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Yakuza 4 Grabs US Release Date

The Yakuza series gets plenty of love from critics but often goes unnoticed by gamers. It's why Yakuza 3 won "Most Overlooked" as part of our Game of the Year Awards 2010 .

But you'll get another chance to reward Sega for a solid effort. Sega has announced that Yakuza 4 will arrive in North America on March 15, and in Europe three days later. The PlayStation 3 exclusive received plenty of acclaim when it launched last year in Japan; one of our favorite bad-asses in Kazuma Kiryu returns, and he'll have to fight his way to another satisfying conclusion. You may have heard that the newest title is Yakuza: Of The End , which is slated to release this year in Japan. However, we're always a year behind in regards to this franchise, so yeah, we have yet to see Yakuza 4 . But now that we have it all cleared up, you're gonna be picking up the latter when it releases in a few months time, right? If we don't buy it, Sega might decide not to localize Of The End and trust us, that'd probably be a bad thing. We always love great PS3 exclusives and Yakuza definitely qualifies.

Just remember, there's going to be a bit of a departure from the norm in the newest game. It'll have zombies and guns and stuff.

Related Game(s): Yakuza 4

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13 years ago

Great stuff. Already preordered. I hope it catches on more than the Yakuza 3. It definitely deserves it.

13 years ago

But is it localized properly?

13 years ago

Yes it is! Well according to SEGA it is. No stuff is cut, unless it's some trivia question about Japanese history.

Hostess bars are in this one, so yes don't worry.

13 years ago

Guys go play Yakuza 2 which is yakuza 3 for the ps2.Yakuza 3's combat is just Yakuza 2's combat with new added moves!
Yakuza 2 has hostess clubs,mahjong,shogi,bowling,batting cages,golf,,all side missions,better boss fights,better story,over 100 special moves, and i think the special moves are little more badass than yakuza 3.Did you guys know that you yourself can be a host in a host club and can manage a hostess club yourself?Cannot be a host in yakuza 3.I hope they make a HD Collection of the Yakuza series so people can still appreciate Yakuza 1 and Yakuza 2.
Yakuza 4's story is as good as Yakuza 1 and 2.

Last edited by Kiryu on 1/21/2011 2:36:08 AM

13 years ago

You two don't get it, Alien asks if Y4 has eng dub, and no it doesn't have.

13 years ago

I love that there is no English dubbing! It keeps it more authentic.

Maybe it's just me, but I hate watching movies that are dubbed in English… I'd much rather just read the subtitles.

13 years ago

Y4 has outstanding voice acting, I'm happy with the Jap voices but I can see why some people wouldn't agree.

13 years ago

I never even heard of the friggin series until this generation. Maybe the game needs a TV commercial or two, not everybody checks the internet for game news daily like us. There are tons of people here that love Japanese cultural backgrounds in their games, but you have to smoke em out of their holes sometimes.

13 years ago

Well in America it's still considered niche even though it's very popular in Japan and niche Japanese games never get advertised on tv in America. If it does get advertised, it's pretty rare and also won't be shown a lot anyways like all of these more popular games.

But anyways, March 15th? That's not a good day for me since I have another game to get that day but will get Yakuza 4 at a later date. But it's also my birthday so hopefully I have enough birthday money.

Last edited by Ar_tonelico on 1/21/2011 11:01:28 AM

13 years ago

Love the series, so this will be definite buy for me, though not right away

13 years ago

I have never played one, the demo for 3 didn't wow me at all, but from what I hear they offer hours of gameplay, so when 4 is released here I should be able to pickup 3 for a very low price and give it a proper try.

13 years ago

will definetly be picking this one up, i just hope it has removed the babysitting through the whole freaking game!
hopefully they will add in a more interesting, better flushed out story.
yakuza 3 had a really dragging dreary story, just felt like it dragged on waaaaaaaaay too long!
far too many conspiracys, coverups and twists for my liking.
makes you feel like your in one of those carnival rides which are like a washing machine, constantly tipping you upside down while spinning you so fast your lungs become your brain.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/21/2011 7:49:53 AM

13 years ago

…and you want more of that, so you're picking up Yakuza 4?

Your review of 3 sounds like you had an awful experience. Not sure why you'd want more of that. LOL

13 years ago

not at all, i enjoyed the combat which is most of what you do so thats why im going back for 4.
im just saying i hope they remove the babysitting, after all i thought yakuza was Japanese for mafia not for babysitter!
its just silly having one of the highest ranking members looking after such mundane tasks, like when one of the girls money gets stolen and its your job to wonder around asking questions.
if you must have all the babysitting, than at least have some directions.
they never tell you where to go, they just tell you i better look for so and so but never tell you where.
its like telling me you need to find the US president.
where is he?
somewhere on planet earth.
thanks, thats REAL helpful!
you may need to be a liiiiiiiiitle more specific than that!
i dunno about anyone else, but i dont find wondering around in circles for 2 hours looking for a kid fun!
id be cool if you could upgrade your character too, turn it into more of a RPG styled game.
have weapons upgradeable, your stats like health and stamina, damage you do with certain weapons.
you need more weapons to play with too, it was really annoying walking into those weapon vans and staring at the wall seeing all those cool shaped swords but you were not allowed to use them.
WTFs the point of that?

