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Okay, Stop Talking About Crysis 2

Yes, I know. "Making a headline asking people not to talk about it is hypocritical; you're talking about it!" And yeah, our new poll focuses on the title in question, so that's more hypocrisy. Understood. But I'm trying to make a point; maybe we can stop this from happening next time, before it gets needlessly out of hand.

Look, I'm all for hype surrounding big games. It keeps gamers interested, it often makes for great headlines, and overall, I really do believe it helps the industry in terms of overall popularity and health. Generating excitement for any given product within an industry is rarely a bad thing, even if the "no such thing as bad publicity" philosophy doesn't quite hold true in gaming. Everyone talked about how miserably Haze flopped; this didn't result in anything positive for Free Radical. Even so, if the game turns out well, that hype will register in a big way. I understand all that and I can respect Crytek's defense of their game, especially if the accusations of an inferior PS3 version are actually false.

But since when does this result in six million headlines? Why? Do we really put that much stock into what some random source said about something they might have heard? This seems more like a "I want to prove you wrong" scenario more than a promotional, news-coverage situation, and that's what bothers me. It's as if every last headline is designed around the preceding concept simply for the sake of attention and traffic; just so one side can battle the other. Crytek's PC-oriented past and their well-documented bragging hasn't really helped, and neither has the PS3-hating crowd that will cling to any tiny thread possible in order to confirm their biased belief. In short, this almost isn't about the game; it seems to have downshifted to petty squabbling.

I'm just wondering if anyone even cares about Crysis 2 . It seems like the entire Internet only cares about proving the PS3 got another shoddy port, or Crytek talked a big game and delivered a broken product, or the vindication that none of it matters, and the game came out great on all platforms. I'm willing to bet those attention-getting headlines got way more viewers than the actual reviews, and I'm not a fan of that. It's a nasty trend, really.

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13 years ago

I played the beta for ps3 and I wasn't impressed at all. I know its the beta and it isn't the finished product but seriously the beta was horrible. I've played the first crysis and loved it for on pc. I don't think crysis is going to be that great and live up to the expectations on consoles. I'll stick with homefront for now and wait for BF3. How was the 360 beta version any better?

13 years ago

I thought it was a demo?

13 years ago

Well the way I look at it, it can do nothing but hurt you as a company and publisher by doing half assed work now-a-days. Barely skimming by on hype is just not good business. Why continue to make your games multi-platform if you will only focus your efforts on one console? Why not just take the leap and make it an Exclusive and make it great instead of marginally good. I'm not the biggest fan of COD, but at least when they jump off the hype train they at least deliver a solid product for both parties, granted not always the most polished, but solid none-the-less. In the end; these developers need to pull their head out of their asses and focus on trying to make a product EVERYONE will want, not just Bots.

13 years ago

I played some Black Ops with friends a few days ago, couldn't believe how bad the graphics are compared to elite titles. It really is a bit of a shock.

13 years ago

Yeah I actually thought that MW2 had better graphics. Like I said the CODs are solid but not always polished.

13 years ago

Yes, both Black Ops and Crysis are smelling like Haze to be honest… they could have been so much more in the visualisation department, but they aren't…

I am sorry, when you have titles like Killzone 3, there is just no excuse anymore…



13 years ago

yeah maybe Crysis 2 did co-opt the console war, but Crytek was begging for it to happen. They hid their PS3 footage, put out a shoddy PAX demo, and then ganked the demo from PSN. Yeah that sort of behavior is going to get attention.

I'm not interested in it at all, but you might say I have a thing against loudmouths who can't deliver on PS3. The good news is the final build seems to be up to snuff. Yay… for those who want the game.

13 years ago

that do you mean ganked the demo from psn? so the demo is gone for good?

I never

13 years ago

Yeah it's no longer on there…sheeging geegen higen gigger doogin gone. 😉 For anyone that watched the new 6 Kevin Butler videos for his trash talking system S.H.A.F.T! Accents:Their fun and their fun. If you're not SHAFTing dirty, you're not really SHAFTing.

