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Rumored Arkham City Multiplayer Info

We can't be sure if any of this is official – doesn't seem like it – but any information concerning Batman: Arkham City is going to get its just due.

In the spotlight at the Arkham City Multiplayer Blog is…well, multiplayer. According to "inside sources," Rocksteady's newest project will actually feature co-op for the campaign as well as full online multiplayer and as a clarification, the source wanted to tell us that "one doesn't compromise the other." Developers are quick to say this these days; with so many accusations that the multiplayer fixation is having a negative impact on single-player experiences, designers want to insure gamers won't be short-changed:

"I know. Many people were petrified when they heard of the multiplayer, imagining some tacked on silly arena fighter, the development of which dwarfed our efforts on single player. They couldn't be more wrong."

It also seems Rocksteady has drawn some inspiration from Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption ; the latter's Free Roam mode apparently had a big impact, so expect something similar in Arkham City . Here's more from the supposed secret source:

"…with all dedicated servers we have, you do not have to worry about being in a world with 'Other Batmen.' You will be the only Batman, your buddy the only Joker. Pick who ever you want out of 12 characters, and you will enter a lobby that doesn't already have that character. You may also do private matches. And all this can be done with either 1-12 players, so you can do Free Roam alone, or in Co-Op, or multiplayer."

If you're Batman, you can chase down the villain and if you're the villain, you can create chaos and attract Batman, setting traps for the caped crusader's imminent arrival. It sounds like a fantastic idea and even though we have to hear more about it from the developers themselves, the concepts and ideas have a ton of potential. What do you think about the multiplayer facet of Batman: Arkham City ?

Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City

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13 years ago

As long as it doesnt feel tacked on I'm all for it. Actually sounds kinda cool, similar to hot pursuit.

13 years ago

But everyone will choose Batman.

13 years ago

I am not against playing as Catwoman

13 years ago

*shrugs* well yeah it is third person.

13 years ago

I think that if they keep him sick & twisted, then playing the Joker's good to go too.

13 years ago

An unsick and untwisted Joker is just a clown!

13 years ago

That means we'll see Robin?

13 years ago

This may be how they will bring Robin into the mix. Since they stated they wouldn't be using the character in this series. If I remember correctly that is. NightWing? Catwoman?

13 years ago

The only way to ensure customers are not shortchanged is by not shortchanging them.

Alot of ideas sound great when introduced. Only some of them actually reach the intended expectations. I actually feel that many concepts in games of this generation were great ideas that never reached their full potential. It all depends on how much the developer truly wants to make it happen.

RockSteadys work on Asylum was spectacular. I am intrigued.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It actually sounds pretty cool. The idea of setting traps for unsuspecting enemies reminds me of the Cyclone traps in Bioshock. If they can pull it off, and not make it feel unbalanced, then it could be special indeed. Co-op for the campaign is also very cool. I'm wondering if it will also have some sort of side missions dedicated to making the most of the abilities of other characters, as they've already stated that they won't be carbon copies of Batman. Everything that we've heard so far about this game gives me high hopes, but at the same time, I was less enamoured with AA than most, so I'll keep my expectations in check.

13 years ago

There is no doubt in my mind that Rocksteady knows good gaming. Not only was their first game the best Batman game ever made, but now they're taking inspiration from one of the best games of this generation in order to incorporate multiplayer?

I usually have my doubts, but in this case… I believe them.

13 years ago

yeah, online will have only 1 batman and 1 joker and no one else, as everyone will be choosing them, i'm nore interested in single layer for this one.

13 years ago

I dont know about the multiplayer on this game. looking at batman's combat system, i just dont see it. some of the moves are reflex dependent like counters and from soul caliber 4, reflex type moves dont work online since not everyone has excellent connection. not to mention a counter fest.

13 years ago

Another SP experience going south.

13 years ago

It can also go the other way. RDR was a solid SP and a pretty enjoyable MP.

13 years ago

yeah but that was on Rockstar's engine, I think this still is gonna use the antiquated Unreal 3, which is restrictive as hell.

13 years ago

Wait, so I would imagine they would keep things in balance. So even if I'm a lowly thug, I can still get Batman, or a cop getting Joker etc. Hope there's a balancing factor. Coz cmon, if someone's Batman, he's gonna have all these techs and gadgets at his disposal to turn the tides.

I really enjoyed AA, and will likely get this on the first week of release.

13 years ago

ill say what i always say when a SP only series adds in MP.
i just hope the SP does not suffer because the addition of MP!
eh, its rocksteady, they brang back the dark night, they proved not all movie games have to suck.
so i have faith in them, just please, dont let me down!

13 years ago

OOOO the batmobile!!
i now want this game… not just for the batmobile but dayumn it looks good.

13 years ago

batmobil racing would be awesome!! lets hope they include it.

13 years ago

There 4 things I'm very curious about since there MIGHT be multiplayer aspect of the game.

1)Does this mean we finally see Robin, Nightwing, or Batgirl in the game as possible unlockable characters?

2)Are we gonna be able to drive the batmobile burnout style like we did in that Batman Begins game(yes I know that game was very medicore but still it had some cool aspects)?

3)Do we get unlockable costumes like the one from the movies or from the comics?

4)Do we get to another PS3 exclusive villain to play as like we did with the joker in the 1st game?

Last edited by GuyverLT on 12/27/2010 11:09:51 AM

13 years ago

Batman – Arkham City multiplayer concept sounds pretty genuinely awesome. I can't wait 🙂

It reminds me of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood for some reason.

Last edited by RebelJD on 12/27/2010 1:53:03 PM

13 years ago


13 years ago

I wonder if Hugo Strange is selectable.. And if he is, does that mean you can dress up as Batman while in the game? hm…

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