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THQ On New Consoles Too Soon: “Bad For Everybody”

While we're already starting to hear whispers about the next generation of consoles, many publishers and developers are hoping it's a good ways off.

Take THQ, for example: core games boss Danny Bilson says quite frankly that the arrival of the PS4 and Xbox 720 within the next three years would be "horrible." During a Eurogamer interview , Bilson reacted strongly to the possibility of all new hardware within the next few years:

"It would be horrible. But I think they all know our model's broken anyway. It still costs us a fortune to make games on this platform. If they're going to up the scale, up the art, up the content, I don't know how to make that and sell it to anybody for under $100 a game.

Who wants to do that? It's bad for everybody."

Right now, he says they've finally gotten to the point where they "understand" the consoles, and now they need more time to get "creative with them." In other words, designers don't have to waste a lot of time going, "oh my God, how are we going to deal with that new technology?" They can focus on the artistic; the creative; in other words, their overall vision. Added Bilson:

"That's the trick. We're not going to get beat by another hardware upgrade like every five years like it was before. There will be little things. It's up to us to compete in graphics and creativity. Sometimes I hope good creativity and style will be able to be more important. It is more important.

As long as we're creatively satisfied as gamers by what we're getting, I'm really satisfied. I still see cooler stuff, better stuff. So much is in the software engineering and working with the technology. I look at games and I go, wow, how did they get such great characters?"

Well, we all know it takes developers a while to get comfortable with new hardware, especially when it comes to Sony and the PlayStation. For the time being, we're perfectly happy with waiting four or five more years before another console arrives…but we have a feeling the PS4 might drop a little before that. Remember, we're over 4 years into this generation already…

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13 years ago

Nintendo might need a new console for hardcore gamers. The others can keep their consoles for 5 more years.

13 years ago

The Wii made so much money, they should release a Wii2 or HD or whatever and then invest some of that cash in a true next gen console. Maybe they could push MS to the bottom of the pile with some better hardware.

13 years ago

Nintendo doesnt want to make a console for the hardcore gamer. The reason the Wii exists is because Ninty knew they couldnt beat both MS and Sony in a battle of the most powerful console, so they went for the casual crowd. And it worked better than anyone could have predicted.

I dont care if my wii games are in HD or not. A higher resolution doesnt make a better game. Mario Galaxy plays just fine in 480i, and it is more fun than most of the big titles on the 360 and ps3.

13 years ago

Posted twice somehow…. ignore this.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 1/23/2011 10:38:15 PM

13 years ago

Nintendo is fine where they at, them focusing on the younger crowd is a big selling point.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/23/2011 11:11:25 PM

13 years ago

Nintendo is the only company that will probably release a new home console within the next 2 years. You can bet the farm on that.

So we & game companies can only hope that said console is only as powerful as the current systems.

That way, all 3 consoles will be on equal footing and devs will finally develop games for all of them at once or whatever.

However, if Nintendo develops a system even more powerful than the current next-gen systems, that could be the spark that starts the next generation of consoles.

13 years ago

@ NoSmokingBandit

*A higher resolution doesnt make a better game.*

Thats true but now we are talking about a console that can't even output at the default resolution of a now standard screen (720p or 1080p) and you are getting very bad and blurry graphics compared to if you hook it up to an old crappy TV.

Now that the majority of people upgraded to HD the Wii is losing much of its appeal.

And it even lost to the Kinect in exercising / dancing potential and to the Ps3 in precision.

The nintendo Rep from our store was crying this winter. We sold for 20 000$ of Wii VS 70 000$ of PS3/move and 77 000$ of Kinect/Xbox…

It's not with their 2-3 Mario DK Mickey games per year that they will keep people coming for their VERY out-dated machine XD

So yeah I expect Nintendo to come with a solution REALLY fast because there is absolutely no good reason to buy a Wii nowadays. The PS3 or 360 does a much better job in all aspects and are now very affordable. The few Wiis we sell are to Mario-Dk-Mickey-Metroid-Zelda fans and we all know they were always the short end of the stick ( compared to the 85% beeing kids for Dora and Diego or ladies and families for dancing/exercising… Now all gone to PS3 move or Kinect for a much better experience )

And I am not making this up… Ive been selling systems for 2 yrs in the biggest store in Montreal. Wii used to be a hit but got killed when HD started to take more space and destroyed when kinect/move came out. I know 1 store might not be representative of the whole country but it is still a good indicator when our yearly budget is well over the combined budget of all the other Future Shops in Quebec ( more than 12 others ).

