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Square-Enix Provides Best Vids Yet For Versus XIII, Type-0

Obviously, the big news today was the announcement of Final Fantasy XIII-2 , but let's not forget about other games in Square-Enix's relatively large hopper.

Both Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII turned heads at Square-Enix's Production Department press event, and that's primarily due to two lengthy trailers. Both sport that trademark FF gloss and veneer; the production values of both should be outlandishly high. Furthermore, this is the best look yet we've had at either, so we're giving you both trailers as they're worthy of discussion.

Here's the 7-minute Versus XIII trailer:

Agito XIII has been confirmed to be the mysterious "Type-0" game we had heard about recently and in fact, that's what the project is to be called now: Final Fantasy: Type-0 . It's scheduled to arrive for the PSP some time this year and up until now, we've really only seen a few screenshots and located a bit of baseline information. But this trailer helps:

So, what do you think? Is Square-Enix on the right track? Along with FFXIII-2, is it time to start rooting for our former favorite RPG developer? Or are they just continuing on down that "Western" road, all the while alienating those who loved them in the past? Maybe it's a wait and see situation…

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII , Final Fantasy Agito XIII

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13 years ago

Versus looks nice i'll give it that but somethign struck me heavily. The bit where he's in battle and avoiding the missles, that does not look like an FF game that is more of an action game. Also there is one character that shoots in 3rd person, other than that, mindblowing.

I hope it relates to XIII though, i heard it's set in the same world and there is certainly a reference through that poster, i'd like it if XIII & XIII-2 were like old fable tales for Versus world, and some of the characters are decendants from the XIII cast. If there is no relation what so ever, it should just be called FFXV

13 years ago

The game was said to be action oriented since day one and that's the best thing about the combat.I personally like that they did not make it turn based -which is archaic- even though that is not a popular thing amongst JRPG faithfuls.People need to understand that in order to keep up with the times,the combat in JRPG games needs to evolve.An exception would be a niche strategy RPG like Disgaea.All that should matter is that it looks great,which it does.Best looking FF since FF7 IMO.

13 years ago

I disagree, Lost Odyssey is one of the best games this gen and it has turn based combat, not everything has to be action orintated all the the time. Just look at all the God of War rip offs we've had recently 😉

The problem with people with your attitude is your trying to merge all games into one genere, look at horror games, people whinned about the control scheme for that and now look at RE5, its not a horror game but a 3rd person action game.

13 years ago

Gotta agree with Ulitma on this one. While I like how Versus XIII's combat is turning out I don't agree that JRPG's "must" evolve. Japanese game companies "evolving" their games to please the Western masses and twitch gamers has done a lot more harm than good.

13 years ago

I agree that Versus has been labelled as an action RPG since they announced it so that aspect of it doesn't bother me, I was kind of expecting it to have the battle style that it seems to from the video.

I am going to have to side with Jawknee and Ultima though and say that "evolution" of the JRPG genre is what has it in such a sorry order it is in at the moment.

JRPGs are in a genre of their own. What you are thinking they should turn into already exists in the genre of action RPG. Are you really stating that in order to stay fresh that JRPGs need to just turn into action RPGs? That would remove an entire genre of games, not freshen things up.

JRPGs do need a bit of a change up, but not in the core mechanics of what make the genre. More like in artistic styling and settings maybe but not in basic gameplay elements that have defined the genre. Just look at FFXIII, a great game on its own merits but a horrible JRPG entry; no towns, no world map, no strategic turn/active time battle system.

13 years ago


Excellent post. The constant demand that games be innovative and must somehow evolve does beg the questions you ask. JRPGs that 'evolve' into action oriented titles arg simply now action RPGs. As you say, a genre is a genre.

To me the things that need updated/improved are things like story and character depth, the number of non-combat related puzzles to solve. I don't like an RPG that is just a case of fighting one random encounter after another to get from A to B. Make me think along the way too please. The last thing that I think needs to improve is actually the customization. By this I mean two things. First is your own character. If a game includes your own character, it needs to be a part of the story, not simply a silent partner. the second is the character customization during game play. That is when a character gets a new piece of armor, a new weapon, or an accessory, when it's equipped, the character model should show that. Cutscenes need to be done in engine so that changes to a character's appearance and equipment are not jarringly reset ever time you hit a major cutscene with a pre-rendered character dressed in generic items.

I still need to see a proper turn based combat system too.

13 years ago

FF games have always had parts like that.

Parts where you are running around avoiding falling things or stuff like that.

I personally think its insane.

