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Sony: Gran Turismo 5 Has Sold 5.5 Million Worldwide

Okay, so maybe this time they mean "sold." If they say the word "sold," what other conclusion can one reach?

Previously, it had been reported that Gran Turismo 5 "sold" 5.5 million copies worldwide, but many sources quickly updated the information and said Sony was only referring to units shipped. But yesterday during Sony's CES keynote address, Sony once again noted that 5.5 million copies of Polyphony's masterful racer had been sold worldwide. They didn't provide specific numbers for each region, but you can probably expect Europe to sport the biggest total, as it's typically GT's most popular area.

We can also get further confirmation concerning North American sales when the December NPD results release next week; chances are, it's another super huge title for the PS3. And as the user base for Sony's machine continues to rise, there are more potential buyers for each exclusive that launches. In regards to GT5, it may miss those who don't like simulated racing experiences, but for those who crave authenticity and realism…well, there's only one choice.

We assume Sony will clarify their CES announcement with an official press release of some kind; maybe it'll show up tomorrow.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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13 years ago

brilliant, and with gt5 its not like a sports game or the latest call of duty, where theres a new one every year, therefore everyone buys it within the first few weeks. I expect this game to sell and sell, since gt6 is around another 5-6 years away lol

13 years ago

And I contributed!

Sorry, this is big news for me because I rarely ever pay full price for new games. It made me feel good inside to do it for GT5 =)

13 years ago

GT5 is definenly a game that deserves this many sales.

on another note they announced at CES that Qriocity (sorry if i spelled it wrong) will be coming to Canada which is sweet news.

13 years ago

But the NPD doesn't report numbers.

13 years ago

The word sold does not imply who it is sold to. At all. Sorry, but I don't follow the logic that by using that word they are referring to "sold to customers."

13 years ago

Do you want all 5.5 million names and addresses? Sony has consistently reported retail sales, not channel shipments.

13 years ago

Ben is not a sales analyst. Based on this article I have no reason to believe him. And no, clearly Sony has not consistently reported sold to customer numbers as the last time I went against the grain and had people jumping down my throat, I was right then too.

13 years ago

Kowhoho –

Perhaps you could use common sense here as well. GT game sell. There is a reason why there are over 60 million game sold in this series.

Plus, Ben doesn't need to be a sales analysis to report what Sony said in a press conference.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 1/6/2011 7:57:41 AM

13 years ago

You make it sound like you read these news just to prove yourself lol.

If you don't believe what is said here then why not just NOT read anything and start your own website. XD

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/6/2011 9:47:23 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

And I told you before that Sony always reports units sold as units sold to consumers. They've made that very clear in the past. IF third-party PR people are altering the words and numbers, that's one thing. If Sony makes the announcement, they will usually refer to actual units sold.

I didn't say it wasn't complicated. But you obviously must get all the press releases, too, to know so much about it.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/6/2011 10:24:43 AM

13 years ago


Who said anything about Ben being a sales analyst?

Take that chip off your shoulder before it crushes you.

The point here is that Sony is known to quote retail sales numbers, not channel shipments. Other companies do quote channel shipments instead of actual sales. Whether you like it, or want to believe it, or not, Sony's numbers are consistently more believable and accurate than those of other companies.

13 years ago

I have spent countless hours and manpower just drifting my Viper around Suzuka Circuit…that alone kills any car game experience before this. Game deserves every sale…GT5 is quality. Very very accomplished game.

13 years ago

Nice to see quality games receiving their just due. Sad that not all games deserving of such numbers, reach that point.

And I'm still having a problem of getting GT5 to start correctly. As long as it's not hooked up to the internet, it works perfectly. Once that internet cable is plugged in, the game stops responding to everything. It's the only PS3 game I'm having any internet problems with. 🙁

13 years ago

I would delete all files related to GT5 on your PS3 if you have tried everything else.

That or play offline and/or get used to it.

13 years ago

It's possible that GT5 uses different ports than your other games. Check the manual and see if you need to open those ports on your router.

13 years ago

"They didn't provide specific numbers for each region, but you can probably expect Europe to sport the biggest total, as it's typically GT's most popular area.'"

If Sony were to show a regional breakdown of sales it would show that the biggest shocker in terms of sale would've came from Japan. To it understandable terms, the game have failed to meet the 1 million mark in Japan.

13 years ago

My coworker really likes GT5 but he's getting owned online. Can't a noob get a break?

