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GT5 Sells 6.37 Million In First 6 Weeks

Gran Turismo 5 is a tremendous accomplishment and one that deserves to be rewarded.

Of course, we still have to deal with the shipped/sold argument – even when it comes to official press releases – but the numbers are encouraging, regardless of how they're interpreted. According to GamersMint citing Polyphony Digital's website, GT5 has sold 6.37 million copies in its first 6 weeks of availability. Some time ago, it was announced that 5.5 million were "sold" in the first two weeks, although many claimed that was a ship number. GT creator Kazunori Yamauchi has gone on record saying that the team will continue to provide support for GT5; it's a "marathon" rather than a race. As evidence of this support, you should check out all the updates and enhancements offered by version 1.06 . This is one game that deserves all the attention it gets, regardless of those who are…well, lacking in the realm of car and racing knowledge.

We're also hoping Sony fixes the GT Academy issue where cheaters were ruining the experience for everyone…but when it comes to online play, it seems cheating is the common cold of the game world. It'll go away for a little while but it will inevitably return and there is no real cure.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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13 years ago

That is a ton of games sold, I don't doubt that it's sold though, not just shipped. Gran Turismo is so popular it sometimes is mind boggling.

I'm glad it's selling so well and I look forward to getting it. I'm just so stoked to see a ps3 exclusive sell so much, so fast. Xbots, take note.

13 years ago

Nice to see the game sell so well. I patch was a welcome as well.

13 years ago

Pretty impressive for a game "that wasn't finished".

::rolls eyes at the naysayers::

Glad a PS3 exclusive is finally seeing the sales it deserves. 🙂

13 years ago

and sterile and boring. someone should slap those reviewer with the sales data or every case of the game sold.

13 years ago

Have to admit it is a great success to boot. GT5 was always going to be monstrous, almost too big for its boots, hence it needed some refinements and it seems these updates have delivered them.

I will be gladly adding this title to my collection in the coming months. By then I really will be purchasing a much enhanced experience by then and probably at a slightly reduced price as well 🙂



13 years ago

I understand now why you waited Qubex but it's kind of a shame you didn't get to see GT5 grow up. I'm so proud.



13 years ago

Yes, I know… you held it in your arms when it was a young and newly born… now, digitally matured, it shows off to the world its true assets and what makes it so addictively special.




13 years ago

If GT5 is what defines an unfinished game, I don't know what to say.

This game right now is nearly perfect.

All of the "issues" certain reviews had are nearly "fixed".

But as Ben stated, it all comes down to "car" people reviewing it, and not gamers.

13 years ago


The problem with some reviews (those not by car people) is that their biggest sources of criticism were the supposedly sterile/boring environments and the low quality of some of the standard car models. I'm not sure that either can be modified sufficiently to allow those who don't pay attention to the game to overcome their prejudice based on a still image.

13 years ago

Highlander –

Agreed. A standard car model when compared to everything that GT5 offers, is really nothing more then a drop in a bucket.

You do bring up another valid point as well when it comes to certain people having preconceived notions and GT5 is a perfect example of it. It's why GTPlanet is not the place I wished it was.

13 years ago

sorry ben but that line doesnt make sense

"its a marathon, not a race" – marathon's are still races, the line is its a marathon, not a sprint.

13 years ago

I think that was a direct quote from Kaz was it not? He doesn't speak good English so..their you have it.

13 years ago

Well technically not all marathon's are races, sometimes they are just to raise money and it doesn't matter what position you finish in.

13 years ago

they still race, they still have a winner, even when just raising money, but they still race.

13 years ago

errr…no they don't. Not always. When people run marathons for cancer awareness or what ever, there is no clear winner. Only the charity matters.

13 years ago

Does it really matter whether a marathon is a race or not? Is there anybody who didn't understand what he meant?

13 years ago

Cavan…thought that was obvious.

13 years ago

even when they run charity marathon's, they still record times, your still on a timer, and even if you only entered to raise money, other people in the marathon actually race for a time, and they still give trophy/awards to whoever wins, even if its for charity.

yes i obvs knew what ben meant, was just saying, the sentance didnt make sense

but yeah it dont matter does it, sorry this has got a tadd bit silly.

13 years ago


'Marathon' has two meanings:

1. A 26 mile race.

2. A tiresome effort or undertaking.

If used in conjunction with the second meaning, it does make sense.

I don't think this is silly. It's nice to see that there are some intelligent readers on here.

On other websites all you read is: that effer talks bulship etcetc.


13 years ago

Yeah Ben, collision and penalty were updated in v1.06 specfically for GT Acdamey. Oh & the numbers are on Polyphony's site so its practically official, just incase that needed clearing up 🙂

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 2/21/2011 12:58:58 PM

13 years ago

Indeed. I like how it's from PD and just another website.

13 years ago

#$&@ the xbots, it has sold 6.37 million!

I had no doubt that it would do this well, it's the best racer this gen.

Enjoying it and looking forward to 2011 season in full force. GT is years worth of racing, not months like most racers, well for us real competitors anyway.