One of the things I love about FFvXIII is that it is exactly what they said it is, and action/rpg with a similar feel to the KH series, and thats exactly what it looks like, it looks freaking awesome!

13 years ago

ugh, I hope this game stays exclusive. I can't take another heart breaking disappointment from Square. ha!

Time for them to start focusing on the PS3. They have had 5 years and have only released one less than stellar game for the PS3. Makes me a little sick when you compare Square from last gen to this gen. Their MS pandering really is pathetic.

13 years ago

Well I for one loved FFXIII but we've been over that enough, S-E also relased Star Ocean, but then also alot of medicore games for the 360. XIII-2 is apparently out this year in Japan and next year for us. Hoepfully VS should be out even earlier, right? It's been in production for quite a few years now, must be getting there.

13 years ago

I would hope that it comes out this year but I doubt it will.

In regards to Star Ocean, that game wasn't made for the PS3. It was a 360 port and from what I have read, not a very good one.

13 years ago

It really wasn't that bad Jawknee, but it wasn't developed by SE, they only published it./ the PS3 version had better graphics and some fixes as well as additional content over the 360 version. It surely isn't a perfect game, but it is better than you make it sound.

13 years ago

From what I read the graphics were worse on the PS3 version. Didn't mean to make it sound terrible, didn't think I did with what I posted. I was just pointing out that Square's PS3 support has been pathetic this gen and because we got a Star Ocean port, that doesn't mean they are absolved of their sins. 😉

Last edited by Jawknee on 1/18/2011 4:35:51 PM

13 years ago

Just a little glimmer of hope, I was reading somewhere (sorry no time to search a link) that the development team wanted to reassure to everyone that they are still working on the game exclusively for the PS3 and Tetsuya Nomura himself reiterated that there is nothing in the works for the 360 in regards to this game.

The unfortunate side to that is, that is probably why it is taking so long for this game to come out. SE is probably pulling developers off of this game all the time to help with XIII or XIII-2 because they want more to please Microsoft's deep pockets more than they care about getting this project on shelves

13 years ago

The PS3 ran at 720p, the 360 version didn't. The worst thing about the graphics was the high contrast color palette used. Some landscape elements were just too colorful. Some complained about the repetitive use of monster models from planet to planet as well. I didn't mind that, but I see the point.

The game's biggest issue is that it's a bit of a slog because it's a long grind of 'random' battles to get anywhere.

13 years ago

Versus will eventually end up on the 360.

13 years ago

@Highalander, I see. I do remember reading some of those complaints. I didn't know the 360 version was sub HD though. Not surprising.

@Limited, you're probably right. I just hope that if it does end up on the 360, that Square at least doesn't compromise the PS3 version for the sake of the 360 version like they did with XIII.

Last edited by Jawknee on 1/18/2011 4:56:27 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago


We'll see.

13 years ago

Here's a glimmer of hope that Versus XIII will remain exclusive. People are saying Nomura "stood his ground" on PS3 exclusivity when asked about it at this conference.

Also seems Type-O(Agito XIII) will be BIG! Requiring two UMD's.

13 years ago

Derp…I guess I should have read this post before answering your previous one eh?

13 years ago

Ha, it's ok. You offered some info I did not. 🙂

13 years ago

Nomura's my hero if he can keep this up.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Considering the man who's at the helm of Versus, I seriously doubt that the game is part of Square-Enix's "western" thing.

13 years ago

very impressive i am playing ff13 and its ok they could have done soo much more if it wasnt for the port the xbox360 got………i believe they can redeem themselves with this and Typo 0 to the playstation universe

13 years ago

Versus looks amazing. It's like KH but with more serious overtones.

13 years ago

More mature for sure.

13 years ago

Hey LV,
Welcome back

13 years ago

The first half of the 7min Versus trailer impressed me but once the game showcased its gameplay in the 2nd half of the trailer I was pretty let down. Just looked like a bunch of hacknslashing followed by damage points scattered across the screen.

13 years ago

Dude! Welcome back from the beyond. Long time, no Limited Velocity.

13 years ago

If I had been expecting anything but an action RPG I would have been let down as well, but I was pretty much prepared for what it looked like. I think for what it is it will be a good game, that is if you are into the action RPGs.

13 years ago

I was looking for a menu to pop up on screen indicating some kind of decision making during battle other than hitting a face button on the controller.

I guess the name Final Fantasy is no longer associated with role playing games.

13 years ago

The spin off titles are not always set up like RPGs. Just look at the Dirge of Cerberus. This has been billed as an action RPG for a while.

