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Eidos: That Dynamic Kane & Lynch Duo Will Return

It's one of those "close but not quite" franchises that has loads of potential, but has fallen just shy of notable quality each time.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days had the grit and righted a few of the wrongs committed in the original title, but the unrealized potential remained obvious. The good news is that Eidos will get another crack at it: according to what studio president Ian Livingstone told Eurogamer , the twisted duo aren't going anywhere.

"We haven't made any announcements about Kane & Lynch going forward, but we all know that Kane and Lynch are two amazing characters who have a lot of brand equity. People like those guys, so they're not going to disappear."

Livingstone went on to add that K&L2 "had a Marmite effect on people," in that most either loved it or hated it. Some people enjoyed the authenticity of the shuddering camera shot in documentary style, and some thought the dynamic between the two main characters really worked. We at PSXE must've been in the minority, as we neither loved or hated it; we sort of remained on the fence about the whole production.

The series still has potential and provided they take the next step with the third installment, we might finally be able to wholeheartedly recommend it to most consumers.

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13 years ago

Oh man, just admit it isn't worth trying to keep it afloat. I know technically they made money with it but I'd rather they amp up full time production on the Tomb Raider reboot.

13 years ago

I think I'm done with 'Kane & Lynch.' The first one was a blind buy for me because of IO, and I took a chance with the sequel. But until I get a new 'Hitman' in my hands, I really don't care to support IO's secondary franchise anymore.

13 years ago

I think I'll try some Marmite before I try another Kane & Lynch.

13 years ago

What is Marmite, sounds like a horrible affliction?

13 years ago

I wanted to know that too.

From Wikipedia:

Marmite (pronounced /ˈmɑrmaɪt/ MAR-myet) is the name given to two similar food spreads: the original British version, first produced in the United Kingdom and later South Africa, and a version produced in New Zealand. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.

The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury with umami qualities. This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." It is similar to the Australian Vegemite and Swiss Cenovis.

Vegemite (pronounced /ˈvɛdʒɨmaɪt/ VEJ-ə-myet)[1][2] is a dark brown Australian food paste made from yeast extract. It is a spread for sandwiches, toast, crumpets and cracker biscuits, and filling for pastries. It is similar to British, New Zealand, and South African Marmite, Australian (US owned) Promite, and to Swiss Cenovis.

Vegemite is made from used brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacturing, and various vegetable and spice additives. It is salty, slightly bitter, and umami or malty — similar to beef bouillon. The texture is smooth and sticky. It is not as intensely flavoured as British Marmite and it is less sweet than the New Zealand version of Marmite.

13 years ago

An edible yeast infection, got it. And yuck.

13 years ago

Come on IO, when Dog Days had me running and gunning naked through the streets of Shanghai I said to myself, "Really? Another reason I'm glad I rented this." Too many reasons honestly, the fans want a new Hitman, make it happen and you won't have to lay off anymore hard working individuals.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Marmite is terrible. So is Promite. I quite like Vegemite though. Oh, and Kane and Lynch may well be the first GOOD video game to movie transition, because, it honestly can't be too much worse than the games themselves.

13 years ago

why? everyone would be much happier with a new hitman game, and I'm sure that they could come up with a new ip that could be successful (though that is what I thought kane & lynch would turn out to be) Anyway a new hitman would be a better move by far

13 years ago


13 years ago

HITMAN!!!! HITMAN!!! HITMAN!!!! we want a new HITMAN! if they even start work on a new kane and lynch beofre we get an announcement for Hitman i will be kickin the biggiest stink! a Hitman with a new physics engine will be soooo pure!

13 years ago

It has already been confirmed recently that the next Hitman game will come out possibly late next year.

13 years ago

I want a new K&L, because I like the lunacy involved in it. But I want the developers to finally get their sh*t together with this series.

I also want them to get another Hitman out,and as my granny used to say…. "quick, fast, and in a mother focking hurry"!

13 years ago

Maybe they got infected by the "Let's-ignore-the-fans" virus.
Probably got it from Square Enix after Eidos became part of them.

13 years ago

I think activision might have gotten infected back when they gave the japanese localization of modern warfare to SE

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