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Square-Enix “Deeply Regrets” FFXIV, Delays PS3 Version

Final Fantasy XIV hasn't fared well in the eyes of critics and gamers since it released for the PC. Square-Enix has since admitted their mistakes and because they don't wish to repeat history, they're going to take more time with the PlayStation 3 version.

Those who really want to try the in-depth MMORPG should read the latest update post at the official website : first and foremost, they say they "deeply regret that the game has yet to achieve the level of enjoyability that FINAL FANTASY fans have come to expect from the franchise, and for this we offer our sincerest of apologies." In fact, they've gone and reorganized the entire development and design team; in order to create a better product, they've gathered the company's "top talent and resources." You can check the new who's-who list through the link above; you may recognize a few of those names, and that's a good sign. What does this mean for the PS3 version?

"Regarding the PlayStation 3, it is not our wish to release a simple conversion of the Windows version in its current state, but rather an update that includes all the improvements we have planned. For that reason, we have made the difficult decision to delay the release of the PlayStation 3 version beyond the originally announced date of March 2011."

Unfortunately, it seems that delay is indefinite for now but at the same time, we're more than willing to give the team the time they need. FFXIV clearly had – and still has – severe problems and to release such a disappointing product on the PS3 would only add to the negative backlash. We have to appreciate the apology, though, and if they take the right strides, the PS3 version could be vastly superior to the originally released PC version… Here's hoping.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV

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13 years ago

SE says they don't wish to repeat history than what have they been doing this whole generation? Game after game has been let downs. I still don't think they will learn from this.

13 years ago

Honestly I don't either. I think they are done.

13 years ago

They're finished.

13 years ago

SE has sunk rotten, no way back. so just rot with Wada together.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Good news for those that are interested, and it's good also to see that S-E see the error of their ways. Perhaps that means that future products will be up to the standards that we expect from them.

13 years ago

I wanted to get this game but I have decided not to. I just won't have the time to pay or the money to pay for an MMO after the baby arrives. People who want this shouldn't mind the delay. It will give them time to make the game better than its PC counter part.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Congratulations on the kid.

13 years ago

Thanks. 🙂

13 years ago

Your going to be a father!!! I've been banned for a month, that's why I havnt been on psn. Congrats man!!

13 years ago

Is it Jawknee Junior? Damnit New Vegas Radio, now every time I see your name I think of that song "Johnny Guitar".

13 years ago


Congrats on your future lil' ankle biter!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Congrats. 🙂

13 years ago

You should have the time to still play. I mean, what else is there to do when the baby's up all night crying?

The money does get a little tighter though so not spending it on a buggered MMO sounds like the wise move.

13 years ago

Congrats man! Is this your first?

13 years ago

Congrats! Give him/her a great name.

13 years ago

Call him/her "World"

13 years ago

I'm guessing Jawknee will go with "Barack". ;P

13 years ago

Ha! I prefer Berry. 😉

@Borderline, Yup, it'll be our first one. Crazy. I am starting to feel old. :O

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/11/2010 1:35:08 AM

13 years ago

Starting? how old are you? I'm 29 and headed back to college for more edumacation, I feel like a facking geezer.

"You dried up old geez?" -Kid from FFVII

13 years ago


The wife and I are waiting until she finishes her degree.

13 years ago

a little late but congrats ^^/

13 years ago

Lol, I feel you there. I have a 4 year old and 3 year old both girls. A lot of work and a lot of fun and they do make an interesting dichotomy in that they keep you young but make you feel old. Enjoy all that it brings.

P.S….my 3 year old is honestly awesome at Red Dead. We don't let her shoot at people or things but she can lol and she does the herding and lassoing missions….cutest thing ever.

13 years ago

Their problem is that the PC version of the game is so badly broken, and the development team doesn't know what to do. The PS3 version is suffering because there is so much to fix, and they have to go back and do root and branch pruning and re-development on the PS3 version too.

13 years ago

I bet it will be a year late minimum.

13 years ago

Or maybe it will never be released. Who here remembers "The Last Remanent"?

13 years ago

I hope they just scrap it altogether and start work on something that I would actually be interested in buying

13 years ago

Where's Pachter when you need him? THIS is a product that is dead on arrival. And I don't think improving it will help any. Even if they make it a ton better, a first impression always sticks. No sale for me.

It really is a shame what they are doing to Final Fantasy these days. PLEASE let Versus be "teh sheet" Cuz if it isn't, FF probably can't recover.

