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SOCOM 4 Full Deployment Edition: Full Move Package

SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs arrives on April 19 and if you plan to take advantage of the game's PlayStation Move functionality – and don't yet have the motion device – this is the deal for you.

As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , it's the Full Deployment Edition, which comes packed with all sorts of Move-related goodies. In addition to the PlayStation Eye, Move Controller, and Navigation Controller, we also get the Move sharpshooter accessory to help our accuracy. It's described as having "easily accessible buttons, a responsive digital trigger, realistic pump-action, a firing mode selector, adjustable shoulder stock and convenient access to the navigation controller." If you bought all this stuff separately, it would cost you $220 but this bundle is a whole lot cheaper; you can grab the whole thing for only $$149.99; a savings of more than 30%. They also announce a twist to the gameplay; during certain missions in the single-player campaign, players will take control of a female South Korean 707th covert ops expert, "45." She's all sorts of stealthy and sneaky, and she has to "capture valuable intel and sabotage enemy operations."

SOCOM 4 should be one hell of a game, and we're really hoping both the solo campaign and online multiplayer (the heart and soul of this franchise) turn out to be stellar.

Related Game(s): SOCOM 4

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mike rlz
mike rlz
13 years ago


13 years ago

OMG! Can the PS3 do no wrong??? This really looks like whole lotta fun! I am starting to feel dizzy with all the gaming goodness being released!

13 years ago

sony has made a real comeback. surely, with the imminent price drop, and a great line up of exclusives this will put the ps3 past you know who.

13 years ago

I hear you and all their efforts should be rewarded!

13 years ago

I highly suggest anyone interested in this game and move, just pick up this bundle. Ive been playing KZ3 a little with the new sharpshooter attachment and wow, just fun! Same goes with mag, I had dofficulty using just the move controllers, but this sharpshooter made a tons of difference and it instantly became more fun, and accurate! This is a good bundle for sure!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/25/2011 1:32:17 PM

13 years ago

What a steal. However since I was planning on waiting for a price drop I'll wait till this bundle shows up on amazon for half price. Then it will be a double steal.

13 years ago

This is an awesome deal. You save 70 bucks from buying everything solo or even over the starter bundle. Plus… the sharpshooter is awesome!

13 years ago

@jackinganersup I agree, this is such a steal!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

i'll be getting this.
Too many games not enough time!

13 years ago

I've been waiting for a move bundle. It is mine! 🙂

13 years ago

WOW!!! I've been wanting to pick up another Move controller for a while and I still don't have the navigation controller or the sharpshooter, so this is looking like a must-have bundle. Not sure how keen I am about SOCOM 4 but that can be traded in if it's not my cup of tea.

Sony's going Collector's Edition crazy lately with all their first party titles. Makes me a happy knowing there's a good chance that there will be a CE for The Last Guardian and Twisted Metal! 🙂

Last edited by tridon on 2/25/2011 2:17:23 PM

13 years ago

Hmm, I was thinking it would be cool to have a second sharpshooter to play 2 player Co-op in KZ2…this might be just the ticket…I was already getting Socom…although I just need the NAV controller and the sharpshooter…but maybe I could use the other stuff for the other PS3

Last edited by CH1N00K on 2/25/2011 2:25:18 PM

13 years ago

Not sure if you meant KZ3, I assume you were considering it has split screen co-op. Unfortunately the co-op doesn't support move. I was a little upset with that but then I realized it's hard for me to play split screen anyways. But it is unfortunate for say you. But hopefully they'll release a patch for online co-op and at that point since their would be a full screen it would the support move!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Don't want to be a debbie downer

13 years ago

How awesome, but the price is too high. They shoulda put this around $130. Seriously whats with the overpriced stuff?

SOny's got enough money already!!!!

13 years ago

Go buy this stuff separately and let us know how much you pay….

13 years ago

Why would they price it around $130 if the "move starter bundle" (that DOESN'T include the sharpshooter or naviagation controller- total of $70) is $100 (not to mention that Sports champions retails for $40 while Socom is a normal $60 game)? $150 is a good price, and depending on how Socom 4 pans out this looks like easily the best priced bundle I've seen in years….on any console.

