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Bulletstorm Isn’t “Mindless,” And Could Be Memorable

Although many will say shooters have become far too popular, there's one particular FPS (besides Killzone 3 ) that might really surprise you in 2011.

It's People Can Fly's Bulletstorm , which has already benefited from several downright insane gameplay videos. And you'll really want to read a recent Eurogamer interview with People Can Fly founder Adrian Chmielarz, where he claims people's views on the game are a little skewed, and in fact, there's one moment in the adventure that we'll be "talking about for years to come." Firstly, when asked if Bulletstorm was misunderstood, Chmielarz replied:

"Yeah. It's a two-step process. People have a certain opinion of the game, that it's mindless or old school. We have an amazing ratio of people who are converted when they touch Bulletstorm. I've seen people playing Bulletstorm at E3 and other shows, and 98 per cent come away being fans."

He goes on to talk about the various ways one can approach the gameplay, and the story elements, which many have been ignoring. We'll come back to this in just a second but we also wanted to touch on another statement, which is bound to turn heads. Apparently, the following is related to a plot twist, if we're understanding the context correctly:

"It's everything. It's me, right, it's in my best interest to advertise the game, but we have a moment in the game that people are going to talk about for years to come. I'm absolutely, 100 per cent sure of that. But I don't want to spoil it for you. I want you to experience it as a gamer who sees that for the first time. That's the tricky part."

See, you can't go and make those types of comments, just because they're dangerous. That means people are immediately thinking about things like Aeris' death, the end of MGS3, the intro to Onimusha 3 ; that sort of stuff. To compete in the "memorable moments" category these days, you really have to do something special.

Now, as a side note to what Chmielarz said about it not being "mindless." …I appreciate what he said, but personally, I'm not sure what he outlines in the interview actually constitutes depth, or anything that might require…well, a mind. It's great that you can just bash your way through or opt to be a surgeon, but…well, it's just a different set of reactions and skill. As much as I love the look and feel of Bulletstorm , I really can't get away from the obvious fact that it is indeed mindless.

But there's nothing wrong with that for such a game. They should embrace the mindlessness!

Related Game(s): Bulletstorm

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13 years ago

From the trailers we have seen so far, its pretty mindless IMO also, but looked cool too.

13 years ago

I've been looking forward to this game ever since I saw the 1st video.

13 years ago

It looks mindless to me. Besides, I'll be passing on it anyways.

13 years ago

Same here, it doesn't look interesting at all.

13 years ago

Well, I think the real object of the game is to discover all the multitudes of different brutal ways to kill, and finding out just how inventive you can become at doing it.

IMO, I don't think that counts for being a mindless game at all.

But of course, that's just me….

13 years ago

This looks pretty cool, I just hope they aren't over hyping something that is going to get a reaction of "Meh" from people.

13 years ago

Why does it look mindless? cause there is a constant hail of gunfire? God forbid. I mean it's not like there aren't any games like that now *cough COD Killzone *cough.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

"Why does it look mindless? cause there is a constant hail of gunfire?"


13 years ago

Killzone at least required some skill. Especially on the harder settings. No way you can get through that game on the hardest setting without using cover and maneuvering properly.

13 years ago

@ CaptRon
Um, by all measn, please explain how Killzone is mindless.

*Standing old school Sonic style*
Im waaaaaiiiitiiiiiiing

13 years ago

Killzone is not mindless? i dont think so

13 years ago

KZ is not mindless, I have printed out a over head view of a map marked the normal reaction of troops, their usual area of fire, their area of sight, planed out a specific route, along with a few back up plans. I do not call that mindless, except for the charge up the stairs near the end( pure blood lust there).

Last edited by sirbob6 on 12/8/2010 9:19:25 PM

13 years ago

i just watched the gameplay on qore and it looks a lot cooler than i thought it would be. i will wait to find out about it in reviews but it does seem like it could be some fun. for everyone that is going off just articles and pics check out this months qore then make a decision.

i really doubt it will break any sales records or anything though.

13 years ago

I know it's another FPS made with Unreal so……pass.

13 years ago

As interesting this game may seem, I too will probably pass on it. Just to many other great IP's out there for this one to hit my radar…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'd like to get excited for this and Bodycount, but for some reason, I just can't. What he says is promising, but devs are always talking up their products. Hmm… I'll try as more info trickles out.

13 years ago

I want this, Bodycount, & Brink!
(along with a thousand other games,LOL)

13 years ago

Brink is the only mildly appealing one.

13 years ago

So what exactly can happen in a game like this that people will talk about "for years"???

I mean, we still talk about Aeris dying….and we may still talk about murdering civilians in an airport in MW2….and people may talk about the titans from GOWIII…..but I can't think of too many other things that we talk about for years to come.

So what exactly can they do in an arcade style shooter that is so mind blowing? I got nothing.

13 years ago

This guys name is an anagram of Chimera LZ. It's bound to be good!!

13 years ago

I think this game looks great! The commentary trailers were awesome and quite epic. I think this will be a lot of fun when it arrives in February!

13 years ago

People always talk nonsense about their FPS and it always turns out to be nonsense. And I'm so not buying another one for a single scene I can catch on youtube. Duke Nukem Forever over this any day. What I see people talking about for years to come is: "What was that one game nobody bought?"

13 years ago

Hail to the King, baby!

13 years ago

And now(more than) a few words on Bulletstorm, from Cliffy B….

BulletStorm’s Cliff Bleszinski Explains Co-Op Anarchy Mode, Favorite Kill Combo

13 years ago

This game looks uber awesome, sweet gameplay and pretty nice graphic too.
Agree about the part that it's not mindless, but kinda doubtful that it's gonna have a moment people will talk about for years.

Of course, unless a scene so disturbing or touching or amazing.

13 years ago

I liked the video I've seen but more than likely I'll wait for it to come down in price, alot. There's other stuff that I want to play first.

13 years ago

Looks like another Borderlands…nothing wrong with that as Borderlands was very unique, but it had a terrible story and was mindless. Mindless is fun, but of course that translates into a lack substance. Still not interested in this game yet. Looks like a future rental for now. Too many good games come out next year that already have a hold on my empty pockets

13 years ago

Look great , there is no way i ll PASS on it .Why do that when you can rent stuff for a small price .

Sometime all i want is a mindless game , at least in that game you got a lot of different ways to dispatch you re enemies .

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