13 years ago

I believe you're right World. Seems like devs/publishers fell into a funk this gen but SE really went downhill. They should be thankful that there are still people that think they can pull back from how poorly they've done this gen.

A business as big as Square-enix, you would think would have some smart business sense to ask themselves, "What were the type of business practices that made us successful in the past generations and what are we doing differently now?" "Maybe our chances haven't been the best and maybe we should revive some logical practices of the past."

In any case I believe "Sony" has a role in these supposed practices..

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

"Even if they make it a ton better, a first impression always sticks. No sale for me."
You could say the same thing about the PS3, right?

13 years ago

Based on how much more valuable exclusives are, if Versus stays exclusive to the PS3 and the devs take full advantage of that it may have a chance to restore hope. Depends on whether FF Versus 13 can heal to the affect of the damage that SE has done to FF recently.

Thank the espers, summons, Guardian Forces, and eidolons that Tetsuya Nomura is heading this one.

13 years ago

what a bunch of clowns. maybe they are Drake's worst nightmare, idiot programmers and bosses. haha fools

13 years ago

In conjunction with this news, they have lengthened the trial period of the PC version to try to placate the pissed off fans. It's obviously a delay tactic so they can add content hoping people don't just jump ship when the trial is up, which they will.

13 years ago

I really wanted to get this, make my own FF experience with a non-blond character as the hero.

Sad, Karma's biting Squeeeeeenix in the ass.

That's what happens, you don't backstab your Playstation fanbase like that and get away with it.

I hope they do fix it though. The game has potential.

If it still sucks for ps3 I highly recommend White Knight Chronicles 2 for those looking for an engaging online experience. It's not as big in size as a regular MMO like FFXIV. But it is still a fun online game with good mechanics. Oh, and it's free.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 12/10/2010 10:13:18 PM

13 years ago

Well, we're not entirely sure how big WKC2 will be online, are we? We know about the first game, but the second installment might expand things a bit.

13 years ago

I don't think FF has had an inordinate amount of Blond protagonists.

13 years ago

Man I can't wait to be wow'd by WKC2, even if it's just as big as the original I'm fine with that. Just want to experience the new quests, weapons, etc.

There's only been 1 non-blonde male lead since FFVII.

13 years ago

Agreed Scarecrow. If they balance the online better so that I can make some progress without devoting my life to it, I will play more.

13 years ago

I was excited for FFXIV for the longest time, I still am for what it 'could' become. For now though, I'm extremely excited for DC Universe Online. Just signed up for PS+ and so I 'should' be receiving a beta invite before launch 🙂 This FFXIV delay will give me time to try DCUO out and I may decide to jump into FFXIV at a much later date.

13 years ago

I really don't think MMOs have a place on consoles as of yet. Just my opinion.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

No time like the present.

13 years ago

What an embarrassment. Where to even begin with this kind of nonsense? They used to be so good. Now they're getting thrashed by fans and critics alike and they don't know which way to go.

Can someone get this chicken a head?

13 years ago

I still want to give it a try but, until the PC version is fixed and made playable, I'll keep it on the shelf. There are still way better MMO options out there currently than to suffer through the devastating disappointment that FF XIV has turned out to be in it's present state.

13 years ago

You know, the game is pretty playable to those that have more FFXI experience. And the foundation is really great. But everything after the foundation is just unorganized. Not so much broken… just really disorganized with no tutorials to make anything clear.

If you want a taste, the free trials keep getting extended, and since release, it's been 100% free to play.

13 years ago

"deeply regret that the game has yet to achieve the level of enjoyability that FINAL FANTASY fans have come to expect from the franchise, and for this we offer our sincerest of apologies."

Does this mean that they are going to redo ff13 as well?

13 years ago

Wait, SE apologizing?
It's gonna snow in Africa…….

13 years ago

Sqaure Enix had their funeral after the turd that was FFXIII as far as i'm concerned. This new fail that they're aplogizing for is just further evidence that they can no longer cut it under the FF name. If Versus bombs, that will be another nail in the already loose coffin, and more butthurt fans will probably write up suicide letters & whatnot.

How the mighty can fall.

13 years ago

If they remove the monthly fees I will buy it.

13 years ago

I wish they'd apologize for the way XIII turned out.

13 years ago

With nearly 6 million copies in sales, I doubt they would.

13 years ago

6 million in sales most like based on name recognition. Remember we had nothing as remotely disappointing as FF13 prior to its release and on top of that everyone was very excited to experience THE FIRST Final Fantasy on a high def console. That's where those sales come from.

How about SE taking into consideration of how many people in Japan alone were returning FF13 in droves.

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