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Pachter: Only The Fanboys Care If I’m Right Or Wrong

An analyst's job is simple (yet complex): tell journalists and investors what he thinks. …it has nothing to do with catering to the biased crowds.

Industry analyst Michael Pachter spoke to Game Informer about the subject, and said his job doesn't really involve dealing with rabid fanboys. He reminds us that he has "no stake" in his predictions and essentially, isn't personally invested in his forecasts, so personal attacks are unwarranted. Said Pachter:

"My job is not to talk to journalists, it's to talk to investors. If I say that a Wii HD is coming, it outrages fanboys who think that Nintendo always knows better, but it doesn't particularly outrage investors.

There are a handful of readers who make personal attacks, and I would tell them that I have no stake in the outcome of anything I talk about (I don't even invest in the companies I cover), and most of what I say is just opinion. I don't say things because I hope they come true; I say them because I think they will come true."

He goes on to say that his job is to nail the "big picture," so if he's wrong on a few smaller, less significant things, it doesn't really matter. And it's not that he can't admit when he's wrong; in fact, he's pretty up-front about it:

"I don't think I've gone a week without having an incorrect prediction. Nobody cares if I'm right, except fanboys. My clients are merely looking for a benchmark in front of numbers so that they can assess whether the stocks of the companies I cover will go higher or lower."

Well, the fanboys will always use sales numbers and predictions from professionals to bolster their blind positions but in all honesty, we're surprised Pachter noticed at all. Fanboys only make personal attacks; it's what they do ; they're hateful, hostile, insecure people. …why even bother with them?

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13 years ago

Wait, an analyst has no stake in his opinions? Shouldn't his JOB be his stake? Shouldn't the guy have to have a decent enough track record so that he is reliable and thus should keep his job?

I don't care what he thinks about fanboys, he should care about how his opinions affect investors or be fired.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/23/2010 10:16:13 PM

13 years ago


Worrying about the wrong things will indeed have you lose focus on the vital components of your job.

And in his case, I don't think fanboys are an important entity to focus on.

13 years ago

Looks like Patcher is lettin the "FANBOYS" get to him. Almost all of his predictions are wrong. The "FANBOYS" are more accurate than this d-bag.

13 years ago

Well, that didn't exactly dispell any of my thoughts…

I really hope that it's not only the fanboys that care whether he's right nor not. I would hate to be an investor who made an investment based on his analysis, only to lose everything because I didn't really care whether he was right or wrong, and ignored obvious signs of his wrongness.

13 years ago

Yes exactly… what is the point of his job then?



13 years ago

He's a corporate analyst. He specialises in video game companies and advises investors on whether their stocks are good, bad, going up or going down.

Nothing more or nothing less…

He does however like to self promote himself so maybe if he kept to his day job and didn't pretend to be something that he is now saying he is not, then he wouldn't get as much criticism as he does.

13 years ago

True, he is the one putting himself out there and trying to be a gaming personality.

13 years ago

Nintendo is working on the Wii 2, it was confurmed somewhere a bit ago.

For FanBoys… Only fanboys I know are almost always a 360 only owner.
I herd this in my classroom "I'm thankful my 360 broke, because now I can buy the 'new' 360 that came out" … really… OK.

13 years ago

I gotta say WOW… just Wow. Shows how fanboyish/ messed up some people are/can be.

If something breaks on me quicker than it should or doesn't perform that well overall I would not be giving them any more of my hard earned money.
Crap should not be rewarded, though unfortunately
there are way too many times that it is. It's relly upsetting sometimes but that is why I do my part to give my money to the companies/people who really deserve it.

Last edited by SixSpeedKing on 12/23/2010 10:45:06 PM

13 years ago


I'll bet in a lot of industries, people are willing to give crappy companies unlimited chances in fear of being ostracized by their peers for turning their back on them for having bad product. In Microsoft's case, we've got a lot of insecure teenage boys who don't want to be ostracized by their peers if they refuse to buy that money pit that is the Xbox 360.

13 years ago

Yeah, its sickening to say the very least. The auto industry is text book definition of this disease. As an mechanic who deals with all brands, europe definitely gets way too much credit for almost all of their daily commuters, whereas the US is struck down with vengeance by most.

one great example is a poorly engineered waterpump foe 2.0 & 1.8 vw/audi engines. Not only does the entire front clip ( headlights, radiator support, all accessories, timing belt, etc) have to come or for waterpump replacement, its impeller is made of plastic… Which, btw, were recalled for aluminum units because they melt. past your recall period? That's your own $ 2k problem.

13 years ago

In Pachter's own words…………"I don't think I've gone a week without having an incorrect prediction.

And in Mr T's own words…."I pity the fool"….

…..who uses CabbagePachter's investment advice for his or her stockholder's investments!!!!

13 years ago


13 years ago

LMAO at that one.

13 years ago

LOL! Nothing better than people in good spirits during the holiday season. Happy Holidays to all.

And yes, that comment was hella funny hehe

13 years ago


Off topic, congrats on winning the competition

13 years ago

Right on! And c'mon, whats the point in saying all those things if you are more likely wrong?

Seriously, these "analysts" need to be taught how to play, rather than be commentators without actually knowing the games/ consoles. Sure, they know the business end, but at the end of the day, what determines a good basis for sales?. GREAT QUALITY GAMES/ CONSOLES. So play and experience it rather than just see things from afar.

13 years ago

Thanks Ed,
I'm really stoked on playing it too!!!!

Look out speeders!!!!

13 years ago

then why does he get paid?
honestly, can someone tell me why he gets paid?
he just pulls crap out of his a$$, and 99.9999999999% of the time is wrong.
so can someone please tell me WTF does this guy get paid!?
or lead me to where i can join him?

13 years ago

By his own admission I (and you, and many others) are at least as accurate as he is, if not more so.

13 years ago


13 years ago

"My job is not to talk to journalists, it's to talk to investors."

Pachter says this, as he speaks to a Game Informer journalist.

"….but it doesn't particularly outrage investors."

Saying something like " The psp2 is going to be dead on arrival", should concern investors.

13 years ago

Does that mean we're not getting a Wii HD? Because if we are, I'd really like to know if it's going to have hdmi or if we'll be stuck with component for another five years.

Do I ask Pachter or the fanboys?

13 years ago

Why not both? 😛

13 years ago

Why do you even want to know?

13 years ago

*palmface* Oh Mr. Pachter…the only thing I get outraged about is how dumb and obvious your "predictions" are.

Well most of them at least.

13 years ago

LOL @ palmface

13 years ago


No one cares about Pachter's predictions.

His predictions are stupid and most of them could be made by 15 year olds.

13 years ago

Looks like Patcher is lettin the "FANBOYS" get to him. Almost all of his predictions are wrong. The "FANBOYS" are more accurate than this d-bag.

13 years ago

I could give better predictions using that toy 8-ball I had as a kid, that I used to shake & then turn over to reveal yes & no answers.

I'll bet he's still got his, & it's sitting right there on his workplace desk.

13 years ago

patcher predicts that games will come out in 2011.

13 years ago

Pachter, okay by me. I love to hear his predictions. It's kind of fun to watch his never ending battle with the fanboys.

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