13 years ago

Yakuza 4 is the pinnacle of what games are supposed to be!
1000 gameplay elements,Fuckin awesome Storyline,
and a great world to explore!
Thank you SEGA for the best franchise in video game history and Playstation Forever!

13 years ago

Thank you SEGA for the best franchise in video game history and PlayStation Forever!

It might be a Good franchise, BUT in no way is this the best franchise in video game history and PlayStation Forever nor is it the pinnacle of what games are supposed to be. I'm sorry but there are franchises out there that are better than the Yakuza games. I can understand them being good games I've never played any of them, but from what I hear they are pretty good, but I just don't see how this franchise would be able to hold such a title.

Not trying to knock you for having an opinion but seriously though I'm just sayin.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/21/2011 9:55:19 AM

13 years ago

Yeah i can see u haven't played any of the games on the ps2 or ps3.That's y u don't agree.
Play the game first u son of a .. and then say anything.
Don't just watch videos and judge games.
Games r meant for playing not watching,Remember that.

13 years ago

No need for the attitude I clearly stated that I heard they were good games, but between what I've heard and seen they are not The best franchise; it's not like I was saying they sucked or anything but that isn't what I said now is it, so I really don't understand what all the attitude is for. You obviously have allot of love for these games and I can respect that, but despite how you might feel there are other games/franchises out there that are way better overall.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/21/2011 11:14:23 AM

13 years ago

I can't understand how you can be so rude to Kiryu and then want others to see your opinion when you haven't even played a single game in the franchise, WOW troll much? Though I do think there are better franchises on the market IMO, this one doesn't take a backseat to any of them. The only franchise I can think of that I enjoy more would be the Persona franchise, they along with the Yakuza series have disappointed me the least overall.

What Yakuza offers is what many gamers have been seeking this generation diversity. The sheer amount of things one can do in these games is awesome, and they challenge you as well. The only gripes I ever see about Yakuza 3 is the babysitting comments and graphics, neither of which bother me. The babysitting gets a little old but its not a game killer, and the graphics are not an issue with me as I still play my Atari every now and then gameplay>graphics anyday.

Kiryu I'm with you if this is your favorite franchise then so be it, I can't see why anyone would try to sway your opinion on that. This right now is pretty much the only game I must have this year.

13 years ago

I was being rude…REALLY… WTF were you reading, It was the other way around homie & it wasn't an opinion it was a fact. Kiryu said that Yakuza games were best franchise in video game history and PlayStation Forever (Now that's an opinion) & we both know that isn't true & in no way was I rude. I CLEARY stated that in my 1st response:

"It might be a Good franchise, BUT in no way is this the best franchise in video game history and PlayStation Forever nor is it the pinnacle of what games are supposed to be. I'm sorry but there are franchises out there that are better than the Yakuza games. I can understand them being good games I've never played any of them, but from what I hear they are pretty good, but I just don't see how this franchise would be able to hold such a title.

Not trying to knock you for having an opinion but seriously though I'm just sayin".

His response was:

"Yeah i can see u haven't played any of the games on the ps2 or ps3.That's y u don't agree.
Play the game first u son of a .. and then say anything.
Don't just watch videos and judge games.
Games r meant for playing not watching,Remember that".

My response to that was:

"No need for the attitude I clearly stated that I heard they were good games, but between what I've heard and seen they are not The best franchise; it's not like I was saying they sucked or anything but that isn't what I said now is it, so I really don't understand what all the attitude is for. You obviously have allot of love for these games and I can respect that, but despite how you might feel there are other games/franchises out there that are way better overall".

Everyone has that particular game or games that they absolutely adore, but Kiryu is letting his love for Yakuza cloud his better judgment that there in fact better games/franchises overall, & there are is all I was saying yet you D-bags treat me as if I said the games suck or something & I didn't, some games you don't have to actually play, you watch complete Walkthroughs to get a good idea on what the game is & how it plays.

By the way the only troll here is YOU!

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/23/2011 4:22:19 PM

13 years ago

Its his opinion, its what the game meant to him. Maybe he saw something in it that nobody else saw. Dont make fun of him just like we don't make fun of you for looking forward to DMC.

13 years ago


You're not saying anything I don't know already. How the hell am I making fun of him????Where in any of my responses did I make fun of him I clearly stated at the end of my 1st response (OMG I can't believe I have to repeat myself AGAIN):

"Not trying to knock you for having an opinion but seriously though I'm just sayin".

