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SOCOM 4 Gameplay Spotted At PAX

We normally don't post gameplay taken by amateurs at industry events, just 'cuz it usually sucks.

But this isn't too bad and besides, you get to see nearly 10 minutes of SOCOM 4 gameplay. The highly anticipated third-person shooter will force you to utilize a lot of strategy, and basically demands that you work as a team. Plus, don't forget we get a single-player campaign this time around, and that's a definite bonus. Check it out:

SOCOM 4 arrives on April 19 and those who are familiar with the long-running series are probably excited. Zipper Interactive kinda knows what they're doing ( MAG , anyone?) and we're convinced they can deliver a military shooter that can be endless fun for most all recruits.

Related Game(s): SOCOM 4

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13 years ago

No brainer for me. With Zipper back in the driver's seat of this one to fix what Slant 6 did to this series, this game is a resounding, "Hell Yeah!" for me.

I feel I should follow this up with a "HooRah!" for some reason….

I'm not sure why but there are very few FPS games that I have enjoyed playing online, but even with the glitches of the last SOCOM, (Confrontation) I always loved the feel and online gameplay of the third person shooter…same went with Uncharted 2 Multiplayer. This gameplay video looks like it might be the same feel to it…count me in!

Last edited by CH1N00K on 3/14/2011 11:16:07 AM

13 years ago

Looking forward to this one as well to get the bad taste of Slant 6's mess out of my mouth.

Also, on a side note. I saw Battle Los Angeles this weekend and I had to smile when I saw the Resistance 3 billboard plug. Of course, it is probably (not sure) a Sony film so that is why it was in there. I've watched 2 other films recently that were Sony films and I also had to smile when I saw them use a PSP and PS3 dualshock when showing the kids playing video games.

Lastly the aliens in Battle L.A. kinda had SOME minute resemblance to the Chimera

13 years ago

Battle: LA is a SONY film 😉

13 years ago

Coltater –

First thing my sons and I thought. It's Resistance set in 2011.

13 years ago

I actually missed the resistance billboard.

13 years ago

@ World

Something got by you? What is going on? Also, what is your PSN ID? Like to shoot the breeze sometime about games and other topics if you have a mic or PS eye. Your sarcasm and quick wit are bar none on here and you seem like a real laid back down to earth dude. I need a gaming buddy that has the same taste and attitude towards gaming that I do. Alas, all my friends that I can physically see here in CA are stuck on that rehashed Activision game and won't get on board with all the other greatness out there.
I know you don't do multiplayer much, but it'd still be nice to talk about other games.

And before anybody gets the urge to be a wiseguy, NO I am not hitting on World. I'm a 32 year old happily married chillax hetero.

13 years ago

I appreciate the complements, yourself and anyone else can find me under DonovanTheICEMAN.

It's good to talk to someone that appreciates a bit of wit now and then.

13 years ago

I was extremely skeptical given how much I disliked Socom 3. The gameplay seems fluid and smooth. Zipper knows how to do team oriented MP especially given with what they've done with MAG. I can't wait for the Beta.

13 years ago

when is the beta coming? april 19 is right around the corner. they need to get it out there so they can iron out the kinks. i'm really excited for this game becuase i'm more into third person shooters than fps. the sixth axis had an in depth hands on preview, and they came away pretty impressed. they said the move controls worked great, as well. they also had a hands on session with infamous2, and said it is greatly improved. so that's great new about 2 sony exclusives.

i called sony about my promotion code that came with kz3, and they said they don't know when the beta is coming:(

13 years ago


there's a few dates for the Beta. March 15 the private beta launches. March 22nd you get access if you're Plus member. If you got the code with KZ3 then you have to wait until the 29th. Everybody else gets it on April 5 I believe….

So personally I really don't need my code for KZ3 since I'm Plus

Last edited by slugga_status on 3/14/2011 1:07:51 PM

13 years ago

Never played a socom game before, but with this one having sp and move support, I will get it at some point.

