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GT5 Tops 5.5 Million, Franchise Hits 60 Million Worldwide

It has always been one of the most popular video game franchises in history, and with the aid of the most recent installment, Gran Turismo has hit another plateau.

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) has revealed that the cumulative worldwide sales for the long-running and critically acclaimed series has topped 60 million units as of December 6, 2010. That 60 million is the sell-in number, in case you're wondering. GT managed to reach the impressive mark in just under 13 years; the first title hit the Japanese market in late December of 1997. From the press release:

"The Gran Turismo franchise, from the original Gran Turismo to the latest Gran Turismo®5, has continued to evolve alongside the PlayStation platforms. With its outstanding gameplay, beautiful graphics and true-to-life driving simulation, the franchise is recognized as the world's number one automotive game title on the PlayStation format, receiving high regard not just from game fans, but from professional racing drivers and enthusiasts in the automotive industry."

As for GT5, which is technically the 9th entry in the franchise, it offers a "completely new physics engine" along with a lineup of over 1,000 licensed cars. It also boasts 3D, real-time car damage, dynamic weather effects, kart racing, a Course Maker, and a deep online and community feature…but you already knew that, right? So far, the game has sold over 5.5 million units worldwide, and that number has been reached in less than 2 weeks.

Yes indeed, the world continues to reward Kazunori Yamauchi and Co. And that, of course, is the right thing to do.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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13 years ago

good amount of sales right there 😀

13 years ago

That's Great!!!

Last edited by jlch777 on 12/10/2010 9:52:12 PM

13 years ago

And yet we have no PSX Extreme Gran Turismo Night. 😉

I wanna see Ben destroy everyone online.


13 years ago

We could all spectate Ben vs. Arnold. lol

Maybe even The Highlander! ^.^

13 years ago

LOL! I could spectate, but not keep up, I suspect that Arnold is a farce to be reckoned with behind the wheel.

*sigh* I need to get a wheel for the game, but really don't have any way of ensuring it stays where it's put when I play.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I haven't even played it much yet, and I'd have to put in some serious time if I wanted to compete with Arnold.

13 years ago

Does a wheel really make that much difference on lap times? After a lot of hours I managed to get all golds on the super license with the DS3

13 years ago

We could all just watch as Arnold shows us how it's done!

13 years ago

I forgot that Arnold is as much of a car guy (if not more so) as Ben. 🙂

I know Ben and Arnold keep their PSN IDs to themselves, but still it would be awesome to take 'em on sometime. 🙂

Maybe Ben and Arnold could create separate PSN accounts just to play with PSX Extreme members?


13 years ago

That would be so awesome! I think we should all set it up. I'm having a hard time with the ds3 I need myself a wheel. I think I would be spectating more than racing though :.

13 years ago

GT TRAINING ACADEMY with instructor Arnold Katayev!

13 years ago

Haha, that would be fun indeed!

Highlander – I mount my Logi DFGT to possibly the worst surface one can place it on – glass. The coffee table is a glass slab that floats on a metal frame. That said, I use rubber mats beneath the wheel and between the grips that anchor it to the table. No problems… Other than the height of the wheel, but I'm not going to nag about that!

Having a wheel makes an INCREDIBLE difference in gameplay. There's no way in hell for me to properly countersteer cars with the DS3. With an progressive pedal AND wheel, I can feather the throttle and properly countersteer through mostly any corner (unless, of course, I get airborn just before the kink).

I can't say for certain that having a wheel will make any gamers time slips faster, but it certainly did so with mine. There's a learning curve to abide by before you can get wild, but that's nothing compared to what it takes to use analog sticks to do the same.

I'd love to do some community racing if you guys and gals do go ahead with this. I'm not the best racer when it comes to this game, but it's all about the fun, right?! This game makes losing fun! haha.. It'd be cool to see how seasoned some of my fellow PSXE people are on the track!

Ahh, all this GT talk makes me want to strap a wheel to the table! Too bad my lunch break is almost over. Blah!

13 years ago

It may sound like blasphemy to some but I actually use the D-pad in GT5. Wouldn't mind a wheel though

13 years ago

I just maxed out my Lexus IS F on my lunch break.


I mean, it won't be beating any Veyron's or anything, but that thing is a beast of a machine.

I'd love to take it up against you guys to see if I can be competitive in it.


Last edited by Arvis on 12/10/2010 1:53:04 PM

13 years ago

Did TheHighlander just call Arnold a farce?

13 years ago

I bought a wheel and it helped me a lot, I think. If anything, it helped me turn bronze trophies to gold a lot faster. I mounted it on an Xlerator wheel stand and it works fine.

13 years ago

Ack! Thank you Alienage, I didn't spot that typo. I am going to have to turn of the auto-correct feature. That is *so* not a good choice of correction to make.

Of course I meant that Arnold is a FORCE to be reckoned with behind the wheel. Sorry for the confusion.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'd back Arnold in that competition.

And I need a wheel. The Sixaxis just isn't sensitive enough for some of the turns that you have to do.

13 years ago

Ben or Arnold.. Do u guys use Wheel or controller?

