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Five More Inducted Into Greatest Hits Lineup For PS3

When it comes to saving some cash, it's always a good idea to check the Greatest Hits selection for the PlayStation 3.

And as of today, five new titles have been added to the expanding list; the Greatest Hit total now sits at 52 titles, so there's ample opportunity to reduce spending. Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has announced that 5 of the best games of the generation will drop to $29.99:

The press release also notes that more fantastic exclusives are on the way, including inFamous 2 , MLB 11: The Show , Resistance 3 , Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception , and SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs , all of which are strong contenders for future induction into the Greatest Hit lineup. The titles listed above are all excellent in their own way, and if you missed any of them, now's the time to catch up.

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13 years ago

All worthy – defo should have reviewed modNation. Totally let it fly under the radar.

13 years ago

Take UFC 2010 off that list, and it looks really good!!

13 years ago

Awesome, I've been waiting for GoWIII to be added to that list!!

13 years ago

Sweet, maybe I'll wise up and finally get Heavy Rain. Woo hoo!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/25/2011 10:42:52 AM

13 years ago

Agreed, you should. =)

13 years ago

Me too.

Been waiting for HR to get cheap. Now to find one that's not in the red case.

13 years ago

Blasphemers! Go out and purchase HR!

13 years ago

Cant say this enough. Heavy Rain was meant to be played with the MOVE. If you have it, please use it…it feels so much more natural than the control….AND with the MOVE you wont have to hold down R2 to walk…you just move the stick on the navi controller.

13 years ago

I agree Snorge. Heavy Rain was the first game I finished playing with the Move controller. It was actually my reason for getting the Move.

After I finished my first playthrough and ran out of battery on the Move controller, I switched to the Dualshock 3 to continue playing. When I found out I had to press the R2 trigger to walk/run, I decided to wait until the Move is fully charged. LOL

Anyway, great to see that Heavy Rain sold so well. It's a triumph for maturity on PlayStation gamers' part. Too bad Alan Wake did not make it on the PS3 as I'm sure it would've sold more than it did on the 360.

13 years ago

That's a good looking list, mostly, but now the goty edition of uncharted 2 is going to be a lot cheaper than the regular edition. Weird.

I'm hoping the regular edition will finally price drop like a rock. A friend already has all the dlc so I'm just looking to pick it up as cheap as possible.

13 years ago

thank god heavy rains 30, it took that game forevor to come down. ill get it now for sure.

on a side note/rant did anybody watch gttv last night? there was a huge infamous 2 thing. the graphics look so good now, and it confirms that you can get either ice or fire powers from either of those 2 chicks which has each respective power, also the melee combat is completely overhauled, and looks so much better then i1, and the weapon thingy he uses doesn't look as bad as it sounded at first, and the new voice actor for cole sounds like the old one so thats good, they also sorta confirmed that your choices carry over from the first game so thats good too. I want this game now, im gonna start eating subway more so maybe I can win it early, lol, ill be beating this game to completion 2 times in sucsession maybe 3 or more later, a platinum trophy for sure tho. someone should make an article for it here.

sorry guys I had to!

peace out

13 years ago

thank god heavy rains 30, it took that game forevor to come down. ill get it now for sure.

on a side note/rant did anybody watch gttv last night? there was a huge infamous 2 thing. the graphics look so good now, and it confirms that you can get either ice or fire powers from either of those 2 chicks which has each respective power, also the melee combat is completely overhauled, and looks so much better then i1, and the weapon thingy he uses doesn't look as bad as it sounded at first, and the new voice actor for cole sounds like the old one so thats good, they also sorta confirmed that your choices carry over from the first game so thats good too. I want this game now, im gonna start eating subway more so maybe I can win it early, lol, ill be beating this game to completion 2 times in sucsession maybe 3 or more later, a platinum trophy for sure tho. someone should make an article for it here.

sorry guys I had to!

peace out

13 years ago

i did not see the show your talking about but i'm definitely interested in this game. thank god they lost that douschebag cole redisgn.

13 years ago

I agree 100% they shouldn't change the design of something everyone liked, or just ever. Its game trailers tv episode 100 if u wanna look online for it, otherwise there's a rerun on spike tv sometime this week.

To admins: Lol sorry bout the double post and for posting this in the wrong section

13 years ago

I can understand your excitement, I just preordered the Hero edition. I will be the lunatic you see on Youtube wearing Cole's messenger bag and falling off the side of a building 🙂

13 years ago

I caught that episode too, and seems like I had the same reaction as you! I really enjoyed Infamous, but the sequel just looks ridiculously fantastic so far! I'm using my $20 KZ3 amazon credit on my preorder.

