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PlayStation 3 A Big Tweet Generator

So, who Tweets about what? In the gaming world, which console takes the cake when it comes to Twitter updates?

Well, a reader turned us onto Kosmix Blog , where it seems they've looked into how much Twitter buzz has been generated by the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii. Basically, they just created a dedicated Tweetbeat page for each console and tracked the Tweets; they counted "the number of Tweets passing through the Twitter firehose as well as the number of people tweeting about each console." The result? At the time of the blog update, the PS3 has a significant lead:

PS3: 84,124 Tweets, 14,866 people Tweeting

Wii: 69,263 Tweets, 11,968 people Tweeting

Xbox 360: 54,273 Tweets, 10,897 people Tweeting

We have no idea why the PS3 is the most popular right now; perhaps you have a few ideas. Maybe because the PS3's star could still be on the rise, or maybe because any arguments or discussion surrounding Sony's machine are always more interesting than anything involving the other two consoles. We know we certainly get a lot of Comments, so the PS3 is obviously a conversation-starter. Nothin' wrong with that.

Side Note: You know, I just realized- we always say "a reader" because we don't single out individuals who send us news tips. However, BikerSaint – who forwarded us this particular tip – always feeds us a bunch of stuff, so he deserves a mention. 😉

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14 years ago

Neat tidbit, but IMO I believe twitter is wack, how interesting can anyones life actually be? (No offense Mr. Dutka if you have an account with it.)

14 years ago

Twitter is actually great for news, current events and political commentary.

14 years ago

and video game deals

14 years ago

PS3 is probably on top because it has the most interesting stuff going on right now, Move is good tech and is bound to set tongues wagging, the exclusives are worth bragging about on a tweet, and there are actually some games for it on the horizon.

Wii has some new games that here and in the pipe, but then there's 360. Kinect is… well it's Kinect. The only game coming is Gears 3.

I wonder how they count the tweets that mention more than one console. I got a twitter account for that PSXE contest but now I only use it to enter other contests.

14 years ago

I couldn't have written it better myself.

14 years ago

You can make that 84,125 Tweets, as I just Tweeted about the PS3. All 5 of my followers much be very happy.

14 years ago

Why can I no longer edit my older comment contributions?
I ruined that post by typing "much". 🙁

14 years ago

I'm oldschool I don't tweet. I don't even know what the deal is with it plus i'm a fighter and rough around the edges, just hearing the word tweet makes me laugh…

14 years ago

So then this sentence must make you shed tears of joy.

"I Tweeted on Twitter after I Treated My Friend To Purple Butter Pops"

14 years ago

Nice,i'm tearing and smiling at the same time.

14 years ago

it only does everything.
whether you want it to, or not.

14 years ago

When the PS3 is capable of playing games in 3D, I will agree.

Being sarcastic, obviously.

Last edited by wiiplay on 11/29/2010 12:45:39 AM

14 years ago


14 years ago

Was making a very bad joke, it seems.
Sorry for disrupting this websites sanity. 🙂

14 years ago

It's okay, haven't seen you post lately so I thought you might have taken leave of your faculties of mind.

14 years ago

Nah, I left some open.
The frontal lobe is still active. Everything else is partying in the ear canal.

14 years ago

I actually never 'left' the site, just been watching from afar.

It seems that the advertisements on the side of this webpage are causing problems with the Google Chrome browser.
The open-hand mouse appears to be active throughout the website, rather than only appearing while hovering over a link.

14 years ago

I'm getting the finger pointer all the time with FireFox, though it wasn't like that until recently. At least it still functions properly with highlighting and whatnot.

Edit: oh yeah and sometimes on reload, the page just continues to load and load and load according to the progress circle on the tab. That's recent too.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/29/2010 4:08:30 AM

14 years ago

WOW! Thanks!

It's always nice to see my PSXExtreme volunteer work(LOL)paying off whenever either, a article, one of the source's, or emails sent to me from the developers and/or publishers does wind up getting posted on the main page.

