Saying that not all video games are for children is like saying that not all movies are for children. It's the exact same statement. It's as clear as day.
And yet, the older, out-of-touch politicians and members of the mainstream media haven't quite grasped that this is no longer 1986. The average age of a gamer in this country is now around 35 years of age; the simplest, quickest bit of research would tell you that. But unsurprisingly, the people of whom I speak are unwilling to do even that.
After the Newtown tragedy, some Senator wants the NAS to study the effects of violent games on children . …why? Why? The effects are probably not good. In fact, we know they're not good. It's the reason why video games have ratings, ratings which are very similar to the ratings the MPAA hands out to films. The ESRB has the same responsibility and in all honesty, I believe they do a much better job than the MPAA. Violent games aren't designed for children. They aren't marketed toward children. Children can't even buy them. Games in which you shoot a lot of people? Not for kids. Games where violence is vivid and realistic? Not for kids.
So why? What the hell is the point of such a bill? The statement from that Senator sounds so painfully dated, he should be embarrassed: "Major corporations, including the video game industry, make billions on marketing and selling violent content to children." No, they do not . That's just a blatantly false statement. They can't sell violent content to children; it's against the law . You remember, don't you? When all you politicians got together and got that bill passed that said video games should have ratings? By the way, that was the last time you did anything right regarding the gaming industry; I've supported that decision since the time I was young.
But what did you think the rating system was for ? If all video games are only for kids – which you clearly believe, based on that absurd statement – then what's the point of ratings? Explain that to me. No, better yet, explain to me how the words "kid" and "children" are still routinely associated with video games. Explain how you're this far gone. Nobody is marketing Call of Duty to kids. Nobody will be marketing Grand Theft Auto V to kids. No respectable retailer will sell such games to kids. No parent who has done an ounce of research will buy these games for their kids. So maybe you should opt to study something else. Anything . Anything that doesn't make you sound like a dinosaur.
Dinosaurs shouldn't be able to hold positions of power. It makes people in-the-know snicker behind their backs and roll their eyes. …and that's the only funny part of the situation.