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/24/2011 1:43:37 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Nintendo will almost certainly be first out of the gate with the next generation console. That being said, I think it will act more as a gateway than being IT. They have thus far made a killing on the Wii, and are set to repeat this success with the 3DS, but no-one can deny that the Wii is an aged console, and now that the other two companies have released *better* motion sensing controls, it's high time for the Big N to skip ahead by half a step.

No doubt they will release a new console, with perhaps a body suit-type motion control, that is magnitudes more powerful than the Wii, and will undoubtedly be enough to topple even the PS3 from its lofty perch. In addition to this they will have something else up their sleeves to garner the hardcore audience than their tried and true franchises (or at least I hope).

I firmly believe that the announcement of this new console, whatever it's called, will be before the end of this year, in order to combat the increasing obsolescence of the Wii. This, in turn, wil cause a knee-jerk reaction from M$ at least, as they realise that, once again, they need the jump on the competition, and will likely release the 720 within 8 months of the Uss (Why not?). Sony, I believe will remain somewhat confident in the PS3, and will wait at least until 2013 before releasing the PS4, but that is not to say that they won't unveil it beforehand.

Both of the other two companies will be trying to create something that will put the devices of this generation to shame in every way, as well as further increasing their online reliance.

13 years ago

I started with Nintendo and Sega Genesis and then moved to Sony. Microsoft I simply saw as a detrimental figure whom did not use the same business methods as the previously mentioned. I can still respect Nintendo even though I support Sony now.

If Nintendo came out with a HD system I would be supporting both Sony and NIntendo. These two are more closely related than people think…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

High resolution may not automatically make for a better game, but look at it this way-

Super Mario Galaxy 2 in standard resolution.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 in high definition.

Same game exactly; res is the only difference. …which one is undeniably better, and which one will you take?

13 years ago

I agree, Ben, but people like to bash the wii saying its a useless console because it isnt HD, which is just stupid.
In a way, the lack of power in the wii resulted in some great titles. Something like Kirby's Epic Yarn would have never happened on the ps3 or 360, but its one of the best platformers this gen, imo. Being restricted makes the devs rely on gameplay alone to sell a title instead of technical merits.
Most articles about new games involve what kind of technology went into it, the updated engines, etc, but barely anything about making the game pure fun.

Nintendo doesnt need to make a Wii HD before Sony and MS make their next consoles. The Wii sold well enough that Nintendo doesnt need to rush out a new console just to pick up sales. They should take their time and make a huge leap ahead of Kinect/Move.

Nintendo didnt make a console that requires power to be appealing, therefore they dont need to increase the power to keep up with anyone else. Let MS and Sony have the most-powerful-console pissing match, Ninty is going to do their own thing and make more money than MS and Sony combined.

13 years ago

I think everyone is forgetting wii is beating both xbox360 and ps3. It is also killing in the handheld wars. DS is selling more than twice as much as the psp. Matter of fact DS is number 2 on the best selling consoles of all time (number one in handhelds). With ps2 being number 1 and lets not forget the ps2 has been out longer.

I believe nintendo is in the position to just sit on their asses and do nothing…

All I got to say is, I don't really care much for new consoles (excluding handhelds). Just give me video games. Sony, get your arse in gear and make that awesome psp phone combo. 3ds is going to be hawt! Microsoft shouldn't even try to compete in handheld market. I don't want to see that fail 0.o

—-End of rant

13 years ago

@ AnonWTF

You should read before posting. Were not saying Wii wasnt succesfull were saying it is outdated and has not much to offer anymore compared to the competition… And that is true.

If it goes on like this might we see nintendo porting to PS3 ? 😀 😀 😀 lolll

Btw dont like your End of rant self absolute power granting and I hope you receive divine retribution >:(

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/24/2011 8:56:16 PM

13 years ago

No, because it is successful it doesn't matter how out dated it is. It can keep going as is despite any flaws it has. That is all I'm saying.

13 years ago

But Sony's system is the only one seeing a growth in sales year over year. We've been discussing the –fact– that Wii sales are beginning to decline.

And they are. You cannot refute that. You also cannot refute that PS3 sales are still improving year over year! And lastly, you cannot refute, that from a technological standpoint, Nintendo is light years behind.

