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THQ Reveals Homefront Sales: 375,000

Why are investors jumping ship due to a few lower-than-anticipated review scores? The game seems to be doing just fine.

THQ has revealed the first-day sales for Homefront , the shooter by Kaos Studios that puts the People's Army of North Korea on the American doorstep. In the first day on store shelves, the title sold 375,000 units in North America; as we speak, it's heading to Europe and Asia, so more sales are imminent. Said Danny Bilson, executive vice president of THQ:

"Homefront's excellent multiplayer experience, combined with our commitment to dedicated servers, make this a must-have purchase for gamers. Due to the strong and growing demand for Homefront's multiplayer, we continue to add dedicated server capacity. We are confident that the large-scale multiplayer maps featuring 32 players, vehicles, infantry and drones, will continue to be a major draw for the huge audience of FPS gamers looking for a new experience over the coming months."

THQ president and CEO Brian Farrell said they're "delighted" with the game's sales thus far, so it looks like we can expect a sequel at some point. And remember, the game is getting favorable reviews from gamers everywhere, even if the critics aren't wholly enamored. You'll see our analysis shortly.

Related Game(s): Homefront

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13 years ago

I didn't buy it because there just seems to be far too much emphasis on vehicles in the mp. Vehicles in mp are for gamers who don't know how to handle their firearms so they hide in armored transport hoping to score a kill with whatever overpowered weaponry is on board. Who needs a play mechanic that encourages cowardice in a mp centric game?

13 years ago

If your in a vehichle you basically have painted a target on your back. I tried using them and just could't get anywhere. I had RPG's up the a** coming at me.

13 years ago

in any fps game, my usual load out consists of a strong gun and always some type of anti armor weapon. mw2 scra+stinger, BO commando+strela, KZ3 assault rifle+rocket launcher. kinda pisses me off that mechs take more than 1 rocket to kill because they're pretty overpowered, same as the wasps. at one game in salamun district, i went up against 3 of them. as for the wasp, thats just a joke in multiplayer, its so over powered. we didnt need to have that on any map at all.

13 years ago

Sneak up behind the mechs JohnLD. Only takes a single rocket to the back and BOOM!

Also, as I said before, while the wasp is over powered, it's fairly easy to take out from a safe distance. You just have to find the right places to do it. It's a good way to rack up kills too as many idiots will always go back to it once you kill them like clock work.

13 years ago


You shouldn't be put off by the emphasis on vehicles it's fairly easy to take those guys out if you flank them. Just quickly use battle points to buy a rocket after freezing the vehicle with a emp grenade and let loose. Gotten many kills by doing that.

As for the air support well that's a different story. But I can assure you I've had games where I had thirty something kills using no vehicles. It's all about being tactical and using your battle points efficiently.

13 years ago

its kinda hard to sneak up on them when i'm doing everything, babysitting spawn points, or being spawn camped. it shouldnt be that hard to hit the pilots either. i know i sniped them a lot before but when you use an assault rifle and aim at the opening, it should work. but i emptied a clip on that opening and still nothing but a rocket in my face.

13 years ago

Huh. Alienange not liking a good feature in an FPS. What else is new?

13 years ago

I've watched a couple gameplay videos earlier today & I'm back in Homefront's camp.

But since it's such a short SP mode, I'll wait for a decent price drop. Plus since my 60Gigger just died yesterday, I won't be playing any games on till July when I've got the money to get it repaired, along with buying a slim too just as a back-up.

13 years ago

walmart has it for 41 bucks right now.

13 years ago

I like how you can control the bot-tank from a different locale, to take out enemy armored vehicles.

13 years ago

If the game had a decent length sp campaign I would have considered picking it up for $40, but since it's on the short end of the fps games, I'll be waiting till I can get it for $20.

13 years ago

Dude, the game is not worth it. It freezes a LOT.

The recent patches made things even worse. It f-ed up stats and deletes your progress.

The game is broken.

The solo mode is barely 5 hours long and the online mode is riddled with crap that make it not even worth a rent. Much less $40 or even $20 bucks.

They are other better games out there with more polish than this game. Spend your money on those.

13 years ago

Dunno if the game is any good, but any military FPS now has to deal with the fact that if it doesn't have "Call of Duty" stamped on the front it will be tossed in a wood chipper by reviewers.

13 years ago

Just finished it and I'm left wanting more. I wanna see where they take the series now.

13 years ago

I'm actually digging Homefront from videos i have seen. At least it has Dedicated servers, the hit detection seems flawless so far, I might actually get it sometime when i can.

13 years ago


The servers could be better. There have been some issues with joining a friend because as soon as you tried to enter a match your friend would be kicked and you would end up riding solo. This is my only issue really with the multiplayer besides a few freezes. Hopefully they send some kind of patch soon. Otherwise, it's awesome!

13 years ago

i bet those stockholders are kicking themselves now!
i honestly cant understand the hate this games getting!
its better then every COD out there, but getting half the scores.
that is exactly why i dont trust reviews anymore!
soon they will be telling me rouge warrior is the best thing since sliced bread!

13 years ago

So before sliced bread…was the best thing a loaf of bread? Lol I never understood that phrase.

13 years ago

no, the meaning of the prase is that bread is cheap and theres so many things you can do with it.
like the wheel, it revolutionized humanity!

13 years ago

I'm stilll waiting for Ben's review on this and if I'm convinced, I'll get this in January.

But for a new IP and a THQ game, 375000 sold in a day is a damn good number.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 3/17/2011 4:15:04 AM

13 years ago

Not enough time in my life for this game.

13 years ago

Homefront is a broken game. I am loving it but my PS3 has frozen 14 times and I am done until they patch it. Without the freezing I am having a ton of fun and love the game. The Homefront forums are full of people with freezing problems. My freezing problems require to hard reboot my PS3 which sucks! Trying to find out if the SP has any freezing issues otherwise it's back to KZ3 until they fix it.

13 years ago

I'm not sure if I want it. The $41 is tempting but I think i'll have to rent it before deciding on definitely buying or not. Too many games out there now that I want but can't buy so I'm not adding this on the list of games I want to buy if its not worth it.

13 years ago

Yeah, I hear you, it's disappointing that Amazon had such a great deal after it was released. I bought it for $40.98 using my $20 credit. Would have been nice to get this for $21. Love Amazon, but this rubbed me the wrong way. 🙁
Get the game is you love MP and won't be getting Crysis 2. The SP is so short it doesn't merit a purchase by itself. The MP is very rich and deep and will satisfy for sometime.

13 years ago

I'm on the border with that game as well, I played the demo on the 360 and I was pretty bad at it lol. I'm gonna try the ps3 version tonight cuz I dunno what it is but I'm better at fps on a ps3 vs a 360? Crysis 2 seems like a blend of halo cuz of the scifi elements like the nanosuit but still remains a modern day combat type like CoD with the environments and such.

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