13 years ago


Alieneage, this has to be the very best argument I've ever heard for a game having a strong single player experience. How long would it take you or anyone else to get ticked if you were constantly getting owned online? Would you be more, or less inclined to play the game? Exactly, if you're not enjoying online because you get owned every time you start a game, you won't play that crap and find some other game to play.

Sorry, I know it's directly on topic, but your comment sparked the thought.

13 years ago

I'm getting owned online from time to time too.

Humbling experience.

Experience = getting better. So I expect to own them back as time rolls on.

In fact, yesterday I finished in the top 3 consistently. Getting back to shape 8)

But yeah, the biggest part one has to overcome is the realization that there are people better than you :D. You just have to keep getting better yourself.

13 years ago

Nice. They deserve it. Wish all PS3 exclusives saw sales of this magnitude.

13 years ago

Sadly, Call of Duty easily outpaced it with only 2 years of development. On top of that there were so much bashing on the PS3 exclusive. I'm proud of the sales of GT5, but I think in game quality-wise, it deserves to be best PS3 seller of all time.

13 years ago

it didnt easily outpace it.

Unless your going by total sales then that would be stupid as call of duty is a multiplat game. If you compare the ps3 sales of call of duty with GT5 then there much closer, hence didnt easily outpace it.

13 years ago


Sales of mint chocolate far outpaced those of mango smoothies this Christmas, but the mango smoothie makers don't appear worried.

You're comparing the sales of two completely different games as if they can be directly compared, they can't there are demographic and genre differences in the market segment each game serves. Plainly put, they don't sell to the same people, so comparing their sales is essentially pointless.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/6/2011 10:36:43 AM

13 years ago

All Gran Turismo games sell for years.Check the sales after a year and it'll still keep selling!

13 years ago

Excellent point. The GT titles have legs, that's for sure.

13 years ago

Watch a spike over the Summer time. Gran Turismo = Summer time. Of that I have NO doubt.

13 years ago

Most of Sony's stronger games have a long tail when you look at the sales curve.

13 years ago

I was going to say there will be a sales drip-drip effect for GT5 for years to come. I still need to add it to my collection… so there will be another sale to add to that number…



13 years ago

In your face bad reviewers.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Never underestimate the fans.

13 years ago

@Looking Glass
yup. The game even made a fan out of me. I dabbled in GT's before, but after renting this I'll be purchasing it soon.

(I rented because I liked the review here, but I'm not typically a race sim fan. I wasn't disappointed!)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Great news. More than deserving of that sort of number. Which kind of makes me laugh with M$'s announcement of Kinect having sold 8 million, only to recant that and clarify that that was total shipped. I laughed, because their estimate was for 5 million sold by the end of last year, and if they had hit that, they'd've been crowing. Off topic, but I found it funny.

13 years ago

Here's an interesting fact concerning the accuracy of VGchartz numbers. Currently, VGchartz has GT5 pegged at just 4,637,948. That's nearly a million shy of Sony's claim. In other words, VGchartz is 85% right about GT5's sales =p

Something semi-related, MS recently announced 30 million LIVE subscribers. Doesn't that seem a bit low? This is Xbox LIVE. You know? The online gaming service everyone wants and plays Black Ops on. Perhaps MS's 50 million console sales more accurately represents the number of users plagued by RRoD. Like somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 million. =p

13 years ago

Interestngly Sony has said that there are something like 60 million PSN accounts, so I think it's safe to assume that there are multiple gamer homes involved in the PS3, strange that there are fewer XBL accounts than there are Xbox360 though…

13 years ago

It does seem odd. And I think that LIVE number includes both the free "silver" and paying "gold" members combined.

13 years ago

@ The Highlander: Actually, there's a really good explanation for PSN having 60+ Million accounts. It's because PSN also has accounts for the PSP, and PC users can create accounts as well. You'd actually think the PSN numbers would be higher heh.

13 years ago

not surprising considering just GT, GT2, GT3 and GT4 already raked in 56M copies if i remember right.
just saw the new GT5 Thrustmaster T500 RS.
oh come on sony, you have to be kidding me!
1000 USD!?
1000 USD for a frigging wheel?
thats more than my first f*cking car cost me!
how can a wheel cost more than a fully working freaking car?
i always said sony were the kings of price gouging, but they did not have to prove it to me!
whats next?
20K for a GT5 faceplate with Kazs signature on it?

13 years ago

I've found it for $500-$600 regularly on various websites. Have never seen it for $1000. Still to rich for my blood.

