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Ubisoft Reveals Rocksmith: Real Guitar And Real Learning

Plastic instruments? Bah. Guitar Hero is no more and Ubisoft wants to take the next step.

Today, Ubisoft has revealed Rocksmith , the new music-based game franchise that is primed to revolutionize the genre. It is the first and only title that lets the player use any guitar with a standard quarter-inch input jack; just plug it into the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 or PC, and try any song from a large library of music, "including everything from the latest hits to classic rock songs." The game will automatically adjust to your skill level, and it even makes reading music "fun and intuitive." Therefore, this should be great for both pure novices and amateur musicians. Said Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Ubisoft U.S.:

"Rocksmith is the most authentic and addicting music game ever created. Whether a beginner or a seasoned guitar vet, players progress at their own speed and walk away from the game with the ability to play songs by memory. Rocksmith is the only video game that gets players stage ready."

To check out some promotional videos, visit the game's official site ; you'll see people learning with different guitars. And at the end of the day, it's not just about pressing buttons on something that resembles a guitar, it's about being able to play a real song on a real guitar without any assistance.

So who's up for it?

Related Game(s): Rocksmith

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13 years ago

This seems a day late and a dollar short. Nice idea though, but isn't that kinda what the last Rockband offered? Sans using ANY guitar.

I'd give it a go though.

Last edited by main_event05 on 3/15/2011 12:40:05 PM

13 years ago

How exactly did rockband offer anything like this aside from drums?

Pushing coloured buttons on a plastic guitar is much different than playing a sixstring guitar at your own pace.

13 years ago

that was more of a question than a statement.

but if i'm not mistaken didn't rockband's last guitar feature a stringed guitar where you had to play actual chords?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It did, but it was eeexpensive, and you could only use the certain guitar (I think). With this, you can use just about anything, which is far more appealing.

13 years ago

Rock Bands' new guitar is a six-string guitar thats fully compatible with the game. This is a game where any guitar can be used. That's about the only difference in my eyes, and I'm too busy learning how to play guitar on Rock Band to want to play this game. Rock Band's giving me everything I need to get to an at least comprehensive level of guitar playing. Using any guitar would be cool though, but I'm interested to see how the game can differentiate between all the different frets on different strings.

EDIT: Just as a quick clarification, I'm using that expensive guitar Lawless, and it's really not much more than any average guitar of the same quality, and I didn't previously own a guitar, so the purchase was well worth it.

@main_event05, it was a six-string guitar and all on-disc songs were compatible, plus about 1-2 dlc songs a week have a "Pro-Guitar" upgrade.

@coverton341, There's also pro drums now, which add symbols to the set making it basically an electronic drum set and every song ever officially released supports it, so that's a fairly good way to learn real drums and real guitar on Rock Band 3.

Last edited by TheIllusiveMan on 3/15/2011 2:03:21 PM

13 years ago

See, I did not know that Rockband offered a six string guitar. I don't much enjoy the music genre games and haven't played on since the first Rockband which only had the plastic guitars and flimsy drums.

13 years ago

I never got into the genre. I tried it at least. If I were into this type of thing I'd be all over it. Using a real guitar while playing real notes..sounds cool…

13 years ago

If it works well, I'll be hooking up my guitar and having a blast.

I'm gonna cross my fingers on this one. I really hope it works well.

13 years ago

as a musician i always hated rock band and guitar queero's lack of teachings. given, the microphone was fun, but the rest is just masturbation…
i was disappointed that kids nowadays didn't learn real instruments and instead fake their way through some crappy plastic toy…

i don't think i'll buy the game (i'll just stick to mics at games and actual instruments IRL), but i applaud ubisofts attempt to bring back musical interest to younger audience.

more power to ya!

13 years ago

This actually sounds cool. Any guitar at all? I imagine that they have a 1/4 jack to USB converter that acts like the amp does and listens to the notes from the pickups and gauges how well you do against the notes you play to the notes on screen. It will probably have you tune your guitar to perfect notes as well.

This could be really good for people who want to learn to play guitar for real instead of plastic instruments if it is done correctly.

Last edited by coverton341 on 3/15/2011 12:53:22 PM

13 years ago

So for all you losers who bought a guitar and never learned how to play it, have we got something for YOU.

13 years ago

I actually did buy a real guitar last year and it hasn't been the easiest of things to learn. I'll keep this game on my radar.

13 years ago

I was saving up money to go to Camp Rock but this seems better

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Sweetness. I mean, that's one way to learn guitar. I just wonder if it'll also let people use the GH/RB guitars, for the sake of compatability, or if Ubisoft will release some sort of el cheapo guitar alongside it. I've always wanted to learn guitar, but have never had anything to really persuade me to try, but this might just be enough incentive.

13 years ago

I'll rent this for sure when it comes out and give it a whirl with my guitar. If it works well, it'll be a definite buy for me.

13 years ago


After that I reckon they need to make a music creator tool so people can create their own material without having to pay an abysmal amount for software and a mixer.

13 years ago

I think this is destined to turn out like Power Gig.

13 years ago

If this can teach me to actually play then I might be interested, never been able to stick with it when trying to teach myself by looking at a page of chords.

13 years ago

well considering im just about to start taking up the guitar ill actually look into this. obvi ill be learning PROPERLY, but heck, if this makes for good practice, then yeah i will

EDIT: just realised im learning an acoustic, that means i dont think ill have an amp connection. ohhh :/

Last edited by Zorigo on 3/15/2011 5:11:24 PM

13 years ago

Some acoustics do, mine does. Just depends on what ya buy.

13 years ago

ahh, ill lok into an amped one then

13 years ago

ahh, ill lok into an amped one then

13 years ago

I play guitar, this doesn't interest me apart from I'd be able to show people up 😀

13 years ago

This is exactly what I hoped RB3 would do, definitely looking forward to trying this one. Hopefully it will be a good, fun way to learn to play my guitar that's been collecting dust in the closet…

13 years ago

I'm not into the music games although I've bought a few just to complete my collections.

Donkey Konga Bongo's anyone????

But hey what the hell, I'll buy Rocksmith if it let's me hook in my air guitar.

13 years ago

Hi all. It's my first post.

I saw the trailers and I'm skeptical because they are only playing single notes… no chords.

I already own a guitar so if this game is good, I'd rather get this than have to buy another guitar for RockBand's pro mode.

13 years ago

They did say that the difficulty changes for amateurs and seasoned, so maybe shes on the easiest setting? Just a guess

13 years ago

Welcome to the site!

I agree with SONY_Only I'm thinking that they were showing somebody that had little to no guitar experience.

13 years ago

Id give this game a shot, i was a rockband fan back in the day an was playing real guitar but kinda slowed down since then. Ill keep my eye on it along with the track list.

13 years ago

I don't think some of you guys are getting the point. It seems to be more like an interactive instructor than another button smashing plastic guitar game. If people realize the difference I think it has a promising future.

I really like that you can use any REAL guitar, and learn to read REAL music. I'll definitely be giving it a try.

13 years ago

The fact that it uses any real electric guitar is a cool idea, but how well does it actually work? This is a really gutsy move on their part.

13 years ago

oh god ubisoft what has happened to you!?
you have gone from the hardcore games like rainbow six, splinter cell, prince of persia, ghost recon, to the kids games like this, zumba, just dance.
god, your turning into antivision!

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