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Crytek Tries To Explain State Of PS3 Demo For Crysis 2

Okay, we aren't about to attempt an interpretation. We'll let you guys try.

So it seems very clear that Crytek is hell-bent on not only promoting Crysis 2 but also proving that the PlayStation 3 version is not graphically inferior . Despite this, several sources – and gamers – are saying the multiplayer demo that just recently arrived on the PSN doesn't pass muster. One Crytek developer addressed this, but we're not entirely sure what he means.

In this recent interview , there are two sections that have generated plenty of discussion. Firstly, something about a previous demo on the 360:

"…it was due to the timing of the certification. We did a previous 360 demo, but there was some issues with it. This is actually a patch, effectively on the previous 360 demo."

As for the PS3 version, he talks about it being based on a code "prior to submission:"

"PS3 version was the version that was set up… effectively, the PS3 demo is based on the code just prior to submission. Whereas the 360 demo is based on the code that we’ve used for the first demo. So, it’s complicated and messy but essentially it’s all due to when things were entering certification."

Forgive us, but this sounds a bit like backtracking. We could be wrong. But we'll find out soon enough when Crysis 2 lands on our doorstep next week.

And by the way, check this out.

Related Game(s): Crysis 2

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13 years ago

Sounds like he's saying we submitted the demos for certification based on version 0.9 (totally made up revision number for the sake of illustrating the point). The 360 version passed certification first and went out. We noticed some bugs and fixed them, subsequently releasing version 0.95. Meanwhile the PS3 version (0.9) passed it's certification and became available – and includes the unfixed bugs. Oopsie!

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/17/2011 10:08:27 PM

13 years ago

Give it up Crytek. You blew it.

13 years ago

Its quite a crap demo from what I have seen and played of it…



13 years ago

Yeah, it's funny how they have been caught with their pants down after all this, "were gonna create the best looking console fps" nonsense.

13 years ago

Indeed they did. When are developers going to realize that the majority of PS3 owners/players over the age of 19?

13 years ago

Oh well… I'd say buggy/unrefined code in the demos are more the rule than the exception. Crytek hasn't blown anything… Yet.

13 years ago

Honestly, I just wish they would shut up. When the game comes out we will all see if they are full of themselves or not.

13 years ago

Confusious say…..

Snake oil salesmen speak in forked tongue

13 years ago

The war of words between Crytek and IGN over the "inferior" PS3 version features two sides I don't care for. I don't care for Crytek's games and IGN has sucked the big one for years.

Who cares?

13 years ago

Any game using CryEngine NEEDS to be played on PC. Period.

13 years ago

Any game using cryengine should be stayed away from, everyone knows crytek sucks at programing, both far cry and crysis took a year or 2 (i think it was 2-3 years for crysis) to actually run 60fps on the highest settings, consumers just didnt have the tech when the game came out, and I still think the visuals/perfomance ratio for both games are way off. Now they wanna program for multiple platforms all i can say is gud luck

13 years ago

Any game using cryengine should be stayed away from, everyone knows crytek sucks at programing, both far cry and crysis took a year or 2 (i think it was 2-3 years for crysis) to actually run 60fps on the highest settings, consumers just didnt have the tech when the game came out, and I still think the visuals/perfomance ratio for both games are way off. Now they wanna program for multiple platforms all i can say is gud luck

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
13 years ago

This would be a terrible shame if Crytek ends up botching their PS3 version of Crysis 2. As you can imagine, PC gamers are up in arms about the "bastardization" of their beloved Crysis. Gone is the open world, replaced with levels with "multiple routes", to placate the limitations of game development on consoles (namely Xbox 360).

Crytek sold out to gain a share of the console market. Although PS3 sales are not as high as Xbox 360 sales, I would argue that their user base spends more money on games. It's not smart to alienate the PS3 fan base.

13 years ago

Sure about that thing about PS3 sales not being as high as 360 sales?

PS3 outsold the Xbox360 by 2.2 million consoles in calendar year 2010 – oh, I should add – global sales, not US alone.

Sony estimates that 80% of it's 50 million PS3s are net connected and with free online play, that's 40 million or so online players on PSN.

