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Quests Enhance PlayStation Rewards

Ah, Quests. I always loved the side-quests in my RPGs. Maybe this new addition to the PlayStation Rewards program will really get me intrigued.

The Rewards beta is in full swing and testers are currently on the way to earning Select, Pro and Legendary statuses; you can spot the bigger contributors because they're allowed to show off their rank on the official forums or on the PSN with nifty exclusive avatars. Now, Sony has added the Quests : these are "PlayStation-related activities that you can complete to directly add to your progress meter." Examples given include playing an eligible PlayStation Move game in the "Move It" quest, watching Pulse in HD on their PS3 system in the "Check Your Pulse" quest, and visiting the Central Plaza in PlayStation Home in the "No Place Like Home" quest. A total of 9 new Quests will be added to the beta and as time goes on, they'll think of more. If you missed the details of the Rewards system, feel free to do some homework ; it's a pretty cool incentive plan, scheduled to be available to all in April 2011.

Man, it's almost like reading a quest in a game and setting off to complete it. "Which Move game? … Sports Champions ? I have that…let me put it in… Then I'll wander around Home."

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13 years ago

I really wish that this Rewards program would cross the border to Canada. If all the other programs are any indication, it should arrive here in 2012 or so.

13 years ago

Would be nice.

13 years ago

This is what the rewards program needed. It was really feeling like less of a program for PS loyalists and more for people with cash burning a hole in their pocket.

13 years ago

oh wow a PS3.

I had one of those…


my 80GB YLOD'ed on me a few moments ago. I was gonna go level up in GT5….

13 years ago

Sorry to hear that dude 🙁

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
13 years ago

Awe! That really sucks… We all feel for you! :sadface:

New School
New School
13 years ago

i feel for you, same thing happened to by bc 80gb ps3 two months ago, bought a slim on black friday and just opened up my old one attempting to use the Gilsky method. Im hopin to have it work for at least 5 months, but hopfully i could get it to at least do a file transfer. (Off topic of the off topic) Does anyone know if the save files on my new ps3 will be deleted when i do the file transfer?

13 years ago

A lot of my friends who own the old fat PS3s started having problems around the 3 year mark. I have already been through 4 PS3s, all were original 60GB models.

I purchased a brand new slim for my woman, and she loves it. It runs cooler, quieter, and takes up less space in the entertainment center.

What I'm getting at is, if PS2 backwards compatibility is not important to you (if you even had it in the 80GB model you owned), I would suggest you try trading in your old PS3 for the newer slim.

The reason I am telling you, is you might want to reconsider dishing out $180 for a refurbished fat PS3 since their life expectancy (at least with a majority of my friends and excluding myself) is about 3 years. Are you going to be okay dishing out another $180 in about a year or two? If not, you might want to just trade up.

Sony offered to me the option to pay a total of $180 to get my original model back or $150 for a brand new slim with the option to purchase an extended warranty.

I would suggest the slim model. I didn't like it at first, but it's starting to grow on me. Of course, if you are still within the 1 year warranty, take advantage of that instead!

Last edited by Nynja on 12/6/2010 3:22:17 PM

13 years ago

@ New School

I don't know how the new file transfer works, but if it's anything like the Backup/Restore feature (and I bet it is), then you will probably lose any saves on the slim.

Back up any ones you can to a flash drive (from BOTH PS3s, if you can) before you try the file transfer. Better safe than sorry.

13 years ago

I bought mine August the other year, so mine's only 2+ years. Can't understand it though, it's been kept on a good environment–I play it on a room with windows shut to minimize dust, its cleaned regularly, i always use the a/c when playing so its always cold and force-shutdown only as necessary (i.e. game hangs).

No wonder I thought there were kinks in GT5. The screen kept flickering on the start of races. I thought it was only a game-related defect…

New School
New School
13 years ago

i am happy to say that the fix worked, my ps3 is running again and i didn't have to pay 180 dollars. Well i thought that i kept my ps3 in good condition, until i opened it up and saw all the dust that gathers inside of it, cleaned it up, reflowed it and added thermal past, running as if nothing happened.I wasn't able to transfer data though. it says my ps3's aren't connected with an Ethernet cable when they are. don't know what the problem is and i don't feel like calling Sony.

13 years ago

I don't want to sound negative but I don't think it is worth paying 20 dollars to rent a movie for a 3 dollar theme in return..

13 years ago

it doesnt, but one, you get the enjoyment of the movie, and two, if you rack up the rewards its gonna be big time jackpot so to speak.

13 years ago

I completely agree and that is my biggest gripe with this program. Like I said, it was feeling more like a reward program for spending money with very little in return. At least with these "quests" you can earn progress without shelling out a tonne of money for some themes, avatar, and home item.

13 years ago

two words. you rup.

one word. europe.

crap pun i know…

but you MUST get my point…

13 years ago

Is this coming to Europe?

13 years ago

I shall embark on a Quest to slay the Ring of Red Overlord Dragons in order to obtain Legendary Status.

Last edited by FatherSun on 12/6/2010 11:54:37 AM

13 years ago

Has the PSX team considered adding a captcha to thwart these post-bots?

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
13 years ago

Sounds like just more work to do… I'm all for it! 😀

13 years ago

So are there Quests for the PS3 Move? I am still a little confused as to how these rewards will work in our benefit?

13 years ago

I'm in the beta program for PlayStation Rewards.

I just reached a new level, probably from playing newly released games, and have been given a chance to redeem my reward points.

I have three options; Dynamic Theme, PSN Avatar, or PlayStation Home item(s). I don't get to choose or even see what they are.

I'd much rather see an option for funds credited to my PSN Wallet instead. Like, $3-5 worth would be greatly appreciated.

Check out the images in the forum here:

13 years ago

Glad you shared that. Those of us who aren't in the beta are rather curious. Although from what you've written, even being in the beta doesn't get you all the details.

Still, I'd go for PSN Avatar just in case it's Ichigo.

13 years ago

lol I was considering the Avatar among the options I have. Though, I was hoping to see what the theme and avatar are before I commit.

Unless PSXE wants the code instead…

13 years ago

Nynja-thats pretty cool..but yeah some of us aren't in the beta. I am curious if they are doing rewards for the Move? anyone?

13 years ago

They give you a certain percentage to the next level for PSN purchases and for playing a new unopened game. It doesn't matter what type it is, well until now. Now, you get percentage to the next level for completing quests. We don't know what that entails yet and won't until tomorrow.

Hope that helps

13 years ago

Couldn't have explained better myself.

@Coverton; I saw your post on the forum and tried what you suggested. The file name doesn't seem right when compared to the progress bar.

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