One of my biggest concerns regarding Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was the potential elimination of the "lone wolf" status. After all, with the Brotherhood that supposedly helps you, I got this image of a Rainbow Six -like version of my beloved AC.
I know many of you have been worried about the same thing but there's good news: it seems Ubisoft did the right thing and kept Ezio in the limelight. According to PS3Center , you actually won't have direct control over any other assassins, and you also won't have to babysit them. Essentially, they will play two important roles: the first should be a handy-dandy support role, in that if you target a foe and hit L1, a silent assassin will emerge from the shadows and do the deed (hopefully, without attracting attention). This isn't that much different than utilizing the various forms of assistance that existed in ACII; i.e., the Courtesans or Thieves. Secondly, you'll actually be able to send new recruited members of the Brotherhood on missions and if they complete that mission, you'll earn EXP, which nets Ezio money and also lets him upgrade certain skills. Anybody remember sending characters out to do Jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics …? Or am I the only one?
So anyway, this is a great clarification because it should mean that Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood won't be such a significant departure from last year's gem in terms of gameplay. So awesome.
looking forward to it.
The new Brotherhood Assistant Maneuver seems pretty cool, but there's nothing more satisfying than killing guards with your own assassin blade; it'll be fun to try out either way. With all the other gameplay features they've added like REAL horse combat, chain combos, and crossbow usage (finally!), the game is shaping up to be really great. Also, the multiplayer beta was pretty fun, I look forward to customizing my characters online.
Cant wait!! Nov 16 cant come soon enough!
So Ezio has started up a Pyramid Scheme? I got a bad feeling bout this game.
Read this in gameinformers magazine with a bunch of other information that makes Nov 16 feel like another GT5 delay in my book. Game looks like is going to be my first 10 this year. GOWIII and Fallout NV came close, but didn't hit the mark.
Didn't they already tell us all this?
Well, that's good. At least they won't be constantly buzzing around you taking all of your kills, unless you want them to. That always annoys me in games. I suppose that's why a lot of ally AI is really stupid.
could be a great addition IF the AI is efficient.
nothing more frustrating than giving friendly AI a task than getting caught because he was a idiot and instead of doing a stealth kill he did a loud kill.
Are you always this negative?
No…_________ is usually much more negative than that.
I'm scanning my mind for a time when I shared the frustration your explaining, and I can't recall any. When I think of bad A.I. what comes to mind is enemies standing in one spot while I blast them to bits, friends standing in my way while I run on an invisible treadmill, and V.I.P.s I'm supposed to protect always just standing around getting killed.
Can't ever remember telling an ally to "stealth kill" (as opposed to "loud kill") and having him execute a "loud kill". Nope…That seems to me as an instance of a sweaty and clumsy finger slipping onto the wrong button.
Also, if memory serves the AI in ACII was
great. So relax, you are now free to get onto your gamefly, gameaccess or whatever site and rent or buy Brotherhood, because it's gonna be sick.
Last edited by SubjectiveTruth on 11/8/2010 9:18:57 PM
I find the new additions and improvements subtle, but noteworthy, and that they also work really well in the context of the game. Heck, the multiplayer sounds unique, but if they didn't include it, I wouldn't mind (same philosophy to Uncharted 2, in my opinion).
I'm really looking forward to this game!