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Early Sales Say GT5 May Be The Top PS3 Exclusive

With all the hype, many wondered if Gran Turismo 5 would become the best-selling PlayStation 3 exclusive to date. Well, early indications are that such a feat is well within the realm of possibility.

According to GamrFeed citing VGChartz, GT5 has sold 1.8 million copies in its first two days on the market in the Americas and EMEAA territories (this also counts one day of sales in Japan). Total first week sales are expected to be around 2.5 million, which would just about equal to the first-week sales of its predecessor, GT4, and place GT5 in the top five PS3 openings of all time behind Call of Duty: Black Ops , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , Final Fantasy XIII , and Grand Theft Auto IV . Ah, but you may notice that all of those games are multiplatform; if GT5 does indeed sell what's predicted, it'll be the fastest-selling PS3 exclusive out of the gate. The hotly anticipated racer also set records in several locations in Europe. The franchise is always huge in the European territories and one can certainly expect big sales numbers in Japan as well.

Also, be on the lookout for that patch this weekend; it should help to deal with the online struggles many have reported. The servers were simply choked with people trying to play during the first week.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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13 years ago

Woo Hoo and I contributed to that 1.8 million… but I'm curious how does VGchartz get their numbers these days?

13 years ago

those are FAKE numbers. actually GT5 might have sold around 4m in 2 days.
VGCHARTZ generate numbers randomly by guesstimates. It is owned by ioi -a banned neogaf user. the real numbers could well be 4-5m for sure though

13 years ago

Wasim, I heard you were dead.

13 years ago

Actually, VGChartz uses a number of metrics to determine their numbers, including the official sales numbers from various territories and statements by the various publishers.

They also apparently contact various distributors and retail outlets to see how well items are selling.

The numbers are estimates and frequently inaccurate, but they are not invented randomly.

13 years ago


When you have Microsoft's Greenburg (where VGchartz is supposedly supportive of) calling out VGChartz, that is a clear sign to stay away from that website. Secondly, it's one thing to take info from different districts but how do they do that from a worldwide perspective?

Do they have an assembly of foreign-language speaking team to contact all the retailers across the board?

Last edited by Ricochet on 11/28/2010 1:30:50 AM

13 years ago

you guys should read this article for more understanding of what that VGchartz does.

13 years ago

Never has the word "Godspeed" sounded so apt before…

The patch is out BTW, I'm downloading it as I post this comment.

13 years ago

Iam downloading the patch also,Iam loving this sim for everything that is, not giving a damn about the little things people are griping about.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Beware of sites with an agenda *cough* Eurogamer, IGN, etc. *cough*

Lest you forget how MGS4 was getting 8s and even 6s in some places.

13 years ago

Exactly, There is a lot of hate for Sony this generation especially from the media. The game is incredible, people are complaining for little things. Funny to see people winning and winning, ahh forget it; I am just enjoying every minute of GT5 (GOTY)…

13 years ago

by mentioning MGS4 I would really like Sony to get a real MGS sequel exclusively for PS3 it was one of the best ever games released at anytime

13 years ago

Funny you should mention little tiny problems bringing scores down.

If the reviewers from these 360 fan sites bring down GT5 cos of little tiny glitches, texture things, slightly longer than usual load times, then shouldn't most of the games they gave an 8.5 to 10 come down slightly too?

Look at Call of Duty, they give it 9 + out of 10 and it is plagued with tiny glitches and problems, especially the multiplayer. If they're gonna review games, they should put their personal preference aside and review the game for its technical merit, content and fun factor and keep standards equal among all their reviews!!!

I know GT5 far surpasses anything Forza can do cos a friend of mine, a real racing, car loving nut, played GT5 at my place and said that everything about the game was better than Forza. The slick menus, the car handling, the car options, GT Mode being so ridiculously deep and engaging to even the most casual of racing gamers, the detail in the cars, everything about it screams "slick!!!"

Only 2 issues:
1. long load times, which are reduced through frequent install moments during loading or a big HDD install altogether.
2. Problems with online service due to ridiculously high traffic (ba doom tish) which is being fixed by Sony as we speak and a patch will roll out soon.

Other than those things, which are easily patched and fixed, the content, the controls, the realism, the incredibly deep GT mode, all adds up to what should be a 9.5 or 10 out of 10 racing game.

Just don't trust places like IGN, Kotaku or Eurogamer who clearly show a bias towards anything 360.
And to those who view this site, since it says PSXextreme, this is clearly a Playstation fan site, so no need for arguments here.

13 years ago

Nice points Dance machine.

