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Jade Raymond Talks Social Gaming And A New IP

After helping create one of the most popular and critically acclaimed franchises of the generation – Assassin's Creed – producer Jade Raymond moved into a new role: managing director of Ubisoft's new studio up in Toronto.

And although we haven't heard anything specific about their work, Raymond recently spoke at the DICE 2011 event during a "Creating Blockbuster IP for Generation C" session. Here, she spoke about the current state of the industry and how video games may take some cues from more casual, or "social," games, like the ones found on Facebook. As time goes on, "there are a ton of new screens and platforms that gaming developers can target," in addition to new ways of interfacing with our games (Kinect, Move, mobile phones, etc.). As of now, games can be considered a mass market industry, and she punctuated this with the following statement-

"We aren't selling games to just nerds in their basements. We are selling games to people who don't really even consider themselves gamers."

As for why people play games these days, Raymond believes it's all about the "satisfaction of feeling progression, knowing that you're doing well, and mastering something." She also says humans are just a lot more fun to play with than AI, which is why incorporating social elements in games is so crucial. Take all this info and maybe we have a clue as to Raymond's new project; that aforementioned new IP. Well, she definitely thinks it's a good time to "start with a blank slate" and the process of thinking about a new IP is an evolution rather than a revolution. In regards to Assassin's Creed , she said the team spent a year of pre-production, thinking about the future direction of the series if the first hit big (which it did).

The next step involves turning it all over to the fans. They're the ones that keep it "fresh and relevant," and this is the difference between AC and Raymond's new project: whereas AC was created to turn over to the pros, she wants to produce something that's handed over to the fans. That's all we've got for now but she also said that in order to create a blockbuster product, one must build up the hype. It has to be akin to "film or TV" and "games aren't so much just a topic of conversation around the water cooler; they're becoming the water cooler itself." In short, she hopes her game will become a "place of conversation and that it will be a widely shared pastime." …what, like baseball?

Well, if you want to build the buzz, you had best let us in on the goods…when can we see it, Jade?

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13 years ago

Can't really argue with or, nor would I want to. This news makes me wanna be Canadian… for a brief time.

There is no doubt that dorky facebook games are a good gateway drug to roping in the poor pathetic masses who still think movies and TV are the better form of entertainment and it's a good idea to jump on this early. I just hope all this casual social takeover of society doesn't bring the downfall of high quality single player experiences (although it already has for many series).

13 years ago

Wrong! I would much rather play AI than humans. That way I don't have to hear jerks yapping over their headsets or playing annoying "knee jerk" rap.

FYI: I love rap. I just hate most rap made in the last 5 years.

13 years ago

me 2

13 years ago

Not only do you miss the talkative jerks, but you also escape the morons who think it's kewl to cheat and glitch.

Guys, I suspect that because of changing market proportions, hardcore gamers are fast becoming a minority in the face of a tidal wave of casual gamers who don't have a clue how to learn how to fight the game's AI.

13 years ago

Guys. "Humans" do not HAVE to be synonymous for "strangers". Likewise, "human interaction" do not HAVE to mean "random match-making".

Well, to some it is. 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/11/2011 3:35:23 AM

13 years ago

You know…….for a video game developer, she's quite good-looking.

13 years ago

Her and the woman from Epic Games. Wow. They should be the spokespeople for video game public relations for the general public. Then maybe some of the "nerd" stereotypes would go away and also it promote female gamers.

13 years ago

indeed, she's quite hawt

13 years ago

No…for a human being, she's quite good-looking.

: D

Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/11/2011 5:06:07 AM

13 years ago

Sounds interesting, and I'm all for supporting the ppl that brought me AC 🙂

Pet peeve: I prefer geek to nerd just sounds nicer to me.

13 years ago

Geeks are side show freaks, technically.

So I'd rather be a nerd, myself.

13 years ago

Yeah, nerd is the way to be!

Besides… nerds are the new jock! We live in a fad where chicks dig clever, good lookin' nerds!

13 years ago

It's cool to think they're developing a new IP in the city where I live.

13 years ago

I heard that according with Pachter the game was based on you.

13 years ago

I like her. She not only knows good gaming, she knows WHY it's good gaming. Ubisoft is very lucky to have found her so early.

13 years ago

She worked for both Sony and Microsoft before Ubi (not to mention Electric Playground).

She's older than she looks.

13 years ago

Hey Fane let's hope she doesn't read that huh =P?
Cuz women and the mention of their age don't gel together….

13 years ago

She can't be *that* old? She's still in her twenties? That's still young in my book…

It's funny though, of all the poster-sized pics of her found on the web, Ben had to pick a stamp-sized one… 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/11/2011 7:36:08 AM

13 years ago

Not in her 20's.

Jade Raymond (born 28 August 1975).

Going on 36.

13 years ago

Sexiest woman at my work is in her early 30's. 30's are still pretty young too.

13 years ago

Yeah of course there are really good looking ladies in their 30s, and 40s too for that matter, but Jade has that "childish" (for the lack of a better word) look that so typically are lost sometime during the 20s. So she being 36, is… Wow.

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

Nigella Lawson is 51 and she's SLAMMIN'.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I turn 33 this year.

I'll take her.

13 years ago

Hey, we need more twitter updates from you! The one every 18 years just arent enough, Lmao! I understand you prob dont have that much free time, but anything more is appreciated!