13 years ago


Fire powers too? Badass!

13 years ago

I originally wasn't for the hero edition, but honestly im changing my mind, im such a fan, and plus I could use the bag to transport my ps3 if its big enough, and I really would feel jipped if the version of my (probably) favorite ps3 game wasn't the full version with all those preorder incentives. if they made a villain edition that'd be it, id need it.. I sorta had more fun being evil.

@ lairfan how the fire and ice powers work: the 2 chicks that we earlier heard about who effect karma decisions, (their names escape me) the evil one has fire powers and the good has ice powers, and when you get to a certain mission, your given the choice to gain the others power of fire or ice, and it showed the usage of both on the episode, you should find it or something, it looks way more amazing then I could describe it, graphics look really good too, like on par with your uncharteds and killzones.

sorry im really excited to see up to date gameplay and want it, goty for sure


13 years ago

With the exception of the UFC game, these are all great titles, time to pounce, if you haven't already.

As far as UFC is concerned, I hate the so-called sport it is based on, and I consequently have little time for the game either.

13 years ago

I love UFC, I also Train in MMA trice a week. I enjoyed the game and I think that it is hella better then EA's MMA. But I do not understand why it got on the list. Do sports games make the greatest hits list? If they do, they definitely could have picked something better than UFC Undisputed 2010

13 years ago

I wanted to get into UFC 10 but just got too annoyed with it after a while. I hated whooping on a dude and then he knock me out. There were a lot of different controls as well. Not sure if it was always like that but it was kinda hard to get into for a noob to the series

13 years ago

Let me clarify my dislike. I'm not a big fan of actual sports that involve fighting, and trying to injure your opponent sufficiently that they stop. I have no problem with that in a video game, because it's a video game.

But in reality, I have a problem with hurting people for others entertainment. That was what the Romans did in the gladiatorial games. The crowds would revel in the bloodshed, and those 'games' got worse and worse. It has always been on of the facets of Roman society used to illustrate the decline of their civilization and the level of their depravity.

Now, going back a few years in my own lifetime, there was always boxing. Boxing was and is a bloody sport. But there are some safeguards at least – the gloves for example are bulky and padded – somewhat. Olympic and amateur boxing uses protective head and body gear to protect particularly sensitive or injury prone areas. Fist fighting was and is illegal, you could/can be charged with assault and battery. I don't remember ever seeing anything like UFC or MMA being televised or widely advertized at all, and had the distinct impression that that kind of fighting was more or less illegal. Of course there are legalized fights – boxing being one example. But the kind of fighting seen in MMA or UFC 'bouts' is little more than fist fighting or brawling. Most rule sets for MMA require very lightly padded gloves, but other than that, nothing.

The point here is that we're talking about people hurting each other for the entertainment of others. Which is exactly what the Roman gladiators were all about. Some will say that we'd never descend to the levels of depravity the Romans did, but the thing is, we've already started the decline. Now fist fighting is done for the entertainment of others. What's next? Extreme MMA where there are no rules?

Sorry, I just don't see hurting others as a viable source of entertainment in a civilization. I never liked boxing either, for the same reason.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 2/25/2011 12:33:12 PM

13 years ago

I love boxing, too bad it's dead.

13 years ago

In MMA, at least in the UFC, almost all of their rules are their to protect the fighters. Rules like the no 12-6 elbow, the no knees or kicks to the head of a downed opponent.

If you look at it in long term, MMA is less brutal because of the stopage. Being knocked out by an opponent and still given 10 counts to try and standup and get your blood pumping again, like in boxing, can cause brain damage faster compared to that of MMA.

And with the gloves, according to sports science, both 10oz and 6oz gloves reduce the same ammount of force in a punch.

But there are the kicks… Those things are devastating. Sigh… You win 😀

13 years ago

Well, I don't know about winning. Usually I have no problem with consenting adults doing as they please – as long as their conduct affects no one else. Even if that does include trying to beat each other up (yeah, I know MMA isn't really that). It's more the beating each other up for the entertainment of others that worries me.

13 years ago

Well,MMA is definatly like that. You pound on a guy and he catches you on the chin while moving in for the finish and it is you who gets knocked out.

As for the game, The Left shoulder button is the attack modefier while the Right is for your defense. L2 is for low kicks, body shots and take downs while L1 is for power punches, headkicks and going to the clinch. The Undisputed 2009 had a simpler control scheme but if you compare it with the 2010's you will definately like the 2010 better.