13 years ago

It might come back, they claim it is for connection bugs. And people did have trouble getting online, but still it doesn't speak well for them.

13 years ago

Crytek probably created Crysis 2 on the highway, cuz thats where most accidents happen.

13 years ago

Ah ha! I see what you did there lol.

13 years ago

I played the first Crysis on PC and while fun I didn't think it was all that it was cracked up to be. I honestly don't care about Crysis 2. Killzone 3 is filling that shooter need perfectly. Do I need another one? I don't think so.

13 years ago

"wondering if anyone even cares about Crysis 2" – well, I care. I just don't judge until the final product is here.
The history of ps3-demos so far are riddled with miserable experiences. Network not working, crashes, whatnot. It's *not* like this on the pc, so why it has to be like this on the ps3 I do not know.
Anyways, their game on the PC was very good – and looked absolutely fantastic, even on a regular, not top-tweaked pc. And if they apply the same quality on their ps3 game then I honestly believe we are in for a treat.
And if not… Well, "gameranking is your friend".

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/20/2011 10:30:00 PM

13 years ago

What other PS3 demos have been a miserable experience?? In general, I've thought that most demos are pretty close to the final product, and I've based a few buys off of the demo as well.

13 years ago

Well I'm not too eager on trying demos in general, I just think there's always talk about trouble with demos, lately it's been:
– Killzone 3 demo with network problems
– Mass Effect 2 demo with graphic tearing

And over the years I have to say my impression has been that the demos has been either buggy, unfinished or just left a lot to be desired. One demo that springs to mind is the mercenaries 2 demo, a while back. That was horrible. But I know I got several similar experiences, I just can't recall them right now… I believe especially network problems has been a returning issue, typically because I've been particulary interested in that aspect of a game when the game in question has offered a coop modus.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/21/2011 4:07:17 AM

13 years ago

Gotcha – I gotta admit I didn't play the mercs 2 demo. I did play the SP KZ3 demo, and I played the ME2 demo. I thought both were good and got me interested in the games.

I can't say I remember too much screen tearing in the ME2 demo, or I've just forgotten it by now, but I'm assuming that it's not like that in the final product huh?

13 years ago

I couldn't even get into a game. It says that I have a network error or something. So I really can't say much besides how awesome the game looks. I just hope CRYTECH will be able to get the demo going again, so I can at least try it out before any further thought of purchasing it.

13 years ago

In your poll you ask what we think of Crysis 2 – it's not even out yet? Do you mean "the demo of Crysis 2"?That's unavailable now, isn't it?

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/20/2011 10:33:53 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Well, it's just a general question about the Crysis 2 hype.

And besides, the game will be out on Tuesday. Feel free to wait before voting. 🙂

13 years ago

Aha, already on tuesday. Then that's fair enough.

13 years ago

Some footage released for the ps3 I think yesterday and now everyones all "The PS3 is the best version!" Lol people these days. They hear one bad thing about a game and it spreads like wild fire. Thanks IGN!

13 years ago

I don't see the appeal of Crysis. Its all about graphics imo

13 years ago

I guess you're right that it's all about graphics, but at least it's more than just technical babble(frame per second, resolution, shading and blabla). I can only talk about the PC game Crysis, but that one had a very cool atmosphere, thanks to the graphics, and with an environment that was very "realistic" in it's behaviour.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/20/2011 11:05:22 PM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

i'm interested but i'll wait to see if the final product is up to the standards of other multiplats on my shelf ie.RE5,Dead space2 & burnout paradise.

13 years ago

i care becuase i hate it when the ps3 gets a shoddy port. it's been confirmed the ps3 build is running at a lower resolution, and that is unlikely to change before the final release. like world said, they have hid the ps3 footage all this time while claiming the ps3 version was running better. crazy qoutes like claiming the crysis2 alpha looked better than kz3 did not help matters.

they follow all that big talk up with a ps3 demo that fell flat on its face. at first they said there was no difference between the two versions then later blamed it on old code. crytek bought 99% of this pr nightmare on themselves.

