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EA Wants Dead Space To Be The New Resident Evil

FPS will always be big, but EA isn't about to discount the massively huge action category.

In speaking to IGN , EA Games President Frank Gibeau says he's happy with the success Dead Space 2 enjoyed, but there's still room to grow. He mentioned Capcom's triumph in bringing Resident Evil to the mainstream masses and it's clear EA has similar intentions for their own horror franchise. Said Gibeau:

"The Resident Evil series was awesome, the early versions were phenomenal. [Capcom] did a good job of growing the franchise to a very large market. I think we still have some areas to grow with Dead Space in terms of trying to reach a broader audience without losing the quality and that survival-horror mechanic. That's how we're going to think about it as we think about Dead Space 3 and what we do next with the IP."

Also, we shouldn't forget EA's partnership with Grasshopper Manufacture; the duo will provide gamers with the dark, hellish Shadows of the Damned , and it's evidence of EA's drive to dominate the action genre. Added Gibeau:

"Overall, we want to try and grow the business in the action category. EA doesn't really have a very strong stake there; survival-horror kind of lives in that genre. 3rd-person action is something that we think we can build and our Visceral Games team is really working hard at crafting some new IPs as well as building out ones that have succeeded."

For the latest on Shadows , check out the new trailer . Overall, EA really has tried to bring continual quality to gamers this generation; partnerships like the one they have with BioWare are invaluable. And as far Dead Space 3 , we're pretty convinced it will rule.

Related Game(s): Dead Space 3

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13 years ago

Ugh. Here we go.

The beauty of Dead Space is that it ISN'T Resident Evil. Embrace that fact, EA, and you'll do fine.

13 years ago

Dead Space still doesn't hold a candle to the old Resident Evil games. Resident Evil 5? Yea…Dead Space all the way.

13 years ago

RE 1, 2, and 3 were all masterpieces. I'm so disappointed with what it has become. I don't want Dead Space to lose it's identity trying to cater to the masses.

13 years ago

Code Veronica wasn't good to you?

13 years ago

So maybe we'll try not to compare it. Resident is Resident and Dead Space i Dead Space. true?

13 years ago

I forgot all about Code Veronica. I beat it, but it wasn't a game I kept going back to like the first three were.

I do remember having to restart it because I dropped the fire extinguisher in the middle of the game after I used it once. I didn't realize I'd need to use it again to get the Colt, or 45, whatever really powerful handgun it was.

13 years ago

I have and will continue to enjoy ds2 because it's an awesome game no doubt. I am enjoying it much more than I did re5, I expected too much of it I suppose. If viseral put in some kind of survival mode online, it would be perfect.

13 years ago

Meh….been playing DS2 and I miss oldschool RE. I really enjoyed the 1st DS but for some reason DS2 just seems…well boring.

Nothing, and I mean nothing can take the place of the original RE and its mansion and sick ass CGI scenes (especially the first time the Hunter is introduced).

13 years ago

I was just about to say the same thing. Almost verbatim. 🙂

13 years ago

That sounds like bad news. I'm enjoying DS2 but making it even more actiony is gonna lead to trouble.

Love me some Visceral, but is this gonna mean that EA's pressure will keep me from every getting my next Dante's Inferno fix? AGH.

13 years ago

Well, I haven't played the DS games, only the demos, and I think if it went the Resident Evil route, it would destroy what is really a good idea at the minute!



13 years ago

Not gonna happen. I'm already bored with this series. Wish I wasn't because it's a decent game. Its just not as fun as Resident Evil was.

Also all the F-Bombs made the second game really tacky. Why do developers think in order to make a mature game they need to have excessive cursing?

13 years ago

Exactly, throwing in curse words for no reason doesn't make the game more appealing, it makes me think the script writer isn't very good and makes the in game character sound like his vocabulary is lacking.

13 years ago

Indeed. A ton of cursing shows a lack of vocabulary, skills in speaking, writing, stand up comedy etc. You ever see Jim Gaffigan's stand up? He's one of the funniest dude's I've seen and he never curses.

