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First Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Details

Okay, so we've seen some of that amazing single-player campaign in Battlefield 3 , but the shooter fans have been waiting on those multiplayer details.

Well, if you check the game's blog , you will find a "what we know so far" summary of multiplayer info for the hotly anticipated shooter. They confirm 64 players for PC and 24 players for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions, and there will be 4 separate classes, as there were in Bad Company 2 . Here's some other "confirmed" stuff:

In the "unconfirmed, but likely" section, we find an in-game movie recording and 3 war-theaters: New York, Paris, and Tehran. Anybody else thinking Battlefield 3 has a damn good shot of landing shooter of the year? Or is that just us?

Related Game(s): Battlefield 3

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13 years ago

The sound is also supposed to be very good, with the sounds of war being recorded at varying distances for authenticity.

13 years ago

World, I can't tell you how excited I am about this game. I can't recall if you were ever much into FPS's but I do hope yourself and others here get this game, so we can make up a PSXeXtreme Battlefield 3 squad. Sounds and looks awesome…

Hope those PC visuals translate well across to the consoles, if anyone can do it, DICE can…

Trigger happy days ahead!



13 years ago

I would join but i need a new PS3, the one that my friend won for me in an auction died on me. So I'm saving up to get a new one.

13 years ago

I'm not big on military shooters, I like certain FPS, but I have to admit after looking into this one it does look like it will bring a much needed freshness to the genre.

13 years ago

battlefield is THE prime game 4 a theatre mode. so much crazy shit happened to me in BC2 and it makes me sad that i will never see and experience them again.
otherwise, to me this will be THE shooter of the year. period.

13 years ago

Definitely Shooter of the Year, if not Killzone 3.

13 years ago

I guess they're are making good on the DLC promise. Seriously, why not just give us those maps with the game when it releases?

13 years ago

oops on the redundancy.

13 years ago

Yes, really, they should give them away, or at least for people who have purchased Battlefield 2. Nice to see those maps working in the new engine… the graphics may look more refined too…



13 years ago

yeh people with bf2 could get em free

13 years ago

I was blown away by that footage. The graphics are so good it looks like a film more than a video game.

If however I were to get this game at some point, I think I'd pick it up for pc, just because it has 64 man combat instead of 24.

13 years ago

I'm a bit gutted at the low player count of 24. Oh well, I might pick it up still.

13 years ago

Killzone 3 was good, but this looks like it has more potential than KZ3, but if MW3 can surprise us all and not be cod4 with new maps, then it also has a big shot at shooter of the year

13 years ago

soooooooooooo cant wait for this!
looking like the true first next gen game!
50 bucks says this will be the best selling game of the year.
that is of course as long as the next COD does not release this year, but thats highly unlikely.
oh well, 2nd best selling game of the year then!

13 years ago

It'll be great to have jets in there, but the playercount (even on PC) seems far, far too low to justify jets, vehicles and infantry and maps of appropriate size. On the largest MAG maps, it'd take seconds for a get to get from one end to the other – hell, a normal turn for a get would take the whole map, and they'd have to bank pretty damn hard just to do circles around it. I never played BF2, so I'm not sure what the deal is, but I suspect the jets will need to be flying at WW2 plane speeds for them to make any sense in the context of the gameplay.

13 years ago

So is the bad company series done? In any case this game is looking pretty good.

13 years ago

jets were cool on bf2 and im loving the hopeful settings

13 years ago

Sorry Ben "Shooter of The Year" belongs to Killzone 3 🙂 But BF3 is still going to be awesome.

Last edited by Bugzbunny109 on 3/7/2011 6:40:38 AM

13 years ago

I seriously hope you are joking. Killzone 3 may have a decent singler player element, but the multiplayer is a joke compared to a DICE game. Killzone 3 multiplayer is laughable in comparison to Bad Company 2 multiplayer. All signs point to Battlefield 3 being far superior to Bad Company 2 in every way. I'm all about giving our exclusives the credit they deserve, but in this case Killzone 3 loses every time.

13 years ago

Lol Killzone 3's multiplayer is great. You're deluded my friend.

13 years ago

I'm deluded? Seems like you are the one that is deluded, considering the fact you ignore all the server issues, lack of weapons, hit detection, etc. etc. DirtySkillzHD just hit the the tip of the iceberg with his post below. " KZ3 is definitely not shooter of year it was plagued by server issues and other issues check the forums people are outraged." Bad Company 2 multiplayer is far superior, I never really considered the option that there was much debate on that.

13 years ago

It's you're opinion that it's superior. Nothing more. Also I have had ZERO server issues. Maybe you should check your connection and your bad attitude while you're at it.

13 years ago

I totally agree that it is my opinion, to each their own. It seems you are in the minority when it comes to server issues, congratulations on that. Check my bad attitude huh? I see nowhere that I was disrespectful, I guess your opinion of a bad attitude is disagreeing with you. LOL It's just video games bro.

13 years ago

Not that you disagree with me. That's fine. It's in your assumption that your experience is the only one that matters. I happen to think both games are great. Both have their flaws as well. No need for you to jump down Bugz' throat because he prefers a game you don't "bro".

13 years ago

Seems to me as if you are a little oversensitive "my friend."

13 years ago

lol no way man i thought thesp was okish could have been better but love the mp especially operations with mates i love the cutsenes

13 years ago

LMAO…Jawknee, the man makes valid points.

13 years ago

Sweet im going to make montages of this on youtube , will those jets be flyable

13 years ago

Kz3 is definitely not shooter of year it wasplagued by server issues snd other issues check the forums people sre outraged , it deserves best graphics though

13 years ago

1 big issue I had with DICE online games (Battlefield & MOH) was the party (squad) size. Gamers are limited to including only 3 friends in their party. Most FPS gamers have more than 3 friends they want to play with.

If I'm hanging out with 5 friends and only 4 of us would be able to participate in an activity, we would do something else that all 6 of us could do at the same time.

Playing a game online is no different. Fix this and my PSN friends will move over from COD to Battlefield.

13 years ago

I see what you mean, but I thought it made sense since there are only four classes. It was actually fun when my friends and I tried to be each of the specific four classes and we'd be doing our jobs accordingly. Snipers spot, medic stands a distance from close combat and heal when necessary, assault leads, and engineers fixes and does all the explosives.

Anyway yeah, it would be nice to have more than 3. However, it can be too easy with how BFBC2 allow you to respawn on your squad mates. With 4,5, and so on.. more friends, you'd always have a respawn point other than the base… that is if they're not noobs and always die.

13 years ago

Squad features? Uh oh…

13 years ago

What? You dislike the excellent squad features that were already present in Bad Company 2?

13 years ago

I'm so getting this, and I'm gonna try hard to convince my friends on getting it as well.

13 years ago

He must not have played BFBC2 when it was having server issues. And freezing issues. BFBC2 was one of my favorite games of 2010. I loved it. But it had issues just like most multiplayer games. It happens. Guerrilla were very quick to fix the issues too. I love KZ3 multiplayer. I think it's much better than COD and it looks much better than BFBC2 ever did. Not that it looked bad. I think KZ3 is great and definitely deserves a shooter of the year award if BF3 doesn't get it. Oh and you gotta love the jet packs. LOL.

13 years ago

This looks better than KZ3 at this point in my book.

13 years ago

Well, we've only been shown PC footage so far, so I'd be cautious of saying that at this point in time.

13 years ago

FM23, I think the same, BF3 looks better than KZ3 and it will be better! 🙂

13 years ago

BFBC2 was a better game than all of the CoD's combined!!! At least in my opinion, definitely more fun too

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