13 years ago

I care about Crysis 2 because I loved the first one. I really do hope that the PS3 gets a great version of the game, I would get it for my PC but my current laptop can't run it and my old rig died a year after the first one released and my 360 got the red-ring of death 3 days after SC:Conviction came out, so Ill be getting this for my PS3, and trophies are a plus!

13 years ago

Crysis 2 seems all style and no substance. That demo they put up on PSN was horrible and should never have seen the light of day. If that demo isn't a demonstration of the final presentation then why show it to people? They should have known people on the net would pick it apart and the Xbots would stroke themselves for getting yet another superior multiplat. According to some, including PlaystationLifestyle, the final build is supposed to be as Crytek says. So well see I guess.

13 years ago

So true Jawk…



13 years ago

Crysis doesn't hold anything to KZ3 and will probably fail in comparison to Resistance 3.

IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku etc. they're all the same.

Hope they enjoy all the money Microsoft throws their way.

13 years ago

im probably gonna buy it. ppl have been talking like a bunch of fanboys about this game (no offense). im more than willing to try a new game so long is it isnt another haze. we can continue to gripe about who got a worse port or we can play the games for the sake of a good time. i saw the ps3 mp demo and im sold. it looks fantastic granted it was probably overhyped, but who cares. i play the games for the sake of the games even if it got a 6/10 review id give it a try.
to me it sounds like everyone overlooked the potential fun factor about this game. the suit looks like it handles real slick and the power is gonna make for some great online bouts. its gonna b worth at least a rent regardless and it'd b foolish to think otherwise
So what if crysis brags a little i would to if I was a dev. A game like that would be worth being proud of. it wont be an uncharted and it may not gather a fanbase like killzone. So? im sticking firm in my purchase decision because i play games and im unwilling to pick a side becuase a stupid texture design is a bit fuzzier than that of an exclusive. To me its all about the fun. Crysis will by a riot and I would welcome someone to prove me wrong.

13 years ago

Well, the first game was not very fun IMO, so if the second one is supposed to be a lot like the first, then I suspect it won't be very fun as well.

13 years ago

I personally could care less about the game but the devs are so annoying. I remember them stating that Crysis would have the best story, graphics, etc. on the PS3. Now we have the inferior one.

13 years ago

Why is there a poll question for a game that isn't out yet?…either way, I have no interest in this game as I don't care for FPS's. And it seems this isn't story driven from as much as I can tell so my interest is very low.

13 years ago

it should b very story drivin since the writer is a professional science fiction novelist but then… if you dont care for the science fiction genre, theres not much else I can say

13 years ago

It looks like a ripoff of Resistance right now tbh man. I'll bet you this "professional science fiction writer" talked up a storm when describing his story, just like the devs.

13 years ago

Well this article is a contradiction.

13 years ago

I could care less on all fronts. I honestly don't care if it's graphics are better or worse on the ps3/360/pc. I don't care how well it sells or what the devs say about it.

Why? It is so far off my interest radar, that it doesn't matter. Even if it became the greatest fps in the world, to me it's still just fps.

In my mind it will hang out in the gutter with dj hero, dancing games, and that ubisoft "adult party" game. I could care less, these games just aren't coming to my house.

Now, how about some more info on Infamous 2 and White Knight Chronicles 2.

