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Brotherhood Ships 6.5 Million, New AC Entry In The Works

It was one of 2010's best and once again, the fans responded.

Ubisoft has revealed their quarterly numbers and the standout title was Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , which shipped over 6.5 million units. The game's popularity helped the publisher top their earnings estimates; they had expected €520 million ($701 million) in revenue for the quarter ending December 31, 2010, but they ended up posting a record €600 million ($809 million). This marks a 21.2% increase in a year-over-year comparison, and the company's 9-month earnings hit €861 million ($1.16 billion), which is a 30.3 percent year-over-year increase. Their music-based dancing titles, Just Dance , Just Dance 2 , and Michael Jackson: The Experience proved to be plenty successful on the charts.

Furthermore – and this will come as no shock – Ubisoft did announce they're working on the newest Assassin's Creed installment, and it'll hit store shelves during the next fiscal year. We have no other details at this time, but we can expect more info when Ubisoft reveals their full-year earnings in May. It'll be the fourth entry in the critically acclaimed series, and there has been much speculation regarding the setting. Ezio may or may not return as the protagonist, and we might be in a completely different historical landscape. But so long as the gameplay and structure remains the same, we'll be happy!

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13 years ago

Great news… I just hope they don't end up milking the series the way Activision milked Guitar Hero. I would hate to see that happen to such a great series. Unfortunately, it seems that Ubisoft is heading down that path.

13 years ago

They are definitely milking it. But in a very different way. They want to expand AC to all types of media. Movies, Social Networks, possibly books and more games. As long as they make the games as good and fresh then by all means.

13 years ago

I don't really like AC being yearly. I mean I love AC, but I feel myself putting off AC:B. I don't know why. I think it may be that I feel like I just played 2. Maybe if they switch the setting I won't feel that way.

13 years ago

It adds enough extra from AC2 to make it worthwhile. I also found the combat to be more mature. Also, the online play is the best online PS3 game out there, in my opinion of course.

It also has a great continuing story that makes you feel much more proud about the assassin brotherhood. Also, optional flashbacks concerning Christine.

My favorite multiplat franchise this generation. 🙂

13 years ago

^Agreed with Underdog, I love how the Cristina missions help tie up little things about Ezio's life that weren't completely covered in the second game. Plus, it's so huge like a real city with loads more to do.

I hope the new entry takes place in a different era, with an expansive range of new weapons and combat system. I feel Ezio's time is about up though they could keep releasing DLC for Brotherhood if they wish to share more on Ezio's life.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 2/18/2011 6:46:52 PM

13 years ago

Okay, I'll let Ubi milk this thing without much complaint, but can we get something else too?

I am Alive has been downgraded to a downloadable must skip title and I still hear nothing on Beyond Good and Evil 2. Hop to it Ubi.

13 years ago

yes great news for them. i also have great news…i finally got my ps3 online, and with ben's help i'm finally able to post a commemt. i'm a huge fan of this site, and it's communitity. thankis ben for helping me, and hello everyone.

13 years ago

Damn man. That's great news.

13 years ago

Hello Excelsior, have fun here 🙂

13 years ago

Welcome. 🙂

13 years ago

Welcome to PSX.

13 years ago

Welcome to the club. Amazing site this is! (Was that kinda like Yoda? Oh well)

13 years ago

Not suprised by this and why? Its just another example of how developers are continuing to play it safe with certain franchises and or genres. Overall, this just a symptom of what happen when an industry is awashed with high/uncontrollable cost.

13 years ago

No good news for me, my PS3 still YLOD and I cant find anyone to fix it and I don't really want to try to fix it myself… Onto the topic. I really enjoyed Brotherhood, just like I enjoyed the previus 3 installments (Bloodline included) Cant wait to play the next one.

13 years ago

They will repair it $109 flat rate if you don't mind paying for it. A friend used them and they are have 24 hr turnaround time.

13 years ago

No wonder they shipped Raymond to Toronto. That girl's a money maker. I for one certainly welcome more AC even if I haven't finished Brotherhood. The series is fantastic and a rather interesting concept. Not to mention how fun it is to assassinate people from the rooftops.

