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TT Games “LEGO-fying” Pirates Of The Caribbean

You can say they're milking the franchise if you like, but most all of the installments are solid, stable and oodles 'o family-friendly fun for one or multiple players.

The Pirates of the Caribbean game has been canceled but if you're looking for solace, let it be known that TT Games is preparing its own patented Lego-fied version. The developer has already lent its lighthearted approach to the likes of Star Wars, Batman, Indiana Jones and Harry Potter, and now, it's time to go after yet another iconic movie franchise. Disney Interactive and TT Games have announced Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game , which is in development for all major platforms, including the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. Scheduled for release in May 2011, it's set to hit store shelves at the same time the new movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides," arrives in theaters. The Lego game will boast narrative elements, characters and locations from the first three film iterations, as well as "On Stranger Tides," so it should give fans everything they desire.

With 70 characters and 20 levels, along with that always popular co-op mode and the Freeplay mode (return to beaten levels and go through 'em again), this should be a great option for the younger age group.

Related Game(s): Lego: Pirates of the Caribbean

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13 years ago

Another great addition to the Lego game franchise. I wasn't aware of another Pirates of the Caribbean movie though. I would have thought they would have stopped at three. Oh well, a cash cow is a cash cow.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

Lego games are always great fun! can imagine the 'jack sparrow vs the cracken' level right now LOL!

13 years ago

Hmmm… How about Clash of the Lego Titans?

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

haha!! Or lego toy story! but that would be really weird…

13 years ago

I'm gonna go ahead and predict a Lego Transformers sometime after the third movie comes out.

13 years ago

I wanna play with legos…just not on my PS3.

13 years ago

I agree with world

13 years ago

I can't wait. I hope it turns out good!

EDIT: WAIT! There's a new movie?!?

Last edited by laxpro2001 on 11/18/2010 3:30:10 PM

13 years ago

Yea me either!

You mean you didn't know there was a new movie? Theyve been filming late this year… It has to do with the fountain of youth. Can't wait for that either, love the movies.

13 years ago

Yea I love the movies too. I definitely went through withdrawal after the trilogy ended lol.

I knew they were planning something with the fountain of youth a while back (also there were rumors of Zac Effron being casted, thankfully he wasn't) but I thought that was long dead since I heard no other details about it until today.

Stinks that Bloom and Knightly aren't going to be in this :/
But at the same time we still have Depp 😀

Needless to say this makes me really happy and I'm excited to see a new director at the helm.

13 years ago

I want to see them try to do a God Of War Lego's, LOL

13 years ago

I dont care much for the movies, but pretty much every Lego game is awesome so i'll check it out.

13 years ago

The only thing that got me through those wretched movies was Knightley.

13 years ago

Knightley ? well if you were looking for some eye candy I can understand, but her character and the Orlando one were bwaring to watch.

Only watched this to lol at Sparrow epic antics, hope in the fourth movie without those two (thank god) he gets more screen time.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/18/2010 6:01:51 PM

13 years ago

The Lego games are (were) fun, but with the last title (Indiana Jones, wasn't it?) it was too much "joy in repetition" (to quote Prince) for me. Nothing new at all, just same old with new "skins".

Hopefully they will introduce some new game mechanics, features, anything that makes it more than just "Lego Star Wars in Sparrow land".

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/18/2010 8:10:11 PM

13 years ago

The last Lego game was Harry Potter

13 years ago

they cancel the one game that had potential, and give this the go ahead?
oh dear lord!
the industry is turning into a bunch of kids games, soon were going to be up to our ears in these things!
honestly, how can you give armada of the damned which was a good 60% complete & looked really good & had the potential to be freaking awesome the trow back, and give this which has about 1/1000th the potential the green light?
its like sony canning 8 days and the getaway 3 for a stupid kids game with a stupid pet in it…………….. oh wait.

13 years ago

I can't believe there are people STILL harping on the cancellation of 8 Days. The Getaway I can understand, because it was an established entity with a proven track record, but 8 Days was nothing more than a proof-of-concept video, probably entirely pre-rendered, and has since been trumped by dozens of games WE HAVE ACTUALLY GOTTEN, like Uncharted and inFAMOUS.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 11/20/2010 3:46:52 PM

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