13 years ago

Hot pocket.

LOL love Gaffigan. "And apparently you're never supposed to smoke crack."

Best comedian I have ever seen.

13 years ago

I think they only dropped the F-bomb a couple times in DS2. They only used it for certain parts where normal people would be saying it too (aka the beginning of the last boss fight).

Besides, it was nowhere near as bad as the travesty that was KZ2. I loved KZ2, but if you think DS2 had excessive swearing and you'ved played KZ2, you are out of your mind.

13 years ago

It is sad to see video game franchises over the years change and become something entirely different. Any true RES fan going back to the original can see that Capcom has went away from horror and instead has captivated a new audience in action oriented gameplay. I hope EA doesn't leave the darkness and gruesomeness of Dead Space for unrealistic over the top action that sites no sense of tension and fear. The fictional story of Dead Space has been approached with as much realism as video game can expend. No back flips, so steroids, just a normal human. Resident Evil use-to have genuine characters in a survival horror settings that were just trying to get by. Nothing like the movie where Alice dominates any and every creature that comes her way. I'm more afraid for the zombies then for her. Back before Chris Redfield took steroids, Jill Valentine got a face-transplant and a new voice actor (oh and martial art skills that warrants an ass whooping for multiple armed individuals), Resident Evil had characters that were vulnerable. I hope EA wants Dead Space to be Dead Space, cause Resident Evil wants to be Gears of War.

13 years ago

How about Wesker's transformation into Neo? Ugh…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

If they manage to reach that level of mainstream success, then more power to them. Resident Evil has huge brand power, and is one of the most recognisable names in the games industry (helped of course by the films). Dead Space is certainly on the way to following that. It's had two very good games and a third solid one, as well as other media.

My only hope is that they don't go overboard with this series and start to milk it too heavily. As long as they can continually make good, we'll be good.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

P.S. If anyone cares: I just have to check over my review and make sure that I haven't changed my mind about anything included before posting. That means that I'll submit it in just a bit.

13 years ago

The lack of bosses in Dead Space 2 is kind of disappointing too. I can't recall any memorable boss fight and I am on Chapter 13.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Too true. The scale was reduced far too much when it comes to the bosses.

13 years ago

Even the original Dead Space was lacking. I think it had like…two decent boss fights. I would have thought EA would up the ante…but nope!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Nah, the original had four bosses, while in the second, nothing really stood out. It was just heavier swarms of enemies.

13 years ago

The only boss fight that stood out was the big thing at the end of the first or second chapter. I died more during that fight than any other time in the game.

There was nothing in DS2 that compared to the boss fight in DS1, Chapter 6 against the levithian… I remember leading up to it, hearing the elevator voice saying there is a 10 kiloton mass stuck in food storage. WTF moment for sure.

Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 3/9/2011 11:29:54 PM

13 years ago

Haven't finished Dead Space 2 and kind of ashamed of it. It was like on my MAG (most anticipated game) list for a long time but I just haven't put in the sufficient amount of time to completing it. School and stuff. Oh well, I'll get around to it sooner or later. Spring break…NICE!

About the DS franchise wanting to be RE. Well…these days I simply can't stand wanna-be-clones. Although I loved The Island! Scarlett Johannson and Ewan McGreggor anyone?

P.S-the spelling on those last names are probably atrocious? LOL

13 years ago

DS is good stuff for sure, but to be the new RE? That's a tough one if you're hoping to stay in the action department. The original REs had moments to them. Quiet and creepy moments. It seems to me that with DS2 Visceral is getting away from that kind of atmosphere.

13 years ago

I think they need to focus on making Dead Space what Dead Space was intended to be.

I don't however mind them wanting to bring out more 3rd person action games, after rpgs those are some of my favorites.

13 years ago

Dead Space will have to open things up a bit to keep going. I like the claustrophobic station element, but it will get tired and only needs to be a part of the gameplay if they don't want every iteration to feel the same.