13 years ago

She has certainly GOT a money-maker.

13 years ago

Her milkSHAKE brings all the boys to the yard.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/15/2011 12:04:05 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

And proof that, no matter where you are, boys will be boys. 😛

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

I enjoyed playing through AC 2.5 & though the gameplay mechanics they added were good improvements but i found myself realising that the difficulty has been lowered with each new game,like the only time i'd die was when ezio whould inexplicably jump in the wrong direction into empty space & instant death.
Yes for AC3 a new time period/location/assassin & higher difficulty is needed IMHO.

13 years ago

hehe, AC2.5, I like it =)

I plan on getting NFS:Brotherhood 😉 when I can find it cheap. Looks like it's fetching around $30 on ebay. Almost there. Stay on Target. Almost there.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

LOL NFS:Botherhood,sounds like a game about an elite group of car racing monks 🙂

13 years ago

This is a prime example of what I was saying about some of the top rated games not being my thing and how I seem to be gravitating towards the critics mediocre scoring for my ultimate PS3 experience.

I have never been able to enjoy Assassins Creed, game play seems very slow, repetitive, and boring to me. I just don't see what people find that great about it. Not trying to hate on the love, just not my thing I guess.

This last year my favorite games have been White Knight Chronicles, Just Cause 2, Majin and the Forsaken kingdom, all games that averaged 7's. Seems this trend will continue in 2011 as I am currently loving Two Worlds 2.

13 years ago

oh god here we go again!
R.I.P assassins creed!
only one question remains.
what will be the new COD?
this or battlefield?

13 years ago

I see no evidence Battlefield is headed in this direction.

13 years ago

yearly sequels.
well, monthly actually.
BF3 is releasing late this year and so is BF play for free.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Well, they've long since announced their plans to annualise the series. We all knew this was coming. And my thoughts: there will be four 'main' entries, as opposed to their original intention of just three. There will be one more game set primarily in the past before they leap forward to Desmond's final battle with Abstergo. But at the rate that Ubisoft is going, I'm afraid for AC. There's three for the DS, one for the PSP, (will be) four for the home consoles, as well as a comic, a novel and I wouldn't be averse to seeing an NGP AC.

All that, and it only began in 2007. Still not as bad as GH. 19 titles in five years…

13 years ago

I don't think i'll be buying an Assassin's Creed this year.
There's just so many other Epic Games coming out at the end of this year!

13 years ago

Another one? Already? -_-

13 years ago

And the PC version comes out next month so that's even more sales headed their way. I'm looking forward to trying the 3D multi-screen ability.

13 years ago

i hope the 3D in this is better than AC2, that had so much ghosting it made my head feel like cement after a weeks worth jack hammering!
did not have much of a sense of depth either, most games really have the sink feeling but that did not it felt like everything was on the same plane.
LP2 is the best ive played so far, fighting the akrid in 3D is nothing short of breathtaking!

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

One of the reasons I hate Cock of Doody was because they release the same game so frequently, only better games don't get bought. If Ubisoft does the same thing here, I could be giving it a new title: Ass-assin's Greed.

13 years ago

Meh… I don't feel like it's as bad as CoD and nowhere NEAR as bad as Guitar Hero saturation.

I liked AC1 ok, but it was kind of repetitive. I loved AC2 because they added so much and made it better. And AC:B added even more still! For title, I was actually a little depressed when I finished it. I loved it so damn much.

And another thing… CoD and GH never really add much to each new title. AC keeps adding more content to make it a fresh experience. I think as long as they continue to keep an original flare for each title, it will be fine.

Besides, I'm homesick for more Assassin's Creed already. Last time I craved more at the end of a title, was when I beat FFX for the first time.

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

Makes you think if all that 'new added freshness' could've been put together in one title. All those additions seem rather small, don't they?

13 years ago


I'm not sure what kind of "freshness" you are looking for, but when I typically get interested in a franchise, you come to expect certain elements.

