You're looking down over it from a roof top and a truck pulls up in front of you on the street below. The truck looked blurred as hell as it was moving only to focus once it stopped. That's more or less where I noticed the blurry effect.

13 years ago

Your so lucky Jawk, I'm really jealous right now lol!

13 years ago

Ha, I picked it up at Target and got a $10 gift card with it. You don't have any Target stores near you?

I'm happy to say I am relieved that the game is actually fun. My gut was telling me not to get it but I said screw it. Turned about to be the right choice. Usually when I take a chance and buy games that have had too much hype I am very disappointed.


Last edited by Jawknee on 3/23/2011 12:54:13 PM

13 years ago

I forgot all about Target! they seem to always have some type of deal when a new game comes out.

13 years ago


O yea your right! I noticed that same vehicle also and was wondering what the heck was going on… So if you flip into your visor mode, where it scans different vantage points, routes and ammo caches and what not and zoom in, it focused more. But yep I know exactly what your talking about now! Good point!

I also notice the delay when aiming. I notice it a lot when you pick somethig up like a bottle or something small by hitting square. You then have to hit R1 to throw it and oh boy does it react slow to the R1 being pressed to throw it. Not only that but the animation of your right arm is ugly while throwing objects like that, but looks fine when throwing grenades haha!

Anyways here I am praising the game, and now I'm finding little things to nit pick! Ahh anyways I am enjoying it though. I had hi hopes it would turn out better than expected and it did so…

13 years ago

Yea those issues are not a big deal but it does lend to what Ben is saying about how Killzone 3 is just that much more polished then the supposedly "greatest looking console game evah!"


13 years ago

Oh yeah absolutely. When comparing FPS' KZ3 is tops. No doubt about that.

I also just want to point something out to you cus I know you'll notice it. I thought it was weird when I seen it yesterday. But back close to that spot with the blurry vehicle. Their is a ledge you have to drop down from onto the streets, I think it's right after you make it through the camp. Anyways their is a bunch of garbage bags and junk to the left when u drop down. I noticed that their was a blue or yellow outline around the garbage bags like in the development process the outline was never deleted or something. I don't know what kinds of programs they use but in CAD if I'm drawing something like that I either freeze or delete the outline if one is involved. Kind of funny you'll have to check it out if you see any full garbage bags lying around let me know if you see it!

EDIT: you know I'm playing right now and it must have been just that bunch or maybe a glare of some sort cus I'm not noticing any outlines anymore! Could have just been me also… But it was really really faint that I remember and kind of a gold not blue… Anyways no big…

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/23/2011 6:20:57 PM

13 years ago

I can't wait till I get my copy of Crysis 2. I knew it was gonna be awesome on all three platforms. The PC version looks just beautiful, the best graphics in a game I have seen since the first Crysis. I really hope its good to in its story because KZ3 really disappointed me in its story, and gameplay to everything else except sound and its graphics, it almost made me cry. I know KZ3 looked and sounded good, but for me everything else I experienced I didn't care for, but Rico and Jammer were Awesome! Hopefully since I saved $60 on KZ3 I can go to gamestop or walmart or something and pick up Crysis 2.

13 years ago

I thought Killzone 3's story was fine. Much better than we have gotten from the likes of Call of Duty and dare I say…Bad Company? Haha, I love Bad Company 2 but I really couldn't stand the campaign.

13 years ago

At first I thought the story was okay but the ending really killed it for me and the characters this time around besides Rico and Jammer I really could not stand especially Narvill, Stahl and Sev. And what happend to Natko? I know he didn't die at the end of KZ2, did the devs just forget about him? I found that so strange. And I hated most of the games cut scenes, like the one near the end when Sev gives that "emotional" speech and something random blows up, I couldn't stand that. It felt kinda like Killzone had lost its Killzoneness and got replaced with CODness.

13 years ago

HA! Natko is your co-op partner when you play split screen co-op. Though I gotta say I didn't even notice he was gone until JohnLD asked me where he went. Natko was so annoying in Killzone 2 I wanted to forget and I did.

I hear you about the ending. It fell flat and ended way too abruptly but it left a nice opening for Killzone 4. As for the cutscenes, I loved every minute of them. 🙂

13 years ago

That's nice to know, I thought the devs had drooped the ball there for a minute. I actually started liking Natko toward the end of the 2nd one. It was Narville who I hated! Could not stand him, he was always yelling and not doing anything, and he was worse in the 3rd one! Man I don't like him!

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