I really think they should let the series rest after DS3. I am looking forward to this new IP from Visceral though.

13 years ago


At first I thought it was cool how you go back to the Ishimura in 2 but about 20 minutes in I was thinking to myself…"okay, rehashed rooms with black lights."

13 years ago

Yhea, both of you make good points. In the demo the atmosphere was no doubt great, but honestly, to play in cramped quarters like that for 10 hours would be too much. No matter what the subject matter, I think people like nice spaces, sometimes big, with beautiful block buster vistas to enjoy… not corridors only. I know DS has some "open" sequences and areas, but I don't know if it would work to continually have room, corridor, room, corridor for DS3, 4 and 5…



13 years ago

Yeah let the man land on a creepy alien planet for once, you ever been lost in the woods at night? That can be way creepier than a metallic hallway.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I say the third one should head for Earth. It'd blow open the possibilities for environmental variation, and make sense in terms of the story. I just wonder how the Necromorphs would play into it in that case. Only problem is that it would almost force the non-inclusion of Zero-G segments.

13 years ago

***Minor Spoilers***

RE is some of the most claustrophobic environments you could get….small rooms, hallways, the sewers…

I think DS opens it up when they need to…the Hub, the Unitologist church, OUTER FREAKIN SPACE! I don't know how much more open you can get! 😉

@Jawknee – That ship was just for the fans, and it's only 1 chapter in a game of 15, so I don't think it takes anything away, it only adds more to it. I don't see how you weren't freaked out as hell in there. I thought it was awesome that they put it in there.

And RE was on Earth, so to keep them as individual as possible, I say they keep the DS series in space.

13 years ago


13 years ago

DS2 is a great game, the only problem is the lack of story, i wonder what that hell they gonna do in the trird one…

13 years ago

OH LORD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i swear to god EA, destroy this series and your going to wish you were never born!
ill go ape sh*t if this turns into RE!
this is why games cant be popular!
as soon as they sell well, developers sell their series out!
and people say piracy is destroying the industry!

Last edited by ___________ on 3/10/2011 4:11:13 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

They're talking about marketability, not literally copying every aspect of RE. Even so, I think it wouldn't be a bad thing if they toned down the action segments somewhat. Y'know, put more of a focus on the horror.

Just curious, why would you consider this selling out? Why do YOU think that this would be such a god awful thing, and a part of the destruction of the industry?

13 years ago

its clear they want the opposite, turn it into a more action oriented game like what RE5 has.
splinter cell did it, MGS did it, RE did it, alone in the dark did it, silent hill did it.
so i wont be surprised to see DS do it.
some games are meant to be action games, and some arent.
this most certainly is not meant to be a action game!

13 years ago

MGS was not action orientated at all. It was if you chose to play it that way.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Are you kidding me? Dead Space was an action game with horror elements. The second one was far more fast-paced, but also included more psychological horror. Whether you like it or not, Dead Space is an action franchise.

13 years ago

I thought you didn't like this franchise?

That's your opinion, yet you state it like its fact. If he considers it to be horror, then its horror for him. No need to go around saying its not horror to everyone just because you don't think it is.

Last edited by Lairfan on 3/10/2011 7:31:57 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

True. I do apologise for that.

13 years ago

now it is the new resi but the old resi games are just classic i love resi4 and yeh the main upset i had with ds2 was no alot of bosses to vary the gameup

13 years ago

But i loved re on ps2 and ps1 … re5 was nothing like the series … they have no idea how many of us would buy re

13 years ago

EA needs to let DS be DS. I don't think anybody will come close to what RE and RE 2 accomplished from a survival horror stand point. Those first two of the RE series made me make better decisions, when to shoot or run, ammo conservation, etc. The environments created were perfect..i.e. Mansion and Raccoon police station…man the memories

13 years ago

Wow, there's a lot of hate for DS2 on this page. Where was all this hate on every other article for the game?

Anyways, I'm okay with this. As long as they keep that survival horror aspect intact, it won't really matter how much they expand into broader audiences.

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