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Resistance 3 VGA Footage, Releasing September 6, 2011

Well, a whole bunch of potentially amazing games hit the stage at the 2010 VGAs this year, and one of them was Insomniac's Resistance 3 .

First, the update popped up at the PlayStation Blog , which features up-to-date info and the trailer that debuted on Spike TV; that video clip is below. It's kick-ass footage! They say you should spot an upgrade to the Rossmore Shotgun and for our part, we're pretty darn impressed… The overall detail and intensity is exactly what we'd expect, and it should remind everyone that this franchise is sweeeet.

Oh, and the release date: September 6, 2011. That's nearly two full months before Uncharted 3 , so they won't have to battle it out for sales supremacy, and you won't have to get both within a few weeks of each other. Chances are, you're gonna want both, but at least you've got that nice time gap in between. …well, provided Twisted Metal and The Last Guardian don't interfere…and they might.

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

I'm glad eerie is back. The color tones they're using and fog etc. help add to the atmosphere. It looks good, and it doesn't look like a CoD/Halo/KZ clone.

I played R2 before R1. Surprisingly, I preferred R1 from an art direction stand point (among a few other things). I think the creepy/survival vibe is a good angle for the Resistance series.

13 years ago

cant wait to play this also. looks like a lot of fun. i will be replaying the first 2 before this comes out.

13 years ago

the animations on the chimera are excellent, looks much better than the last game as expected. fall 2011 will be just as epic as the start of 2011

13 years ago

exactly what i thought, the motion of the first person perspective looks great as well.

My only worry is that with the new protagonist it might not feel like a true sequel but more of a spin off like retribution. I guess in Silentr Hill you have different characters so i wont rule it out, but i can certainly see myself getting this 1st thing september.

As for the live action, i didn not like it as an avertisment in the previous one, as it does not sel the game, but having live action cut scenes may actually be good, i'm curious to see if it will suit the imagery of the graphics in the gameplay or not.

13 years ago

Well you remember the ending in R2, right? So its definitely a true sequel. Looks amazing. The animations look great and so does the atmosphere.

13 years ago

Indeed i do know the ending of R2 and the reason to having a new protagonist, but still i just hope this character is connected to the story well rather than being just a random guy, I believe it did see malikov in there though which gives me a bit of hope that it will link in to the series fine 🙂

13 years ago

yeah I'm curious as to how insomniac will handle capelli, will it feel like a true sequel or a side story?

You're right Ultima, i did notice the first person motion looking great as well. As far as color I'm glad it looks pretty drab, its depressing and thats how I'd imagine it to be in this reality. Not saying that a war torn country would magically lose color, just seems a little more realistic compared to part 2.

One thing that didn't hit me until you guys mentioned it was the use of live action during the game. I took it as them using it just for trailer purposes, but perhaps they will use it throughout the game

One thing i wish they'd do is a form of co op like last time, but as far as we've been told, thats not returning, at least the game will have co op for the campaign

I'm also wondering whats up with the last part of the trailer, what does it mean? he's pretty brave going into a death trap like that armed with just a sledge hammer

Last edited by aaronisbla on 12/12/2010 9:02:52 AM

13 years ago

It'll likely be a direct sequel, Cappeli was the last survivor of that team, he'd make the most sense as a protagonist. Though the live action guy looked nothing like him….

13 years ago

I like the bit at the end with the sledge hammer. I guess not all humans are on one side any more. The chimera I have seen so far are pretty sweet and the even gorier kills look really nice

13 years ago

R3 graphics look like they've really changed for the best since R2. And those Chimera look great.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Okay, that looks awesome, but does anyone else get the feeling that this will use live-action cutscenes, based on what we've seen thus far? It would make sense, given that the first two had a wildly different way of telling the story. I actually think I'd like that…
Oh, and the release date is simply beautiful. It looks like it'll be avoiding any big-name competition for now.

13 years ago

It takes me out of the immersion if you switch to real life.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

That's true, but if the graphics are as good as they seem from this trailer, the transition won't worry me too much.

13 years ago

No. They used live action trailers for Resistance 2. Idk why they do it, but they always put real people in trailers and commercials, but never in the actual game. Dont worry.

13 years ago

Wow!!! Seriously, just… wow!!!

All these PS3 trailers and exclusive games are killing the 360's status right now.

Seriously, most websites I've been to, the comments sections are distinctly lacking in Xbot backlash and arrogant remarks. They have nothing to argue. Except Gears 3 statements, but come on, anyone here with a 360 is getting it.

But what games can PS3 fans afford? There's too many now!!! Hear that Xbots!?!?! Too many PS3 exclusives!!!!!

Sony has come a long way since 2007.

13 years ago

Is that like Batman arkham asylum combat challenge at the end of the video?!
That would be EPIC!

13 years ago

Your avatar is just awesome.

13 years ago

It actually scares me.

13 years ago

may be move integration, Using hammer, makes sense….

13 years ago

Cool if it's anything like the first one count me in I loved the first one, wasn't keen on the second one.

13 years ago

Thats a bit early in the year for an Insomniac game. This makes me very happy.

13 years ago

man this is so awesome, cant wait

13 years ago

I feel the need to kill these spammers. Sorry

13 years ago

I think the chimera look more menacing in this game than in r2. R2 was great but some parts in it weren't as dark and errie as r1. Don't get me wrong it's still a great game and has a great story. I just wonder how is it going to end playing as capelli. Capelli was a really good charecter. Though I think they shoulda spent more time working on the cut scenes and voice overs, however the gameplay was solid and great.

13 years ago

Holy crap. DO. WANT. The sledgehammer is already my favorite.

13 years ago

MORE MELEE WEAPONS PLEASE! ( I know I know no caps, but dammit I love melee weapons ).

I hope that sledge hammer is very useful

13 years ago

Hammer = Move 🙂 that would be sweet

13 years ago

Wow, Resistance looks insane, the environment is so much more gloomy and nasty, I love that.

The new character seems cool. I think that's the only way they could bring back this kind of survival/gloomy story to the game. Bringing back Nate would just bring back more of the high flying/space age sci-fi feel.

Anyway, this game will kick ass.

13 years ago

this looks sweeeeeet!

13 years ago

I want!!!!!

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