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Dead Space 2 Gets “Severed” DLC Later This Year

It has become commonplace for companies to announce downloadable content for a game that hasn't released yet.

Well, okay, Dead Space 2 officially hits store shelves today so it is out, but this is still a relatively early announcement: the first batch of DLC, dubbed "Severed," has been announced . The pack features two new missions that introduce Dead Space: Extraction character Gabe Weller and Lexine Murdock into the DS2 universe. You'll play as Gabe, a Sprawl Security Guard, and you must take down the rampaging necromorphs to get Lexine to safety. This DLC will be available "later this year" for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but we don't yet have an exact date or price. Oh, and unsurprisingly, Dead Space 2 participates in the EA Online Pass program, which means if you buy it new, it'll come with a code that gives you full access to the online features. If you buy it used, you'll have to pay the $10 (or 800 Microsoft Points) to gain access. You'll just have to get used to it.

Has anyone else noticed the "your mother will hate it" ads on TV? Great. Enter the anti-game activists; you can just sense them swarming.

Related Game(s): Dead Space 2

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13 years ago

Sweeet!! I just got the game an hour ago. I have all day off. Dead Space Marathon!! I can't wait until the sun goes down. I even have a bedpan so I don't have to take bathroom breaks.

13 years ago

Skip the middle man and just attach a catheter.

13 years ago

You can't poop through a catheter.

13 years ago

Just poop yourself, that's what I do. The scares are gonna cause that anyway.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/25/2011 3:03:59 PM

13 years ago

I got the game here too the Collector Edition today my B_day (what a nice gift i did to myself)
Waiting for the review here.

13 years ago

Happy Birthday PyramidHead.

13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

13 years ago

Ignore this post. Got posted twice for some reason.

Last edited by Veitsknight on 1/25/2011 10:42:01 PM

13 years ago

I wonder how the online turned out, I participated in the beta and could see some promise. I've got lots of games to get through, so it's kind of cool to know that I might get a great price if I buy used because no matter what there is about zero chance I would be using the online multiplayer.

13 years ago

The online is pretty good… its different, thats for sure. It runs smooth and servers were able to handle all the day one people.

There is a code in the game box you have to enter to be able to play online. The thing that sucks about the online is that if you buy used, you have purchase an online code for 9.99 from PSN to able to play online multiplayer.

So whatever the used price is, add $9.99 to it if you want to play online.

13 years ago

Indeed, the same playtime which must of been severed from the full title to become mere add ons =P.

13 years ago

I would normally agree because this DLC is announced so early – but since you play as a completely different character, I can't see that it was "severed" from this game.

It really does seem like some true DLC.

13 years ago

Good point Sven. Although he may be referring to the length of the game with the addition of multiplayer. But i dunno, Visceral will probably manage to keep it the same length.

13 years ago

True & true.

13 years ago

Heck yes. I'm loving the game so far and my mom really does hate it!!!

Last edited by Danny007 on 1/25/2011 2:28:27 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Well, considering that they haven't announced a date, and it comes with an entirely new story arc, it may just be DLC. Why do so few companies do this? Nyah, bugger it, I enjoyed the first far too much for me to be bothered by this announcement. I may just have to see if there are any LE's left when I go down to pick up the game on shelves. I say that because last weekend I went down, and there were TWO GT5 Signature Editions unsold. Hopefully they get some leftovers for this too.

P.S. I know that almost no-one on here has occasion to celebrate it, but have a good Australia Day anyway. I know I will.

13 years ago

Remember when DLC was something to extend the fun of the game, see things from a different perspective and stuff? Well, that's what this appears to be.

Now, Mr. David Cage, about that Heavy Rain DLC…

13 years ago

Lost interest when they scraped that damn thing. That really pissed me off, but the first one/slash demo was good.

13 years ago

I'm hoping(and waiting it out)that HR get's a GOTY version, not just with the Taxidermist, but those other 3 missing DLC's we were originally promised at the very beginning.

13 years ago


Unlikely…I mean that isn't going to sell for two reasons. 1)most people are over Heavy Rain and 2)Too many games coming out to consider HR GOTY a must buy. That's my opinion though.

13 years ago

But, but … Lexine was never really there!

13 years ago

DL f*ckin C…so tired of this crap. If you already have it made, just release it with the damn game. Dead Space 2 will have to wait…I'm going to get Dragon Age first..cheaper and will last longer. Want to get into the universe before DA2 arrives you know.

13 years ago

It isn't made yet, just announced.

13 years ago

Oh…but we can still assume this is already done, they are just waiting to cash in right? It's hard for me to believe they are waiting for profits so they can fund DLC…I know business, I understand business…I was in a business program (not professional) and quit. My ex roommate is a businessman now, he tells me all the time…DLC had nothing to with outsourced funding, more or less, its companies funding small cost expansions to make large profits. Makes sense, but he could be wrong.

Either way, I don't like making my harddrive overweight. I only got 40GBs and updates, GT5, ME2, and some other games keep my harddrive full. I like to have about 10GB left as I have made my harddrive crash twice w/o knowing my harddrive was full. Thank god most PS3 exclusives don't install that much though GT5 is killing me…lol. I can play KZ2 online anytime, but I have to keep reinstalling Transformes WFC to play online. I need a slim…bad…lol

13 years ago

It's still in the offing though, or it would be released sooner I think.

13 years ago

i had a 40gb and had the same problems. I just got fed up with having to install, uninstall, and reinstalling game's that have them — which most at the time did for me — that I went out and bought a 500gb and slapped it in. Now I have no problems with memory at all.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
13 years ago

been playing this game for a little while…in the middle of chapter 2, i'm not getting as scared as i used to when i first started in the first dead space. But its still a great game.

13 years ago

Done and done, so DLC is welcome, but in the meantime I'm trying to Platinum the game. Yeah, I took today off so I could devote the entire day to Dead Space… I'm a bit off. Beat it around twelve hours or so, I wasn't keeping track of when I started, really.

13 years ago

just hope its not too late, like what M$ did with the alan wake DLC.
release it 6 months after the game releases, thats just stupid whos going to remember the story for that long!?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

You don't remember stories? I forget the minutiae, but the overarching story, I have no problem with.

13 years ago

bits and pieces i do but allot of bits i forget.
people loose interest in a game after a while, if your not going to release the DLC within 2 months of the game releasing than theres really no point releasing it!
id be nice to see these DLC expansions release in the drought months when theres no new games releasing.
otherwise theres really no point, ill take a brand new 8+ hour game over a 1 hour expansion any day of the week!

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