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Brave The Streets Of Arkham City On October 18

Initially, rumors started to spread that we got a European release date for Batman: Arkham City .

Not long after the first rumor began to circulate, Warner Bros. confirmed to Eurogamer that the hotly anticipated sequel will launch on October 21 in "Europe and other global territories." And now, the North American date is here, too- October 18. Arkham City is the follow-up effort to Rocksteady's breakthrough blockbuster, Batman: Arkham Asylum , a game that garnered high praise from critics worldwide. It helped to solidify the developer as an elite design team and finally shrugged off the less-than-enviable stereotype that all superhero video games are just plain "meh." With Arkham City , the Caped Crusader hits the streets and must deal with all new foes. New villains will rear their ugly faces and new goals must be completed; early footage and info proves the production should be super polished and massively entertaining.

It's one of the first major titles for 2011 that has an October release date but if history is any guide, many more will decide to launch that month.

Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City

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13 years ago

i just sent in a tip about this release date but it seams you may have already seen this. cant wait to play this as the first one was excellent. hope this game has some cool preorder or special editions for it. hope ps3 gets the exclusive love again also

13 years ago

loved the first one, cant wait..

13 years ago

I need to check out the first one

13 years ago

My guess was right Batman Arkham city in Oct.
Now i can play R3 , Batman Arkham City and UC3 without any problem!

But now i'm more excited for another Super Hero Game called Infamous 2 which is going to be an Epic Story!

Last edited by Kiryu on 3/11/2011 11:00:18 AM

13 years ago

I want an DLC character like Batman AA (Joker)! Thank you Rocksteady for the PS3 Love! I wonder if this one will be in 3D this time around or will they tone it down for the 360ers and go old school with the blue and red shades again.

*Off Topic* Has anyone else played the MK demo? This demo has me more hype than ever…the blood is BACK! The characters look amazing covered in blood with torn clothes, chunks of meat missing, and even bone showing!

New Mortal Kombat > MK VS Dc Universe ANYDAY!

Last edited by Snorge on 3/11/2011 11:02:26 AM

13 years ago

MK is back and better than ever!

13 years ago

Seriously!!?? Wow, that sounds excellent! I will have to wait until I believe 3/15. To bad DC ruined Mortal Kombat vs DC. That game could have been sick as well. Thanks for the news!

13 years ago

Sorry to inform you…its coming out 4/19…not 3/15…..

13 years ago

@Snorge I believe he's talking about the demo which will be available to everybody this Tuesday

13 years ago

Yes, I was referring to the demo. Should be a good time!

13 years ago

I see this a lot, especially amongst comic book reading gamers. DC did little to mess with Mortal Kombat. They did no editing, no censorship, and, as far as I can tell, had very little creative imput on how the game turned out. It was all the work of the newly named Netherrealm Studios on how MKvDCU was toned down and almost unrecognizable as a Mortal Kombat game.

Warner Bros. has been very developer friendly this generation — with Arkham Asylum and the new Mortal Kombat, for instance — so it's kinda weird to see the blame being laid at their feet for something like MKvDCU, when it was Ed Boon and company's fault.

13 years ago

I can't wait for this. The first one was incredible. I expect nothing less from this one

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

D1P 4 me
At this rate i'll have more games than actual friends

13 years ago

Just make videogames your friends and there's nothing to be concerned about.

"Hi, there Lost Odyssey 'winks at porkchop', how are you this day?"

*inanimate Lost Odyssey game box sits on shelf lifeless*

"Now much for words today, eh?

Fine, be that way! I'm not big on talking either so let's just play"
*places disk into tray and plays.*
*warm friend-like feelings ensue*

See, Lord carlos, perfectly natural and healthy =p

13 years ago

You might need a little help….just a little…..LMAO!

Last edited by Snorge on 3/11/2011 11:47:46 AM

13 years ago

lol, the funniest part about your post Temjin is that the 360 has a disc tray. Hah!

13 years ago

Batman:AA doesn't need to fear other games. It stands on its own. Uncharted may be an adventure game, but this is the superhero genre (and yeah, Batman isn't exactly super). Infamous, I can classify him as someone with super powers, but not really a superhero game.

13 years ago

I agree, infamous isnt a Superhero game in my book. Everyone says that, but did the public and media place the game under that genre or did the devs themself?

13 years ago

More of a super-powers game. Coz Cole isn't really a hero as the game gives you two sides: the hero and anti-hero.

Its an electric game!

13 years ago

Summer belongs to Cole McGrath's wrath.

13 years ago

Arkham Asylum was my GOTY! D1P!

13 years ago

I'm marking my calendar now!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Am I the only one that isn't really excited for this? I'll get it at some point, and I like what I've heard of all the additions and improvements made from the original. But the problem is that I thought the original was just sort of 'meh'. I'll still get it, just a little way down the track.

13 years ago

I doubt you are the only one. But different strokes for different folks. The Interwebz is all about opinion and you are entitled to yours.

13 years ago

@ Lawless,

I would say you in a small minority (Very Small).

Arkham Asylum is the most underappreciated game of this generation. I loved that game and still play it waiting on Arkham City. It took some coercing but I finally got a friend to play it and he bought it the next day. Definitely to each his own, but you are missing out.

13 years ago

With all the AAA titles coming out this year my PS3 is going to hate me…Cause it won't catch a break this year at all.

I also heard that Microsoft bought exclusive rights to True Crime: Hong Kong, so does anyone know if this true cause if it is then I guess my 360 will be gettin a little playtime between TC:HK and Gears3 at least.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 3/11/2011 4:54:07 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

No. True Crime was cancelled a while back. And Activision owns the IP, not the third-party company that was developing. There's no chance of 360 exclusivity.

13 years ago

I know it was cancelled which is why I was asking if anyone knew if there was any truth to the recent rumors that MS is trying to buy the rights of the game. I would like them too as TC:HK was one of my highly anticipated buys of this year.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Done a bit of research. This rumour started with HipHopGamer, and I can find no other evidence to either support or contradict it. But, given that Activision did drop the title, it's possible that they may try to shop the IP off. United Front Games would support that move, as they need to make money somehow, and Modnation didn't exactly set the market alight. Microsoft would be a likely buyer. We've seen how they like to buy third party exclusivity. So, it's possible, but I don't think likely.

13 years ago

cant freaking wait to start playing this!
still playing AA, just this morning i finally managed to get into the wardens secret room.
now that was a pain in the a$$!
got to place the gel exactly in the exact right spot, one micro millimeter out for either 3 and you wont get in.
spraying gell on a wall for 2 hours is the kind of things to send a man insane!

13 years ago

Whoa! One day after my b-day! I am gonna celebrate in style 😀

13 years ago

Sweet! 8 days after mine 🙂

::Looks at girlfriend:: "Hey Kim! Guess what I want for my birthday!"

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