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GT5 Online Servers Struggle, Update Coming Soon

So Gran Turismo 5 doesn't have enough to offer offline; everyone has to go and clog up the online servers immediately?

Well, all that traffic is causing problems for the GT5 servers. Sony just made mention of the congestion and what you can do to combat any issues; Eurogamer posted the notice and a few additional comments Sony made within the in-game GT5 news feed. While they work on things, they ask you to do the following:

"Because GT5 performs online access not only when participating in online races and using community features, but also when starting the game and during the various screen displays in GT Mode, unfortunately this online congestion is also affecting standard gameplay.

Currently we are simultaneously working on several different solutions to improve the network status and alleviate the network congestion as soon as possible. We are expecting to be able to provide a proper online service again soon. We sincerely apologise to our customers for the inconvenience."

In addition, we have learned they'll be providing us with the first patch on Saturday. GT creator and Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi told Eurogamer that they've received quite a few demands and suggestions for online fixes, and the developers will waste no time in responding:

"We received a lot of demands for having more regulations placed on the online play. We're going to perform an update on the 27th that will include things like max power restrictions and weight restrictions.

It's like a living creature, dynamically growing as we speak."

This update will "refine the usability of the game to make it a better experience," which is really what we want from all big patches, right? Yamauchi adds that it'll be "hard to find an end to the process," what with GT5 being so freakin' big and so freakin' popular. So for the time being, or at least until the weekend, maybe you should just focus on offline stuff…you know, there's quite a bit to do.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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13 years ago

whens the review dropping?

13 years ago

Yeah, looking forward to Ben's review. Not that it matters in terms of purchase (this is the FIRST game in my life that I've bought on release midnight), but it's always good to read reviews here.

But hey, no rush. I think most of us here would want Ben to play the game deep enough to be able to give a proper review. I'd say, even wait for the online patch that drops this saturday…

13 years ago

Just like Prologue

13 years ago

Except it has more cars, HD cars, HD car interiors, crash damage modeling, weather, day/night cycles, more tracks, better sound and visuals, customization of cars and tuning of cars, Karts, the Top Gear track, custom course creation and other features I'm certain I forgot to mention.

Yes, apart from all those things, it's "just like Prologue"…whatever.

13 years ago

Not much to add after that.

13 years ago

You forgot NASCAR.

13 years ago

I dint have any intentions playing online for a little while anyways… I gotta get my Race skills stringer still. I also just bought my first premium car, I needed something with all wheel drive! 😉 anyways I'm still upgrading it and can't seem to care to much bout taking it online yet!

13 years ago

Prologue had a very weak Online structure. It didn't have host migration so, if you're beating someone, and he is the Host, most of the time, he'll just disconnect (sore losers), and everyone gets kicked out of the race.

I do, sincerely, hope they have fixed this major online flaw.

13 years ago

looks like even the almighty gran turismo 5 has been infected with modern warfare-itis.
symtoms include the sheep all logging on at once, but the online servers being broken on day 1.

13 years ago

Looks like you have been infected with that nasty virus that's been going around that turns Call of Duty fanboy's into trolls. Might want to get some ointment for that.

13 years ago

Ointment can only soothe those diseases, Jawk. Eventually the disease overtakes the mind and turns you into a steeming pile of zombie gook.

13 years ago

but am i right? yes i am.
have a happy thanksgiving.

13 years ago

Booze…"FACE" is about to be trademarked by Facebook! O_O

Happy Thanksgiving.

13 years ago
13 years ago

"but am I right?"

Yeeea, I'm gonna go with nuooooo.

13 years ago

booze925 – You won't get any love around here for pointing out the obvious.

13 years ago

@jawknee, why do u even care what he thinks, it's his own opinion. If u don't like it, u can screw it. I mean move along.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/25/2010 7:32:05 PM

13 years ago

Because i find it funny, thanks though mom.

13 years ago

Strike one, nice swing by the way.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/25/2010 11:52:26 PM

13 years ago

if booze can share his opinion, then jawk can voice his displeasure in it, because its jawks opinion.

13 years ago


HAHAHAHAHAHA! that was freaking great! Hahahahaha!

13 years ago

Curious booze, what games do you play?

13 years ago

who goes straight online with GT anyway? pfft

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

People who played the crap out of GTPSP and want to see if their 'skilz r mad'?

13 years ago

Way to read the article.

"Because GT5 performs online access not only when participating in online races…"

13 years ago

This is part of the reason that online play should be restricted in games. Make people actually play the game before hopping online..once you reach a certain level (or unlock certain amount of cars)…then you unlock the online accessibility. I know a lot of COD fans would hate this idea, but this is just my opinion on the whole online community

13 years ago

I've thought this myself. I really think it should be implemented personally.