13 years ago

The SOCOM beta can't come fast enough (for KZ3 buyers)

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

We Playstation Plussers get it a week before the Kz3 buyers on the 22nd 🙂

A week after the 22nd the Kz3 buyers will be able to redeem their code on the 29th 🙂

Just a week after the 29th on april 5th, Public Beta goes live for anyone to download 🙂 –
Tomorrow March 15th, private invites will be sent. A lot of people bought Kz3 just to get in to this Beta. After all it was the "easiest" way to get in right? False. Developers lying. Anyway, I have Ps+ & im ready for the tuesday after the next.

13 years ago

Yeah, us KZ3 buyers got screwed. I see now that PS+ users will have first access to most beta's

13 years ago

lol people brought k3 just to get into a beta *sigh*

13 years ago

Really excited to play this with my Sharpshooter. I thought it was gonna be awesome and now that I see footage my feelings were confirmed.

13 years ago

Never played a Socom game but this looks like a lot of fun. Especially with Move. And it will be in 3D! Woohoo!

13 years ago

Socom is a blast, very methodical game play. Plus, it's Zipper.

13 years ago

Socom 2 will always be my favorite game, the experiences that i have had when playing was very friendly and fun to play. What's funny though is a lot of the players and teams that i have played in they always communicated and acted as a team. There are a few that act as a team and a lot of others who go solo and act alone on the new generation of games.

I miss the Socom 2 days. =(

Last edited by Clamedeus on 3/14/2011 2:22:17 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The companion AI will make or break this game, but previews that I've read make it seem as though it's not too bad. Ah, but of course, SOCOM is for the online. Nah, I don't care about that. It's all about the SP for me.

13 years ago

Socom isn't just for online, they have SP as well. The previous games had an ok story, but was fun to play SP as well as online. SC didn't have one though.

13 years ago

Lawless –

I disagree. The companion AI only has to be functional. I am not looking for it to emulate human behavior. I'll go to co-op mode if I want that!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I've just always seenand heard people clamouring for the online portion, and it seems the SP isn't really on the minds of most.

13 years ago

Yeah, the online is fun indeed, but i know other fans who also liked playing the SP as well as the multiplayer.

You will get people that don't like SP, and those who like multiplayer only. But there are others out there who liked playing the SP portion as well. I loved playing SP and trying to figure out how to handle the situation if things went down hill, and what other tactics i could use and refine them.

I've seen very good teams online on Socom 2 back then who had strategies and talked like they were in the military or something it was pretty cool how they operated in the game and it was very effective while playing. I'm a SP guy and an MP kind of guy as well.

13 years ago

Well, for me it is. Shoot me a friend request. I'll be looking for 4 other people to do the campaign with!!

13 years ago

@Maxpontiac The PS3 i have died on me, my friend won it from an auction and he gave it to me, i don't know how long the original owner had it for or if he tampered with it or not.

But I'm saving up for a new PS3, and when Socom 4 comes out I'm hoping i can get it as well, money is pretty tight on my end and i can't work because of health issues and what not.

But if you want to add me that will be fine as well. PSN ID: Zoryu_of_Setsuna

Edit: I forgot to mention what games do you have? I don't mind playing co-op with other people on different games.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 3/14/2011 3:24:05 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Ah, I'd love to, but as I've mentioned before, I'm PSoffline. Still can't get broadband here. It's why I go for the interesting SPs.

13 years ago

I don't plan on leaving this site, so when you get a PS3, or go online with it, send me a friend request.

I play a ton of games, but mostly with my sons and sometimes with friends. Socom however, is definitely something I want to do in co-op.

13 years ago

Alright, will do.

13 years ago

This is a D1P for me. Can't wait to play the beta. I'm picking it up through Amazon since I just got $15 towards a future purchase for buying Homefront.

13 years ago

i hope this has not lost the tactical feel of old games, and the stealth ability.
im just worried this is going to turn into another COD wannabee!

13 years ago

It will

13 years ago

@___ Socom has always been about being tactical and using stealth, it's a disgrace even mentioning Call of Duty with Socom.

I have always liked Socom more than Call of Duty, Call of Duty has major balancing issues as Socom always had balance with guns it always stayed true that the most skilled player will come out on top and not the new people who use cheap tactics to improve them of winning, you can't improve unless you try to be better and learn.

@JSwayze I highly doubt Socom will turn into a Call of Duty wannabe. Socom > Call of Duty

13 years ago

I got into the private beta.

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