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Limited Edition PS3 160GB Killzone 3 Bundle Revealed

If you know someone who doesn't have a PlayStation 3 yet, smack 'em. …no, don't do that; just be polite and point them towards this package.

Killzone 3 launches next week and it gives Sony the perfect opportunity to offer shooter fans – who may have missed the excellent KZ2 – another solid PS3 deal. It's the Limited Edition PS3 160GB Killzone 3 Bundle ; it nets you the 160GB system and a copy of the hotly anticipated FPS for the standard retail price of $299. Boasting levels "10 times the size" of those found in its predecessor, KZ3 offers support for both 3D and PlayStation Move. We still have to check out that latter feature; we've heard that with just the right settings, it actually works really well. Well, we're crossing our fingers.

If some of your buddies are unfamiliar, you should probably tell them that Killzone 3 can only be played on the PS3. So maybe they should take advantage of this deal while it's available.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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13 years ago

It'd be nice if they did something different with these bundles besides just throwing in a game. I'd love to see different coloured consoles like they do with the bundles in Japan. As far as I recall, the only different colour we've had in North America was the Gun Metal Grey for MGS4. I mean, they do it with the PSPs all the time, why not the PS3, too?

13 years ago

A different color would be nice, like with this bundle they should have some red mixed with orange like you see on the Helghast troops.

13 years ago

Somewhere somebody has decided for us that only Japanese people like colors other than black.

13 years ago

Yeah I mean I love black but still. We need some variety. Maybe I might even get my slim coloware'd if I can get the money together but that costs alot. -____- Dammit Sony, The rest of the world likes color too.

13 years ago

this is a good deal for anyone that's looking into a ps3. unfortunately i know a lot of people who don't own a ps3. a lot of them are the same people who owned a ps2, but for whatever reason they jumped ship to the 360. i would try to smack them, but they can be so hard headed. games look better on they say, xbox live is better. i don't want to sound negative, but when i bring up ps3 exclusives most of them haven't even heard of them. it's strange how much ground sony lost this gen. i blame it on that price point, and the early negative buzz around some poorly handled multiplats. i remember that egm issue that had a ps3 with a tommatto splattered accross it.

thank god that's mostly behind us now, but the damage is done.

anyways, it's great to have this site though as a haven for sony fans, and i'm really lokking forward to this years ps3 line up.

13 years ago

It's sad that those fans are now brainwashed into thinking that console is the top of the line. I say that only because they are missing out on (and many are completely unaware of) the best games this generation. "Uncharted what?"


13 years ago

Hmm, I should get this and finally upgrade to a slim. Also, I could cancel my KZ3 preorder and kill two birds with one stone.

13 years ago

I also find it funny how the box claims that Killzone 3 is "the ultimate PlayStation Move and 3D game" yet the bundle doesn't come with a PlayStation Move. That'll most likely confuse/frustrate some customers.

13 years ago

Ooooooooooh crap I just got a devious idea. I'm trying to get my Dad into Netflix but he doesn't have a PS3 yet. If I could just get him to consider this bundle I would get a game out of it 🙂

What? You'd do it too.

13 years ago

It's a great idea but who's buying this? There are people who want KZ3 that don't already have a PS3? Or does it simply allow for awesome art on a PS3 box?

13 years ago

I'm considering it because I am interested in KZ3 and I need a second ps3.

13 years ago

I'm most-likely going to buy this, too. However, I've already pre-ordered KZ3, so I'm going to have to sell the extra copy of Killzone 3 with the bundle.

13 years ago

It's really good for those pesky FPS fans who are still not playing a ps3.

Game's gonna be great, can't wait.

13 years ago

Deals like this motivate me to getting a second PS3. I want a second PS3 and I will one day. KZ3 is mine already, this is a killa' deal. If you ant' got the greatest Home entertainment gaming beast yet, dubbed 'PS3' this is the time to do it.

13 years ago

That's funny that the playstation blog only posted this on the 15th when I found it for pre-order this past weekend. Guess some people jumped the gun?

13 years ago

If the console had a Helghast trooper silk screened on the front I would have been interested.

13 years ago

just got invited to the launch party next tuesday!
wonder which of the devs are going to be there, see if i can get a job reference of them………
cant think of a better way to sneak into the industry, then a RE from one of the industries biggest developers!

13 years ago

Great bundle, but are we not at the phase in the PS3's lifetime, where almost everybody that we know already owns a PlayStation 3?
Although I completely agree with earlier comments, regarding how Sony should have added some kind of custom design, rather than just throwing in a game, a console and a controller.
Although I agree that adding some kind of 'limited edition' PlayStation 3 would greatly increased sales, it would also increase manufacturing costs.

Then again, my fat PS3 is having Bluetooth problems, so maybe this bundle came around at the perfect time. I might just pick one up. 🙂

13 years ago

I guess this means that the regular 160GB PS3 will get a price drop soon.

13 years ago

Great start! But come on, if their pushing Killzone 3 with Mmove and 3D then for goodness sake PLEASE market the Sharpshooter! I honestly think this attachment for the Move has to truly be something special if Guerilla Games AND Zipper Interactive came together to make this accessory for THEIR games…not MadCatz or anyone else!

Maybe its me, but I am going to SPLURGE when I get the full K3 experience (3D and Move + SharpShooter). Many out there prob dont own a 3D TV yet, but I know more have the Move….Learn it, use it, LOVE IT!

It goes down in 6 days!!!

13 years ago

I haven't seen this question answered anywhere, so I'm guessing the answer is a "no"….

But, would any of you know if the Killzone 3 in this bundle come with the Socom 4 early BETA code?

See, I've already pre-ordered Killzone 3. But, if the bundle comes with the code, then I can just cancel the pre-order for my game.

13 years ago

Come on Sony, just take a look at the way MS does about the only thing right, utilizing skinned consoles & a extra controller for some of their bundles.

This is a good starter package, but I think Sony should have gone all out on a 2nd "Limited Edition" bundle for KZ2.

And this special package would include a colorized & KZ2 skinned PS3, it would have a special 500GB PS3, & it would also come with 2 controllers, plus the full move package(including the Navigator) already bundled with it for around $499.

I'd definitely buy one.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/16/2011 12:57:57 PM

13 years ago

Alright guys..time for all of you to donate me 600 dollas. :3

13 years ago

a $500 sony sku…scary. that is too high a price point no matter what they threw in. i tell you what they do need is to start including a headset with each console. this would've been the perfect game to start with, too.

13 years ago

With all that added in, I think it could be a real value bundle even at that price. Sony already has a $449 bundle on a 320GB PS3, but I forget what else is include in it.

And this is just my own opinion here, but I have to say "NO' to any included mic.

Hell, we'd have another 24/7 trash-talking festival like what's already going on the BotBox360.

FYI, just the night before last, there were a couple of foul mouthed minors on the KZ3 beta after 2AM(where was their parents????), doing some highly vulgar sexual trash talking against another player & cursing up a storm.

Then somewhere around 4PM there was also some stupid-ass white scumbag trying to bait 2 black guys into a on-line race war.

Luckily, that was the only day out of the whole time period that I hear lil ankle-biter's screwing up the KZ3 experience.
But one time is still one time to many.

13 years ago

Anyone know what PS3 version this 160GB system will come with?

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