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MotorStorm: Apocalypse Demo, New Features Revealed

MotorStorm: Apocalypse is going to be an off-road racer's dream; the urban take on outside-the-lines action should be a big-time crowd-pleaser.

And it just got a big update at the PlayStation Blog : first up is a video of the freshly revealed Skyline track (looks sweet !) featuring the ultra-cool Superbike. Then we have the news that a demo will be headed our way next year, the game will be available in stereoscopic 3D, and they're allowing for "visual customization and performance customization in the form of perks." They also talk about upcoming exclusive content that will be found on the PlayStation Network, and the rest of the info is as follows:

New Photo Mode: We’ve got a sophisticated Photo Mode that can capture gameplay images in ultra-high resolutions, as well as some easy-to-use tools that allow for fantastic post-effects – all of the Skyline screenshots were taken using Photo Mode mid-race!

Post-release content: We have big ambitions to continue support for the game after it releases, and to develop some of the concepts we haven’t been able to find time for in development, including a special island track we’re hoping to be able to give away for free.

New taunts and gestures: All previous versions of MotorStorm featured the ability to taunt other riders. This time, we have a set of insanely flamboyant gestures guaranteed to get your opponents fuming.

Finally, they tease more upcoming videos and developer diaries that will show up at the Blog and on the PSN in the coming weeks; we'll have to stay on the lookout for those. Right now, Apocalypse has a tentative Spring 2011 launch date and hopefully, it'll stick to that release window. We're expecting a polished, super-entertaining blast!

Related Game(s): MotorStorm: Apocalypse

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13 years ago

Day one buy here, and I sure love Photo modes!

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

Know how you feel! You can also make some great wallpapers with photo mode.

13 years ago

Indeed sir. My HDD is stacked full of wallpapers I made from GT5.

It's one of my favorite features.

13 years ago

I love photo mode in games amazing! I can make great wallpapers for my pc, psp, ps3, and even 360!

My favorite games so far using this is Uncharted 2 and Halo Reach. Havent tried GT5 yet and the photo mode in COD Black Ops only lets you upload about 6 pictures at the most and have no way of exporting them to a pc (I have the 360 version)…unless Im doing something wrong.

And pictures taken in HOME are something else out of this world….still waiting on a PSXE HOME club, group or game night **Looks at Ben impatiently** LoL

Last edited by Snorge on 12/15/2010 3:12:46 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago


Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

Ahh really looking foward to this one! Love the Motorstorms!

13 years ago

I loved the atmosphere created by Evolution Studios with the first 2 and now 3D is going to make this one a first day buy!!

13 years ago

I don't have a 3D tv(yet) and this is a easy day1buy for me. 3D is just a bonus, an accessory.
But It's going to add so much to the experience of the game(PS3 exclusives) your playing.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I may make this my first Motorstorm. Not because of the new features mentioned here, but because of the environmental interactivity and destructability, among other things. I really enjoyed the demos for the last two, so I guess it depends on what else I have to play when it comes out.

13 years ago

I loved the first MotorStorm. I still have lots to do on Pacific Rift, but this wil be part of my collection from day one…Can we say 'pre-order'?

The best thing for me is that as I get more and more games that support 3D, whenever I do get a 3D TV in the future, a whole library of new gaming experiences will open up for me, in games I already own.

13 years ago

Agreed…Having game after game being announce with 3D is very reassuring after purchasing a 3D TV. Killzone 3, LBP 2, uncharted 3, Motorstorm Apocalypse, Metal Gear Rising, Mortal Kombat, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus: the Collection, and the Last Gaurdian to name a few. Gotta love it!

EDIT: Does anyone know if Sorcery will be 3D? I need that!

Last edited by Snorge on 12/15/2010 3:20:12 PM

13 years ago

Oh man I can't wait for this game. It's going to be so much fun, amazing and maybe the best racer next year. I wish I had a 3D TV. hopefully next year probably late next year. But there are games on 3D(GT5) and many coming out next year in 3D.
I have to go out to preoderder this, Does any body know who has any DLC to preoder from them, or is it to early for that?

PS3 is really stepping it up next year
Killzone 3
inFamous 2
Tomb Raider
The Last Guardian
Uncharted 3: Drake's deception
Twisted Metal
Syphon Filter?
Yakuza 4
Ratchet & Clank: all 4 one
heros on the move
Little big Planet 2

2011 is going to be a great year and a really good one for Sony(not so good for 360). I'll be broke a lot next year. I'll be picking up most of these and a couple of multiplat's SSX deadly decent,Driver San Fransisco, Madden 12, maybe L.A. Noir, prototype 2 and Homefront

13 years ago

Damn straight man!
2010 is slightly disappointing compared to 2009 but 2011 will be awesome.

13 years ago

I guess this is the game that will get me to take a brake form Gran Turismo 5(on day one).

13 years ago

Nice play on words…"brake"

13 years ago

Wow…alot of British studios prouducing the goods next year! LBP2, MS:A, Batman, with each representing the best in each genre. Go England! xD
Best move controls (imagine the possibilities in create?)
Best use of 3D (wasnt motorstorm the first to start it?)
…Best CGI?

13 years ago

Man, this game looks awesome.
And more bikes, Yeah!

But I wish they'd leave that taunting mode Bullsh*t out of the PS3 version.
That's all we frigging need…the incentive to become more like most of the foul-mouthed, trash-talking, racist, 8 year old MS kiddies.

Just give the taunting mode to the 360 as an exclusive for them, seeing that's about all those lil ankle biters really have left to hold on to & call their own.

13 years ago

There is no 360 version, its ps3 exclusive seeing as Sony is the publisher.

The AI in Pacific Rift was awful so idk what i'll do about Apocalypse. I hate rubber-band AI and i'll be waiting to see if it has been fixed before i throw down $60 on this.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

'lil ankle biters' haha!

13 years ago


Yeah, you're right. Duh to me, all I could see at the time of writing it was 360 blood red, due to reading about the upcoming taunting mode.

13 years ago

"visual customization and performance customization in the form of perks."

Interesting, I wonder if that's like a PC settings menu where you can toggle on or off certain effects to adjust performance.

Anyway, I'm a fan of Motorstorm. I favored the original game, but I'm thinking this new one will be the best yet.

13 years ago

I would normally not buy an offroad racer, but I got a copy of Pacific Rift free with my PS3. And boy, what a pleasure it turned out to be.

It boasted one of the most amazing colour palettes I have ever seen in a video game, and the gameplay itself was quite enjoyable.

Looking forward to this game.

13 years ago

The day I got my PS3, my first game was Motorstorm: Pacific Rift. I needed a game to have fluid 720p graphics with rip-roaring sound, supplemented by great gameplay with a focus on split-screen competitive play, and MS:PR delivered all that, and more (I loved the singleplayer, the DLC maps, and the online component).

With 120 hours spent and counting, I just can't wait for MS3. I'm such a huge fan!

13 years ago

Snorge, where is the photo mode in Uncharted 2?

13 years ago

Never owned a Motorstorm before but i have played the first one at a friend's house and it was rad, never tried the secound one but this one is looking to be the best in the series from what I can tell. Anyone know if this will have sixaxis control, that would be sweet.

Last edited by TheShadow on 12/15/2010 9:17:41 PM

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