You know the irony about PSXextreme? Despite being a Playstation site, they are actually fairly even handed and when a multi-plat comes along where the 360 version is better, they say so. When a PlayStation exclusive comes along, if it's crap, they say it's crap. It's ironic because many visitors here do think it's biased. In my experience though, the bias is not on the part of the site, it's on the visitor.

13 years ago

"Just about equal the first-week sales of its predecessor."

That's fantastic. GT4 came out at the end of the PS2 life when there was well over 100 million consoles out. With about 40 million consoles the PS3 is bringing in the same numbers??

A big "WOW" from me.

13 years ago

Just out of curiosity,I preodered GT5 but I didn't pick it up until yesterday because of ice on the roads and my gamestop is an hour away so would that be counted as a first day sale or one for yesterday?

13 years ago

It depends. When did you give them the money for. If you gave when you picked up the game, i would assume that it would not count as a day one sale.

13 years ago

Not surprising. I love this game. I don't give a damn about the shortcomings. It's just pure ecstacy for me right now.

13 years ago

Their numbers are way off!
It's proven time and BLOODY TIME again.

Sorry, I'm just so annoyed people think this is a genuine site and respectable sites like PSX quoting there numbers doesn't help!

Last edited by Taha1 on 11/27/2010 11:36:51 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Stop yelling at me. The numbers are not "way off" and in fact, they haven't been "way off" in a long time. I see the NPD; I see VG. It's never exact but VG is typically a good indication. Much bigger sites than us report on VG results.

Don't believe it? Don't comment.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/27/2010 12:14:43 PM

13 years ago

I can imagine myself yelling at the screen:P
That's how my comment comes across doesn't it?
Anyway their numbers are way off especially inflating xbox game sales and deflating ps3 sales.
You should research how the site came about:)

13 years ago

no all those are FAKE numbers

Those numbers are all from ioi-a banned neogaffers ass

the real numbers could be as high as 4m – 5m

SONY will be releasing real numbers soon so dont trust those fake numbers

13 years ago


If you think anyone is going to listen to some random poster instead of a gaming journalist who's proven himself over years to be both objective and balanced, not to mention having industry contacts and access to information that most gamers do not. If you think that, then you are fooling yourself big time.


Ditto dude.

13 years ago

GT5 is a huge title internationally; I assume those numbers would be higher overall… anyway, as said above, once Sony release their official numbers, we will get a better idea…



Last edited by Qubex on 11/27/2010 12:57:32 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

wasim: No. The numbers aren't that high. Trust me.

All: In no way do we ever say the VG numbers are official. They're merely indications from various retail sources that tend to be relatively close to final results.

13 years ago

do your research before you decide.
cant just trust a games journalist because thats his profession proven or not.
Sure, i would be inclined to trust him too, but i wouldn't make a solid judgement based on that

13 years ago


Before you bust a gut to insult someone else, perhaps you could consider that I and others have already done our research about both NPD and VGChartz and their methodology and reliability. NPD only covers NA, and VGChartz are, despite not always being the most accurate numerically, generally in the right order of magnitude and their numbers are more global.

But hey, you come on and insult the lead journalist on the site, and keep on jabbing at the commenters here and we'll see how long you last.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 11/27/2010 1:32:03 PM

13 years ago


13 years ago

VGChartz hits in the ballpark, that's close enough in this business to form opinions and speculations.

13 years ago

Hey Rock!

Stop trolling in game sites and get into the ring the WWE needs you!.

Damn is like you would do every damn thing before return to the business that made you what you are now.

13 years ago


1) most everyone here knows about VGChartz, so stop acting like you discovered a new shiny toy that no one else has.

2) telling Ben Dukta that he needs to do mor research or should stop quoting this, that or the other source, is insulting.

3) Yelling Shut Up at someone may work at Kotaku or IGN, but it doesn't work here, that's just not how we roll.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Warning for you Taha. People don't tell others to "shut up" around here.

13 years ago

Apologies for the mis-spelling of the surname Ben, I did of course mean 'Dutka' not 'Dukta'. Transposed letters….

13 years ago

The funny part of all of this is that the one "The Rock" guy said he couldn't imagine himself yelling at the screen. But then he told someone else to shut-up a few posts down.

BTW, I'm just pointing out the irony; it's kinda funny =)
Do you smell what the Rock is cooking?! –that's kinda funny, too

And for my two cents (which should be worth a lot more to everyone else I tell'ya's 😉 while I don't rely on VGChartz for exact numbers, they seem at least ball park accurate.

