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Gran Turismo 5 Causes PS3 Sales To Double In Japan

Gran Turismo has always been big in Japan, and Polyphony's franchise has always been big for the PlayStation brand.

It's no surprise to see Gran Turismo 5 at the top of Media Create's sales charts for the recent week; after all, GT5 is plenty huge and the competition wasn't exactly stiff. Even so, at 430,707 units in the first week, such a performance translated to a big spike in PS3 hardware sales. In comparison to the week before GT5 arrived, PS3 sales doubled ; they rose from 29,058 to 68,840 on the strength of the ambitious racer. It certainly helped that the available GT5 PS3 bundle was a hot seller; the package was included in Media Create's report. But despite the fresh surge, the PS3 still failed to top the white hot PSP, which rose again in the weekly sales tally (75,689 to 96,601) and has been doing extremely well in Japan recently. Yes, well, they love their handhelds. How many DSs have been sold over there? Don't they give every Japanese baby a DS the instant it's born? Isn't it a law?

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how GT5 fares in North America and Europe and how it impacts PS3 hardware sales. Right now, all indications are that the new GT made quite the splash, but we'll have to wait for the official numbers.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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13 years ago

Still haven't gotten my collector's edition (States), but I did finish the new Wheel of Time book (outstanding).

My schedule is cleared, bring on the goods!

PS. Good to see it doing respectable numbers in Japan.

13 years ago

I can't believe you're missing out on this beauty.

I would have caved in already and gotten the regular edition.

You're gonna love these race tracks. Gimme a "hoorah" for Cape Ring (come on! Those of you who have played that track know what I'm talking 'bout!)

Game's ******* beautiful.

13 years ago

Wait. You haven't played the game yet?

13 years ago

The collector's edition is 'enroute' the fu** am I supposed to do, track down the specific UPS delivery guy who has it?

It'll get here when it gets here.

13 years ago

PS. Don't get me wrong, I may put up a good face, but I really want this freekin game. I'm tired of achievement whoring in WoW.

13 years ago

I have to say to everyone that comments on this site,you guys and girls if there are any.Make me proud to own GT5,the passion in your statements bring a smile on my face because I get it.The love for this game is surreal at times….God I love GT5 and I love PSXetreme,and you guys make that so.Iam just saying!

13 years ago

today i was in my astronomy class and i heard some guys talking about GT5, and one of them asked the other "Is it on 360?"

i seriously wanted to start laughing

i mean come on…. really? one of sony's biggest exclusive franchises for how many years now?

13 years ago

My friend asked me that too, he's a PS3 owner, but he doesn't know jack about game publishing, he just wondered how in hell anybody could ever fit all of that on a DVD. I was like "Yeah there's no way you ever could fit it on one, and Sony publishes the game so it'll never see the Box."

13 years ago

That's like asking if Twisted Metal is on the Xbox. 😉

13 years ago

in all fairness jawnkee every xbox comes with a system exclusive. twisted plastic.

13 years ago

We could see PS3 exclusives at the XBOX only if Sony buys the whole XBOX trade mark or maybe Microsoft

13 years ago

Or if Sony and Microsoft's gaming divisions join forces. Not entirely interested in that approach either heh.

13 years ago


You know, that's not too far from the truth. I looked at the back of my buddies 360. The freaking air vents were warped from the heat leaving the Xbox.

13 years ago

Frankly, I'm surprised at all. The game is absolutely stunning, the more I play it, the more I appreciate the care Polyphany put into it. I'm still a little miffed about pour treatment GT5 had received from some of the less than reputable reviewers, and I hope it doesn't affect sales in North America too much. Dedicated developers deserve to be rewarded.

13 years ago

Same, every day it's something new…

By the way guys, did you know that you can unlock damage in Arcade mode? Yeah as long as you keep playing it and actually win some races the damage starts to come in. But since it's Arcade it really doesn't affect performance. I'm neutral 'bout damage, don't care for it, have never cared. It's a nice touch nonetheless.

13 years ago

It will cause me a big belly if i keep playing

13 years ago

Haha, that's why it takes years upon years to actually squeeze this game to its fullest.

I've barely touched GT Mode and I have 15+ hours invested on it already.

13 years ago

You been drinking beer and driving?

13 years ago

yeah i drink alot of sam adams beer, there's just so much driving to do while not to

13 years ago

Oooh! What kind of Sam Adams?

Sam Adams is the best.

13 years ago

I had a Sam once, then never again.

13 years ago

my favorite is, chocolate bock…but almost all of their beer i drink taste great but strong..i buy a big variety case at bjs a 24 pack….with many flavors, im a big fan of sam and i make my own too, i made brown ale

13 years ago

I had Chocolate Bock over Thanksgiving weekend. My favorite is their Boston Ale and Winter Ale. I am an Ale drinker as you can see. 🙂

13 years ago

Winter Ale FTW! I also approve of the Summer Ale in the warmer months. My other favorite is the Dunkelweizen. But a Sam Adams light will do in a pinch.

13 years ago

I like a Sam Adams, but you should be able to tell from my avatar which malted beverage I prefer.

I think Frostface would agree with me. 😉

My Goodness!

13 years ago

This proves that for a game like GT5, poor critic reviews won't matter.

13 years ago

only the bias people gave it poor reviews, the honest people in the world is running out quickly

13 years ago

*biased* people.

13 years ago

oh yah thanks the same thing i was thinking didn't make it on the keyboard

13 years ago

Any excuse to use the English major is a good one.