By comparison Microsoft recently confirmed that even though they claim to have *shipped* 50+ million Xbox360s they only recently tipped past 30 million Xbox Live subscribers (both Silver and Gold). They have previously confirmed that about 56% of Xbox live users have the Gold subscription required for online play. So in fact regardless of the number of 360s apparently shipped/sold. Fewer than 20 million Xbox360 owners are online playing games. Now, I may not be a nuclear physicist, but I know enough math to see a 2:1 ratio there of PS3 online players vs 360 online players.

Now, what was that about the 360 outselling the PS3?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/17/2011 11:57:01 PM

13 years ago

"PS3 outsold the Xbox360 by 2.2 million consoles in calendar year 2010 – oh, I should add – global sales, not US alone."

Yet the Google headlines are still dominated by "Xbox Spanks PS3, Wii…again" blah, blah, blah. So sick of gaming "journalists" this generation.

13 years ago

OK now, I can see the point of down voting an opinion you dislike or disagree with. But everything I stated in my post was factual, so apparently, at least 3 people are so blinkered that they can't deal with reality.

13 years ago

Facts are like Kyptonite to the oblivious.

13 years ago

LOL! Crytek is shutting down the PS3 demo early due to connection issues.

13 years ago

early? As far as I'm concerned it never began. I could never get a single game to connect.

13 years ago

Wow, pathetic. I will give it this. I didn't freeze my ps3 like the first 360 demo did. It just quite a bit longer to find a match then the 2nd 360 version.

13 years ago

They just don't want bad word of mouth spreading to quickly before they get some suckers to fork off the money for it… so sad, they should have kept it PC exclusive.

13 years ago

I actually only had one connect issue when I first tried to get in. I was able to get in my second try but I deleted the game 10 minutes later so there was no third try. LOL!

13 years ago

That's a crying shame. I'll just stick to the superior KZ3.

13 years ago

Does the demo feature cross platform play?

I downloaded last night for $hits and giggles to appease my ADHD 13 year old brother while he was over visiting to prevent him from playing COD-BO that he brought over, and he was mentioning something about the online ID's having spaces and that only Xbox allows that and PSN doesn't. Don't know if there is any truth to that.

Also, after seeing the abomination, it probably would have been better to just let him play COD, but after he left, to get the stank out of my mouth, I popped in KZ3 to let me know all is still right with in my FPS world.

13 years ago

So they're now admitting that the PS3 version is in fact inferior and behind the 360 version, while the whole time they've been saying that it is the superior build.

This little Crytek soap opera is entertaining in its own right.

13 years ago

Well sounds like someone fails at porting.

13 years ago

That sucks because EA has a great reputation at having identical ports and Crytek has screwed that up.

Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 3/18/2011 7:45:07 AM

13 years ago

And yet another demo screwing up people's expectations of a game. Oh thank GOODNESS we have demos this gen. Whatever would we talk about?

13 years ago

We had demos last gen and the gen before it. I still have some of them on disc.

13 years ago

Yeah, Jaw is correct. We have had demos for quite some time now. The only difference is that companies are essentially putting out 'beta' demos of multiplayer when they should concentrate on single player demos of finished product.

It all boils down to trying to quickly appease the twitch market.

13 years ago

Yup, which reminds me of what David Jeffe said about how back in the day, before updates and patches, developers had to make sure the demo/game was running as bug free as can be because once that disc shipped it was over. Now they have an avenue to correct their mistakes after the fact which gives them less incentive to make sure everything is 100% before it goes out. I suspect that's the reason we see more problems with games these days along with them being more complicated than they used to be of course.

13 years ago

I think Alienage meants freely accessible demos via online access…PS2 (and PS) demos were only really available as gaming mag or other 'promo' discs, so only a few people got to play them before a game came out.

13 years ago

Crap like this is exactly why they should have done a PS3 beta first.

13 years ago

For all the hype these guys were puffing up for themselves, it's sad that they're making a terrible first impression with everyone. I think rendering issues + network issues with the hardcore crowd who's in "the know" with what's hot and what's not with FPS games will probably have a trickle down effect with the masses vocalizing adamantly that Crysis 2 "is not hot"

13 years ago

Crytek stop pulling a peter molyneux ok. just admit you messed up and you couldn't figure out the ps3 hardware and you just ported the game over. the funny thing is though, a youtube vid heres the link
actually shows all the version in hd and actually makes the ps3 demo look better than the 360 version. i cant believe they already pulling the plug on the crysis 2 demo, its only been out for 2 days, and now its being pulled, thats really stupid ea.

