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Expand On Your Brotherhood Action With Free DLC

It's one of the very best games of the year and if you're fully immersed in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , you'll want to know about the free add-on.

Now, the PlayStation 3 version shipped with exclusive content, but the first cross-platform multiplayer downloadable content will be available for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on December 14. Known as The Animus Project Update 1.0 , it'll be free and come with an all-new game mode and multiplayer map. The new map's setting is Mont Saint-Michel, "a rocky, tidal landscape with narrow streets, multilevel architecture, and a bell tower." The mode is called Advanced Alliance – an expansion on the standard Alliance mode – and it will make target identification and engagement tougher; enemy positions will be "less specific." This is all in addition to a lengthy single-player campaign that will indeed take upwards of 30 hours if you intend to complete most of what the game has to offer. The multiplayer is a refreshing change from the standard run 'n gun found in other titles, too.

And who doesn't enjoy free DLC? Activision isn't exactly well known for that type of thing, but Ubisoft, EA and other publishers have handed out a bunch of free stuff this year.

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13 years ago

There is already free DLC for ACB on the psn store, (dont know about xbox live though) …. Copernicus missions.

13 years ago

PSN exclusive.

13 years ago

Expand on a giant expansion pack? At least it's free.

13 years ago

Follow up, NOT expanson -.-

13 years ago

Why do you hate AC so much WorldEnds? It's not a bad game. I mean, you like Dante's Inferno but not ACII ?? I just can't wrap my head around it.

13 years ago

And so what if it's an expansion pack?

It's 30 hours of single player plus an original type of multiplayer for $60 (or less if you're lucky or patient).

That's at least comparable to Uncharted 2 in terms of value (if not quite quality).

More expansion packs like that, please.

13 years ago

World, you shouldn't even be talking. You haven't played AC2 OR Brotherhood. I doubt you've even completed AC1. What's with people becoming so biased against things on this site lately? I thought we've always been the type to think as objectively as possible. It separates us from the fanboys/fangirls.

13 years ago

Good, some actual payback since they owed us for stealing 2 chapters by locking them to make paid DLC from their prior game.

13 years ago

Those chapters should have been free, for PR if nothing else, but I still say you can't dispute the value of what's on the disc.

13 years ago

Well the game only took me 26 hrs to complete. The PS3 exclusive DLC was so good, I didn't even know it was DLC until I finihsed the game and aked myself "Did I play that DLC I downloaded?"….then I checked online and realized I played it. Definitely going to download this, but I hope some single player DLC is released soon.

13 years ago

Great. More multi-player online garbage. At least this game didn't skimp on the single player experience like some games. Yeah I'm looking at you, nearly every first-person shooter. It's funny, because games made 15 years before this crap online gaming came out are still amongst the highest rated (mgs, ffvII, ocarina of time, super metroid, all the marios, reaident evil 1-4, and so on). I bought this game for single player and that's what should be there ONLY! O cannot stand online play with incessant 12 year olds yelling noob to someone who hasn't played the game! Yeah. Not all of us can sit in our moms basement with a case if mountain dew and play cod all day. I want to enjoy gaming the way it used to be! And if there is multi player it needs to be co-op or turns. That's all.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It's free? Ubisoft have got their s**t into gear with this one haven't they? But AC is to me about the single player experience. While this would appeal to some, I will not be one to get it when I do finally get the game. Tell me about some SP DLC and I'll be interested though.

13 years ago

i was so disappointed in this!
seriously buggy, to the point where i almost could not finish the game on the last battle every time i attacked the final boss my sword went through him i could not damage him.
spent a good half hour swinging at him and at the guards, than got frustrated pulled my gun out and shot him and FINALLY he died!
the story is really weak, just a expansion on AC2s story does not really expand or bring anything new, no shocks or twists like AC1 or 2 had either.
is seriously short too, AC2 took me roughly 16 hours just to finish the story, than another 10 or so to collect everything and get my plat.
ACB only took me 9 hours to finish the main story, no doubt will take me longer to 100% than AC2 since theres heaps of side missions, but story wise not only is the story lacking, the missions are short, repetitive and boring.
and this is coming from the worlds biggest AC fan!

so disappointed to see one of my most anticipated games of the year, turn out to be one of the years most disappointing games!
not a bad game, not by a long shot, but its not a assassins creed game, not by a long shot either!
just like GT, assassins creed demands perfection, and neither have delivered, not even close!

13 years ago

how depressing

13 years ago

Sounds like a victim of over-expectations.

13 years ago

of course its over expectations, AC2 was one of the best games of the year!
ACB is not even half as good as AC2, let alone better, let alone one of the best games of the year like i was expecting.
ACB is a good game, besides the bugs but its not a assassins creed game.
just like GT5 its a great game, but its not a gran turismo great game.
these franchises have there own entry level, expectations and neither have met the entry level.

13 years ago

I disagree. I'm Having more fun with Brotherhood than I had with AC2. Certain things in AC2 were better. Like the complex story and "the truth". I had a blast with AC2 though, so Brotherhood is blowing my mind right now. Maybe I'm just infatuated with using my assassins for anything and everything?

13 years ago

the assassins are cool.
i did not like brotherhood as much because 1 every mission i played had at least 1 bug in it making it hard for me too finish.
for example one mission you have to go to the yellow marker, than once you get there it disappears off the map and a cut scene is suppose to trigger.
but the first few times i played the mission the cut scene would not trigger, i would go to the yellow marker it would disappear and i would wonder around for half a hour wondering WTFs going on.
had to reset my ps3 a few times than it finally worked!

that and its seriously repetitive.
all the missions are one thing repeated 10 times.
how boring!
like one of the later missions all you do is follow this guy on a horse till he gets to the meeting point, than you have to stealth fully follow him past guards and such than whoever he meets you have to kill them without anyone seeing you.
than its back too chasing him onto the next meeting point.
rinse and repeat.
almost every mission is ACB is just follow some guy without getting seen.
its officially the most repetitive game i have ever played!
thats the main reason why i did not like it, the bugs i can put up with but it being boring.
thats what destroyed it for me, especially after the fun i was having with AC2!
AC2 is one of the funnest games i have ever played!
ACB is one of the most yawn inducing games i have ever played!

13 years ago

I should have my grubby little hands on ACB in the next two weeks. Can't wait! It's nice to get some free dlc too. I'll definitely be jumping online but I'm going to have to really soak in the campaign first.

13 years ago

As a SP mode only player, I'm starting to feel like these developer's red-headed orphan step-child

Hey Ubi,
Bring on the free SP mode DLC, & show us the love too.

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