They will likely be successful no matter what, but if they wish to stay on top, some changes need to be made.

13 years ago

I would never refute that it is out dated. It just doesn't matter at the current time because they are still going to be on top for a while. Instead of making a 1.5 upgrade just focus all efforts onto next gens console.

13 years ago

I am still completely happy with my PS3, so I am not too keen on a PS4 very soon. And I agree with what he said that most developers are just starting to familiarize themselves with the current consoles we have right now, particularly the third-party ones.

Aside from that, the PS3 already has Blu-ray, 3D support, Move, and PSN games are really starting to shine. I honestly think the PS3 is the only future-proof console this generation. That said, I really do not mind if Sony does not release their next console as soon as Nintendo or Microsoft release theirs. (Did that make sense? LOL)

13 years ago

I honestly wouldn't be suprised if I saw an xbox 720. Now, because technology is advancing, Xbox has lost it's momentum. It's just maxed out due to certain hardware limitations.

13 years ago

THQ is smaller than EA, Activision, Ubisoft and Square Enix. I think in THQ's case many of these statements are circumstantially oriented. We've observed over the last several years that as development escalates, smaller companies are getting wiped out, or are having to alter their position in the market place. I'm sure EA and Activision would speak a different story–like I said, circumstantial. The top dogs who control the masses will further solidify their presence in the market by being able to outstrip any competitor in terms of sheer marketing strength. A large stream of THQ's revenue comes from largely wrestling and UFC games. EA, on the other hand, has their hand in a lot more markets. They can more easily survive the "survival of the fittest" process. And the fittest, my friends, will love reveling in market dominance.

13 years ago

This reminds me of an article you wrote once about gamers being selfish because they desire backwards compatibility in their systems.

If a PS4 came out tomorrow that was compatible with PS3 games, wouldn't developers like this just be able to decide for themselves whether or not they want to take that further step into the more powerful hardware or not? If they so choose, couldn't they just keep making games at the PS3 level on a backwards compatible PS4? They would still be rather fantastic game don't you think?

Lord knows those developing on the Wii don't give a damn about hardware specs. The games sell themselves. So yeah, Sony can come out with as many systems as it wants, but if they're not backwards compatible, then they will frustrate both gamers and developers.

13 years ago

If ps4 came out with ps3 BC and THQ or any other company decided to opt for making ps3 games their games will NOT sell alongside ps4 games.

13 years ago

Yeah, nobody bought ps2 games after the ps3 was released.

Oh wait…

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 1/23/2011 10:39:09 PM

13 years ago

Oh wait…

Care to provide games which sold at least 1 million copies?

Most ps2 releases were small releases.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

…I don't remember writing that.

13 years ago

but Ben, wouldnt he have been asking John Shepard? you know since he wrote this one…

or did you just slip up 😉

13 years ago


Or perhaps he was answering for PSXExtreme in general rather like some people use the the Royal 'we', when answering for themselves and others.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

John didn't write anything like that, either…

13 years ago

There were a few. For starters, GOW2 sold over 1 million.

FF12 released only a month before PS3 here in NA. But PAL and INT releases came out post PS3 and sold over 1 mil.

But aside from a small handful, you make a good point still. Sales are nowhere the same post PS3.

13 years ago

As for my opinion on new consoles. I'm torn. I always love being excited over newer, more powerful hardware, and I'm sure the technology is there for a company to market something that is significantly more capable then what we have right now. But I still can't help but think that there is SO MUCH MORE the PS3 can do right now. The PS3 was something of a slow starter, but now that everything appears to be firing on all cylinders, I'm plenty excited for the steady stream of incredible titles making their way onto store shelves for this year alone. I'm also in a financial position that couldn't make many allowances for a new system and newer full price software.

And I love that gaming has reached it's sweet spot for me over the last year when I can pick up tons of great, slightly older, games for $10-$20. There's no drought or lack of content to feed my appetite.

13 years ago

I personally feel that the majority wasn't tapped into the PS3 when it was priced at 600 bucks. We might want to reavaluate. Say, when the PS3 slim was introduced at a reduced price for the first time and go from there.

I'd say we have plenty of years to go before the new consoles come. Lets keep in mind that this gen developers had issues with the PS3's architechure and Sony had are rough start with the Playstation demographic. Just because the PS3 as been around for 4 plus years doesn't mean that we should consider that what went on in those years is comparable to what went on in previous console generation years.