13 years ago

idk what you mean…sometimes when im writing ill think it out but not write it down…and i can't spell to well neither 🙁

13 years ago

I got your back 🙂

13 years ago

This game is far better than some of the reviews suggest. I'm glad that many people are paying attention to the game and not the reviews.

To everybody reading those overtly critical reviews, please understand that the reviews in question are the equivalent of reviewing a super-car and marking it down for having no cup holders, poor fuel economy, no radio and a spartan interior. Nevermind that it's a sublime driving machine, or that it's one of the finest automotive machines ever created, those cupholder matter darn it, and the suspension is too hard dammit.

Honestly, that is what these reviewers are doing. It is the equivalent of reviewing a true supercar as if it was supposed to be a family car. Utter stupidity, but there it is.

That's not to say that GT5 has no flaws, it has some, but the game is easily a 9-9.5 on just about any objective scale.

Ah well, perhaps Japanese gamers don't trust IGN or Gamespot? One can hope.

13 years ago

Easily a 9+ game, on that there's no debate.

If you actually play the game 10 to 20 hours into it, it starts giving you all its fruits.

It's like playing an rpg for 10 hours and reviewing it. It just doesn't work.

This game is amazing, not only is it the most realistic racer available but the there's so much to experience. A few graphic glitches is minor, that kinda stuff doesn't even matter when you're driving down a farm and fireworks exploding left and right 😀

13 years ago

I believe the average Japanese gamer doesn't even read or care about IGN or Gamespot.

13 years ago

In that case the average Japanese gamer has a major advantage over the average American gamer.

13 years ago

Ihave 15 hours into the game, playing it diligent and am only 17% complete… It's a beautiful game, sometimes it looks so real it's like controlling a car in a actual race on TV. Amazing how they did that.

Everybody that gave it less then an 9 is a dumb-ass and compared it to the best racing game inside their head instead of games actually in stores.

13 years ago

The Gamespot review is really queer. The guy has almost all praise for it. He has pointed out some flaws, but if you were to read the review without knowing the score he gave it, you'd easily imagine a 9.

13 years ago

The Gamespot review is really queer. The guy has almost all praise for it. He has pointed out some flaws, but if you were to read the review without knowing the score he gave it, you'd easily imagine a 9.

13 years ago

the only thing i did not like in gt5 is the soundtracks, they are not on per with the game soundtracks we come to expect from a AAA tittle, but thank god we can import our own, it saved the day for me.
I'm still on single player, did n't go online, lmao, not even for a single time.
Nothing is more fun than driving my EVO IX on Special Stage Route 7, what can i say! a piece of awesumness, lovette

13 years ago

Dude, Special Stage Route 7 (all its routes and editions) are FUCKING breathtaking. Pardon my eloquent French.

I love this game, it far surpasses any racing experience yet.

Got to drive the newest Pagani Zonda tonight, what a thrill!

13 years ago

I still can't get enough. Racing heaven…

I know for a fact Europe and Japan won't disappoint us.

I see the US failing yet again (that seems normal these days). But I hope I'm wrong.

GT6: for Europe and Japan on ps4 in 2014, and for NA in 2015-16. That's what's bound to happen based on the whining.

I do commend the true diehard American fanbase though. There are some great fans here and elsewhere in the US who know and love the franchise. Just sad that many other gamers will take website agendas to heart and think the game is bad.

13 years ago

i think we might see another GT in this gen, not sure, but just a guess, prolly at the end of ps3's lifecycle (just before ps4 releases)

i guess they are too busy buying the legendary editions and hardened editions of some games or prolly that's where they spent all their money 😛

13 years ago

Sorry Scarecrow, but I have to defend my country's honor……

The US doesn't fail,

But unfortunately for the majority of us here, some of the a-holes in it, do.

13 years ago

Dude, Crow, I like you, but you really gotta stop with this "it's because were American that we don't support good games" nonsense. Nationality has nothing to do with it.

13 years ago

It has nothing to do with patriotism.

It has all to do with pointing out the truth. The Americans are the ones, for the most part, who either miss out on the best ps3 games, don't buy the console enough, and seem to whine the most about the Sony brand in general.

^All of that has nothing to do with patriotism. The truth is the truth, you can't avoid it. France for example is the complete opposite, the love, adore, and buy the crap out of the ps3 and its games. Not that the French are somehow better than us, they just like the ps/sony brand better. It's a fact, it's not this made up fiction story.

13 years ago

Speaking of Japan, did Famitsu review GT5?

13 years ago

Will Sony release the relevant numbers for NA? I know we sure as fack can't count on NPD since they were, rather mysteriously, disallowed from posting numbers.

13 years ago

Hey, I love GT. Always have. I've played GT5 twice on two different PS3's. Why? I'm getting a new one tomorrow, but I bought the game, release day. My friend will be getting it next paycheck, due to me helping him start off. Two Japanese sports cars. 400+ hp each. Not bad for a few hours time, say, 4? The game itself is AMAZING. I just have fun playing it. I enjoy trying to be as precise as I can for once, and I gotta say, drifting is a blast. Shame about the tires though, a 670 hp 'Stang (other friends ps3) eats em up quick. Next car to build: Ford GT.

But, after all that is said and done, I do have 1 follower coming to GT with me. I may convince the other, but thats not looking likely.

9.9 from an honest reviewer. Love it.

13 years ago

What do they DO with all those PSPs? It's mind boggling.

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