13 years ago

The controller is just as viable, it all comes down to performance and overall result. If you're able to win it doesn't matter what you use.

I would set up this psxe academy but 1. I haven't bought many cars 2. It takes months of practice to actually be good at these new tracks 3. I want to experience most of the GT mode before I go to the online world.

But if you guys do set it up I might join.

13 years ago

Man, some of you guys should join in on the discussion on GT5 at the PSXextreme forums.

13 years ago

My god, already?!

13 years ago

5.5 M in 2 weeks, that is awesome, and that proves its the best racing sim. out there

Last edited by AshT on 12/10/2010 10:38:55 AM

13 years ago

Where I agree that GT5 is one of the best racing sims…I don't believe that it is because of sales figures.

Just like Black Ops is not the best FPS….yet sales figures would disagree…

13 years ago

Nice. Perhaps this will finally convince some fence sitters that the game is worth it? I know I keep going back to it. Hell, even my wife plays it consistently.

Seriously though, I don't think that massive sales were ever in doubt for this title. It is however, gratifying to see the game selling that many units. Even at $60 a pop, that's $330 million already. I'm not sure how many collectors editions were sold, but it sure seems like there were a lot of them too.

13 years ago

For sure, this game is addictive! I dare say I know what a coke addict feels like… HAH! Ok, maybe thats a little overboard. I can't get my girlfriend to play since I started my gaming with the wheel (she's intimidated by the feedback), but she still loves it in it's more arcade-ish form of gameplay with the DS3.

Anyone who hasn't picked this game up is either too big into fads or just doesn't care about racing. There just isn't a reason to keep yourself away from this game if you have the $60 and a PS3, be it a man or lady. Nuff said.

13 years ago

US sales:1.25m
European sales: 3.56
That's ridiculous

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, it isn't. There are a lot more people in Europe, first of all, and secondly, GT has ALWAYS been big in that region.

13 years ago

GT1 sales were close in PAL and the US and Latin America territories and GT2 and GT3 sold more in the Americas than the PAL region.

13 years ago

there's not really a lot more people in Europe.

Europe: 593 million people
North America: 536 million people

13 years ago

true, it's only a little over 10% more, which although is actually pretty substantial, certainly doesn't make up for the over 250% more sales.

However, most of Europe is pretty well off, where as a lot of North America includes Central America and the Carribean countries which don't have nearly as much disposable income. Which is worth taking into account! Couple that with a much greater interest in automobiles and this style game in Europe, and the numbers become a little less hard to believe.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I believe the European region for video games is larger than what is considered the Euro region for census taking.

13 years ago


The US isn't the only group of people in north America so your numbers don't count. There are only about 300 million people in the US. You're including Canada while Naughty Dog Fan was not. So yes there are a lot more people in Europe than there are in the US. But let's say you include Canada and south America, sales will still be impacted for the reasons underdog listed. I agree though, more gamers/PS3 owners in the Americas should own this game.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/10/2010 12:06:56 PM

13 years ago

I believe the European region for gaming includes Austrailia, and various Asian countries like china.

13 years ago

Sorry, phudge_supreemz, but your numbers are not really that helpful. The video game market in Mexico is *not* particularly developed. The US and Canada make up more than 90% of the total gaming market in North America. The us is about 330 million people, and Canada adds another 34 million. the impact of the other North American countries on teh sales of consoles or games is pretty negligible – for now.

13 years ago

ok lets call north america around 360 million including canada. At the end of the day I think the drastic difference in sales numbers between north america and europe has more to do with the percentage of ps3 owners than the actual population.

13 years ago

All the naysayers and haters have been shown the finger


13 years ago



Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/10/2010 11:08:25 AM

13 years ago

@ Underdog15

I lost it after being thumbed down 😉

Last edited by swapnilgyani on 12/10/2010 11:15:44 AM

13 years ago

But I don't see a thumbs down!!

Here: I'll give you a thumbs up!

13 years ago

I'm grabbing GT5 this weekend and NBA Jam. Haven't owned a GT since GT2..I know..I know..missed a lot..I know I have a lot of catching up to do.

13 years ago

wow 5.5 million thats impressive and it hasnt even been out long

13 years ago

This news has made my Friday. Hope that they keep the momentum as we go into Xmas.

13 years ago

that is more than forza 3 has sold in it's lifetime

13 years ago

Every Ps3 exclusive should see these numbers Sony deserves it.

13 years ago

When you say "sell-in number", that means shipped to stores right, as in 5.5 mil went out to retailers?

I believe actual game sales are around 3 mil, which is still fantastic considering it's been out for only a couple of weeks.

Forza 3 has been out much longer and only sold 3.7 to a larger install base. I guess racing fans know where to find their true racing fix.

13 years ago

Doesn't really matter I don't think. If they've shipped, they've been sold to the distributers/retailers etc. Basically, Sony has made their money; now, the retailers are going to be making theirs.

13 years ago

I know MS lists their sales for units shipped. I'm unsure if that's the case with GT5. You will always have a margin of error, obviously more commonly from retailers, but I'm assuming this is implying units sold to consumers.

13 years ago

I contributed!

13 years ago

me too 😉

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