Therefore this generation needs to be looked at quite differently in my opinion.

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 1/24/2011 3:39:05 AM

13 years ago

Consoles are not needed for at least 2 more years. 2013-14 should be when a new one should come out.

THQ's right, look at how many companies (mainly in Japan) opted out to keep making ps2 and psp games.

From Software (Demon's Souls creators) are really small, they wouldn't be able to keep up.

The cost of games alone is a big problem. I agree with this Bilson guy. Unless you're willing to start paying $80 per game we should stretch the lifespan of these consoles a bit more.

13 years ago

It's pretty astonishing when you think that we are paying about the same amount of money now that we did for games fifteen years ago or more.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/23/2011 10:32:11 PM

13 years ago

I'm fine with keeping this current gen's consoles. I would rather not rush the developers. When they are confident, we gamers get their best product. I feel there is no need to rush.

IMHO, it would be a spit in the face to the current gaming generation of consoles if a next generation of consoles was introduced in even 4 years. 2011 is the first year Playstation fans (from what I see) are finally getting really excited. Who's to say we can't make this gen memorable for a multitude of years?

We gamers will love getting the most out of our hardware until developers really feel that they are capped. Until then, and only until then will we need a new and greater from of hardware.

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 1/24/2011 3:47:21 AM

13 years ago

Yea, I remember buying Chrono Trigger and Illusion of Gaia on SNES for about $60.

13 years ago

Amazing how things have changed. You can't really even find original nintendo games anymore. Do you think that we will be around when the same happens for PS3 games. Will it ever happen with the PS3? Who can tell at this point.

13 years ago

I think they started talking about the PS4 within two years of the PS3 releasing. That made me mad. I think the cost of making games means that each console generation is just going to have to be longer than it used to be.

I mean c'mon, most multiplatform developers still can't even make their game run without a bunch of technical bugs on current hardware. Imagine how bad the glitches will be on PS4.

Regarding MS, they just need bigger Media. Something like Blu Ray (since according to them Blu Ray is nonessential) Maybe they can try their all Digital Distribution model out next gen.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Despite their seeming like for digital distribution, Microsoft, as a company, isn't stupid enough, or perhaps brave enough, to be the first to make that leap. I mean, do they even release full games on Live, as Sony does on PSN? They wouldn't make such a large jump without precedent.

13 years ago

I believe the 360 had full games available to download via Live well before the PS3 started doing it.

Halo 3, Gears of War, Batman Arkham Asylum and many others were full game downloads provided by MS around the same time they rolled out the major system update, you know, the one with the overhaul changing from the blades navigation setup to the screens (the version we have now).

The only reason I do not download full games via Live or PSN is because of the download limit of net provider, I do not own a physical copy of the game and I can generally get a physical copy of the game much cheaper pre-owned than the digital version.

Only games I've bought digitally are smaller indie developed games or games off Steam, which are ridiculously cheap during sales.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Huh… Why did I not remember that?

13 years ago


PSN has always had the ability to do full download games. WarHawk was available – for example – either on BluRay or PSN in September 2007.

XBL has a very strict limit on the size of game that can be hosted and downloaded.

PSN doesn't have a limit on the size of game that a publisher can distribute via PSN.

13 years ago

@ Highlander

Very true. Warhawk, MAG and now Mass Effect 2 have joined the ranks of same day disc and digital releases.

I didn't know about the size limit of 360 games on Live. Does this mean that Mass Effect 2, Lost Odyssey and FF XIII won't ever be available on Live? Where did you hear this from?

13 years ago

I think that MS might have relaxed their limit over time, but I'm not sure that it's been completely removed. Here's a news story from 2008 where they increased the limit to 350MB. I remember first hearing about it because Criterion Games had a terrible time finding a way to fit their DLC for Burnout Paradise into the old 150MB limit.

Apparently MS lifted the limit to 2GB last year. But that limit is still causing issues. Oddworld could not appear on XBL because it has a 2.1GB size. So it was to be PS3 exclusive because of that limitation.

I believe that the original reason for the limit was the amount of memory available on Microsoft's HDD-less 360s. If they heavily limited the amount of space required for an XBL title, people without an HDD could still purchase games off XBL because they'd fit on a memory card.