As seen with the FF franchise, for example, when you take away the elements people LOVE, you see a negative reaction. Many of AC2's elements are wonderful, and the review scores show that. What is important to me is that they improve on the good (as they did with each sequel, for example, a better fighting mechanic, more accurate assassinations, smarter AI, and better hit detection), and they add in new elements like factions, Assassin apprentices, new weapons and tools, new -types- of missions and quests, like Leonardo's weapons and secret locations, and an absolutely inCREDIBLE multiplayer experience online.

So yeah, when I get a new game in a franchise, I expect to see many familiar elements like, you know, assassinating people, taking on contracts, sneaking around, etc. etc. However, what sets AC apart from games like CoD, is that there is enough added or improved to make in a unique exerience. The other thing to remember, is that Brotherhood is a sequel to number 2, so there will be some common themes. The jump from AC1 to AC2 was a very large one, and I think the difference between AC2 and AC3 will likely be large as well.

Additionally, Brotherhood originally had a major focus on multiplayer. It's fantastic, first of all, but I was amazed to discover they devoted some solid time to the single player story as well. The multiplayer isn't a lame gimmick. It's the meat n' potatoes of the game. But they did an excellent job adding to the single player experience as well.

I think the review scores reflect it's quality.

EDIT: There are also added content exclusive to Playstation, like a couple characters on multiplayer, and the Copernicus missions in the story, for example.

In the end, it left me depressed it had ended, after 30+ hours. VERY few games have that effect on me.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/15/2011 10:27:38 AM

13 years ago

why is there an ad everytime you click on anything anymore? what the flak is goin on here?

13 years ago

Don't hit the back button. It's only supposed to pop once per visit. If you finish reading an article, click the PSXEXTREME logo at the top left. You shouldn't get the full page pop-up after that. If you hit the back button, you go back to the original scripting which makes it think it's your first visit again.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/15/2011 12:15:11 PM

13 years ago

They have to pay the bils. Just click skip it.

13 years ago

i, for one, don't want Ezio to return. he was awesome. but i want new country, new story, new ancestor.

part 1 was alatïr, part 2 was Ezio, part 2.5 is Ezio, part 3, should NOT be Ezio…

i'd like to see Japan, or China or a totally different look…

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

French Revolution. Desmond doesn't look anything close to japanese 😛

13 years ago

France would be nice but I almost want something absolutely obscure, however I want the ancestors to follow a time line so that it leads to present day events.

13 years ago

well desmond may not look japanese a lot, but it is in the story that altair went to feudal japan…
and well, moscow does sound cool (buildings!). while french revolution would be a great storyline (with all the plots and overthrows) it's still too close to italy. i want different buildings damnit! turkey, italy, they all looked too similar for my taste. i want diversity. france would still look fairly similar. russia on the other hand would not…
japan, would not. and while mayans would look very different, and possibly cool, i don't see them as having typical cities where he can climb around… it would be mostly flat ground running as opposed to mad climbing…
and the 20s could be cool too i think… but cars? that would seem off-putting…
this is a foot and horse game…

Last edited by erislocker on 2/16/2011 8:48:03 AM

13 years ago

With the way things are going, I'd be willing to be a new Assassin's Creed every year.

13 years ago

Please be 17th century Britain, or any century in Moscow, those two places just scream to be the settings for the AC series, as not many open world games have those two cities as living breathing worlds…

13 years ago

AC Mayan era

13 years ago

AC: Roaring 20s would be pretty sweet. Would fit well with all the memory things about Tesla, Edison, and Ford.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 2/15/2011 5:40:03 PM

13 years ago

I mean, I'll be honest, I've never played an AC title.
I do however know that they are great games, which means they deserve better than this.

Even if they all turn out to be good games, you know they could be better if they just spent a bit more time on each one.

And for personal reasons alone I find it well, annoying. There are just too many good games out there to play right now, and I know if I was a fan of this series I would be going crazy trying to play them all.

I guess I just like a good break in between game sequels. I'm weird.

13 years ago

i swear, if its in italy again…
ezio, you are awesome, but its time to move on to a new time period.
im betting its set in fuedal japan, french revolution, or sometime in russian history.
or in mexico with the aztecs… somehow. stupid pyramids

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