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Final Fantasy Versus XIII Appears To Be Xbox 360-Bound

Update: It has since been confirmed by various sources that the evidence in question was a typo in V-Jump.

…however, we're not convinced.

Original Story:

If true, it wouldn't come as a huge shock to those familiar with how this generation works, and Square-Enix's business practices.

For the most part, due to the high cost of developing games these days, third-party exclusivity has gone the way of the dodo. Final Fantasy XIII already went to the Xbox 360 and many have assumed Final Fantasy Versus XIII will go the same route. Well, more evidence for the latter theory has arrived, thanks to a scan from Japanese gaming mag V-Jump and a translation at TheBitBag . Next to "Kishu," which refers to the intended platforms, it lists both the PS3 and 360. Now, this hasn't been officially announced yet but given the publisher's track record this generation, combined with the delays for Versus XIII , multiplatform almost seems inevitable. It's true that the PS3 version of FFXIII sold way more copies worldwide, but that 1.5 million sold on the 360 is probably more than enough to convince S-E they did the right thing.

And let's not forget about that whole "catering to Western audiences" philosophy, which in the eyes of some fans, has caused Square-Enix to hit the skids these past few years.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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13 years ago


13 years ago

eh…even if it were true or soon to be made true, I really wouldn't care because of Nomura's statement from the past.

He mentioned how even if this game were to go to the xbox 360 it would be a PORT. He mentioned that this game was specifically being designed for the PS3.

So that's all I care about.

13 years ago

I agree that it is a misprint.

There have been many people inside Squeenix that have said ALOT of people would be really pissed off if they went multiplat this late in vXIIIs life.

13 years ago

It's a typo done by v-jump

ffv13 is not coming to the xbox360

twitter . com / V_Jump / statuses / 39550587515314176
translate the above page.

Last edited by Kiryu on 2/21/2011 11:13:18 AM

13 years ago


I predict : Misprint

13 years ago

andriasang . com

goto this website they say v-jump made a typo

13 years ago

i know this may be because of costs and making money and all that business stuff, but what ever happened to showing a little loyalty?

SE is just pissing me off more and more >:(

13 years ago

andriasang . com

goto this website they say v-jump made a typo

13 years ago

Loyalty has already been compromised so I doubt this will remain exclusive. Timed exclusive maybe?

I read somewhere that Sony is more interested in that type of set-up than buying outright exclusivity. It demonstrates an understanding of the market from the consumers point of view as well as developers.

13 years ago

while this may have been "confirmed", i'm still skeptical given SE's track record on matters such as this…..

13 years ago

andriasang . com

goto this website they say v-jump made a typo

13 years ago

Yep, Kiryu's got it. This was confirmed before this article even went up.


13 years ago

yeah, and vjump could just be covering their a$$es because they announced it too early. either way i could care less anymore.

13 years ago

Thank goodness. Honestly though when you look at the graphics and everything going on in the Versus XIII trailer there really is no way in its current form it would ever run on the 360.

Unless the game was as long as the trailer and they cut out all the rest for dlc content later….I'm so glad this is a typo.

13 years ago

well, ff13 quality was great on the ps3 and dumbed down on 360. they did it before and it still sold a bit so why wont they do it again.

13 years ago

Well, look at what they are offering with versus. FF13 was a straight line up until pulse. Versus is said to have a world map, the graphics are in my opinion better, it doesn't seem likely they could get this on the 360 without it exploding.

However I will play devils advocate here and say, if by world map they meant slightly more open corridors, and they made the game only capable running off the 360 elites hard drive then perhaps this might go multiplat. Also the games been in the making for a long time maybe they need that time to get it to work on the 360?

But Nomura is a perfectionist thats why I think its taking so long. Seeing what he has promised it doesn't seem possible that this could end up on the 360 in that form. It would have to be quite dumbed down. If it comes to 360 I don't really care so long as it doesn't affect Nomuras original vision of the game.

13 years ago

Hmmm.. If this is anything more than a mis-print or whatever, SE has some 'splaining to do.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 2/21/2011 11:29:19 AM

13 years ago

Update : I remain as unconvinced as our editors.

13 years ago

I second that.

