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Ninja Gaiden III: More Brutal, Core Changes Scheduled

While Team Ninja claims the latest Ninja Gaiden installment will redefine "slicing and dicing," the game will also make some core gameplay changes…changes the fans may not like.

But first: studio head Yosuke Hayashi told IGN that fans would "experience something new regarding the feeling of cutting people," so in other words, you can expect another level of brutality and gore. The sounds of bones breaking will accompany our deadly assaults and it won't be so easy to dispatch of your foes. Your sword won't just cut through them like a knife through hot butter; the blade will actually encounter resistance as it cuts. Apparently, we'll have to "press buttons" to get our katana to slice through a hapless victim; they're going for authentic violence instead of "just going through entire armies of bad guys."

We'll be looking at a direct sequel in terms of story – the events take place after NGII – and it seeks to explore protagonist's Ryu Hayabusa's darker side. At the same time, they're going for more accessibility:

"We are trying to design the game so that anyone can take on the game and experience the action. You can expect it to be less demanding than Ninja Gaiden II, it won't be as hard as that. It might taste a bit different, but it will still stay Ninja Gaiden, and we don't think the difficulty is a big issue."

Hayashi also mentioned they'd be taking care of the camera issues that have affected past entries. Finally, he said that Team Ninja considers the structure from the first two titles to be "old," and they're "trying something new for the gameplay and starting over from scratch." Well, all right, but just don't lose that loyal fanbase…

Related Game(s): Ninja Gaiden III

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13 years ago

Hmmmm, I've never played(or collected yet) any of the Ninja Gaiden's, so I really don't know much about them.

So is the whole series "hack & slash"?
And do I have to buy them in the dated order they released to understand this new one, or is each one it's own self-contained story so far?

13 years ago

Hack'n Slash has always been more like Onimusha, DMC, even GOW, for me. NG's are more like fighting games (Tekken, SC, SF, DoA) in a single-player, action adventure experience.

13 years ago

Hack N Slash sort of implies a certain mindlessnes, NG has always required careful use of moves and skills alongside timing. In other words button mash and you die, a lot.

13 years ago

If you don't want waste your money I suggest you go to youtube and watch the walkthrough to at have some idea on what NG is. But they don't cost much NOW and they are fun.

13 years ago

Ninja Gaiden Sigma is worth adding to your collection BikerSaint. The head guy was a douche, but he's gone now. Might as well compare and contrast the first game with the new release, see if they needed him to begin with. I played the first game and it's intense and worth buying. PS3 version though, gotta keep it real.

Last edited by tes37 on 1/24/2011 11:34:29 PM

13 years ago

Thanks for the 411 guys!
Yeah, I wasn't sure if they'd be somethink I'd like, or just something I need to fill out my collections.

And as Guyver said, I'll need to check out some YouTubes if I get the time later, to see whether I really want them or just need them.

13 years ago

Hm. Interesting. I have faith in Hayashi-san, and worst case, there's always Itagaki's Devil's Third.

Gore was never the draw for me, but it was the life-like enemy AI, and the myriad ways to dispatch'em (strategically wise) that was the real excitement of the game for me. They keep that, and I'll be a happy ninja.

Red 5
Red 5
13 years ago


Well, Ninja Gaiden (XBox) was one of my BEST Games of last generation. I just couldn't stop playing (like some kind of game addiction hehehe). I didn't enjoy Sigma series as I would like but, the two games are good. Let's see if this third episode make Me feel that "addictive" sensation while playing a game.
Red 5.

13 years ago

Interesting to hear this.
I tried so many times to play Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox, but it was just too hard and I just couldn't get a feel of the game (and camera angles).

I didn't even consider Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the PS3. But then, someone bought it for me as a gift, so I decided to give it one more try. To my amazement, I actually enjoyed it.
But it wasn't until Ninja Gaiden 2 that I really had fun. The story and setting is *so* much better in NG2.

13 years ago

I always sucked at these newer Gen Gaidens. Actually I sucked at the old NES ones too but back then you still loved em anyway.

I feel bad for Temjin and the others that might lose what they like due to more dumbing down, but I like the idea of this limb-hacking and it being more accessible. Steep Learning curves aren't at my high priority list anymore. I'll probably get this at some point if it's true.

Having Mad Skillz was more important when you didn't have so many games you wanted to play.

13 years ago

Yeah, it sucks. I'm sure whatever they do will be half decent at worst. But this looks to have Splinter Cell Conviction syndrome written all over it.

