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Resistance 3 Gets Split-Screen Multiplayer Fun

Despite the online multiplayer explosion, nothing beats playing with a friend sitting right next to you.

Based on information provided by Insomniac Games Senior Community Manager James Stevenson, Resistance 3 will support split-screen online multiplayer, and best of all, the second player will be able to log into his own account. This feature doesn't always exist for PlayStation 3 owners, but bear in mind that Insomniac will not enable the feature in the upcoming beta. As a reminder, the developers have opted to cut down on the number of players featured in each online match (it was up to 60 in Resistance 2 ); R3 will only allow for 16-player matches. But Insomniac has their reasons for that, and to be able to play alongside someone is always a plus. We're looking forward to the beta and the game, as we remain firmly convinced that R2 went overlooked and unheralded by too many gamers. Don't make the mistake of missing out on the newest iteration…you'll regret a pass.

At least, that's what we're hoping. For the time being, we'll just continue to rake in any R3-related info we can find.

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

This will be welcome addition. I only get to play with my son on Black Ops this way and it really isn't fun so I hope I can get him into this.

13 years ago

Black Ops offends the senses.

13 years ago

This is most welcomed. They have incoorperated a feature from resistance 2 that is needed in many other ps3 games. I think the only 2 games that were able to do this is Resistance 2 and black ops but you can't be in two accounts in black ops.

I hear on halo reach you can have 4 people on 1 console with 4 diffrent live accounts is this true?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I think you can also do it in Motorstorm, but that's obviously not a shooter.

13 years ago

Sacred 2 also let's you do this. A game my wife and I enjoy together 🙂

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

RE: Halo Reach I do believe that is correct. Other Halo titles you can't though, if I remember correctly. Split-screen MP is always a hoot

13 years ago

Motorstorm 2???

Didn't know about that one. I should give it a go soon to see if that works.

For Halo it is infortunate that we don't have 4 player online split screen with 4 different live accounts. Thought the eye-candy might not be as good as it can be, still its a nice little feature to have, so that is something sony's exclusive needs to pack just to compete.

13 years ago

also possible with Borderlands

13 years ago

Does that mean I can get trophies for a game I don't have? Probly not huh.

Oh well, I'll be the only person I know that owns it anyway thanks to CoD. I do enjoy some split screen though.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

good stuff
i likes what i'm hearing

13 years ago

OMFG! Yes, day 1 buy.

13 years ago

Sound awesome, multiplayer online is so much funner with your buddy next to you. Now, is there offline multiplayer?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Yeah, offline campaign multiplayer, just like Fall of Man.

13 years ago

Has this been confirmed Lawless? Or are you just optimistic?

13 years ago

Yep, GameInformer and a couple other sources have confirmed that.

13 years ago

Resistance 2 had this.

13 years ago

That is great news for Resistance fans. Quite a few of my friends who own PS3's say that one of the main criteria they base purchases on is for the inclusion of this feature. I may now need to consider an additional title to add to my shopping list, that being Resistance 3…

Well done Insomniac!



13 years ago

Awesome news, this is how split screen should be done.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

That's a nice inclusion. Resistance 3 seems to be shaping up more and more to be like Fall of Man, and that isn't a bad thing.

13 years ago

I just got done with a 3 day beta of this game and it is going to completely blow your mind. There's almost a boss on every level not to mention so many different enemies including the old ones. I can almost guarantee that you probably have a single player game of around a minimum of 15 hours. I tested the game for 2.5 hours each day and didn't even get close to the end or any of the other people in the study with me. This is what I will be preordering as soon as possible!

13 years ago

nice to have some good news for a change, this has looked like the death of insomniac!
i always said they dont know how to make a bad game, but R2 came dam close to proving me wrong, and this is even closer!
always said the switch to EAP would be the death of them, though they did not have to prove it to me!
oh ted what the ^%$# have you done!?
turned the best development studio ever in existence, to the biggest sellout!

13 years ago

What a load of crap. R2 was great, and R3 is looking like an awesome combination of both R:FoM and R2.

Btw, why did you start off your post saying that this was good news, then devolve into shouting obscenities at Ted Price for "selling out"? Do you think you're Charlie Sheen or something?

13 years ago

wow, didn't expect him to say that….

13 years ago

I may get my wife to play this split screen offline. Been lurking for years but never really post lol

13 years ago

word. i have been reading this site forever and never really post.

13 years ago

Looks nice and I hope the split-screen will be the standard upper half and lower half instead of the split-screen crap in KZ3 which doesn't use up all the screen.

13 years ago

I'm so glad to see the offline coop campaign mode return. I'll buy R3 for that alone. It was a deal breaker for R2 with me. I have Fall of Man, but the only time I played it was when I had a friend over and we'd plow through it together.

13 years ago

Umm..yea..Resistance 2 had the log in feature. But you could only log in with an account that already was a user on the PS3 being played. It also had the split screen online multiplayer as well.

Insomniac should've kept the Online Co-op component…It's what most people who played and still play R2 play now and want.

13 years ago

Yes this is a nice addition, hope they do local co-op story mode too.

13 years ago

Its confirmed to be in the game, so you're in luck.

13 years ago

Loved the first one, and only liked the second. It seems that R3 is going to something special.

13 years ago

Awesome news! Yes. as some people know I didn't get into the second Resistance but this time I gotta join the fray. Sadly it seems like the only games I can trust nowadays are PS3 exclusives. And as unbiased as I am about the whole system's war, I find this to be kinda sad. Quality developers are few and far between nowadays. This year is still gonna b big though. UC3, R3, I2, BAC2, DE2 and a lot of other possible treats. Cant wait!

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