13 years ago

Honestly 30% in savings is nice, but I think SONY overprices on everything a bit too much. I mean with rumors and price estimates of the NGP i'll probably be $300 for the normal and more for the 3G. And with the money in revenue sony gets, i think they should turn down the notch of pricing. The company is rich enough.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
13 years ago

Hey lads – i've got a voucher for the SOCOM beta that came with KZ3 that I am not going to use. I tried to give it away on the forum with no luck! If anyone wants it, let me know.

13 years ago

sure,i'll yake it.

13 years ago

Just bought the Move starter pack and Killzone 3. Loving it. The accuracy is great, and it already feels quite natural – although it's uncomfortable if you actually aim it like a gun.

I was thinking about getting that little gun attachment but from what I remember of the pictures, it looks like it only has a trigger (unlike the sharpshooter which incorporates all buttons). Would it be useless for Killzone?

13 years ago

Sounds sweet but I have already bought the move stuff.

13 years ago

This is tempting.

13 years ago

thats what sony should of had for KZ3.
surprised the move shooter has been delayed, they had it there at the launch party and it seemed ready to go.
a few guys even asked when will they be able to buy it and were told same day as KZ3.
hope they drop the price though, 80 bucks for a cheap piece of plastic?
i just bought bulletstorm for 70 bucks!
you cant tell me this cheap piece of plastic costs more then a full brand new freaking game!!!!!!
sigh, typical sony again treating their fans like banks!

13 years ago

Uhh I have my sharpshooter sitting in front me. I've Been using it. It did release the same day as KZ3. And it only cost me $40. It also isn't a cheap piece of plastic you can tell a lot of ingenuity went into this thing. Both the nav controller and wand for perfectly in the gun and it has moving parts. Very very good attachment.

So I have no idea what your talking about. As per usual!

13 years ago

i guess i have to remind you the world does not revolve around the US as per usual?
despite how much sony would want you to believe that…….

13 years ago

Well that an honest mistake I made… Sorry you don't have the opportunity to pick one up yet… But I guess the same could be said in your situation. Just because it isn't released where you are doesn't mean it wasn't released on time other places! Just sayin'…

Anyways when it does release where you are, I highly recommend you pick it up! It's a very good gun attachment!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/26/2011 11:18:37 AM

13 years ago

im on the fence with it.
i enjoyed using it at the KZ3 launch party but it felt really weird.
given the choice of using a DS3 or using that i can see myself always going to the DS3 just because it feels normal.
nothing worse then spending 80 bucks on something then not using it much.

13 years ago

they had this and some gameplay on the infamous gttv episode on the other day, the stealth looks really cool. never played a socom… but if its a tps I should like it, since those are more my cup of tea vs fps… also I think move would work better with tps then fps. I kinda want this tho, I dont have a move but have surly played around with them, everyone owning one is happy even with just sports champions, personally I think sports champs is the sh!t, the gladiator thing is epicly fun, if I got a move id need that game.

this should be a good addition to move software, there's still not enough good games to warrant a purchace to me, still makes kinect seem like a bad idea… haha I kinda hate the kinect tho… whats left after this and sorcery tho? i2 could have it but id way way prefer a ds3 for that game, and probably kz3, socom and other games that allow both control options. the other day move was described to me as an expensive fun toy, it is exactly that, in that its not the main way to play. I want re4 to be updated in hd… wit move support to, cuz re4 wii was the ideal edition of that game, and I played all but pc versions of that game including ios, I know there's re5 but that game sucked compared to re4, imo.

I kinda dont want the sharpshooter but I want the rest of the stuff. do you think id like socom if I've never played one?

13 years ago

This is a great deal and i;m getting it!

13 years ago

The bundle deal for Socom 4 is the best I have ever seen! 149.99 for the game, the eye toy, the sharp shooter and a control?? kinda crazy to be true!

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