All I did was state the obvious It's not my fault him & his little buddy got all offended & started treating me like I said the game sucked or something when I didn't I've heard nothing but good things I've seen FULL length wallkthroughs of both Yakuza 3 and even 4, hell they had a Full length walkthrough of Yakuza 4 posted on YouTube months before they even gave it a North America release date. I know playing & watching are 2 different things but at least it gives you general Idea on what the game is and how it plays.

All honestly unlike some people I could careless who makes funny of me for having hope that new DMC turns out good, (If does then that will make my day, if it sucks then it is what is & I'll just find something else to play it's that simply) & I'm not the only one it may not be that many of us out there that are still hopeful about the new DMC, but there out there trust me.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/24/2011 3:08:32 PM

13 years ago

If you really need an explanation as to how you were being rude I'm not going to bother because I will never win. Also the site isn't about that so good day.

13 years ago

If your letting have his opinion then why you even bother replying him?

13 years ago

Of course your never going to win because IN THE BEGINNING I wasn't being rude until he got all touchy about something that wasn't something for him or YOU to get all touchy about….SERIOUSLY??? you to get so sensitive about me stating the obvious is stupid it's like arguing with 2 female on they're 7 DAY CYCLE.

The same reason you're REPLYING to ME.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 1/26/2011 11:32:56 AM

13 years ago

I remember the trailer for #4 looking pretty good.
#3 didn't look that great, for my tastes, especially when I knew there was a sequel already out on the other side of the pond.
I'll keep an eye out this time around.

Just got a Crack in Time, I've always been late with R+C with the exception of Quest for Booty.
1/4 the price with twice the robot pirates?
That's a deal no one can refuse.
I actually pirated the pirate radio soundtrack when it first came out, but now it's all square.

Last edited by Nerull on 1/21/2011 2:28:32 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I may just have to pick this one up. I desperately wanted to get Yakuza 3, but never got around to it. But FRICK! March 18? That's ridiculously bad timing. I may wind up passing on this one as well. On the other hand, the PSP one, Project K, or whatever it's called will be mine, I think.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

In addition to Yakuza 3 I myself have also played through Yakuza and Yakuza 2. And the Yakuza series had me hooked pretty much right from the very beginning. Fascinating and often unpredictable stories, memorable and likable characters, and enjoyable gameplay. I'm definitely going to be picking up Yakuza 4.

13 years ago

Yeah right even me hooked right from the start.although i played the 1st in japanese which is better,but holy shit,this became my favorite gaming Franchise ever.
and Kiryu Kazuma my Fav Hero.
Nishki,Ryuji,Mine all great memorable villans from 1,2 and 3.

13 years ago

To be honest, Yakuza 3 was my first Yakuza experience. I loved it, which sort of surprised me.

Running around Kamurocho *totally* felt like running around in Tokyo (in Shinjuku and Shibuya), when I was there last year! Maybe that's what hooked me right away… the feel of it.

13 years ago

Picking this up for sure. Great games get rewarded by me. (if only some here would pass on FFXIII-2 and get this instead).

This series is pure quality.

13 years ago

Yeah forget Final Fantasy and GTA people.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Series of the Yakuza Series is the best Rpg,with excellent combat,more than 100 sub stories in each game and bowling,batting cages,real golf,mahjong,hostess clubs,karaoke,darts,pool,shogi,fishing,Epic Boss Fights.
Sure do hope they release the first two games as a HD Collection so that final fantasy fans can play those masterpiece's and get a great back story experience and forget Final Fantasy!

13 years ago

To be honest, I have a few gripes Yakuza 3…

I didn't like the running/chase sequences. I never like those. Didn't like them in Assassin's Creed, don't like them in Yakuza.

I also don't like Mac, the stereotypical Black dude.
They should just leave these stereotypes alone, and just concentrate on core Japanese culture. Instead of appealing to another audience by introducing such characters, they're just embarrassing themselves.

13 years ago

i was also surprised at all the americans in Yakuza 3.That's y Yakuza 4 is such a better Story like Yakuza 1 and 2!

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

In case anyone is wondering. The reason that my first post is blank is because I accidentally set it up as a reply to one of Mr. No-name's usual servings of bullcrap.

I would have simply deleted it but as far as I can tell this website doesn't offer one that option. At least not at this point. Although it's amusing that someone gave it a thumbs down even though it doesn't say anything.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

FYI: If you can edit your post, you can delete it. It's the little rubbish bin icon beside the edit button.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 1/21/2011 12:27:16 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Oops. You're right. My mistake.

13 years ago

Good love this gaming series. The first one is still my favorite.

13 years ago

Yeah 1st one is still my fav but 2nd one came really close with the story.

13 years ago

Yeah the 2nd was very good!

13 years ago

I've really enjoyed these games, mostly for the stories and characters. The fighting is a lot of fun but I don't go crazy with side quests.

And although Kiryu has an awesome fighting style, it will be nice to switch it up with other characters.

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