13 years ago

I did read about it being a mistake that it was listed for the 360… but honestly, they probably aren't ready to say that its going to come out on the 360 yet if it is. It would be awesome if this game remained exclusive but it wouldn't be a big surprise if they went the multiplat route. Hopefully it doesn't compromise the the games quality though…

13 years ago

It will compromise it's quality. It always does. Look at FFXIII. It's not coincidence that it's their worst FFXIII ever and their first multiplat FF.

13 years ago

You know Jawknee, that's a very good point. The first maultiplat Final Fantasy gets the most critism in Final Fantasy history. Coincedence? I don't think so but if anyone thinks it is I hope you have supporting details cater to your case.

13 years ago

Plus, lets face it, it's not that hard to know that going multiplat comprimised the level of quality and content of the game.

Number 1. – The earliest shots of FFXIII when it was still labeled as exclusive to the PS3 infact had better, more detailed visuals. Yes, as good as the current game's visuals are, they look even better.

Number 2. – SE finally came out and said themselves that almost a half games worth of content was taken out. Which leads to my final point.

Number 3. – Microsoft wanted FF13 on the 360 but would not allow SE to exceed 3 DVDs. I've actually heard that there are 4 DVDs used for the 360 version but I can't confirm that seeing as I own the PS3 version.

So as it relates to my last point, even if SE wanted to keep all the content that was taken or left out, they were restricted by Microsoft demands (keeping a strict DVD count/ making the games as identical as possible).

I'm sure that you can figure out how the PS3 version was comprimised…

13 years ago

Tekken 6, DMC4, FFXIII…etc. It's no coincidence that all these once 3rd party exclusives got lower scores than their predecessors after going multiplat.

13 years ago

Yeah, not sure why I worded it that way. I just hope it doesn't mess up the game too much since this is the last game where there is still a beam of hope coming frome square… it would be very bad if the game does not turn out good.

13 years ago

The Xbox version of FFXIII has 3 DVD's. Each only filling up to 4-5 Gbs only. So Xbots speculate that the extra gb of free space could've made the cutscenes just as good as PS3.

13 years ago

It wasn't just about the cutscenes. It was about all the other content left on the cutting room floor.

13 years ago

Jawknee, DMC4 and T6 do not make good evidence for that case.

DMC2 scored lowest in DMC's history.
And T4 was widely considered a downgrade from it's predecessor and critically scored lower than T3.

Also, games like like GTA3 began first as a PS2 exclusive and later got ported to Xbox. The GTA series has had no problems maintaining critical acclaim having gone multi-plat (console-side)

I won't disagree, though, that FF13-Versus going multi-plat. This is largely due to the size of the game. Smaller games like Tekken 6 have no problem fitting within the confines of a single DVD, but larger ones, like RPGs, do.

13 years ago

sorry, if my last line about RPG's there was incoherent. In layman's terms, FF13-Versus going multiplat-360 is bad.

13 years ago

They are fine examples. They all scored lower than their predecessors. So what if DMC2 score lowest. We are comparing it to 3. Not 2.

As for Tekken 6 I do remember Namco complaining about DVD constraints so…yea.

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/21/2011 9:11:57 PM

13 years ago

Lets stop and think about your logic Jawknee. Tekken 6 was created from the ground up for the arcade well before 360's hardware was ever considered as a port.

Specifically now, how does the existence of a 360 port after T6 was already created and finished on PS3'ish hardware hinder the quality and reception of Tekken 6?

The report you cited confirms my very point.

All you've done was make a broad generalization that is both illogical and presumptuous with two examples that aren't valid. Accept it.

And FYI: T6 on 360 managed to overcome any of those challenges developers faced as both games were near identical with only very minuscule exceptions.

13 years ago

Hey relax champ. No need to get your panties in a wad. My point is valid and I stand by it. Now go play with your Ninja dolls for something.

13 years ago

I don't wear panties, I wear… none of your business =p

That's okay Jawknee, ignore the obvious and live in your fanboy world where all premises always lead to a PS3-rules-only conclusion.

EDIT: oh, and leave my precious ninja dolls out of this. *kisses ninja doll*

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/21/2011 9:40:11 PM

13 years ago

Riiiiight….I'm the fanboy because I don't agree with you. I give you a link to prove my point and you blow a gasket. Very out of character for you. Facts are facts champ. Tekken 6 wasn't as well received as the previous games and Nacmo DID have trouble with the 360 hardware as proven with my link but whatever. No sense in arguing with you any longer since "I'm just a fanboy."