13 years ago

And sorry, Taha1. You're new around here, right?

There's a few un-official ground rules to follow here at PSXe.

First, Ben D. is ALWAYS right. The sooner you accept that the easier life will be for you.

Second, the only off-topic conversation allowed at PSXe is books. If you've read a book, for whatever reason, it's okay to share it.

Third, you need to like turn based jRPG's. It's okay to like FF13, but not too much.

Fourth, concerning that blue-haired Highlander girl you've met. If you want to disagree with him, you'll need to be prepared to make several long winded posts to try and prove your point. He's a fighter 😉

Fifth, my reputation here isn't trusted because I like XBox 360. That's okay, just not too much.

Anyway, follow these rules and you'll fit in just fine 😉

13 years ago


LOL! Who says you're not trusted? Why, I'd trust you with my last Udon noodle, or something….

13 years ago

lol, yeah, well, I was being funny. But I do try to be honest in all my dealings.

Anyhow, if you wanna be PSN friends go ahead and send me an invite. It's the same as my PSXe name.

13 years ago

I have spent quite a bit of time reading a lot about GT5, including watching the Now Playing 1hour gig on GameSpot; and not including the many other gameplay videos and trailers, here at PsXeXtreme and the net.

While I can understand much has been added to GT5, I still cannot help feeling that more should have been achieved considering its 5 year development cycle.

I also read the in-depth technical analysis by Digital Foundry which revealed much about the engine specifications and general quality of visuals being achieved by the game.

On the negative side, the comparatively low polygon models of the non-premium cars is disturbing. Probably not so noticeable of you don't look for it, but there is quite a big different between the premium models and the non premium ones, I just would not have thought it would be so stark when looking at the detail.

The alpha blending is quite poorly implemented (when looking at a cars edge through spray for example), not to mention the nasty blocky shadow maps that are very obvious, both in-car and out. This for me is quite a disappointment. Apparently on the replays there can be some horrible shadowing effects running across car surfaces as well. The dreaded bouncing off invisible walls is back – I notices a nasty invisible wall on the Top Gear track during one of the replays 🙁

Understandably, from a visualisation perspective, these are the sacrifices needed to keeping the frame rate as high as possible, on the other hand you just wish there was consistency through out the title and not just areas where GT5 traditionally excels in.

The 3D was reported to work quite well, giving the player exactly what they need, a sense of depth so that prospective drivers can better time breaking points and position their cars properly for apexes; its an example where the 3D stereoscopic depth perception works well in a video game and has a real sense of purpose and usefulness.

Some of the tracks look quite bland, and the tree texturing and complexity have been curtailed from earlier demo's of GT such as GTHD and Prologue. Digital Foundry make good comparisons on all these details.

Admittedly the one hour play through I watched was poorly presented. It would have been better if Ben was there presenting it and reviewing in real-time. It didn't make the game look good at all, and I really really disliked the camera POV used during that play through as well… made some of the tracks look very bland.

The worst thing for me was the karting special event… it looked very cheap… The coolest thing I saw was the VW van racing on the Top Gear track 🙂

I will be watching closely to get an idea from peoples comments and further reviews done on GT5 of how much Polyphony will improve on it with the slew of upcoming patches… I for one can wait 6 months before touching it, by then lets hope its the game it was hyped to be…

Happy for the sales numbers though, this will give Polyphony a good cash injection so they can release GT6 to be the GT5 they had hoped to make… they still have a few years to go though.

Having had GTHD and GT Prologue, I know that GT5 is still a worthy purchase, but I am not going to rush out and buy it yet. Keen to see what the patching does for it and get more feedback from people who own it and play it for a while.

…but still, after 5 years, there should have been no technical complaints and a decent online system upon release… its the least expected from Polyphony and a Sony exclusive…



Last edited by Qubex on 11/27/2010 11:57:15 AM

13 years ago

Lol Sweedie 🙂



Last edited by Qubex on 11/27/2010 12:00:43 PM

13 years ago

Dude buy the game and decide for yourself don´t belive what other says, belive what you see and feel. This game is great and the soundtrack is beautiful, especcialy classical music, in my opinion.

13 years ago

Man if you love cars and/or previous gt games then you shouldn't hesitate. You are nitpicking at little things that really doesn't take away from the game. Love the game for what it is and not what you want or wish it to be.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

The majority of people who have "problems" with GT5 haven't yet played it. That's all I'll say about it right now.

13 years ago


Play the game before you start bitching

You're falling into the "Westerners are whiners" category right about now.

It's not a myth after all.

