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Kane & Lynch, Hitman Developer Hit With More Layoffs

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days wasn't a bad game but it didn't sell exceedingly well.

Now, according to Kotaku , sources close to IO Interactive can confirm that the Danish studio has been forced to lay off about 30 employees. Unfortunately, that's the second round of layoffs IO has suffered in 2010 (the first coming in March), and the source admits that slower sales of both K&L titles may have been the cause. A Square-Enix representative – lest we forget, S-E owns IO now – also confirmed the layoffs, but wouldn't provide an exact number:

"I can confirm that we have made some internal changes at IO Interactive which has regrettably resulted in the loss of some jobs. This is a natural part of any studio's existence when you ramp-up and ramp-down on projects to ensure you have the right level of resource and expertise within the studio. We genuinely wish those who have been affected by this, the best of luck for the future."

Pretty standard parting statement, that. It also appears that an "unnamed project" at the studio has been canned, although we have no idea what it might be. This according to 3DRealms boss George Broussard; IO has apparently been working on Hitman 5 , so fans of the series are hoping it wasn't this title that got the axe. But at this point, it's tough to make any guesses, so we'll just wait for more news.

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13 years ago

No surprise here, I enjoyed the first Kane and Lynch but the second had me running around as a completely nude guy with a nude partner, it might be just me but that is the wrong kind of situation I am trying to play in any game, anywhere. FYI I am not a homophobe, it was just wrong!

On a serious note though, the first had bad reception, and the second which was slightly more refined could have had even worse reception. Just gives the fans what they want, a new Hitman game.

13 years ago

As someone who has barely maintained his design company for new construction during this recession, I feel their pain.

This economy sucks.

I wish those who loss their jobs the best.

13 years ago

I am one of those folks who hope that Hitman 5 didnt get dropped 🙁

13 years ago

well maybe if they had made another hitman or freedom fighters instead of another kane and lynch they could have avoided this

13 years ago

I have to agree there BTN.

13 years ago

Face it, making 2 Kane and Lynch games came to this.

13 years ago

They should have let it go after the first Kane and Lynch.



13 years ago

Does this mean their games suck so they're not making enough money for the staff they have?

13 years ago

Over four years without a new 'Hitman', and in it's place two 'Kane & Lynch' games and 'Mini Ninjas'….I don't want to insult IO, because I love their work on the 'Hitman' series, but what are they thinking, letting their most popular franchise go this long with virtually no word?
Seems like a proverbial recipe for disaster to me.

13 years ago

Time to scrap the K&L movie too

13 years ago

True. But knowing Hollywood, we'll probably get 2 of those as well.

13 years ago

Lol World and Hezzron 🙂

Sooo right!



13 years ago

Bummer, i never like hearing about people losing their jobs but this is a consequence of making product people don't want to buy.

13 years ago

Kane & Lynch was not that good, Kane & Lynch 2 didn't need to be made, and it was not that good either. IO has a franchise that sells well, fans respond positively to and are waiting for the next entry, and it has a proven track record. I understand the desire to branch out and make new IP but when it fails to live up to a proven franchise the logical step is to make a new entry in the tried and true franchise before making a new game in a questionable franchise.

If they had done that, then maybe they would have had higher sales and these people would be out of work.

I feel bad for those who were let go because in this economic climate that just isn't good news. I hope they find work sooner rather than later.

13 years ago

Let's hope Kane & Lynch2 didn't make a contract killing on Hitman5

13 years ago

Kinda hard for a company to do well when they create a game that no one wants to play…after i played the demo, i already could tell that i wasnt buying it

13 years ago

i dont understand y they made another kayne and lynch anyway the first wasnt good…..when they could have made a new hitman or freedom fighters which were both brilliant!

13 years ago

R.I.P. Kane & Lynch. We hardly knew you.

13 years ago

I still haven't known them. Never will.

13 years ago

Broussard's been flapping his mouth making all the fans nervous? Buddy, if Duke Nukem has taught us anything it's that an IP can live on long after it's developers close shop.

13 years ago

Hitman should have been the next priority after the original Kane and Lynch like others have stated. Once again a developer pretty much ignores it most popular title that has a solid fan base to make another follow up to a questionable new IP that didn't sell too well or get great reviews. It would only seem logical to produce another game that should be more profitable than to make another follow up to a mediocre title that probably lost them money in the 1st place.

13 years ago

Kane and Lynch 2 was great for what it was. I loved the handheld camera look and alot of the shootouts were pretty intense, like the one on the highway early in the game where you could see people in their cars screaming as you were shooting. The online had some unique modes as well. Mini Ninjas was a great game. I can't fault a dev for attemting to branch out creatively, unlike the Phillistines on here shouting 'Make Hitman 20! It will make you money!'. I really hope they don't go the way of Pandemic and Grin.

13 years ago

exactly it was not a bad game, it was a HORRIBLE game!
sad though, looks like the chances of a new hitman game are getting thinner and thinner.

13 years ago

Hitman was cool. Never got into Kane and Lynch. Looked stupid.

13 years ago

if hitman 5 doesnt come out coz of this i am gona be soooooo devo. especially when blood money was getting all the ingredients right. fingers crossed.

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