13 years ago

the potential the game showed was great but the lofty statements by crytek are clearly too farfetched if they cant get a stupid demo right. This game needs at least an avg. review score of 8.5 for me to consider buying it. Shooters for me can no longer skimp in any part of development if they want to compete with any of the most complete games out there. That means at least 10 hr campaign. robust and lengthy online component, and a quality narrative. Graphics also have to be up to par. Im tired of BS in shooter depts. Crytek is still a great developer but they simply have to put their money where there mouth is and impress a great amount of people this week for crysis 2 to succeed. if not i can wait till BF3 because at least DICE has proven that they can use the PS3 right and not make excuses.

13 years ago

Guess I didn't miss anything, like I thought, on checking out the demo. I have never been that impressed with this game. Plus devs that constantly seem to brag over and over about how their game is going to be so great and gamers just don't get it or need to step out of their box end up with crappy games.

13 years ago

this demo beta or whatever you call it was a complete joke I wouldn't even buy this game at the bargain bin, takes too long to connect to a game crappy graphics frame rate is way too slow I'll stick with homefront that multiplayer is a hell of a lot better crysis 2 is the biggest disappointment so far for 2011

13 years ago

i liked the crysis 2 demo. at best its an excellent replacement for COD. i like the fact that you can jump to rooftops and the multiplayer customization look/sounds great. gives crysis more dimension than cod. it seems more tactical than cod run and gun mechanic which is a breath of fresh air. doesnt come close to killzone 3 though, not even 2 i think.

13 years ago

…not even Killzone 2. Killzone 2 destroys Crysis 2 on consoles.

13 years ago

Theirs not many things that come close to KZ2. That game was a masterpiece. A true defining moment in the FPS world was KZ2 release. KZ3 is as good but it managed to do nothing more surprising as far as story telling goes, but played more fluidly which I really liked.

13 years ago

Have to agree… Killzone 2 was the business!



13 years ago

Well I enjoyed the demo regardless. It's not all about graphics for me. If the gameplay is fun then I can deal. MoH was my favorite shooter last year n although it really only competed with COD, it still isn't a grand looking game like say KZ3. so here's hoping what bugs they need to work out get worked out, and here's hoping the SP is fun since I didn't get a sampling of that!

13 years ago

True it's not all about graphics but the performance was equally bad.

13 years ago

Really? Well I guess I'm hoping for the best lol… Idk I am waiting for a few reviews since I have no idea what the sp will be like. But I do want it to be good so I can enjoy it, considering I'm not a mp whore!

13 years ago

The frame rate was all over the place, the control input lagged as a result and the hit detection is poor.

13 years ago

Tried to play the demo today and I couldn't connect. Tried 10 times and still I haven't played this demo. Went back to Homefront SP playing on Guerrilla. So far so good almost done with chapter 3. Really want to try the Crysis 2 demo. Oh well, I may just wait for the review.

13 years ago

I thought the demo was fun, I just really wanted to play a singleplayer demo. When it comes down to multiplayer in any other fps I really just don't care unless its the Battlefield games, Crysis 2 seems like it could have an awesome singleplayer campaign I don't care to much about the MP.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

So why did they put it up if it wasn't at the point that they wanted it to be? Why couldn't they just hold off releasing it for a couple of weeks or whatever to make sure that everything was working properly? 'Oh, but platform preference can't be displayed!' BS. You say that the PS3 version is better, I'm sure we can wait a couple of weeks for you to prove it, rather than releasing something that is clearly inferior to what the 360ers get.

Seriously, use your bloody brains and you'll avoid the potential bad press, and consequent mentality for gamers to skip this bad port. Y'know what, I'm starting to think that Crysis 2 is going to be Haze all over again. Talked up, and bombed. Big swing, no ding.

13 years ago

since when do we judge games on demos?
yous do realize they could easily release a patch on release day that fixes everything up right?
eh, i dont care ill be getting the PC version so it will blow both out of the water, and into next century!

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