13 years ago

This is exactly what I have been looking for in Ninja Gaiden. NG2 really disappointed me due to the replacement of blood with that blue liquid; and also the modern atmosphere. I can't wait to see this game; and it will definitely be a day one purchase for me.

13 years ago

That was Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, The original NG2 on the 360 was all Gore.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Am I the only one who read Guyver's comment as Al Gore the first time around?

13 years ago

It sounds fresh I really liked NG2 & NGS2 I'll definitely be picking this one up I hope they bring back the girls (along with their jiggly friends;) in this one as well.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/24/2011 11:03:08 PM

13 years ago

You know it'd be a definite +…in fact major + if they add in Kasumi with the girls. I mean hell they had Rachel back in Sigma 1, Ayane & Momiji in Simga 2, …they have to add Kasumi in the mix.

C'mon guys just put her in.

13 years ago

Yes Yes that would be great

Although Rachel was in both Sigma 1 & 2.

they should like a crossover and bring that guy (Ken Ogawa) from Ninja Blade into the mix in wasn't as good NG but the character was really at least in my opinion & I like his ninja outfit too, of course you might not know who or what I'm talking about if you haven't played that game it was an 360 exclusive.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/24/2011 11:39:28 PM

13 years ago

It came out on PC too and it was horrible :.

13 years ago

Personal I didn't think the game was that bad on the 360 (I've never played any game on the PC)I just really like the look of main character design and some of the other characters.

13 years ago

This doesn't strike me as good news. First, I wasn't ever into NG for the blood and gore–and this move is strange because Haysashi-san said he wanted to move the series away from the blood and gore found in the 360 version of NG2 and instead move more towards sleek and sexy with NGS2…..
As for starting over from scratch.
Ugh, they'd better not ditch the momentum based play dynamic from the previous two games. I'd see this as being one of the first "accessible" components they'd ditch. I know few other competitors who take the time to try and implement such a fleshed out system in this regard. Basically, what Ryu does while he's running or while he's going straight up a wall or across it will change his attacking attributes.
But who knows? Maybe Haysashi can pull something off with this but I have some strong reservations.

13 years ago

How would you say Bayonetta compared to NGS2, Sensei Temjin? Since I didn't play the former, I'm curious to know from another member of the infamous dragon clan who has 🙂 I was under the impression it was perhaps a closer predecessor to DMC3 than DMC4.

13 years ago

Master Shams, I don't feel entirely qualified to say. I've played Bayonetta about 1.5x and there's still a number of things to grasp. A few things I can say with confidence is that it draws a lot from DMC. It has a whole point multiplier aspect to it that really separates itself from NG. A person can build up more points by not just killing enemies but stringing them together in a stylized and varied way. NG doesn't waste time with that. They're so different in dynamics it's very difficult for me to compare them apples to apples. GoW, on the other hand, is an easier comparison. THough, not to get off track, In terms of presentational and design quality, Bayonetta is A grade and very entertaining and if you somehow come across a 360 again for cheap, make Bayonetta a high priority.

13 years ago

Cool, Sensei Temjin. I might just do that. With Vanquish, Platinum Games showed they could develop wth cross -platform parity. If Bayonetta 2 comes out, it just might save me from having to grab another console.

13 years ago

difficulty wise, i thought NGS2 was perfect

NGS2 was about surviving, combo is just icing on the cake as oppose to its function

Bayonetta is all about look flashy. once you learn to read the eneimes move, game is cake walk, but there is a *lot of icing to make out of those combo

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Sounds like it could be an iffy move for the fans. Curious changes to be sure.

So I suppose it comes down to NG3 and MGS:Rising. They seem similar, but which does everyone think will be better?

13 years ago

but what if we dont want "core changes"?
what if we want the same game we got in ninja gaiden 2?
this is exactly what is seriously pissing me off with todays games, its not bad enough that every game has to be a copy of another, every game has to be changed!
RE from survival horror to plain action.
LBP from platformer, to well everything but.
GOW from action, platformer, puzzle to just plain action.
for once can we just have a sequel that changes nothing but the story and levels?
a sequel that actually feels like a sequel, and not like a new IP?
i swear to god i can see this gen being my last for new games!
everything has to be a copy of whatevers popular, and everything has to be changed.
whats the point of sequels, if there going to be totally different?
if i want a platformer ill go buy a platformer, if i want a shooter ill go buy a shooter.
so why do developers have to turn games into things there not?
i always said the departure of the creator would destroy the studio, they did not have to prove it to me!