13 years ago

Gents, thank you for your comments; remember, I am not implying it is a "bad" game; from my experiences of previous GT games, including the latter GT HD and GT Prologue (which I own), GT5 should be very good in what it is trying to achieve… but one cannot ignore some of those technical anomalies and attention to detail that made the whole GT series what it was famous for.

The whole point of GT is its technical prowess, it's mark; both from a physics perspective and visual perspective.

I also come back to the point concerning the long development cycle of 5 years…. 5 years is a long time to get things right, no one can dispute that, and with the hype surrounding the title one would have thought that it would have really moved forward from where it was.

I will still get GT5, but as I said, I am going to wait a while and see how things settle. GT5 won't run away, and will probably have to wait a further 5 years for GT6 – even though by the time GT5 is patched up, it will be GT6 🙂

Anyway, I will await Ben's review to get a decent understanding of whether those technical issues are really that "bad"… I don't suspect they detract from the gameplay GT5 offers.



Last edited by Qubex on 11/27/2010 12:39:24 PM

13 years ago

I'm sorry man but if you had any respect for the past GT games, and this is truly how you feel, punch your self in the face! 😉 I kid… But really this is classic GT but it's so much bigger and better than any before it… For all the people who don't see that either you need to play it, or your just not a fan to begin with… Cus once you play it for yourself, I think your mind will quickly change…

Also about the premium cars… Their is 200 of them… 200 of the most detailed, beautiful, and physically accurate cars you will see in any game! Need I remind you that no other racer comes real close to 200 cars at all? That gripe is simply irrelevant considering with just the premiums alone we still have a very good and huge selection on perfect cars. The standards are just a bonus at this point for me. In fact their are some standard cars I like and have wanted but all my purchases have been of the premiums anyways. Not for any reason other than it's such a huge selection and their will always be a car I want out of those 200'

Play the damn game, if you've always been a fan, youd be doing yourself a favor!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/27/2010 12:43:10 PM

13 years ago

Bigrailer, I hear you buddy… yes, I have to admit, 200 cars is a huge amount come to think about it…

I can understand why it took them 5 years to do, considering the detailed interiors and the like… huge respect for what they have done… and as I stated, I will be getting it, but just not right now…

I will be all ears and eyes to see what the patching does, especially to the online. I am keen to hear how its been improved and what the online experience is like once things are running smoothly…



Last edited by Qubex on 11/27/2010 12:54:35 PM

13 years ago

I just have a feeling once you play it you'll love it is all… I was upset when I started reading reviews but once I jumped in for myself, I quickly realized it's the GT I wanted!

13 years ago


I've posted my first impressions user review for your (and everyone else's pleasure). Whatever Digital Foundry (or any other self appointed technical analysis site) says, the game looks really good. Yes the polygon count on the standard cars is lower than the premiums. Actually I would say it is more akin to the polygon count of GT4, than GT5 Prologue, but that's not a surprise considering a) how few cars there were in Prologue, b) how ridiculously long it takes to fully model a car in HD, and c) how freaking many cars there were in GT4 in the first place.

The thing about complaining about the alpha blending or the jaggies that are evident on a still image of a standard car is that when the game is in motion and you are playing, none of that will matter. The control and physics of the game are awesome. The environments are very realistically rendered, and the cars look great, the premium cars are peerless.

Honestly, the game runs and renders at, or very close to 1080p, very few games can achieve this. It they'd gone for a lower resolution, then perhaps they could have implemented better handling of the lower polygon models and alpha blending, but if they'd dropped the resolution, the game would lack something.

People need to stop relying on others to count pixels and make subjective judgments. Instead of listening to self appointed graphics experts, try the game yourself and make up your own mind. I guarantee that if you are looking for a racing/driving game that provides a high fidelity racing and driving experience, GT5 is the best you will find.

As I said yesterday. This is the Gran Turismo you've been looking for.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 11/27/2010 1:29:05 PM

13 years ago

Pay attention, this is a guy who doesn't even have the game is basing ALL of his statements on youtube videos (compressed quality videos).

I have the game and can say without a doubt that it is the best looking racer out of them all.

Unlike Qubex, I have the game. As does bigrailer and others here.

Sorry to say this Qubex, but you're spewing a lot of bullshit from your mouth.

Come back when you actually played the game.

13 years ago

Seriously? You couldn't be further from the truth about the karting. It's great fun and feels very real. Damn, every race feels spectacular, the graphics – incredible (the shadows are probably the worst part I admit). Try racing around Nurburgring Nordshleife in the rain with a 500+ bhp car and maybe then you can critisise this masterpiece.

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