So I have to say… "That in itself, is all the thanks I need".

(but a used G25 or G27 wheel wouldn't look too shabby on my now-bare collection plate) LMAO

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/29/2010 1:24:53 AM

14 years ago

@ Ben

This is exactly why I love PSXextreme!!! You love your members and value their comments. No other gaming web site I know is like this. A real community.

The fact that you read and listen to your members really shows how dedicated you are to your job and gaming in general. Props to you, my friend.

14 years ago

Welcome to the small club of those who have been mentioned in an article 🙂

14 years ago

BikerSaint, if i had enough money to buy a wheel i would buy one for ya. =( Hell if i could buy one for everyone on this site i would.

14 years ago

the PS3 has some nice Twitts

14 years ago


14 years ago

Well, when you think about it, Sony is the most interesting of all three consoles, cos they are always taking risks, doing something different. Sure, not everything they do is perfect or even great, but at least they are willing to try something new and different, and in doing so, shaping the industry.

With all the announcements and new exclusives coming out, no other gaming platform can match what PS3 is achieving. Not even Kinect, which is good for only 3 types of games, sport, dancing and fitness. Even the mini-games lag and are utter crud. How will it support shooters, or its FPS fanbase? I see it going the way of the Wii, stupidly popular at first, then collecting dust or getting used as an expensive web camera.

There's so much Sony support for Move, and by creating augmented reality with the camera and move together, you get a whole other level of gaming going.

Combine Blu-ray, Move, 3D, Vidzone, Netflix, a standalone movie and TV service, free online services, a gaming disc that holds the equivelent of 7 DVD's AND the highest rated exclusive games (as measured in Metacritic) and you got yourself a console that needs no next-generation version while the competition plays catch-up.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 11/29/2010 1:52:02 AM

14 years ago

Well, I sure some of you may be surprised that an old school f*cker like me would even have a twitter account, but I do, just had to get with(some of)the times, LOL

Anyway, I usually hate social sites so you will NEVER see me on My Space or Facebook(although my friends are constantly sending me invites), and I don't use twitter as a social site either, just so I can shoot the Sh*t with individual people.

But what I do use Twitter for, is solely as my own personal gaming information tool, by re-tweeting gamer issues, our own PSXE site, and any Kevin Butler quips.

I also using it to gain first-hand info from major developers & publishers & any gaming sweeps.

If you want to check it out, my twitter page there is: BikerSaint

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/29/2010 2:17:56 AM

14 years ago

Thumbs up for making swear words look cool.

14 years ago

Ben/Arnold/(Sometime's John),

Just letting you guys know that I voted PSXExtreme as "Best Website User Experience" over at the 4th Annual Mashable Awards site.

I also voted for Playstation too, but in the "Must-Follow Brand" category

And both have also been put on my tweet page too

Anyone else wanting to vote for our site can do so here:

PLEASE NOTE: you only have another 19 hours left to do so before the voting closes.

14 years ago

Xombito don't tweet. (Machete reference)

14 years ago

That quote saved that movie for me.

14 years ago

It's all about the exclusives!

14 years ago

Motion gaming, 3D compatibility, bluray playing, music listening, photo storing, video downloading, friend communication, massive multiplayer gaming and Twitter, Facebook & Netflix integration cannot top the exclusives. :p

14 years ago

If it's a recent blog update I'd say PS3 is being tweeted more simply because of the GT5 hype.

Just a guess. Maybe the console is just awesome?

14 years ago

There's more tweets going on with the PS3 simply because of the almost daily Kevin Butler's funny quips, a lot of Killzone developer updates, plus a lot more PS3 news & happenings than M$ has going on.

On an unrelated note:
R.I.P. Leslie Nielson

14 years ago

i tried to nominate PSXExtreme a couple of times but something keeps being wrong with my vote…?

but i did catch this nomination with the corner of my eye, pretty hilarious i'll say.
" nominated Best Website User Experience" LMAO