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Call Of Duty: Black Ops Launch Trailer Oozes Slickness

"The Biggest Game Of 2010" will soon hit store shelves like several tons of bricks. …hey, those aren't our words; just watch the official launch trailer below.

Treyarch is prepared to give us one hell of an experience and hopefully, both single-player and multiplayer aficionados will be quite satisfied with the production. Clearly, the developers dumped a large amount of resources into making this a memorable adventure, and there's little doubt the loyal Call of Duty followers will be picking this up ASAP. The launch trailer gives us a look at the game's silly high level of polish and intensity and whether you love it or hate it, such quality should probably be applauded.

I'm not feelin' the music selection for this video, but there's just no denying the potential. Also, for those of you concerned about the single-player campaign, bear in mind that Treyarch delivered a satisfying quest in World at War , which was a good 8-10 hours in length, if we remember correctly. We've also heard rumors that Black Ops will be "twice as long" as last year's Modern Warfare 2 .

So who's ready for CoD mania?  If you've been living under a rock, Call of Duty: Black Ops launches on November 9.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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14 years ago

I'm with you there Steel. While I do have my reservations with MW2, it was generally a fun game, and I got my money's worth. The big detriment to CoD's popularity lies with two things: Activision openly using CoD franchise to milk out the gamers, and the ability to do greater. While I believe BO will do great, the past showings gave light to the idea that instead of becoming greater, it became more of the same. That's the double-edged sword there, coz some like it the same, some don't (some days i did like it, some days i didn't)

*Edit: And agree with the mindless thing there. After a stressful day, mindless gaming doesn't sound so bad…

Last edited by spiderboi on 11/1/2010 12:51:00 PM

14 years ago

Agreed Steel. Let's get rid of them lousy CoD haters. Not only are their arguments inaccurate, they're all a bunch of hypocrites who have MW2 sitting in their trophy list hovering at 50-60% completion.

14 years ago

On November 9, I'll be having a wargasm.

14 years ago

I have 100% completion on the trophies… And I am eternally frustrated with the problems. in MW2. My hatred for CoD has nothing to do with fanboyism, but the fact that they continually make a monstrosity of a bank account while never correcting some major gameplay flaws.

Now, I don't care about stupid things like screen-tearing or minor technical flaws. What I hate about CoD is the absolute glitchiness of the Multiplayer experience. I'm sorry but if you HAVE to put in an auto-aim feature in your game, PLEASE take out the glitchiness associated with it. I can't stand quick-scope glitchers. Anytime it takes zero skill due to an ability to exploit a hole in the programming, I have an issue with that. Especially if you're making ridiculous amounts of money on that title.

So, while I have 100% completion, I REALLY hate the fact that the CoD franchise has no pride left. If Black Ops wasn't already purchased FOR me, I would not be getting it.

In fact, I am willing to bet money that quick scope glitching, and a host of issues found in past CoD titles, will STILL be present.

14 years ago

@ Steel – I couldn't agree with you more about gaming after a long days work. I don't want to use my brain.

14 years ago

Couldnt be bothered to scroll up to find the reply button…

Sales vs quality argument.

Sales aren't perfectly correlated to quality, but even so there is a correlation; you just have to apply all factors of which sales is a key one.

We can all pick out exceptions to the rule, ( britney / mcds – yawn ), but it would be remiss to exclude sales as a valid indicator.

14 years ago

How can this game possibly be any good, since its – *ghasp* – multi-platform? Surely there must be a platform exclusive at least twice as good?

/irony off

14 years ago

nice to know I am not alone. And yeah spider, I kinda feel ya with the "more of the same" notion. I was hoping for more, but I suppose i will grab what I can from it. I still need your PSN spider, and also yours amazing 🙂

14 years ago

PSN's spiderboi56

Hope there's no region-lock on MP so we can have some mindless fun 🙂

14 years ago

I don't know. I think if it weren't for that multiplayer video we got some time ago I wouldn't be in the least bit interested. Buying CoD for the sp campaign is like buying a Big Mac for the ketchup packets.

Thankfully, that mp video was awesome and I do believe the added online features are going to be the best yet. Only question still remaining for me, is whether or not Treyarch has somehow discovered the ability to design great online levels.

Last edited by Alienange on 11/1/2010 5:31:13 PM

14 years ago

@ steel – PSN is AMZNGSKILLZ