13 years ago

until the reviews come in and the reviews are decent review scores, than ill rent it and see if its as good as the review scores say it is. im sure 360 version will look better. theres new footage of the ps3 gameplay on youtube, its hd youtube so its not full hd but when watching the ps3 gameplay and 360 gameplay 360 just looks better. ps3 gameplay does look better than the demo i can say that, but i just don't see it actually looking that good like how kz3 or uc3 is

Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 3/21/2011 1:56:02 AM

13 years ago

i think yous all owe crytek a apology.

anyway, hopefully this will learn people the definition of the word DEMO!
i remember reading a article with a dev saying we cant do betas anymore, because people bitch and whine how buggy it is.
you know, i did not believe him at first, but now i can see his point.
when a game gets so much controversy and articles just because a freaking demo was inferior is just f*cking ridiculous!
its ok crytek, i never doubted ya!

13 years ago

"people b!tch and whine how buggy it is."

This is all you do. When do we get an apology from you for having to put up with your insufferable rants?

By the way, a YouTube video hardly proves anything. Also as someone in the PSLS comments pointed out, the single player could be solid but it doesn't say much for the multiplayer. Nice try though…

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/21/2011 11:57:56 AM

13 years ago

I was never impressed with Crysis 2 to begin with. Then after hearing Crytek say that they pushed the power of the PS3 as much as they could but then later say the PS3 and 360 version will be identical makes me laugh. If you're pushing the PS3 to the limits it's not going to be the same as the 360. It's going to be better.

I never got a chance to try the demo which doesn't bother me anyways as I would rather try out the single player portion. That also something I've noticed lately with games. Most demos seemed to only focus on the multiplayer of games anymore. I myself mainly buy games for the single player and everything else is just a bonus.

13 years ago

Lego Star Wars III for me! XD!

13 years ago

"Well this article is a contradiction."

My thoughts exactly

"Crysis doesn't hold anything to KZ3 and will probably fail in comparison to Resistance 3."

Before you say such a thing, I challenge you to go play the first Crysis. In fact I can pretty much tell you that the games you just mention can't hold up in now way to the original Crysis on many levels.

13 years ago

Taking quotes out of context and replying to them while applying your own context doesn't give you a +1 on your online intelligence factor.

The quote, as related to the article, prolly has much more to do with Crytek sounding off about the superiority of Crysis 2 on the PS3 and Ben's personal speculation that the eventual game prolly won't be comparable to Killzone 3 or Resistance 3. Not comparing a PC game to console FPS games, or even the PC version of Crysis 2 to the PS3 version.

13 years ago

Yeah, but I'm only concerned with how it holds up in the later way.

13 years ago

There are tons of videos for crysis 2 for ps3 everywhere. only for sp though. I can safely say its the most polished multiplatform game to date.
strange thing there is no mp footage yet. but claiming its the best looking console game. this
what I say a total BS.

Last edited by Wissam on 3/21/2011 5:43:39 AM

13 years ago

it is bs, and that's why people are so critical of crysis2 right now. there was talk that the ps3 build was inferior at pax, and when the demo finally went up people saw it for themselves. it was running at a lower resolution than the 360 version, and had frame rate issues. to top that off, it had connection issues so it was finally yanked by ea.

at first crytek said there was no difference, but then they backtracked by blaming it on old code. again, i think crytek brought 99% of this mess on themselves. there seems to be some genuine dissapointment of the ps3 demo.

13 years ago

I haven't really cared about this at all. I saw the first, second and third trailers and went, "doesn't look that good." When I heard a demo was finally coming to the PS Store, I started to download it figuring I'd give it a shot. When I heard of all the problems the PS3 demo was having and that it was going to be pulled altogether, I canceled my download and went back to not caring.

The fact of the matter is that I DID care about the first Crysis when it arrived. It looked awesome and the fact that I didn't have any way to play it made me want to play it even more. Four years (or five, whichever) later the sequel's almost here, but it's arriving on consoles that are loaded with similar and/or better FPSs. Why would I play this when I'm currently playing Bulletstorm? At least I though BS looked fun right off the bat from the time I saw the first trailer.

I'm getting sick of Crysis, too. The developers have been nothing but annoying and I'm sick of them trying to shove their product down everyone's throats.

13 years ago

No Move support = crisis

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