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Saints Row: The Third Primed For 2011 Holiday Release

If you're a fan of sanxbox games, you've probably enjoyed the Saints Row titles in the past.

And the third will be on the cover of the next Game Informer ; it's called Saints Row: The Third and it'll release for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC during this year's holiday season.

Developed by Volition, you will be quite the popular player in the town of Stillwater, but that popularity draws the attention of "The Syndicate." It's a criminal organization that has its dirty hands in just about everything, and when you clash with The Syndicate, this results in "the most outlandish gameplay scenarios ever seen." GI will feature no less than 10 pages of info on the promising title so if this sounds like your type of game, you gotta give it a look-see. While Grand Theft Auto remains the class of the sandbox genre (but look out; inFamous is catching up), Saints Row has always been a little different. It's more like Just Cause ; it's based around total craziness and realism isn't a priority.

We're hoping for something entirely entertaining from start to finish. …and if Tera Patrick wants to come back, by all means…

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13 years ago

Temporary fix until GTAV? I believe so! And I was a huge fan of the Just Cause series, some quirks but is to be expected with sandboxes, but still a crazy amount of fun and an emphasis on the word crazy.

13 years ago

If memory serves I remember getting in a bit of fun here and there but overall the quality of SR2 was pretty awful. If memory serves, they had some good ideas but the game itself was broken.

One thing in particular I remember is that I would see a nice car drive by and think, "Damn, Imma go steal that!". Then I pan the camera over and to my surprise the car has vanished. I remember this happening fairly often, and I find that unacceptable in this day and age. That didn't even happen in Vice City. I mean, cars would disappear in Vice City, but not the instant that they went off screen. I swear to god it's like their game engine had altzheimers. If your gonna go up against GTA, you gotta try harder than that.

13 years ago

HAHAHA SR2 is the most corniest game i've ever played. it is fun but not a very serious game. I look forward to this one's corniess.

13 years ago

I love sanxbox games, not sure about Shrek the Third though. huh? Wait…

13 years ago

cant wait for this, practically the last open world mob styled game left!
GTA is gone, and i doubt it will be coming back so ill be relying on this for my fix.
i wish 2K would make mafia 3 like a 80s GTA game.
mafia 2 was a ok game, but the missions got boring and repetitive really quickly.
id be cool if we could have a more open world to drive around in, heaps of jumps to leap off, weapon customization and upgrades, character upgrades, car upgrades, side missions.
GTA vice city, but set in a mafia world and storyline.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

You do realise that Mafia is supposed to be serious in tone. What you describe would simply destroy what 2K has built in favour of a more typical sandbox game, as opposed to the story-heavy focus of earlier titles.

Haven't you mentioned before that you would like to see more difference in games? How would turning Mafia into GTA achieve that end. You're so self-contradictory sometimes.

13 years ago

since when does opening a game up, having side missions, car customization, weapon customization ect ect take away the seriousness of the game?
mafia 2 was so boring because your constantly doing the same sh*t over and over and over and over and over and over and over again!
if they opened it up and had multiple missions to choose from how GTA has always had it then that would open up the gameplay allot more, stop it from being so repetitive and linear.
the story was not the best either, especially towards the middle and end theres far too many plot holes, and unanswered questions.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'll concede that opening the game up doesn't necessarily mean that it'll lose the seriousness, but it would certainly lose the driving force of the narrative. Having said that, car customisations would have to be restricted solely to the aesthetic realm, as engine mods would be overbearing. Gun customisation could be more open, but even it could easily go over the top.

Side missions in sandbox games generally do have an element of silliness, or superfluity. Granting more missions at one time would be a good way to offer the player choice, but what would it ultimately achieve? It appears to me to be misguidance by the developer. It seems as though they don't know how to keep the flow of the game going strongly, so task the player to choose the option most fun to them before going through the rest. The developer's intent in a linear experience should offer the player a constantly changing gameplay scenario in open-world games.

That's one of the things that I enjoyed about GTA IV. It was broken up slightly, but there were driving missions, shooting galleries, certain times that you had to follow a character on foot and fistfighting, among other things. It flowed very well.

13 years ago

I really enjoyed Saints Row 2, the visuals may have looked like shite but the entertainment the game offered as a whole was brilliant. It was pure, no-nonsense fun at its finest imo.

What other game can boast having the ability of turd showering civilians with a septic truck? I was also a fan of the create-a-character feature & was surprised by how deep it was. Being able to choose your walk style, taunts & own compliments was pretty damn sweet & worked well online if anyone gave you crap or abuse over the headset as you could simply cap them in the face & do the old "tea-bag" treatment on their corpse.

I will definitely be checking this one out, the perfect stop gap until Rockstar birth the inevitable GTA V.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 3/3/2011 3:59:53 AM

13 years ago

Saints Row 2 was by far more fun and had far more replayability than GTA IV.

If they fix the graphics, shadow effect and some of the car handling physics, Saints Row The Third may just make the top of my games wishlist.

13 years ago

Agreed Dance, I particularly liked that the main character wasn't being dragged into mindless fetch-quests by inferior sub-characters. SR2 didn't have the best graphics but it had way more comparable substance as far as customization and the gangland territory take-overs.

13 years ago

I really enjoyed the 2nd so I'll definitely pick this one up, I hope that you can still customize your character looks at the very beginning like they did with the 2nd one.

13 years ago

I guess I should get around to playing the second one then.

13 years ago

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