Last edited by ___________ on 1/25/2011 2:02:40 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Crikey, you're not asking for much, are ya?

So, you want every sequel to be exactly the same as its predecessor, with only a cosmetic change. A sequel needs to change in order for it to make it worth a second purchase. How would you feel about Assassin's Creed 2 if it offered the exact same gameplay options, story layout, weapons and abilities as the original, with the only difference being it set at a later period of time in Italy? Change is necessary for improvement. However, the roots must be maintained, and GoW3, I feel, did that for the most part. Same goes for LBP2. It is still a platformer, it just has a ton of new features.

And you want every series to differentiate itself from every other. How then do you propose we make every FPS distinctly different, or should we simply cut the options down to CoD, KZ, Bioshock and Deus Ex? There are only so many ways to change the formula of it. Racers are more diverse, as you've got sim, arcade, open-world, stunt, off-road, and any combination of them, but there are still only so many options. One 2D Platformer would suffice for almost all.

13 years ago

"what if we want the same game we got in ninja gaiden 2?"

Then… y'know, you can always play Ninja Gaiden II.

13 years ago

you get the point, actual make the game feel like a sequel not a new IP!
stop taking a game and changing its genre.
LBP was a 2D platformer, LBP2 is a shooter.
if i wanted a shooter LBP2 would of been the last game on my list!
whats disappointed me most is we dont have any other 2D platformers, LBP was the last and only series still in the genre and now its left it.
the physics feel really weird in the game too, especially the swinging you loose your momentum so quickly it just feels like your sackboy weighs 1000000000 KGs!
not to mention, somehow my save file magically vanished!
i had 2 levels to finish last night so i went to bed, turned it on tonight and my save file was gone.
exited the game and went into the game saves folder and its not there.
no corrupted save or anything, its just gone, as if it was never there!
LBP2 = the biggest disappointment of the generation!
bigger than RE5, FFXIII, DMC4, KZ2, R2,GTAIV,mafia 2 and GT5 put together!
eh, i knew this would happen though.
go back to my comments about the trailers they showed at E3, i knew they would screw this up!!!

13 years ago

I want to like the new Ninja Gaiden games, but they're just meh to me.

Can I just get the original three NES games on the PSN with trophies?

13 years ago

NG is one of my all-time-fav games, YEAH! can't wait.

13 years ago

Ninja Gaiden always possessed a certain skill set to be good at. I for one do not have that skill set and get obliterated when I play the demos. But they are really fun games.

13 years ago

There is definitely a learning curve. But once you get a hang of the fight mechanics (rolling to dodge attacks) and learn a few button combos (like the awesome Azuna Drop), the game really gets good!

13 years ago

NG is one of the few franchises were you can constantly get your ass kicked & still want to play it, I still haven't beat the last level of NG2.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/25/2011 12:03:15 PM

13 years ago

"We consider Ninja Gaiden I and Ninja Gaiden II's design to be old,"

ARGH! Itagaki please come back!

13 years ago

Welcome to the club of disenfranchised fans of a series that now aims to cater to non-fans.

13 years ago

You don't know what you want, they do, remember? This is the nonsense generation. If only they'd cater what the fans want rather than what they think about in their measly, opinionated peanuts. What this always tends to show me is how someone wants to change something that works great so they can leave their own imprint on this world.

It's just like the rpg world in genres beyond it. Some genius (sarcasm) thinks they can deliver something to the masses that everyone will want. When will they learn that their loyal franchise fanbase is their true bread and butter? When will they keep to what works best and just go from there? I'm not a huge gaiden fan but that doesn'tstop me from feeling sick to see more of what fans don't want – core changes.

13 years ago

Some genius (sarcasm) thinks they can deliver something to the masses that everyone will want.

This is very true they're never gonna be able to appeal to everyone, but developers keep trying nonetheless *sigh* at the end of the day it almost always boils down to the money issue.

Still I'll try to keep an open mind.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/26/2011 11:15:51 AM

13 years ago

I'm more looking forward to MGSRising…

13 years ago

Rising looks like some slicin fun, but I expect NG to be a more substantial product with Rising going more casual.

13 years ago

I haven't really heard anything about Rising. Do they have a release date yet?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

I can't really say too much about this. I just hope they don't change it too much.

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