13 years ago

Wow…a true Sony fanboy. I love my PS3 and it's my only console, but what's the point of saying "**** Xbot's" comment…lmao

13 years ago

FM23, Crow isn't a fanboy. You would have been better off ignoring his comment if you didn't like it.

13 years ago

I'm not hating on the 360. Bots are obviously those who nag on the ps3 and spread false information.

I'm not hating or spreading false information about the 360.

I'm hating on the 360 bots that will say that it didn't sell 6.37.

13 years ago

Even if Crow is, so what? This a Plastation site. Plus, he's right!

13 years ago

Glad to see a PS3 exclusive sell good numbers finally. This year is looking up to be a very positive one for Sony.

13 years ago

An already fantastic game, with a continuous supply of new seasonal events (something I have never seen in any game) and patches that make it better and better!

Once word of this gets out, the game will probably keep selling over the coming months and years.

13 years ago

Nice numbers for Sony and PD.

13 years ago

Well considering that a million a week. Well done sony!!!!

13 years ago

Well this is no surprise, this game is badass as hell!

13 years ago

This is no surprise at all; this is the real driving simulator. GT has been popular since the ps1 days. This game is head and shoulder above the rest.

13 years ago

great for sony, but this was the first gt game that did not blow me away in terms of graphics. the game was far from broken, or unfinished, however. just needed some more polish to clean up the 8 bit shadows, and screan tearing.

still a great game, and i'm thrilled to hear about the gear ratios.

13 years ago

I'm gonna go get the papers get the papers.

13 years ago

I'm sure none of us doubted its sales. It's just a shame about the hate campaign at launch. Saddens me a little to think about Kaz & Co's reactions when they heard it all.

Oh well, they know by now that a great many of us do appreciate their work.

13 years ago

That's actually a good point. Very few reviewers actually got it, and understand the work they put into this game.

Most of them wanted Gran Turismo Burnout Edition.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Great news
It deserves these numbers considering all the work that went into the game.
There be very few games out this gen that has GT5 level of detail,MGS4 comes to mind & thats about it.

13 years ago

almost every person I talk to that I consider an xbot, ppl who only have an xbox and dont like the ps3 despite never trying it, even my good friends, im like wanna play gt5? "meh" thats the most common answer. its cuz there's no guns I think. yeah I dont have internet so my gt5 is still on v 1.0.. it'll be sweet when I can finally update, not to mention race online and do those seasonal event things. when I go back to it ill erase my save, I only got to like level 25 before I couldn't level any higher… I wanna start over so I can buy my cars smarter. great game tho, ill never need another driving/racing game for years. one big thing is it has split screen, something current games tend to lack.

good numbers tho pollyphony/sony, not many games make it past the 6mil mark it seems, not unless they multiplats.

13 years ago

Oh man, you're missing out. These updates are fantastic.

13 years ago

Why start over…just keep buying new cars and do events over…that's alot of time wasted.

13 years ago

Gran Turismo 5 The game for all racing fans!

13 years ago

This is great news. I'm glad this quality product has made it's way into so many people's hands. Hopefully most people can identify with the sheer amount of exhaustive energy PD has undoubtedly labored over to bring this title to store shelves.

13 years ago

Amazing ! I've loved this game from the beginning ! I still think GT 4 is one of the series best games to date not including 5 !

13 years ago

not surprising considering every title in the series has sold around 10M.
i just cant understand why this sells so well, and other ps3 exclusives which are just as good if not better struggle to get half that in their life time!

13 years ago

Isn't obvious. Almost everyone likes to drive.

13 years ago

This game sells so well because it manages to offer something for virtually every kind of racing game face except the ones that like pure arcade racers only. So it addresses a broad spectrum of gamers. Also I would have to wonder what Uncharted 2's sales would have been if it launched into a market as large as the PS3 is now, instead of 16 months (and about 16-17 million PS3 unit sales) ago.

13 years ago

still playing GT5 heavy like 1st week release. the sale numbers are deserved but long as the ps3 exist the numbers will keep stacking.

jus wish i had enough space for wheel setup.

13 years ago

I wish I could post a picture of my wheel setup. It's so simple, yet really comfortable. There's a set of drawers next to my regular gaming chair, so I made a wooden box the size and shape of a shoebox – with a 4"× 2" slot in each end, and screwed it to the drawers. The wheel is clamped to a piece of 4"× 2" which I slide into the box and voila! …I'm good for 6 hours or so.

I may not have described that very well… My point is if you have a wheel and you enjoy using it, you'll soon come up with a good mounting solution which needn't take up a lot of room, or money.

12 years ago

Is it just me or is this game one of the lamest efforts put out for the PS3. It takes almost what 7 years or so of hype for this crap. Out of all 5 games I rate this dead last. What happened to the offroad racing in this game, there is none. No Pikes Peak, or grand Canyon. The PS3 isnt even a good blueray player, ever try watching a movie when its supposed to be dead silence and your PS3's fan is just blowing to beat all hell. I'm just really disappointed with the last GT5 effort. One of the most boring games I've ever played. And the sad part is GT4 isnt backward compatible enough to play right.

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