13 years ago

My only experience with an rpg that wasn't made by the Japanese was with Oblivion and I didn't particularly like it. I will give SE a try this time around when it comes to action rpg's and see if I like their approach.

Last edited by tes37 on 1/18/2011 4:59:22 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I think Limited goes on pilgrimages to Square-Enix HQ. He recites his list of demands through a megaphone and then runs away.

…we've all wanted to do that, in truth.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago


Perhaps you neglected to pay all that much attention to the magic casting and other special abilities, the vehicle control, the third person shooting, and the spectacular set pieces.

Versus looks like it incorporates elements from numerous genres, and it also looks like they're really making it work.

13 years ago

Excuse my slight brain fart earlier, but did I call Limited Vertigo, Limited Velocity?



I think I need more medication.

13 years ago

So the green bastard returned.

13 years ago

Nothing short of a glowing review from PSXExtreme will get me to look at these games.

13 years ago

I think Agito XIII will be good. They seem like a completely different developer when it comes to the PSP.

13 years ago

True Jawknee, they make goddamn good games for the PSP.

13 years ago

Seems like KH battle style, which is better than FFXIII, but not my beloved classic turn based. I hope its not linear, which it looked like. Also, I got very annoyed at the one part where it turned FPS with the girl and the gun. Also, wtf is up with manning the robot?!

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

They already stated a while ago that the game will have world maps and airships. So I don't think you have to worry about that.

As for the gameplay, it looks like a natural evolution from Kingdom Hearts, or perhaps as Nomura said a while ago a combination of Kingdom Hearts and Dirge of Cerberus. As long as they don't remove the classic RPG elements ala Mass Effect 2 they should be fine.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/18/2011 5:30:55 PM

13 years ago

Are they just continuing on down that "Western" road? Obviously the answer to that is yes.

Let's face it, since XIII they started catering to casuals by adding a guided-experience gameplay to the mix.

Now, these 'action' elements that some consider to be "modern", are nothing more than S-E targeting to the other bane of this generation: twitch gamers.

I guess they got tired of the cosplay crowd being their #1 costumer and are now trying to reel in mostly Westerners. The type that spend days playing CoD. Same ones that would think twice before playing a game filled with people that look like fugitives from a weird showtunes musical.

13 years ago

Nothing wrong with trying to broaden your consumer base but SE has gone way too far.

13 years ago

In regards to Versus XIII it was announced from the beginning that this would be an Action RPG. As far as Agito XIII, it looks pretty JRPG to me with a battle system that reminds me of Crisis Core. Which I liked.

I think XIII is their biggest example of dumbing down the game play to please the "new" gamers.

13 years ago

Look, let's drop all the pretense. SE is no longer making JRPGs, they make action RPGs.

As for the comments about cosplayers. The JRPG audience is a lot of things, but the majority of people who like and play JRPGs are not cosplayers. Remember, by abandoning the JRPG, SE has abandoned it's home market. I get the feeling that you are making value judgments about cosplayers and "people that look like fugitives from a weird showtunes musical". Should I start making value jusgements about how shooters appear to require little more thought than that required to pull a trigger repeatedly?

13 years ago

With Versus I don't see it being Westernization from SE. KH has done very nicely throughout Japan and Versus has a more realistic KH feel throughout the combat so, I don't see this as SE trying to cater to Western gamers. The Japanese like action RPG's as well.

13 years ago

@TheHighlander I'm talking specifically about XIII and not JRPG games in general. So I don't get where you got the idea that I was branding the entire JRPG crowd as cosplay fanatics.

My point however, was that S-E was targeting the casual crowd with that game. By dumbing it down so much.

In regards to the 'fugitives' comment, this is something that in my experience, is what many FPS fans think of FF. They actually think that the FF franchise is the equivalent of a chick flick. It is NOT what I think, though. I was just trying to show how dumb it is to cater a crowd that doesn't appreciate Final Fantasy for what it is. They won't touch it unless S-E modifies it to fit their taste.

Basically, destroying it the same way they killed the RE franchise with the action-oriented RE5.

Last edited by Bonampak on 1/18/2011 5:17:37 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago


Actually, I seriously doubt that Versus is part of Square-Enix's westward push. Squaresoft was dabbling in this kind of Kingdom Hearts style action RPG gameplay well before the merger.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago


To be fair, Kingdom Hearts did get released well before the merger.

13 years ago

I think it's easier to accept something like KH as an action RPG since that's what it has been since the original. People obviously get uptight about changes to the things they already know and love. I think Highlander is commenting specifically to the FF franchise in regards to the merger.

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