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Rumor: Hitman 5 Confirmed For 2011?

Hitman is one of the more under-appreciated franchises out there, as any stealth aficionado will tell you.

Those very same fans have been hoping for a Hitman 5 announcement; anything that isn't unconfirmed rumor and speculation (of which there has been plenty). And while this still doesn't qualify as "official," it's darn good news: as found by System Link , several LinkedIn profiles have spilled the beans, perhaps well before IO Interactive was ready to make the project known. One of the profiles is for Damien Simper , where it says he's the Lead Animator for Hitman 5 . Also, if you visit PlayStation LifeStyle , there are several other LinkedIn pages that feature the game title, which is good enough for us. Right now, it seems Hitman 5 will be ready to go some time next year and hopefully, it'll put the bad taste of that movie out of our mouths…even though we hear they're making another one. Dear God.

If you're into stealth, you're probably excited. And bear in mind that stealth is sort of a dying breed of gameplay these days, so we'll be interested to see how well IO keeps the dream of silence and patience alive.

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13 years ago

I didn't think that movie was all that bad in fact I actually liked it. If you went to see it hoping it would follow the exact storyline or be like the videogame then of course you're gonna be disappointed. Hollywood never gets those kinds of movies right & they never will, They're just looking for a quick cash-in on the titles because of the fans that might have, which is something everyone should know by now, that's why I never get my expectations high for any videogame film adaptation, but for an action movie I think it served it's purpose.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 11/7/2010 9:50:43 PM

13 years ago

Got to agree with your philosophy, there is no reason yet to think or even hope that a Hollywood movie might be worthy of the game it is based on. But if you can forget all that, some of the movies are decent.

…SOME I said.

13 years ago

The thing about it that i hated was how loud he was when he killed people, instead of going for the silent assasin rating when it came to him for killing people he instead opted for the psychopath rating. For instance in the game you tried to avoid killing body guards yet in the movie he killed alot of them and he never did it quietly

13 years ago

yeah he was kind of a poor hitman.

13 years ago

@BTNwarrior that's exactly what I meant when I said don't go to the movies to see a film adaptation of you're favorite game cause you're only gonna end up disappointed in the end. Like the Resident Evil Movies they started out somewhat following the storyline then went completely left field with it. Have you seen the last one? They turned it into a ninja assassin with zombies. Not that I think any of them or bad movies they're actually alright in my opinion. It's one of those the movies would be better if they didn't have the resident evil name.

@WorldEndsWithMe Yes! he was a crazy hitman, but like I said before for an action movie it served it's purpose.

@Wreckless_4485 I Agree, they're almost never good aside from a few.

13 years ago

Yeah I am hoping very much for a new hitman game. I loved them and the style is definitely, as Ben said, dying off which sucks because I love those types of games.
It's been quite a while since I've played a good stealth game.

13 years ago

I never got into Hitman because I'm not huge on stealth, and Hitman was often the super slow boring stealth. It had its moments though. Good news for the fans, even if I couldn't understand most of what was said in that article and have no idea what System Link is.

Won't this hafta be published by SquareEnix?

13 years ago

Very good news, nothing is quite as satisfying as pulling off the perfect kill in a hitman game

13 years ago

My favorite kill was switching the prop gun for a real one.

13 years ago

haha @main_event yeah that kill was classic. Or poisoning the cake. 🙂

Last edited by SixSpeedKing on 11/8/2010 5:00:09 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Never played a Hitman game, but I've been interested for a very long time, especially after some of the mechanics that I've heard are used in it. If this is true, then I may have to pick it up… provided I can manage to catch up on at least some of my backlog by then…

13 years ago

oh dude pick up blood money it is ace!

13 years ago

I think it's Contracts, but one of the games goes back through some of the more important levels of the 1st game.

13 years ago

blood money is the best title.

13 years ago

im kinda weary on this.
IF it does come out and its a proper hitman game ill be leaping for the stars!
but $E own eidos now so i wont be surprised if they do to this what they did to FF and drive it into the ground.

13 years ago

oh man bring it on i love the hitman games…..the stealth is so slick in it! blood money was brilliant 😀

13 years ago

I have waiting for hitman 5 i hope it comes soon!! By the the i hope the spam scum die!!

13 years ago

This makes me happy as hell. I love the Hitman franchise. It really grabs my attention with the way it approaches stealth and rewards you for it. I wish more people could appriciate the skill in NOT killing everything that walks, instead of just making every game a run and gun.

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