13 years ago

*sigh" Jawknee, I now question your comprehension abilities.

"It will compromise it's quality. It always does. Look at FFXIII. It's not coincidence that it's their worst FFXIII ever and their first multiplat FF."–Jawknee

Jawknee's claim: multiplatform games ALWAYS compromise quality.

Jawknee's evidence: look at "Tekken 6, DMC4, FFXIII"

Jawknee's conclusion: therefore multiplatform games compromise quality.

Temjin's argument: But Jawknee? Prior Tekken's have rated lower and T6 was designed alone for PS3'ish hardware (arcade) well before the 360 was ever considered an option.

Jawknee's rebuttal: My point is valid and I stand by it.

It's okay Jawknee, lets just both be excited for KZ3 tomorrow and be happy =)

*sigh" Jawknee, I now question your comprehension abilities.

"It will compromise it's quality. It always does. Look at FFXIII. It's not coincidence that it's their worst FFXIII ever and their first multiplat FF."–Jawknee

Jawknee's claim: multiplatform games ALWAYS compromise quality.

Jawknee's evidence: look at "Tekken 6, DMC4, FFXIII"

Jawknee's conclusion: therefore multiplatform games compromise quality.

Temjin's argument: But Jawknee? Prior Tekken's have rated lower and T6 was designed alone for PS3'ish hardware (arcade) well before the 360 was ever considered an option.

Jawknee's rebuttal: My point is valid and I stand by it.

It's okay Jawknee, lets just both be excited for KZ3 tomorrow and be happy =)

EDIT: Yeah, it's been pasted twice, just in case you missed it 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/21/2011 10:00:29 PM

13 years ago

Grow up Temji.

13 years ago

@ Temji


13 years ago

This better not be true…

13 years ago

Misprint? Maybe? We will know when they are good and ready to stab us in the bac… er announce it to us.

To be honest I really do not care if it hits another platform. Id prefer it to remain exclusive but that is not realistic. My problem is with the way this will limit the game. If they made the most spectacular game without holding back then its all good. Go all out. And if, and when they wish to put it on an inferior platform then by all means. So what if 9 discs are needed. That is not my concern. The inconvenience of switching discs would be worth it if they created a proper Final Fantasy. It is the only way for SE to restore faith.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/21/2011 11:54:35 AM

13 years ago

Here's the problem, any disc over one, Square would have to pay royalties to MS for each additional disc thus giving Square a reason to dumb the game down as much as possible inorder to keep costs down. Thus ruining what could have been.

MS has really screwed gamers and developers this gen by sticking with such an inferior format.

13 years ago

Ah but Jawk, MS has Xbox Live, so it's all good.


13 years ago

LOL! When I was with a friend in Cali he tried to tell me why LIVE was better than PSN…he couldn't name anything but cross game chat. (which is a useless feature imo). I swear people want it to be better to justify paying for it.

13 years ago

yeah, they need that justification even before the price went up by 10 bucks.

13 years ago

@ Jawknee,

I believe it was 3 disc or more, Microsoft will charge a royalty for the extra discs.

13 years ago

I've read from a number of sources over the years that it's any disc over 1.

13 years ago

The bigger problem is that unlike the linear FFXIII, Versus will have a big world that you can wander with towns and stuff that can be revisited. They would probably chop that world up like they did with Rage in order to fit in on DVDs.

13 years ago

World… could still end up being a mess, unless Versus is installable.
Maybe Square permit the game to be installed in its entirety on the xBot, permitting the "unpacking" of all game data for a full quality experience.

It sounds nice that Versus will be more of an "open world" RPG then its predecessor, however if the experience is dumbed down for xBot, what is the point of experiencing Versus on the PS3, unless they are really developed as two "separate" games with PS3 version incorporating the higher quality no-compromise assets.



13 years ago

Umm, I thought that was what I was sayin 🙂

13 years ago

I dont necessarily mind it being on the 360, but i fear that SE will dumb it down for that audience. If they can make a great JRPG this gen i really dont care what platform it is on.

13 years ago

Maybe it is a misprint, but is it a misprint because they don't want people to know yet?

FF XIII may have sold 1.5 million copies on 360, but how many more copies would it have sold on ps3 if they had left it exclusive, not cut the content, and made it what fans wanted in the first place.

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