"Taking a sh*t #ABigFatOne" – Ben's next twitter update Lmao!

(I did say anything but ya'll know what I mean; BTW for you joksters, I was playing about the fecal session)

Last edited by Snorge on 2/11/2011 11:37:41 AM

13 years ago

I turn 19 this year. I'll take her too.

13 years ago

^29, scared of 30.

13 years ago

Better get started on that things to do before hitting 30 world.

13 years ago

The thirties is where you learn the twenties sucked.

13 years ago


30 is the new 20. We all have had 10 years added to our lives with today's medicine and technology. Nothing to fear.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Hey… Sounds LBP-esque. Seriously, social interaction, fan led development…

There are still people who play and enjoy single player experiences, and we need to be engaged as well. It can't be all about multiplayer and social interaction, although that is a growing market that won't be denied.

I'd like to say more, but I don't know what… maybe later.

13 years ago

sorry, but after the crap ubisoft have done to their PC fans, and what they have done to my favorite new IP ill never be buying any of there games ever again!
speaking of ubisoft, whats happened to rainbow six?
been over 3 years since the last one came out!
ghost recon future soldier too, i thought that was suppose to be out early feb, but have not heard boo since they delayed it mid last year.
i smell another stinker on our hands!

13 years ago

Off topic I do not know what's so great about assassin's creed ? can someone tell me.

13 years ago

There's plenty of reviews that will explain that to you.
And then there are personal preferences.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/11/2011 7:31:41 AM

13 years ago

It's great for those who love to chew pine cones and sand.

13 years ago

Best multiplat franchise this gen (beyond the repetitive first one, of course)

And it's not off topic. It's a Canadian game made mostly in Montreal. Uncharted is made mostly out of Vancouver, as well.

13 years ago

Underdog, were you thinking one thing then got distracted with something else? I've never heard of Uncharted ever being connected to Vancouver. Now if you're thinking about EA on the other hand….

13 years ago

Naughty Dog's main location is in california, but they have a major studio in Vancouver. Much production of the first (unsure of the second and third) was done in Vancouver. The audio studio for Naughty Dog in Vancouver did all the audio for Uncharted.

I believe it mentions Vancouver in the final credits.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/11/2011 12:11:40 PM

13 years ago

Well how about that! Can't say I didn't learn anything today!

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

"Toronto? Ugh…I hate Canada. Oh my God, I hate Canada SO much. If there's one thing I hate more than vampires, it's Canada…eh?" I got nothing against the folks, but I hate that place

Last edited by The Doom on 2/11/2011 7:53:24 AM

13 years ago

uh… why?

You're kind of a bastard.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/11/2011 8:42:48 AM

13 years ago

How can one really hate any geographical area of such a size? If anything, hate the people. People are hateable, trees, animals and mountains are not.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/11/2011 8:53:46 AM

13 years ago

Here's a reason to visit:

P.s. I live in Canada… and it's further south than the Northern part of California and approximately a third of the US states.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/11/2011 9:01:37 AM

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

I'm a "sadistic bastard" according to my friends on PSN, so I guess theres a merit to that statement.

I hate the climate, but fair enough. I guess I should hate the people too

Last edited by The Doom on 2/11/2011 9:08:05 AM

13 years ago

Well… whatever makes you feel proud, I guess. That'll get you places…. /sarc/

And you hate the climate?!? LOL! Where I live, we're further south than a third of the US! Learn some geography dude. A large portion of Canada's population live in south western Ontario… and like I said… we're further south than a large portion of you guys… I'm further south than the northern part of California.

In fact, compared with New York State, for just one example, our winters are warmer and our summers are hotter on average. (compared with the area I live in, I mean.)

In other areas of Canada where most of the population live, it's very similar to American climate of neighboring states. And although I would never live North in the territories, for example, people that do pay no property taxes and get big tax breaks for living there. Plus cost of living is cheaper, and they typically get paid 3 times more. My buddy paid off his student loans and made a downpayment on a house in Nova Scotia after working just 1 year in the Northwest Territories as a nurse… he made 180k that year. (Right now Canadian $ is stronger than America's)

A few months ago, I drove north-west to Michigan.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/11/2011 9:18:47 AM

13 years ago

p.s. I'd heard people actually believe the stereotypes, but I never thought anyone would by coy enough to believe them…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Heeeeey…I don't want to have to play peacemaker in an international flap. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/11/2011 10:34:22 AM

13 years ago

@Underdog, do you live in Windsor? I had always pegged you as living in the Maritimes.

@Doom, I'm not a huge fan of the climate in Toronto either, it gets way to hot and HUMID for my liking in the summer!

13 years ago

Sort of Simcoe. I grew up in the maritimes, but for 3 years now I've lived sort of in London, Ontario. I'm about 1-1.5 hours from Windsor. I work in Strathroy for a half hour commute.

So yeah. I am a maritimer, but I haven't lived there for a couple years. My wife is from London, so I moved to her town when we got married 3 years ago.

And I agree about Toronto's humidity… I went to university in Hamilton… with the steel factory, that place sucks even harder in the summer. I definitely prefer the warmer winters and cooler summers of Nova Scotia. Temperate for the win!

13 years ago

Could never hate the country that gave us Bob Ross… R.I.P

13 years ago

I'd rather live in Toronto than in this nothing happening city called Ottawa that's for sure.

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