13 years ago

They wouldn't be able to contain the twitchiness within. It's like crack and Tyrone Biggums. 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

But why? Early on in the game, many of these people will likely only have very poor cars, and if they feel that that is good enough for them, then why not let them go it. I understand that some people will be asking for these people to play the single player to improve their racing skills, but one should be able to do the same in the online segment, provided you aren't constantly playing against peoplw that are using it as little more than an arcade game and crashing into you at every opportunity.

13 years ago

I haven't even attempted to play online yet. Been having too much fun in career mode.

13 years ago

Indeed. Between the Mustang and the Camaro I just bought, I am more then happy!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Were they not expecting that level of popularity? Were they just not prepared. This actually makes me very interested in finding out the sales figures.

And as I said, it's good that they will be patching it to try to iron out all of the peculiar little ticks that reviewers have picked up on… I get it today… Not for about another twelve hours though. Can't wait.

13 years ago

I think they were just not expecting so many to jump straight online… To be honest, I didn't even expect this. I wasn't going to go online for at least 4 days or so.

13 years ago

I tried to play online, but when I tried to connect PS3 froze and second time when I just entered online lobby it froze again. This problem reminded me a PS3 browser froze problems. Hope this update will help me.

13 years ago

the only thing thats annoying me with the game is that i cant for the life of me buy a bloody pick up truck!!, theres none in the prem cars, and ive not seen one yet in the used car sales…..

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

GT never has been big on utes though, has it?

13 years ago

I'm guessing you have NEVER played a Gran Turismo game, prior to GT5?

13 years ago

i played GT4 and GT2, but i was younger then so didnt really go through the game, just sorta raced with my mates, i had prologue and completed that, had every car, including the f1 car. i dont like that theres 800 standard cars, but you cant buy the ones you want, just the ones that happen to be in the used car sale ( which is like 20 and always full of really cheap japanese cars ) bar that am in love with the game, got a 62 buick that has 620 bhp lol

13 years ago

Probably handles like a drunk rhinoceros though

13 years ago

It's always been that way though dude, you always had to build your garage gradually and not all the cars are available to purchase right away. In GT4, there were certain cars that were only available on specific days, the others were available more or less on a random basis.

13 years ago

I just hope they include some more wheel support soon. This is lame that they have a list of about 8 wheels in their config options and it doesn't work at all with a 1 year old Fanatec GT3RS that I got…

This wheel workes perfectly in Prologue, has great support in all Codemasters racing games (Dirt 2, F1 2010) but GT5 is totally ignoring it.

It is not a racing simulator for me if I have to use a Dualshock to play. Tried one race yesterday and shelved my collector's edition until they figure out how to support racers. I can wait another year or two I guess. 100$ for 1 race. Wouldn't get many stars in my review.

13 years ago

Im am loving this game. Been playing all night. Woke up and jumped right back in. Haven't taken her online yet but I think at startup it attempts to log in. Just went on for a few minutes just to check it out. Congestion indeed.

Those who criticize seem to be those who do not have the skill or patience to play this SIM. You simply can not play this the way you play Burnout or any other arcade racer. I observed this with a few people already. 2 out of 5 could not handle the controls and automatically the game "SUCKS". The car lovers are really feeling GT5. 2 of them are going to purchase a PS3 just for this alone. GTTV the Lounge and the Community has them excited. Wait till they get into the other features the PS3 is capable of.

P.S. For those who celebrate… Happy Thanksgiving. For those who don't Happy GT5 day!

P.S.S. For those who don't like GT… Find something to be happy about. Stop hating.

Last edited by FatherSun on 11/25/2010 1:03:34 PM

13 years ago

Acardey racers have never appealed to me. There is no depth what so ever. I think we are starting to see that PS3 owners and GT fans are grown ups while the rest are children looking for their next twitchy fix.

13 years ago

eurogamer posted an awesum detailed review of gt5 and gave it 9, i really liked their las line it was something like this ''it's equally a game that heads off in unexpected and exciting directions, makes a few notable improvements, and overflows with love – for cars, for games technology and for its own mad pursuit. It's good that Gran Turismo's been away so long, because it's all the better to have it back''
and the guy who wrote the ign review, his facebook profile info. says he loves playing ''halo'' most, lol, explains evrything

13 years ago

i also love how theyve just done there shortlist for GOY, and no mention of gt5 anywhere? like did they do the shortlist before it came out?. Best graphics, no GT5, no heavy rain?? i ant seen to better graphics for realism ever in games. i mean they put 4 multiplat games, good games as they are, they dont compare to the exclusive games that the ps3 has.

13 years ago

If the IGN reviewer is a shooter fan then why in hell is he reviewing GT5?

Too many people criticizing the game have *no* idea what the game is, or how ridiculous their complaints are.

13 years ago


13 years ago

I read that bit of detail concerning the IGN author on GT Planet.

I would sure like to see what a hardcore GT fan would have to say about Halo.

I know what this one thinks about it..

13 years ago

Wow…thats annoying and I don't even own it yet…lol.

13 years ago

Ur annoying… 😉

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