Needless to say with 360 Arcades coming with 4GB of Flash now, that limit can be higher.

finally, I found this quote from MS

"The 2GB limit is a technical limitation of the system being used. Games on Demand, a section of the Xbox Live Marketplace where you can buy full retail games to download, uses a different file structure and so that limitation does not exist."

So, I guess they are stuck at 2GB.

13 years ago

Interesting read. Thanks for that Highlander.

It makes sense that On-demand games be separate from Live Arcade games, but with the size limit, it really doesn't surprise me that so many indie developers or major companies are opting towards the PS3 for the platform of choice for downloadable games and content.

13 years ago

I don't care to see a bew system til at the earliest 2014. This guy is right it's far too early. Every year we see something better, and personally until we see a plateau affect I don't mind one bit what I'm looking at right now! My PS3 is used for everything I do. I don't need cable anymore because I got vudu, hulu plus, and netflix. And it's cheaper monthly to go that route. I pay roughly $20 a month for hulu and netflix and get everything I need. Rumor has it that netflix is shelling out major bux for hit tv shows to be on their watch now list (we'll see). When I feel like it I can listen to music, and so much more. Not to mention play my blu-rays and video games as well! 😉

Point is even though the PS4 will do all that and more most likely, I'm not ready for it. Nor do I need more right now or in the near future (like in the next 2-3 years). I ussually look forward to the graphical leaps a console has over the other. That to me is what sets te consoles apart. We've got so many new features since the PS3' release I assume we could expect the same out of the PS4, that I dont see a legit reason to release a new console soon. Along with my graphics statement, games are still looking and getting better every year. When that slows maybe then I'll want a new console.

EDIT: also one last thing. I don't want an inflated price. Release the consoles at the right time at the right price.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/23/2011 10:53:07 PM

13 years ago

Absolutely big

Just the same piont I'm making. I think some might disagree with me but I really believe that the sweet spot of this console generation is only just begining. Let's work with what we have now and maybe we will have a successor to that of the PS2 gen.

13 years ago

I hate to say it(and hear me out first before replying), but my thinking is that Sony should offer MS BluRay for their next bot-box.
But….only do it on the condition that MS signs a contract to never again buy any multiplat, DLC, or other timed exclusivity, ever again.

That way, if MS were to get BR too, then there would be absolutely no reason or excuse coming from any developer for any more PS3 games to ever wind up gimped again, due to MS's "lesser disc-abilities".

13 years ago

The funny thing is…If microsoft actually signed that contract and got blu-ray for next gen, they will think their console will be albe to hold as much data as Ps3 and broadcast that everywhere saying who needs the next playstation….BUT, what's funny is that the ps4 will have a bigger Blu-ray type drive…I heard rumours of a disk being made with a Terabyte of space by Sony.

Wouldn't that be funny:

720- 50GB (Finally)
ps4 1000GB/Terabyte

13 years ago

M$ has said they don't need nor want blu-ray so let em' think that. Also i don't care about exclusive dlc. I know it sucks that they do that and we've had to wait but I've come to realise goty editions are so much better to purchase. Also if the developers want to make excuses let em! They shouldbt bottom line, but they'll soon realise what they have to put up against if they keep doing that, if they havnt already. I think most all developers have seen the glory that is uncharted 2.

But I completely see where your going with this. And although I love exclusives ad they obviously are the games thatshine the brightest in most cases. These developers need to do exactly as you mention biker saint, with these multi plat games.

Btw you pointed me in the direction of borderlands goty edition the other day… Thanks for that! 😉

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/24/2011 12:05:19 AM

13 years ago

Microsoft can use BluRay in their console anytime they want to whether Sony wants them to or not. Sony does *not* control BluRay, it's controlled by a third party industry association which Sony is only one member of. All MS has to do is pay the exact same fees that every other manufacturer pays and they can do what they want.

13 years ago

thats never going to happen, M$ going blu would mean M$ admitting they were wrong and never in their history have they done that!
hell will freeze over, gravity will disappear, ill win the lottery long before M$ adds blu in there next console.
plus its not necessary yet, look at ps3 games.
hell GOW3 once you remove all the dummy files is only about 8GBs, no bigger than a 360 game!
if your going to go mega resolutions than ok, but ATM its just a complete waste.
not to mention the drives are so slow, which is why almost every game requires a half hour install now.

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