You could try EA's MMA, it plays kinda plays like the last Fight Night where you strike with thee analog..

13 years ago

The beating someone up for people's entertainment is sorta primal. Violence is in our very nature. We are attracted to it. Surely as a gamer you have experienced this. In Tekken? Mortal Kombat? God of War? (not saying these games are violent. just that they have violence in them. Does that make sense? Sounds weird)

13 years ago

I agree with you about a lot of that, but the thing is a video game is a video game and no one get's hurt. I draw the line at that point. I see the dichotomy of enjoying an action driven video game that involves either beating up or injuring enemies or opponents but not enjoying a sport that has real people fighting. On one level both are fights for my entertainment, but on another level, one is real, one is not. In one the hurt is real, and in the other, it's not. I enjoy the game in the knowledge that it is a game. that's why I'm also not generally a big fan of the much more realistic combat games we've had this generation. A game needs to be a game in my mind, nothing else.

Just my opinion though. As I said, I have no objection to people participating in sports like boxing or MMA, because that is what both parties want to do. I personally would not participate, but that doesn't mean I'd stop someone else, it's their decision. But even so, I do find it disturbing that so many people view the spectacle of an MMA match or boxing match as a source of entertainment.

13 years ago

They get paid an awful lot of dough for what they do.

What about martial arts? Same boat?

13 years ago

I'm not sure if I agree with violence being in our very nature, that we are attracted to it. I have never in my life punched anyone and I don't have the urge to go out and smack someone in the face. LOL

Like what Highlander said, I enjoy them in video games since nobody gets hurt. But in real life? I don't think I do.

Just my two cents worth.

13 years ago

Highlander, I also don't like the idea of people getting their kicks out of watching human brutality.
As for MMA and stuff I'm not a huge fan but I'm pretty certain it has some guidelines that keep it from being fatally dangerous.. I wouldn't imagine it becoming less safe anytime soon without some of our unalienable rights being relinquished.

I have a buddy who has studied quite a bit of hopkido ( don't even know if I spelled that right) but basically, he says many of the martial arts styles used in MMA/UFC are the ones most compatible with the rules and design of the sport. Hopkido happens to be a minimal effort/ maximum pain style art that is too unsafe to ever be used.

13 years ago

Now you got no excuses people. Well, except for the ugly box.

13 years ago

come on, it's just a box. actually, i know what you mean, but at least it's a boxed release. can you imagine if someday they moved the greatest hits to psn only? kind of like what ubisoft is pulling with bg&e remake.

13 years ago

that would be bad news. I like to have my physical stuff, but the red boxes are something of a blight on one's collection for collectors.

13 years ago

Unless! It matches the game's boxart design. I bought a greatest hits release of something, I dunno what it is, and I put Red Dead Redemption into that case instead. Now it looks kinda neat.

13 years ago

Not a fan of the red case either. I'm still looking for an original release copy of Uncharted as I so want to replace the one I have right now.

13 years ago

I can't agree with you more, World. THose red boxes are ugly and they're rarely compatible with the cover art. Next thing we know publishers will start boxing their games in a bright neon-green packagin….. err

13 years ago

Hmmm… I always wanted to try ModNation Racers…

13 years ago

Ditto…LBP on wheels me thinks ;P

13 years ago

Heavy Rain really maintained value for a long time. I'm surprised that it took almost a year to drop in price.

13 years ago

The only bad thing is, by a year, if the game is worthy of greatest hits, I'll have bought by then. So these are kinda pointless for me lol..only used it once when I got MGS4 for £20 back in 2009 (BARGAIN!). BTW the UK had this in 'Platnium' for like, 3 months or so now?

Side-note: LBP2 IS ******** CRAZY!!! Got it wednesday, and my god..the range of levels in both the story and the community levels is astonishing! If any of you guys haven't picked it up, SHAME ON YOU! Your missing out on what makes the PS3 great; Diversity. LBP2 is exactly that!!

Done 😀

13 years ago

Heck yeah! A mma game made it on there. Huge mma fan and love how the sport is growing. By the way, bj penn vs jon fitch on Saturday. Can't flipping wait!

But if I had to choose SC4 over UFC2010. I think SC4 takes the cake.

13 years ago

WTFs mod nation doing there?
thats not the greatest of anything!
i wish they would open up a new line, the missed classics line.
that way games that did not sell too well, but deserve 2 get a second chance.

13 years ago

Great, now I can try GoW III, Heavy Rain and Mod Nation, keep them coming… Too many games and not enough time and $$$.

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