13 years ago

shut up and go away you moaning old man

13 years ago

Not sure if he is old or not, but he has the "moaning" part down pat.

I have seen the Thrustmaster wheel for 500-600 USD, but nowhere near that price Mr. No name.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

So much for piracy. You troll.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/6/2011 8:34:25 AM

13 years ago

sigh how many times to i have to say i dont live in the US?
you people do realize the US is not the only country in the world right?
god, when my father said Americans are so egotistical i can see EXACTLY what he meant!
they think they run the world!
i had to laugh when i was in Hawaii when we went to pearl harbor one of the guys was telling a tale about one of the battles in Britain, saying the Americans went in and saved there a$$e$ and my father merely corrected him saying the battle was more or less won, the Americans certainly did not win the war which is more or less what he was saying and he almost bit my fathers head off!

13 years ago

Well, I'm not American.

And I think you're crazy. And I also think you're the most egotistical of all, thinking the world owes you a cheap sale and things for less than they are worth. You always scream and complain and argue, and not once have I ever seen you admit you were wrong about something or accept someone else's viewpoints.

You're a lot of 'mosts'. You're always on the defensive the most… you're always arguing with people the most… you are the most likely to not accept anyone's viewpoints… and you know why? You're also the most egotistical person here!

A few months ago you said you'd never buy something or other for the $60 price tag because you were planning on dropping $800 on GT5 and all the stuffs for it.

Get consistant, wacko!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/6/2011 9:21:10 AM

13 years ago

For starters, yes, I am an American, but I am far from being egotistical.

Secondly, don't assume that everyone read your post on where you are from. I did not.

Thirdly, I question your father's parenting skills if he indeed did raise you to stereotype people without getting to know the individual first.

Fourthly, I am forced to agree with Underdog15 and the points he made.

And finally, PSX needs to adopt the AUP found on GTPlanet. Reading your posts hurts my brain.

Good day, sir!!

Last edited by maxpontiac on 1/6/2011 9:57:05 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Mate, no-one said you're a yank. They were merely commenting on your post which stated the wheel you were looking at was $1000USD, which is US dollars. If you were talking about the price here, it would be AUD. Maybe if you could get something that simple right, not so many people would jump down your throat.

13 years ago

No offense Mr Anonymous Cowherd, but I'm most certainly not American, and I've always loathed the superior attitude of the "we saved your A$$" mentality that some from the US still maintain. However, in truth there are a few things that we have to recognize.

First of all, there were no battles *in* Britain during WWII, over perhaps, but not in, and they were won by the RAF. Secondly, the American attitude is fed by their education which tells students that America saved Europe's bacon in WWII because, in fact, they did. Now, let's not let facts become confused with hyperbole. The Allied forces were not strong enough to overcome the Axis powers without the men, and in particular the machines, that the US brought to the war. Let's not overstate their role, of course, the allies (principally the UK and commonwealth forces) did a tremendous job clinging on before the Americans joined in. In the asia/pacific theater the common wealth forces of Australia, New Zealand and India, did an awesome job too. But it's undeniable that without American intervention, the war would either have been years longer, or not successful for the Allies.

Ego is very much in the eye of the beholder. So many in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and other commonwealth countries are entirely fed up with America essentially claiming total credit for victory (especially in popular culture such as the Movies). People can be quite chauvinistic about the role of their own nation. Rightly so perhaps, but the truth, as is often the case, lies somewhere in between. It was a victory of the allies, not of America, nor of Britain, Canada, Australia, or any other individual nation.

So let's put the jingoism and xenophobia away before it hurts more feelings.

13 years ago

Hey, TheHighlander!

Don't forget the RCAF in Britain! ^.^ My grandfather was a bomber pilot in the RCAF, and Canada being a commonwealth country, our airforce basically followed suit with whatever the RAF did!

He always used to talk very highly of his British comrades!

13 years ago

Lol, sorry but there's not much more to say on how daft this is becoming.

13 years ago


Very true, I was perhaps wrongly generalizing by saying 'RAF'. Clearly though, the Brits in the RAF were very capably assisted by the RCAF along with a decent number of Polish and French pilots along with a few mavericks from the US too… all under the auspices of the RAF. My apologies, it seems that in my attempt to root out the chauvinism, I was guilt of some myself.


@Ultima, apart from correcting Anon Cowherd's gross exaggerations, I'm done.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/6/2011 2:06:57 PM

13 years ago

No worries! I wasn't actually thinking you were leaving people out. I just have a ton of pride for my late grandfather! A wonderful and loving man he was!

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